by James C. Sherlock

Crime, especially violent crime, is a constant topic in private conversations and in public politics, and thus here on Bacon’s Rebellion.

Comments on BR crime-related articles turn quickly to race, often without basis in fact.

I will offer below the actual crime statistics by race from 2021, the latest available year, in an attempt to cure that.

Then I will write about the causes.

I will almost certainly be called a racist.

First the population statistics.

Population of Virginia – Census Bureau – 2021

The following charts are from the latest statewide crime report, “Crime in Virginia 2021,” published  by the Data Analysis and Reporting Team of the Virginia Department of State Police.

Violent Crime – 2021- by race and sex

“White” in these charts correlates with “white alone, percent” in Census Bureau statistics. Same correlation exists between “Black and Black or African American Alone” in the census numbers and “Black or African American” below.



All crimes arrests 2021 – by race

Those are the numbers.

Black persons, who are 20% of the population, were offenders in 57% of the violent crimes in the commonwealth in 2021. Murder arrests totaled 381 statewide in 2021. Seventy four percent of those arrested were Black.

The biggest lesson is that both Black families and society simply have to do a better job of raising, educating, and mentoring Black youth. That has to happen in their homes, communities and schools.

The crime data reflect a multi-generational culture of child neglect, drugs and violence in high-density poor Black communities.

The crime drives away from these communities the very necessities of modern life — grocers, pharmacies, doctors.

Many talk about the decline of community policing as one cause. That is certainly a factor.

But few want to talk about some of the other elephants in the room:

  • the low cost housing shortage that blocks dispersion of the Black poor into better neighborhoods;
  • progressive- and minority-led school boards and schools who refuse to acknowledge failure, the first step in any change;
  • the declining influence of Black churches; and
  • recent progressive changes to the criminal justice system in many Black cities and Black concentrations in suburbs.


Many Black families have not been able to escape unsafe homes and communities, even though society has been at least officially trying to replace government project housing with Section 8 independent housing since 1974 and by doing so to eliminate ghettos.

The housing and redevelopment agencies in high crime cities have both oversupplies of city-owned buildings seized for taxes and huge waitlists of people who have applied for Section 8 housing. But they have proven chronically unable to turn their buildings surplus into low-cost housing.

Zoning, controlled by city councils and county boards, has played a huge part, as have city inspections skipped and repairs poorly and expensively done in government housing.

There is no evidence of momentum, or the will, to do better. Even in Black-run cities.

Schools. Now many Virginia schools reject for their students the notion of personal responsibility as an artifact of Western civilization, which they used to teach as a blessing and some now present as evil.

As Ian Rowe observed in The Wall Street Journal early in the summer of 2020:

The idea that only whites can undo ‘structural racism’ sends young blacks a message of powerlessness.

Progressive-run schools emphasize that message by simultaneously seeking equal outcomes and trying to hide evidence of lack of equal outcomes (SOLs, College Boards) to cover up the damage.

Progressives who run the school divisions in Virginia cities join with adjoining progressive-run suburban school divisions in refusing to consider inter-division open enrollment. There is a word for that, but it is overused.

The worst-performing school divisions refuse to invite charter-management organizations who have proven successful in educating poor urban kids to their areas to provide better schools. Because the adults on the school boards take care of the adults in school systems, not the kids.

It is telling that they feel no need to explain themselves.

Black Christian Churches. Black churches have lost much of their congregations and along with them their once-defining influence in the Black community, much to the detriment of the community as a whole.

Black churches have long embraced a conservative Christian theology. That theology emphasized personal responsibility and the concepts of sin and redemption. Nearly all still preach that human actions and thus sins are subject to the free decision of the human moral will

But Pew Research reported in 2021:

younger Black adults are much less engaged in Black churches than are older generations. Millennials and members of Generation Z are more likely to be religiously unaffiliated, and they are less likely than those in older cohorts to have grown up attending a Black church.

And even young adults who do attend religious services are less likely to do so at a Black church than are older Black Americans.

