Critical Race Theory Is Taking Over Virginia Beach Schools

by Victoria Manning

A Virginia Beach High School government teacher and finalist for teacher of the year recently posted on social media that “capitalism is racist.” An assistant principal in a different Virginia Beach high school advocated teaching critical race theory, sharing an article about the 1619 project. A Virginia Beach high
school history teacher at a different school commented that he teaches critical race theory every year. A downtown instructional specialist in the social studies department promoted on Twitter that we should re-write all social studies curricula to be “social justice oriented,” referencing the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center’s document on the topic. He also stated that all schools should celebrate Black Lives Matter Week (not Black History Month).

Are these views common and accepted practices in Virginia Beach Schools?

In September 2020, the Virginia Beach School Board adopted a controversial equity policy. Dozens of people showed up to the meeting on both sides to speak on the topic. Some called me a racist for not supporting the policy. I had a lot of questions about this five-page document that would mandate staff training and teach students about “culturally responsive practices.” It also set no dollar limit on the superintendent’s spending to implement the policy.

When I asked for details about who would be conducting the training and what curriculum would be used, I was told that it had not yet been decided. I was being asked as an elected official to mandate training that had not yet been created, and I was not provided a cost.

Also, in the meeting, the superintendent referenced the importance of implementing “anti-racist” work. The term “anti-racist” initially sounded positive. We should all be against racism. But then I dove deeper into the topic and found that the term is used by Ibram Kendi. Kendi is an activist and professor whose radical views and definitions of anti-racism are being used in
Virginia Beach Schools and across the nation. He believes that you can’t be “not racist.” If you want to treat everyone equally and with kindness and compassion, that isn’t enough, you are still a racist.

Kendi advocates a constitutional amendment to create a Department of AntiRacism (DOA). Responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies, the DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over policymakers. It sounds totalitarian. Kendi has also said that white people are aliens and “Europeans are simply a different breed of human.”

Why would anyone think this person’s views should be promoted anywhere, especially in schools?

Over 50 elementary teachers in Virginia Beach public schools recently participated in teacher training on the antiracism topic. Kendi’s curriculum was front and center. Teachers were told that white people should admit they are racist and that “of course you are a racist.” Materials told teachers to “get
comfortable with discomfort” and that they should talk about racial issues such as police brutality with students and families. Teachers were further instructed that they should “acknowledge how your appearance… might place you in a privileged position.”

When I brought this training to the attention of the superintendent and school board members, I was shocked with the response. The superintendent and many board members indicated support for the training. They said they want school board members to also be given the training as soon as possible.

Critical Race Theory and the Social Justice movement have become endemic in Virginia Beach schools. The term “culturally responsive practices” is used continuously. I didn’t fully know the meaning of it until I recently discovered teacher training documents that show that critical theory serves as a foundation for culturally responsive practices.

A recent Gifted Resource Social Justice lesson in a VB High school provided instruction on systemic racism, privilege and knowledge and understanding of Black Lives Matter. Students studied the BLM protests and learned to empathize about the cause. The purpose was to develop “a better understanding of
justice.” In an Advanced Placement U.S. History class students were given an assignment on the 1619 project from USA Today. When a student gave an answer that he didn’t believe that there is currently systemic racism only individual racism in our country today, the teacher told him that he was incorrect and deducted points from his grade.

Parents need to know what is being taught to their children at all grade levels. Parents need to fight back. I am a descendent of European Americans who were anabaptists fleeing war and religious persecution, some who became indentured servants when they arrived to America. I also have Native American heritage; however, in today’s society I’m categorized as white due to my skin color and therefore “privileged.” I grew up economically disadvantaged but I have
never played the identity politics game. I believe in hard work, treating others with respect, faith and perseverance.

The people who support this divisive “anti-racist” theory are actually promoting racist practices that seek to divide rather than to unite. Everyone needs to speak up and demand that this radical indoctrination be ceased. The future of our country is dependent upon our whole community fighting back against the Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory and Social Justice initiatives that are becoming embedded in our schools. The only way to eradicate these racist-Marxist teachings and propaganda is to fight back.

No Left Turn in Education is taking a stand. They have created a petition to rally the community. Please sign the petition and get involved to fight back against this radical indoctrination of our children! If you want teachers to instruct children that capitalism is racist and that white people should admit their privilege and that they are racist, then do nothing.

Victoria Manning serves on the Virginia Beach school board.

