Critical Race Theory in Virginia Beach Schools

The Virginia Beach School Board. Photo credit: The Virginian-Pilot

by Victoria Manning

Critical Race Theorists reject colorblindness and equality and they center their goals on equal outcomes (equity) rather than equal opportunity. Merit-based individualism is replaced with group-think collectivism and the dominant white culture is a privileged oppressor.

What the public doesn’t understand is that CRT is already here in Virginia Beach.

Teachers won’t speak on the record but I have spoken to them about what is really happening in their professional development meetings.

In February, more than 50 elementary school teachers in Virginia Beach participated in a mandatory meeting entitled “Advancing Equity Through Continuous Reflection.” In the meeting, a video told the teachers that “One of the most freeing things that white people can do or any human being on the planet can do right now is to say ‘of course I’m racist’. Our society speaks racism. It has spoken racism since we were born. OF COURSE YOU ARE RACIST.”

Yes, that was a part of this compulsory training for teachers.  I was also informed about a book study conducted at Lynnhaven Middle School in Virginia Beach this school year. Approximately 25 teachers from a leadership team at the school were told to read a book called “The Racial Healing Handbook.” Some topics in the book are “religious privilege, white privilege/white supremacy, adultism.”

The book states that “Christian privilege is a hallmark of religious/spiritual privilege” and it includes a practical exercise that discusses how one can work to “reduce religious privilege.” It states that religious privilege is when someone assumes that their faith is true and others are wrong or misguided.

The book also denounces “adultism” and states that “Adultism is the oppression of children, adolescents, and those who are perceived as young in society.” “Adultism manifests in the idea that children and adolescents must be controlled and don’t have agency over their own bodies and decisions.”

This idea that attacks parental rights could lead down a dangerous path. Should a 12-year-old be able to give sexual consent or make the decision to have an abortion?

By the way, the citizens of Virginia Beach paid for this book through taxpayer funds.

The School Board received a letter from a group of 16 teachers who participated in the Racial Healing Handbook study. They were upset that their book study was made public and that initially it was stopped. However, after the Superintendent went to the school to meet with these teachers, rather than canceling the study, he put it on “pause.”

I also know that a number of teachers were upset about being told to read the book and participate in the meetings but they felt that they couldn’t speak against it for fear of retaliation.

I am no lawyer but it seems that these trainings would be a violation of a teacher’s civil rights.

My colleague, Carolyn Weems, recently submitted a resolution to the School Board Chair and Vice-Chair that would ban things such as the Racial Healing Handbook and and other Critical Race Theory ideas. They refused to put the resolution on the agenda in advance of the last meeting saying that it could cause misinformation and anxiety for the public.

However, the resolution to “Clarify Equity Training and Teaching” will be on the agenda for a vote on June 8th. Many Virginia Beach School Board members have indicated that they support the Racial Healing Handbook being used and would not support the Weems’ resolution.

If you want “The Racial Healing Handbook” types of teachings and trainings to be banned from Virginia Beach Public Schools, please add this to your calendar to attend the meeting on June 8th .

Please also plan to speak on the topic in support of the Weems’ Resolution.

The agenda will be posted and sign-ups to speak will begin on June 2nd.

There is also a rally in support of the resolution planned for 5pm on June 8th in front of the School Administration building.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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15 responses to “Critical Race Theory in Virginia Beach Schools”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Some liberals will contend that CRT in schools is no more than society changing. They will further postulate that conservatives (almost always mis-categorized as old, white, heterosexual men) will oppose this because they oppose change.

    Then comes the reality check.

    CRT in public schools is not something being done out in the open with the informed consent of the majority of citizens. It is being done under the covers, with intentional deception. The apparent goal is for the program to have too much momentum to be stopped once it is fully understood by the public.

    Examples include:

    “Critical Race Theorists reject colorblindness and equality and they center their goals on equal outcomes (equity) rather than equal opportunity. Merit-based individualism is replaced with group-think collectivism and the dominant white culture is a privileged oppressor.”

    That seems accurate although liberals will insist that CRT is about equal opportunity not equal outcomes. That seems to be a lie.

    “The book also denounces “adultism” and states that “Adultism is the oppression of children, adolescents, and those who are perceived as young in society.” “Adultism manifests in the idea that children and adolescents must be controlled and don’t have agency over their own bodies and decisions.”

    This is a new wrinkle designed to lessen the role of parents in their children’s upbringing. Severing the ties between children and parents allows the state more latitude to raise the children according to liberal doctrine.

    “I also know that a number of teachers were upset about being told to read the book and participate in the meetings but they felt that they couldn’t speak against it for fear of retaliation.”

    Suspending freedom of speech is a hallmark of Marxists everywhere. Ask the dissidents in China, Belarus or Russia.

