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Cummings Appointed Secretary of Finance

Steve Cummings

Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin has tapped the private sector once again in his selection of Secretary of Finance: Steve Cummings, former president and CEO of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group in the Americas.

“Lowering taxes and restoring fiscal responsibility in Richmond is a primary focus of our Day One Game Plan, and Steve’s experience and expertise will help make sure we deliver real results for Virginians,” said Youngkin in making the announcement. “Steve shares my vision of respecting Virginians’ hard-earned tax dollars and ensuring the Commonwealth’s budget is managed effectively and efficiently, and he has the skillset and leadership qualities that our team needs to make Virginia the best place to live, work, and raise a family.”

As the saying goes, personnel is policy. Youngkin ran as an outsider, and judging by his cabinet picks, he intends to govern as an outsider. Not a single governmental re-tread among the three high-profile cabinet appointments so far.


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