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26 responses to “Critical Race Theory Is Taking Over Virginia Beach Schools”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Good luck Mrs. Manning. If conservatives want to reclaim their interest in public education, now is the time. Parents are paying attention now. They are not happy. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Also, in the meeting, the superintendent referenced the importance of implementing “anti-racist” work…. But then I dove deeper into the topic and found that the term [“antiracist” that is] is used by Ibram Kendi. Kendi is an activist… (cites all the terrible thing Kendi has supposedly stated)… Why would anyone think this person’s views should be promoted anywhere, especially in schools?”

    That certainly is a leap of logic. The superintendent uses a term which was also used by an activist. We therefore conclude that the activist’s most controversial views are to be promoted in schools. Wow, that truly is something!!

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Nice try. It is literally impossible to be a superintendent of schools and not be using Kendi’s definition of AntiRacism.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I don’t doubt that the term “anti-racism” has the same meaning to both individuals. This certainly does not mean that VB students will be taught that ‘white people are aliens and “Europeans are simply a different breed of human.” ‘

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Did you notice that Ms. Manning is a member of the Virginia Beach School Board? Did you watch the videos of what is actually being taught to the teachers of Virginia Beach? To high school kids in Virginia Beach? The answer clearly is no. If you can even make it though the 22 minute video of the teacher “education” lesson, I’ll give you a gold star.

          1. The Tree of Liberty Avatar
            The Tree of Liberty

            I watched it, and it’s extreme diversity training. It’s not a lot different from other lessons I’ve had in biases. And seriously? They’re not saying anything you don’t know deep down inside.

            I don’t think it’s offensive or threatening or meant to attack. It’s asking people to look at a perspective that many never cared about. And the only reason I can think that you would be threatened by this is if you hold the biases of which they speak close to the vest. Because I don’t, but I definitely know a lot of people throughout my life who weren’t bashful about showing their racist ignorance around an all white group.

            Fortunately, that is a lot rarer now than it was even in the 80s and 90s, but you know it is still there, and so do the presenters. They’re academics in social sciences. They’re white friends and colleagues have told them all about their current racist acquaintances and family members that are right in line with the historical record. I have a wing of my family I don’t talk to anymore because they’re such anti-Muslim, anti-govt, far right wing extremists. So if these conversations make you uncomfortable, they should. You’re who they’re talking about.

            By the way, I can both appreciate and applaud our founding fathers and have great pride in our country, while at the same time realizing they weren’t perfect, and if held to today’s standards would have been evil in some regards, and so we have to be able to balance those contradictions as well as teach our children how to, as well. These are questions that confused the hell out of many kids, including myself, in elementary school, as it is impossible to balance our nationalist pride in liberty and justice for all with chattel slavery.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s a small step for some. And, such an uncommon term as well. Hell, it’s two multi-syllable words strung together with a hypen. Who does that!?

  3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Picture worth a thousand words.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Or just 3, “no visible minorities”.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Just real kids raising money for the poor. Forgot to check their skin colors. Mortal sin.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes. It is.

  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    But for capitalism and the taxes it generates, the teacher wouldn’t get paid. Too bad our teacher’s mother didn’t have an abortion.

    1. Now that is funny!

  5. […] over the public school system. Critical race pedagogies have been implemented in school systems in Virginia Beach, California, Maryland, and countless other places. In fact, the threat of critical race theory has […]

  6. […] over the public school system. Critical race pedagogies have been implemented in school systems in Virginia Beach, California, Maryland, and countless other places. In fact, the threat of critical race theory has […]

  7. Hammertime Avatar

    Funny how only racists fear CRT.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Funny how only morons think parents are racists unless certified by the state as antiracist.

  8. conservativeprof Avatar

    At my university department, the dean is pushing this antiracist nonsense. Thankfully, the study sessions are voluntary. The left (Rat politicians, media, corporations especially CEOs and HR departments of rent seeking firms, labor cartels, and the vast army of leftist educators and consultants) profits handsomely from this propaganda. This propaganda has permeated most parts of higher education even business education. In business education, the antiracist propaganda has convenient cover in sustainability and ethics.

    1. I always attend these sessions and ask for empirical data — what i like to call FACTS — which support their thesis — it really starts a very short conversation because there is none. then i simple SMILE!

      And I bring up the fact this since ‘systemic’ racism exists then shouldn’t all the admin be fired as each member is ‘the system’ thus they all must be a supporter and proponent , if not an active racist of such.

      1. conservativeprof Avatar

        You have more patience than I do. These sessions are designed to stifle dissent, not promote reasoned dialogue as you try. I fear repercussions if I pushback. As I near retirement, I want peace in my life, not conflict with brain dead administrators and faculty. If a student agitation group connects me with conservative thought, I could face a vicious character assault.

        1. i understand. it’s a shame. i’m retired USG so this teaching gig is for fun – i love telling the students the reality of the world — and the admin can’t really do anything to me…….

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