Cuccinelli Gives His Take on Youngkin’s Election

Ken Cuccinelli. Photo credit: USA Today

by Bruce Majors

Ken Cuccinelli, the Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate in 2013, spoke to a breakfast of conservative activists Wednesday, and expressed glee about Terry McAuliffe’s election loss.

“Terry beat me by two and a half percent in 2013, and Glenn Youngkin beat him by two and a half percent this year,” Cuccinelli said. “When I ran against McAuliffe he had no record, having never held office, and he hid, making the minimal amount of campaign appearances. He was the fresh face. This time his opponent Glenn Youngkin was the fresh face, and McAuliffe spent the campaign whining that he was releasing hundreds of pages of White Papers, but no one paid any attention. Except journalists, who are Democrats, but even they fact checked McAuliffe and said he was lying about his record.”

Cuccinelli’s most interesting remarks were in reply to a question from an Arlington first responder, who wanted to know what Governor Youngkin or the Virginia GOP would be doing about county vaccine mandates for government employees.

Arlington County firemen, EMTs, police and other unvaccinated county employees will lose their jobs 16 days after Youngkin takes office if county mandates stay in place, and the remaining vaccinated workers may be forced to do double duty to take up the slack. Youngkin supporters, including those at this monthly breakfast lecture of the Arlington based Leadership Institute, have been expressing concern that the new governor may not be aggressive enough in opposing punitive county policies directed against the unvaccinated.

“Personnel is policy,” Cuccinelli replied. “There was a time when no one knew who the state Director of Public Health was or who heads the Department of Education. No longer. It’s important that good people step forward who can serve in these positions, even if they have to take a pay cut.”

“If we had known then what we know now,” Cuccinelli said referring to his work on President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force, “we would have been having chicken pox parties” for young and healthy people so they could develop natural immunity. “And with the Omicron variant, from what we have seen so far, that’s probably what we should be doing now.”

“Glenn, Jason Miyares and Winsome Sears have an important job to check the regulatory overreach that will be coming from Biden and the federal government. And I hope Jason Miyares also prosecutes the Stalinist left of the Democratic Party which had free reign under Northam and Herring — I call him ‘red Herring’ — including the Fairfax County officials who broke the law by counting ballots that were mailed in too late.”

“Youngkin, Sears and Miyares need to show the voters that there is value in electing Republicans to office, so that they are willing to do it again. They will have to calibrate what they can get done since Republicans have a 52 to 48 majority in the state house but only have 19 state senators to the Democrats 21 — they have to get one Democrat to vote with them in the senate for Winsome Sears to exercise a tie-breaking vote. But things do look good to pick up seats in 2022.”

Cuccinelli emphasized that Youngkin must deliver because everything lined up perfectly in 2021. “Besides being fresh and new, Youngkin was able to neutralize an advantage that is McAuliffe’s one and only ability — he can raise money. When I ran we raised just as much money as the Democrats from Virginians, but then Tom Steyer — Steyer the Liar — came in with $11 million because he was upset I had investigated fake research results of a climate change activist at the University of Virginia, and then Michael Bloomberg gave another $2 million to push for gun prohibition in Virginia. But Youngkin had had a very successful career with the Carlyle Group, and he could match, if needed, whatever Terry raised from outside of the state.”

Cuccinelli listed the factors in the election he believes lined up for a GOP victory: Youngkin was a fresh face with no record to attack, the campaign could match the donations from the billionaire Democrat donors of Hollywood and Manhattan, a huge turnout of poll watchers and election integrity activists prevented almost all election fraud, and an unprecedented turnout of voters impassioned by highly motivating issues like education.

Education voters, according to Mr. Cuccinelli, broke 71% to 28% for Youngkin. “Terry was a little helpful,” referring to McAuliffe’s famous debate gaffe where he stated that parents should have no control over their children’s education. “I called Glenn that night and said, ‘My God I wish he’d been this honest when he was running against me.’”

“Terry McAuliffe is not a good person. It’s no accident that all the Democrat sheriffs endorsed Glenn Youngkin. The Virginia Democratic Party is infected with the same radicalism as the national party, where criminals are raised up above citizens. The Biden administration is even more radical than Obama, with wacky appointees you can barely believe. And they will be supported by the media, because in every campaign it is two against one — the Democrat and the media against the Republican. Youngkin has to oppose the Democrats’ extremism.”

Northern Virginia resident Bruce Majors has written for The Hill, the Los Angeles Times, Reason, and other publications. He writes a Substack column, The Insurrection.

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28 responses to “Cuccinelli Gives His Take on Youngkin’s Election”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Always figured the Cucch would do well with the oyster business. Hard shelled, slimy inside, clinging bottom feeder, and then there are the oysters.