Decline in religion is a key part of the missing upbringing of the failed human beings — too many are criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts — among whom children in too many Black communities must try to play, grow and live.

The Criminal Justice System. We know who, exactly, is most disproportionately hurt by progressive prosecutors releasing too many career criminals back into their communities too often.

The statistics above tell us.

It is Black communities. Black persons are three and a half times as likely to be victims of violent crime as whites. They have a right to think, “why us?”

Progressive criminal justice “reforms,” like their school reforms, hurt most the people they claim to be trying to help.

The inevitable one-size-fits-all charge. The same adults who have failed their communities’ minority children attempt to silence those who insist on change with charges of racism.

They hold institutions they themselves run — cities, housing and redevelopment agencies, schools, police departments, everything – to be guilty of systemic racism.

Exhausted by overuse, racism charges have lost their power.

Only the damaged lives remain.

Bottom line. Virginia’s progressive criminal justice and school laws and regulations represent the worst public policies for Black communities since Jim Crow. The Democratic governor and General Assembly aggressively made things far worse in both policy areas in 2020 and 2021.

Now Progressives, who disproportionately reject the U.S. Constitution, including especially the Bill of Rights, and the traditions of Western civilization, want to double down on their attempts to destroy both.

They hold the Virginia budget hostage to their demands.

Tragically, many Black officeholders at state and local levels, most living well out of sight of the victims of their mistakes, ignore the plight of their communities’ own children.

Talking about it is not enough.

So we turned here to police blotters to survey the destruction.

These statistics reflect a leading tragedy of our times — Black lives lost to crime, both as offenders and victims. And the children who watch it happen and walk among the debris.

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121 responses to “Crime in Virginia — the Statistics of Race and their Causes”

  1. Wow!!!! Facts are so Eurocentric and whitish! But powerfully insightful.

  2. M. Purdy Avatar

    So conservatives bear no responsibility for the state of African Americans in this country? Laughable, intellectually dishonest.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      In what part of Larryworld did I write that?

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        You only cited liberal policies contributing to the plight of African Americans, and then went on gratuitously to attack liberals for hating America. If you were intellectually honest, you’d lay blame on both sides, and lay off the America hater nonsense.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Is it your opinion that a majority of the the young people raised in progressive-run schools and colleges are going to fight to defend America?

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            You’ve conveniently changed the scope of your argument now to “fight to defend America” because you clearly can’t make the hating America argument. Well, only 7% of the population has served in the military, and a much smaller group (less than 1%) is currently on active duty. So my guess is that not many conservatives are willing to “defend America” either. (I have this image of Tucker Carlson in my head.) And young people (Gen Z) are voting at much higher rates than prior generations, so maybe they don’t hate America after all. They seem to be taking part in the most basic of civic duties at high rates.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” .. going to fight to defend America?”

            Many of them believe America should work to the ideals articulated in the Constitution and Amendments.

            They very much love America and for what it stands for and want all it’s citizens to enjoy the same freedom and equality to liberty and opportunity.

            Systemic Racism DOES still exist as well as the downstream generational impacts.

            The “fight” to give full American “rights” to people who are different, homosexuals, transgender, others… has continued and is ongoing.

            So a lot depends on what one “means” by “fight for America”.

  3. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I live in in the Charlottesville area and we have a Bridge Ministry intensive residential program for men with serious drug or alcohol issues led by a gentleman named William Washington, who I know. He authored a good article in yesterdays Daily Progress talking about how he sees the root cause of increase in crime. Lack of fathers, lack of role models, lack of treatment for addictive behaviors, are things he cites. He cites the damage done by locking up too many for drug offenses decades ago, and the problems caused by overcorrection today and releasing way too many without any plan to help them deal with their issues.

    What is great about the Bridge’s programming is not only the intensive treatment program, but job training they are doing with the local community college. But resources are always limited.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The biggest lesson is that both Black families and society simply have to do a better job of raising, educating and mentoring Black youth. That has to happen in their homes, communities and schools.”