    Terry McAuliffe will only perpetuate (accelerate?) this idiotic CRT program.

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Adultism may be my new favorite “ism”.
    There can be no diversity until boards, government, and corporations have children at the table in numbers proportionate to the population…. and have voting and veto powers!
    Truly some “go woke and go broke” momentum!

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The pushback is on! On another front the equity movements into the realm of LBQT have led to the suspension of a teacher who dared to challenge. Local churches have moved to support this trampled teacher. Even candidate Youngkin has weighed in.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It is important to note the first paragraph of this post is the author’s interpretation of CRT. As is common with critics of CRT, it misrepresents it. Nowhere have I seen CRT proponents call for equal outcomes. As most conservatives do, the author falsely equates equity with equal outcomes.

    For a in-depth discussion of the definition of CRT and its relationship to law, see the website of the American Bar Association (hardly a revolutionary organization).

    For a good description of the fight over CRT, including consideration of the arguments of its critics, see this article.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” Nowhere have I seen CRT proponents call for equal outcomes. As most conservatives do, the author falsely equates equity with equal outcomes.”

      And yes, that is EXACTLY what is being said over and over in the blog posts here as if it is just fine to make up things that are not true.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “Equitable treatment means that we all end up at the same place.” Kamala Harris

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I think partisan cherry-picking by Reason is not exactly a fair and honest commentary.

        Reason says this: ” This may seem like a trivial difference, but when it comes to public policy, the difference matters. A government should be obligated to treat all citizens equally, giving them the same access to civil rights and liberties like voting, marriage, religious freedom, and gun ownership. The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment.”

        This is not at all how public (or even private) K-12 education works or has worked since its inception.

        To follow this reasoning, no child, no matter their individual issues, needs, disabilities , (or even talents) could not be given any extra help because it would be “unequal treatment”.

        So the kids with dyslexia, or autism, or English as a second language – according to Reason and Conservatives – any addition assistance to help kids with these issues would be “unequal” . Indeed Title 1 itself would be illegal because it would seek to provide services to some kids but not others.

        This is how deranged this thinking really is and how illicit it is for individuals to take up Reason’s “thinking”.

        Indeed, in Reasons myopic view – ANY services provided to one child not provided to others would be “illegal” and violate the concept of “equal opportunity”.

        Autistic kids would be provided ONLY with the same services that other kids would get.

        That’s how addle-minded their thinking (and those who support their “thinking”) really is.

        Equally bad and even hypocritical are those who support the existing extra services given to Autistic kids but also advanced academics to kids who have talent – what justifies giving them MORE than other kids ?

        So we can spend mountains of money on Autistic kids or other kids with “needs” but if we do it for kids who are economically disadvantaged – we are seeking “equal outcomes”.

        What a load of horse apples.

    3. Rob Austin Avatar
      Rob Austin

      The ABA? You must be kidding. The most woke of the woke that adheres to the notion that “race is not biological.” Please.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    It’s not about equal outcomes, never was. Take a child with disabilities, like autism. It’s not about doing it what it takes to get that child to an equal outcome. It is about helping that child reach their potential – acknowledging that it may not be “equal” to outcomes for other kids perhaps with less or other disadvantages.

    And as Dick said – the critics – do re-word it, in my view, dishonestly as if making up something that is not true is “okay”.

    And on the vestiges of racism, isn’t it funny how, even today, some schools today that black kids go to STILL are named for Confederate heroes. Some roads are still named and people are STILL arguing about whether memorials put up by Jim Crow folks are “history”.

    Yes, it IS about race and clearly so from the critics.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “Equitable treatment means that we all end up at the same place.” Kamala Harris

      That’s what she said in a campaign cartoon posted on Twitter last November.

      That’s your Vice President, Larry.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        She was, no doubt, not artful in her comments, but if you look at that one sentence in the context of here entire statement, you can see that she was talking about something other than equal outcomes. Here is the sentence quoted and the ones immediately preceding it:

        “Equality suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that — not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So, if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing, Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”

        It seems clear to me that she was referring to the “same starting place.”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Exactly Correct,but don’t let that bother the folks that want to further the culture war.

          Some kids start out behind – for a lot of different reasons. It’s not that they are not capable of achieving their potential, they are, but they need help and that is fundamentally what PUBLIC education is all about from the get go.

          This is really what NCLB was about. and then following that the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

          What the equity concept is about is that despite our ongoing efforts, we are STILL leaving some kids behind and it’s really not about race except to the culture war folks.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      People that deny that

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    People that deny that racism was at the root of many of the structures of today’s Virginia society, such as the consolidated cities in South Hampton Roads, including Virginia Beach, are denying the obvious.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Proof? Choose the structures and your proof that they are.

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