    1. Oysters are delicious, and I believe seafood is an important industry for some people in Virginia who are not lobbyists or fat ‘crats. An ex of mine who fancies himself an ethical vegetarian (now, thank God not back when we were together) eats oysters, because he is of a sect of “vegetarians” who argue oysters are fair game because they have no central nervous system.

      Why such speciesism, NN?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Alas, he chose the oyster business. It would have been better for the joke had he picked Live Canadian Nightcrawlers, oh well.

        Personally, love oysters. At the age of 8, I crossed the Atlantic on the SS United States. Two days out, Dad and I went to the 1st Class dining room and while the green people were trying to choke down a ham sandwich (deference to Mama Cass), we started slurping down raw Lynnhavens. Cleared the joint in under 5 minutes.

  2. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    He’s spot on. Hope Cuccinelli runs again or is appointed to an important office.

  3. LesGabriel Avatar

    Great to hear the thoughts of my old friend. He always makes a great deal of sense, a short commodity in today’s politics.

    1. Is this a Virginian brand? I’m from the county in between the county where they make George Dickel and the one where they make Jack Daniels.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, that stuff would come from half way between the two too… if Jack Daniels were bottled in Hawaii. That brand is Bacon flavored bourbon bottled in the heart of whiskeyland — San Francisco.

        1. Well if I ever meet you I will buy you a shot.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wait… what caliber?

          2. Are you in hiding because of Kyle Rittenhouse?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I don’t have to live with him. He has to live with him, which I suspect won’t be pleasant.

          4. Well, being attacked by a wife beater and a pedophile who are both homicidal maniacs is a trauma, but maybe he ill get over it. Funny how many “feminists” like Bette Midler and Kamala Harris are defending pedophiles and rapists, Of course they all defended Bill Clinton too.

      2. In all seriousness, if you’d like to try a good Virginia bourbon, give Filibuster a try. They’ve got several varieties and I’ve yet to find one I dislike.

        1. Bacon’s Rebellion needs a regular mixology column! Like every Thursday or Friday!

  4. VaNavVet Avatar

    So Cuccinelli is merely continuing with the division and demonizing by his boss from the previous administration. It is difficult to take most of what he says seriously. Governor-elect Youngkin would do well to be positive, forward looking, and to attempt to reach across the aisle in order to get some things done for the benefit of all residents of the Commonwealth.

    1. So Cuccinelli is merely continuing with the division and demonizing of his boss from the previous administration.

      I cannot find mention in the article of any negative comments he made about either Donald Trump or Bob McDonnell. Will you please point them out?

      1. There is a playlist of words including “polarization” and “division” you can employ when you want to attack those god damn fools on the other side.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        According to whatshisname Sabato(?), Cucch was gonna stab Bob in the back and use the Va Constitution to remove ol Bobo from office.
        You should be able to find the Sabato interview online.

        Being backstabbed won’t kill you. It’s when you turn around to see who did it that messes you up.

        1. Interesting. I live on and off in DC though so I missed who Bob is.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The governor McDonnell.

          2. Completely forgot about him.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Most would like to… especially his wife.

      3. VaNavVet Avatar

        The change from “of” to “by” will hopefully clarify it for you, and yes it was a reference to Trump.

        1. Definitely. Thanks.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Reach across the aisle? With what a hammer? That is what McAuliffe and Northam did. I wouldn’t mind a round of revenge first.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Wow! Cuccinelli at his best, or worst, depending on your perspective. If he had been out actively campaigning for Youngkin, he may have driven up the turnout of Democrats to put McAuliffe over the top.

    The best part of his presentation was that remark about “chicken pox parties” so the young and healthy could develop natural immunity. I remember that is what the Republican governor of Kentucky did a couple of years ago for his own children. Apparently, no one has told Cuccinelli about shingles, or he just refused to listen. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you’ve had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.”

    I have never had shingles, but, from what I have heard, the condition can be downright nasty, very painful. But, oh, that’s right. All those young and healthy people who contracted chicken pox at one of Cuccinelli’s parties could get a shingles vaccination later on! (That’s what I did–got it as soon as it was available. In fact, I got two. The second version is considered to be much more effective.)

    1. He’s probably correct about Covid though.

      If we had protected and virtually quarantined and tested elderly people and their caretakers, the opposite of what Andrew Cuomo and the other homicidal Democrat governors did, while allowing almost everyone else, especially young and healthy people, to be exposed and to develop superior natural immunity, as opposed to the failing vax immunity, this would all be over.

      But like poverty, bad schools, bad cops, crime, etc etc etc, Democrats need problems to fester and linger so they can ask for more money and control to fix them.

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