    There is a bigger issue highlighted in your stats with a much bigger lesson… apparently all families and society simply have to do a better job of raising, educating and mentoring MALE youth. That has to happen in their homes, communities and schools.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I don’t share the progressive view of toxic masculinity. Which apparently fuels some of their focus on gender fluidity. Or vice versa.

      See the the most recent of the Washington Post’s latest 36 articles (actual number) on transgenderism here.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Your stats do…. you might want to look into the root cause analysis process, btw…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          And males committing more crimes than females dates back how many years? 6,000?

          And suddenly the explanation of crime is toxic masculinity?

          What then was the explanation of the reduction of crime with broken windows policing?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you saying that racial disparities in crime stats is a new thing…? But 6000 years?? Must be genetic… There must be something inherently violent (even toxic) in the male race sex…

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “Are you saying that racial disparities in crime stats is a new thing…?”

            Yes, the percentage of Blacks in the U.S. prison population since 1930 – the worst period of American segregation – see “To Kill a Mockingbird” – has increased virtually every decade from 25% to 50%.


            Source for that chart:

            To what do you personally attribute that?

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “Are you saying that racial disparities in crime stats is a new thing…?”

            Yes, the percentage of Blacks in the U.S. prison population since 1930 – the worst period of American segregation – see “To Kill a Mockingbird” – has increased virtually every decade from 25% to 50%.


            Source for that chart:

            To what do you personally attribute that?

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “Are you saying that racial disparities in crime stats is a new thing…?”

            Yes, the percentage of Blacks in the U.S. prison population since 1930 – the worst period of American segregation – see “To Kill a Mockingbird” – has increased virtually every decade from 25% to 50%.


            Source for that chart:

            To what do you personally attribute that?

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In 1950 the male:female homicide rate ratio was 3.36:1. According to the stats you cited, it is now a whopping 7.67! You need to focus on males as I stated above.

          6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I don’t “need” to do anything. You are free to write about whatever you wish.

  5. Moderate Avatar

    Some of these things were happening even when conservatives were in charge. It does no one any good to keep heaping all the blame on the “other” side and claiming “only” “my” side has answers.

    We’ve been working on housing for years but have not solved it. Why? Are there root causes that we’ve ignored? Things we’ve assumed and worked toward that are wrong?

    We need to find ways to work together, across all our differences to make things as good as possible for everyone. I don’t know how we get there when so many believe the opposition is so wrong and compromise is a dirty word.

    1. Bubba1855 Avatar

      so true and the ‘problem’ is not restricted to VA.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Indeed! Some systemic faults that plague our history such as redlining and inequitable education persist despite efforts by many.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        They also persist because of the efforts of many, progressives and Black politicians in positions of authority included.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Good grief! Blame the victims? Blame Progressives, but not conservatives? That’s myopia.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Names a Black-majority Virginia city where Republicans are in charge. Or have been in charge in 50 years.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            I loved the dance song “Twist and Shout.” You have the step!

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            And you have the genuine Jim McCarthy silly walk.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Name a Republican candidate who has successfully made the case to black voters that he/she will represent their interests and needs?

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      I agree.

      What’s the path forward from a Conservative perspective?

      When we have generations, of people who are poor and uneducated, how do we break that cycle?

      Structural racism is not something the folks who are the victims of can usually fix…. it’s up to the folks who reside over that structural racism to recognize what it is and make changes…

      It’s not at all about “equal outcomes”. That’s basically a lie that drives folks further apart in my view.

      What is asked is why should demographic outcomes be so different?

      How does that happen and do we know, do we WANT to know the why?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        The answer no one wants to admit is to quit paying girls to have babies out of wedlock and to quit absolving the sperm donor fathers of responsibility.

        It is that simple. Which will be hard to do, but it doesn’t stop it from being true.

