Daily Mail Picks up Bettinger Story

Protesters harass Morgan Bettinger in her car after rumors circulated that she said they’d make good “speed bumps,” a supposed allusion to the Unite the Right rally three years previously in which a neo-Nazi ran his car into a crowd of protesters. Photo credit: WUVA News by way of The Daily Mail.

The Morgan Bettinger case is gaining national notoriety. After Reason magazine detailed the travesty of the University of Virginia student who was punished for using the words “speed bumps” in a way that militant leftist protesters construed as threatening, the Daily Mail has picked up the story. The Daily Mail does not add much new information, but it does crystallize the insanity of the episode, in which rumors spreading on social media panicked UVa officials into running Bettinger through a flawed student disciplinary system.

As the Daily Mail summarized the travesty: “Celebrated BLM activist ruthlessly destroyed white student’s life by accusing her of saying racial justice protesters would ‘make good speed bumps’ — only to later admit she may have MISHEARD.” The chief accuser was Zyahna Bryant, who had been awarded numerous honors in recognition of her student activism. She spread vitriol against Bettinger online, and then demanded that UVa discipline her.

Although UVa’s Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR) found no evidence to confirm the allegation that she had verbally threatened the protesters, the student-run judiciary committee compelled her to write an apology to Bryant and perform social justice-related community service if she wanted to graduate.

Bettinger has asked President Jim Ryan to scrub the unverified allegations from her student record but he has declined to get involved, expressing a reluctance to override a decision made by the student judiciary.

Now that Bettinger’s case is getting national attention, The Jefferson Council urges him to reconsider. Bettinger has no intention of letting the matter die. Her attorney has circulated a draft lawsuit to University Counsel Cliff Iler and the Office of the Attorney General. The more Ryan drags out a resolution of the case, the more he will make a mockery of his formulation that UVa is “great and good.”


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25 responses to “Daily Mail Picks up Bettinger Story”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Good is only as Messiah Jim determines…
    Anything contrary to “the Narrative” cannot be “good.”
    Remember your Marxism! DoublePlusUnGood!

  2. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    She is pursuing legal action which should send a message to the University, President Ryan, and the activist who is responsible for causing this problem.

  3. Turbocohen Avatar

    The [Insert race here] Lives Matter movement reminds me of the Salem Witch Trials.

    1. Except the Salem Witch Trials only lasted about 1 year. It’s been about 10 years of BLM.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    That nails it!!! Transplanted Brit media reports story. Done! Redcoats to the rescue.

    1. As an attorney, it doesn’t bother you that someone is being punished without evidence of wrong doing?

      “Although UVa’s Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR) found no evidence to confirm the allegation …”

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      You’ll do anything for a Jim McCarthy silly walk award. Congrats, you’ve succeeded once again.

  5. LesGabriel Avatar

    If not the University President, who is the watchdog over the Student judiciary committee. Or are they the equivalent of the Supreme Court?

    1. Without oversight, the Student Judiciary Committee can become what amounts to an administration sanctioned mob rule.

      No student should have graduation hang in the ballance for such a trivial matter.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I remember when BR championed the UVA student run judicial systems. Something about the sacrosanct honor code of old. Student run judicial systems are absurd and should be abandoned forthwith across Virginia.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “We shun thee!”

    2. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
      Jonathan DeWilicker

      They got rid of the honor code because it was raycis. Edit: they got rid of the honor code’s teeth. The Pakistani student who had the “F UVA” sign while she had the honor of living on the lawn had the right conclusion, but for the wrong reasons.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Don’t worry, there are always old white male alumni willing to drive hours to harass young minority co-eds at their residence if they get too uppity…

        1. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
          Jonathan DeWilicker

          That must have been tough on her..including all of the media praise for how brave she was. I remember an entire summer of harassment for simply being White and existing in Charlottesville. It continues to a lesser extent today.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Again, don’t worry, the old white alumni have been practicing their excuses they need to justify their actions also… no worries there…

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    “She (Bryant) also serves as a member of President Jim Ryan’s Council on UVA-Community Partnerships.”

    That sheds some light on why Ryan will not intervene for justice for Bettinger and his advocacy for double wide seating for the morbidly obese at UVa.

  8. Lefty665 Avatar

    Perhaps this quote from the Final report of the Community Working Group of President Ryan’s Council on UVA-Community Partnerships Council will help focus Ryan’s mind on equity for Bettinger:

    “the promise of progress cannot be fully realized or trusted unless institutional accountability becomes the University of Virginia’s guiding light.”


  9. VaPragamtist Avatar

    I wonder if UVA’s student judicial system is following the Code of Virginia as it relates to non-academic student codes of conduct:


    It certainly appears the university is violating the COVA as it relates to the restrictions on limitations on free speech:


  10. Lefty665 Avatar

    Perhaps this quote from the Final report of the Community Working Group of President Ryan’s Council on UVA-Community Partnerships will help focus Ryan’s mind on equity for Bettinger:

    “the promise of progress cannot be fully realized or trusted unless institutional accountability becomes the University of Virginia’s guiding light.”


    Thanks to JAB and the JC for working to help “institutional accountability” become the “guiding light” of UVa in furtherance of the above noted goal set by President Ryan’s UVA-Community Partnerships Council. You are helping President Ryan and UVa to “fully realize” the “promise of progress” all value so highly yet UVa regrettably has fallen so far from.

  11. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
    Jonathan DeWilicker

    Bryant has now protected her tweets. This story is gaining traction around the internet and I’ve seen it referenced in multiple places. I will again post my previous comment here for visibility:

    Ask yourself how Zyahna Bryant, who grew up in a housing project and is a college student, was able to afford a 340K home purchase in 2022?

    7/18/2022 $340,000.00 BRYANT, ZYAHNA 2022:2669

    You can look it up for yourself:

    This woman has been groomed to be an activist by her family since she was 7 : https://dailyprogress.com/n

    That article is about her mother complaining she was overweight and implying it was due to the lack of social programs funded by the city.

    I have seen this woman dozens of times being interviewed and fawned over by the local (and national) media in addition to the summer of love “rallies” where she would be loudly yelling at people simply trying to eat on the downtown mall with a bullhorn. In almost all events, she is the only one sitting because she is too obese to stand.

    I would love to see what her SATs and GPA were that got her into UVA. I bet she gets great grades at UVA however, because a professor would have to be suicidal to grade her poorly or attempt to provide constructive criticism.

    UVA is a shell of itself and has been on a rapid decline since Casteen retired.

    1. VaPragamtist Avatar

      Your links appear to be broken.

      But her ability to afford a $340k house is a very good question.

      It looks like the New York Post has picked up the story. I suggest you reach out to them with what you’ve found. Plug the address into Zillow for more info on the 2bed/2.5 bath home.

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    The London Daily Mail? Now that’s a class act! They’ve been successfully sued by everyone from Elton John to Melania Trump, whom the Mail suggested had worked for an escort services while providing no evidence.

    1. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
      Jonathan DeWilicker

      Well surely that means this news story is without merit.. despite being covered by dozens of news outlets in the last few days.

  13. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    Jim Ryan is as much of an activist as the over-zealous student ideologue who pushed fiction to raise her personal stature and her favored narrative. Ryan just does his activist work in a more subdued, but no less disingenuous and destructive way. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan has his own “Fuck UVa” sign hidden away somewhere in his posh residence on grounds.

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