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MainStream Media reports that President-Elect Obama will support a Change in relations with Cuba. It is about time.

And just in time. Every region will need to import some Cubans, not for cheap labor as in the past but for their ingenuity in converting Mass OverConsumptive Technology to sustainable levels.

With the New Fru, every place that hopes to evolve to become a Balanced Community will need a Cuban New Fru Guru.

Cubans have demonstrated how humans can be (relatively) happy in spite of:

• Having to rely on pre-1957 Large, Private Vehicles,

• A demented dictator, and

• Oppressive foreign intervention.

These are all things that will be important to every citizen of the US of A due to the past 35 years of Growth-is-Good-but-More-Growth-is-Better driven Supercapitalism and Mass OverConsumption that underlies the New Fru.

Now Cubans have focused on saving money in communications. See today’s WaPo Page 1 “In Cuba, Cellphone Calls Go Unanswered.”

This new technique should make driving safer for those who will still be able to afford to drive Large, Private Vehicles.

(By the way Peter, WordPerfect tells EMR that WaPo has just invented a new word and saved space – they dropped the space between ‘cell’ and ‘phone.’)


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