        Until we deal with that, all the extra money thrown at the symptoms will be wasted.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          not sure what you mean by ” paying girls to have babies out of wedlock”. Explain.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Surely you jest.
            AFDC/TANF and all the other programs like SNAP and Medicaid etc etc ad infinitem with the rules varying by State and opt outs, etc.
            Before the government “helped” the illegitimacy rate was not great, but not crazy.
            Something like the black rate going from 20% to about 75% and the white rate going from 5% to 20-25%
            The likelihood of a bad societal outcome is greatly increased from non two parent households.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            not really one or two parent as much as it is if they have a decent education and a career job. A
            single mom who makes 70K can take care of her kids without all those entitlements. And a two parent family that only makes 30-40K will get the entitlements. Social Security and Medicare keep many seniors from poverty.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Truly bizarre. Might population increases and urbanization have some effect?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Something like the black rate going from 20% to about 75% and the white rate going from 5% to 20-25%”

            So whites have fallen further than blacks then… must be a “cultural” thing…

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Ignore the numbers, cite feelings.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The numbers are a 400% increase in white single parent households and less than half that for blacks – if Walt’s numbers can be believed. No feelings involved at all. Whites are losing more ground than blacks at this point. You guys better look after your own house…

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            What’s the old line, liars, damned liars and statisticians?

            Black rates were already so high they could not increase 400%, they could only go up by half. White rates were low enough they could go up 400%.

            Either way single parent households are very hard on kids and we should all be working to reduce the numbers not play games with them.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Actually a 400% increase would have been 100% so technically…. It is poverty that is the issues though. Single parent families are not in and of itself the issue. Notice no one is screaming about the increase in white single parents because the association with poverty is not so stark.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            There’s no support for your conclusion. It is no better grounded than your misuse of statistics.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            See my post to Walt regarding the decrease in white single mother poverty rates while their numbers increase. If one were the cause of the other, there would surely be a correlation at least – instead we appear to have inverse correlation.

          11. Lefty665 Avatar

            Single parent families are bad for all kids. Distracting from that with garbage statistics is a mugs game.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Single parent families are bad for all kids.”

            Sorry but that is demonstrably not true. There are plenty of scenarios where is it clear the child would be better with just the one parent instead of both.

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Single parent families are bad for all kids.”

            Sorry but that is demonstrably not true. There are plenty of scenarios where is it clear the child would be better with just the one parent instead of both.

          14. Actually, 20% to 75% is a 275% increase, which is well more than half of 400.

          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            But far less than 400%

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You and Larry and McCarthy just can’t deal with facts, because facts cause doubt for your religion of Utopia, Man in charge and an all powerful State, controlled by “good” people, like you!
            It is a “cultural” thing, for all cultures.
            Quit having babies out of wedlock. Raise them in a two parent household. Even a poor one, Larry. Money is not the sole determinant. It helps. It can also be used to hurt. Maybe too much is more harmful.
            This would be the single biggest improvement in all of our societal woes.

          17. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry but this is a fact… as single family households have grown over time in the US, poverty rates have correspondingly dropped. Things were worse in the country you want to return to.

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And this will be a fact. The poverty rates may have declined, but that would be due to people behaving in typical middle class fashions, and the economy growing in general, before you Marxists inflate away all gains…
            If you want to increase the likelihood of poverty and all other bad outcomes, have kids in a single parent home. And that is a fact. Apples and oranges, Troll.

          19. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well now this is really interesting, Walt. You said white single parent holds grew by some 400% but look at the clear downward trend of poverty for those white mothers as their numbers grew…

          20. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How are the kids doing? Nice change of subject. How are the black kids doing? Maybe it’s even worse for blacks. Maybe the mom not being in poverty makes it possible to have the kids grow up badly. Maybe, in your effort to deny what is undeniably true, you are proving the point Troll.
            How would you rather grow up?
            In a two parent home or a one parent home? In general, in the great Bell Curve 95% 2 standard deviations from the mean? Maybe we should move the curve back towards the 2 parent household being within that 95%?
            Larry showed me Iceland single mom stats before, be sure to go there to avoid acknowledging reality.

          21. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Rhetoric does not a successful argument make. Btw, the % of black single parent household that live in poverty has been halved in the last 30 years. Thought you should know.

          22. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Uh huh… which has what to do with the. Kids living in single parent homes and growing up to be in jail, drug addicted, etc?

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter. When Dad has a poor education, can’t qualify for many jobs, ends up dealing illegal things, gets tossed in jail, you get one-parent families.

            When the kids grow up the same – with a poor education, the cycle repeats.

            We can blame and find fault, but that won’t fix it.

          24. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh…so don’t acknowledge that the problem is the problem. That’ll work!
            I am not “finding fault.” I am stating a sociological fact that people understood until we decided to help by disincentivizing the family unit. That has been and is a failure.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, did we disincentivize the family with Jim Crow and Massive Resistance, including criminal justice that targeted black men?

          26. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And with breaking up families during slavery, but…prior to the”help” from the government, black families were far more intact. Give it up Larry. Admit that facts are facts. The two parent, married family is optimal for raising healthy children.

          27. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, “facts” are real , not myths or beliefs. The black family was not only separated during slavery but after slavery with Jim Crow that jailed black men for all manner of bogus “crimes” and it continued after Jim Crow when they were jailed for dealing drugs and other illegal things which they did when they could not get jobs. Show me actual facts like this:



            Why does this gap exist and has existed for a long time?

          28. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Obama was one pretty good reason…
            And Leftists policies which make wealth accumulation harder, but you continue to believe every problem is due to racism, and then wonder why you are such an inept racist that you are not a gazillionaire and a hypocrite that you haven’t given away all your money to be fair

          29. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Welfare without attention to results.

          30. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah that was a “duh” question. Thanks.

          31. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You know, Larry, how women get pregnant and have more babies so they can live that sweet, sweet welfare mother life… easy street…

          32. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes, of course. Cadillacs and all…

          33. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Men don’t get paid for participating in creation.

          34. Lefty665 Avatar

            We’re more than willing (look at the rape statistics) to do it for free.

          35. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            As long as you obtain approval from Mr. Smith, you’re a go!

          36. Lefty665 Avatar

            I don’t think so. Willing partners only, and 2 kids total, no more.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        There is no conservative path forward – only grievance concerning equity run amuck; inequitable distribution of the common weal; softness on crime; woke Progressives; and so on. Nothing sticks on the woke conservatives.

      3. Responsible adults come from children raised by responsible parents.

        Children in single-parent families by race and ethnicity in the United States,1729,37,871,870,573,869,36,868,867/10,11,9,12,1,185,13/432,431

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I totally agree with you first sentence. What to do?

          1. Stop the bigotry of low expectations and teach every child that their future is in their own hands for starters.

            Breaking the cycle of dysfunctional families is difficult regardless of race.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            how do we do that? What are we not doing that we need to do?

          3. You said that you agree about the need for good parents. If that’s true, then why shouldn’t foster children go to those best suited to love and care for them, regardless of race?

            Wokeness Has Come for Adoption. It’s the Children Who Will Suffer

            Speaking about her organization’s startling new report, Bethany Christian Services vice president, Cheri Williams, told the AP that allowing white families to adopt Black children from the foster care system “can cause a lot of harm to children of color.” As a result, Bethany, one of the largest adoption agencies in the country, favors “overhauling” the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act, which bars racial discrimination in placing a child into an adoptive family. As part of its “long journey toward becoming an anti-racist organization,” Bethany’s leaders now believe a child’s race should be considered “as part of the best interest determination for child placement.”


            So, do you support race based adoption Larry?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “If that’s true, then why shouldn’t foster children go to those best suited to love and care for them, regardless of race?”

            Or religion, or sexual orientation…?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            We need to get tighter on what you are saying here.

            Do you think that ANY white family, even ones that are poor should adopt or are you talking about white families that have high income adopting from black parents who have poor educations and live in poverty?

          6. I know people who have adopted, and there are many important factors that must be considered. I assume the criteria are based on years of experience with hundreds of thousands of parents and children, perhaps millions.

            What I said, and am saying, is quite simple and clear. Those factors should not be disregarded for race.

            As I said previously:

            “…shouldn’t foster children go to those best suited to love and care for them, regardless of race?”

          7. I know people who have adopted, and there are many important factors that must be considered. I assume the criteria are based on years of experience with hundreds of thousands of parents and children, perhaps millions.

            What I said, and am saying, is quite simple and clear. Those factors should not be disregarded for race.

            As I said previously:

            “…shouldn’t foster children go to those best suited to love and care for them, regardless of race?”

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            So I’d like to continue the conversation with you on this issue – both adoption and the idea that black families used to be more two-parent in the past than now.

            On the adoption. are you talking about black moms who are WILLINGLY wanting to give up
            their kids for adoption? Seems like there is already a process for that.

            We don’t think the vast majority of black moms will want to give up their kids, right?

          9. Finding suitable adoptive parents is about the potential parents, not those who choose to put their children up for adoption.

            The fact is, African Americans are disproportionately represented among those in need of adoption. If race becomes all important is finding suitable adoptive parents, then one of two things will happen:

            1. Fewer African American children in need of adoption will be adopted.


            2. The standards required to adopt African Americans will be less than what is required for white children.

            Either way, if we bow to the people on the left who think race is all important, then black children will suffer.

            Separate and unequal!

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            I understand. But is this about adoption or about the great numbers of black kids that are being born and growing up to be adults with poor educations and living in poverty?

            Are there great numbers of black kids given up for adoption that are not adopted because of the argument that whites should not adopt them.

            Trying to understand.

            Do people “on the left” control the adoption process and limit whites adopting blacks?

            Can we get these issues sorted out?

          11. From the article that I originally linked to but you didn’t bother to look at:

            In 1972, the National Association of Black Social Workers took up the cause, issuing a statement that took “a vehement stand against the placements of Black children in white homes for any reason.” The group called transracial adoptions “unnatural,” “unnecessary,” and “artificial” and argued that such placements were evidence of the continued “chattel status” of African Americans.

            Unfortunately, that attitude meant that a lot of Black children languished in foster care rather than finding permanent homes. Today, as back then, there are many more Black children in foster care than there are Black families volunteering to take them in.


          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. I’m aware of this but what does it have to do with the status of black folks in general ?
            Isn’t this just a very small percentage of the total population?

            This is not a solution to the bigger problem of black kids living in poverty, etc, right?

          13. Nathan Avatar

            “This is not a solution to the bigger problem of black kids living in poverty, etc, right?”

            Having loving committed parents is extremely important! Why should African American children get treated differently from white children? And we wonder why the outcome is different?

            No one thing is THE problem or THE solution.

            It is, however, an example of well meaning people making things worse for at-risk African American children.

            I live in rural Virginia where schools were only shut down briefly for COVID-19. Urban areas where the majority of at risk African Americans live were shut down longer. That’s tragic.

            Most private schools, however, were open. Some were open the entire time. Why shouldn’t African Americans have more access to schools that are committed to teaching?

          14. Nathan Avatar

            “This is not a solution to the bigger problem of black kids living in poverty, etc, right?”

            Having loving committed parents is extremely important! Why should African American children get treated differently from white children? And we wonder why the outcome is different?

            No one thing is THE problem or THE solution.

            It is, however, an example of well meaning people making things worse for at-risk African American children.

            I live in rural Virginia where schools were only shut down briefly for COVID-19. Urban areas where the majority of at risk African Americans live were shut down longer. That’s tragic.

            Most private schools, however, were open. Some were open the entire time. Why shouldn’t African Americans have more access to schools that are committed to teaching?

          15. I know people who have adopted, and there are many important factors that must be considered. I assume the criteria are based on years of experience with hundreds of thousands of parents and children, perhaps millions.

            What I said, and am saying, is quite simple and clear. Those factors should not be disregarded for race.

            As I said previously:

            “…shouldn’t foster children go to those best suited to love and care for them, regardless of race?”

    4. “I don’t know how we get there when so many believe the opposition is so wrong and compromise is a dirty word.”

      I didn’t find your comments particularly helpful.

      We can’t just compromise for the sake of compromise. If two doctors are treating your child, and they disagree about the proper course of action, do you just split the difference?

      Some things are helpful, and some things are harmful. I honestly believe that much of the Progressive agenda is toxic.

      If the left is correct about how to help blacks, then why aren’t leftist strongholds working for blacks and black families?

    5. “The middle-of-the-road policy is not an economic system that can last. It is a method for the realization of socialism by installments.”

      — Ludwig von Mises

  6. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    As long as they choose to identify as law abiding then they should be able to go free.

  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Sixty plus per cent of VA is white in these stats and historically similar. Policing of the entire population may contribute – historically and contemporaneously – to the results described by the data. Nor, as the author writes, may the responsibility for those results be substantively attributed to the blindness of “Black officeholders”. Massive resistance did not occur 400 years ago although it was reflected subsequently in many forms like Jim Crow and the Commonwealth’s 1902 Constitution which, upon its completion, Carter Glass proudly proclaimed the document’s deliberate discrimination against Blacks. Contemporary measures of crime have antecedents which cannot be ignored. For sure, ascribing blame to “Progressives” is mere political chicanery.

    Cap – I don’t think you are a racist. I do think your views are myopic and too often set in an ideological context that is unburdened by perspective. They often sound logical and even persuasive at times. Whatever personal or public purposes they serve, they are at a minimum pertinent.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      This was not Jim Bacon’s article, it was mine. Which of my views stated in this article was “myopic”? Looking forward to your response.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Pardon the error; corrected. Your Weltanschaung is myopic. Your persistent and consistent presentations while often accompanied by selected statistics drives a unitary, ideological vision of society’s ailments and remediation. I shared that view many years ago when I voted for Goldwater. Jesuits disabused me of that disability. I look forward to your receipt of such grace that might even lead you to favor collective bargaining for public employees.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I do not and will not favor collective bargaining for public employees. I do favor, however, the unionization of nurses and doctors in Virginia in labor markets monopolized with government assistance.

        2. Who’s myopic?

          Former leader of Black Lives Matter slams the organization for stances on Black families and education

    2. By now, these facts shouldn’t be hard to grasp. Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers. Those mothers are far more likely than married mothers to be poor, even after a post-welfare-reform decline in child poverty. They are also more likely to pass that poverty on to their children. Sophisticates often try to dodge the implications of this bleak reality by shrugging that single motherhood is an inescapable fact of modern life, affecting everyone from the bobo Murphy Browns to the ghetto “baby mamas.” Not so; it is a largely low-income—and disproportionately black—phenomenon. The vast majority of higher-income women wait to have their children until they are married. The truth is that we are now a two-family nation, separate and unequal—one thriving and intact, and the other struggling, broken, and far too often African-American.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do you think the higher-income women have abortions when they’re not ready yet to have kids?

        1. Not necessarily. Blacks are also responsible for a disproportionate percentage of abortions.

          Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Women Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence


        2. Not necessarily. Blacks are also responsible for a disproportionate percentage of abortions.

          Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Women Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you think poor black women have easy access to abortions?

            Is that something we should do? i.e. make it easy for birth control/abortions for poor black women?

          2. If you really want to help, do the opposite of just about everything the Democrats support.

            Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed


          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s non responsive. Either you have better ideas or none.

          4. It’s a complex issue that requires more than a single comment to address.

            Don’t be a slave to ideology.

            Do what works.

            Stop doing what doesn’t work.

            I believe in allowing poor people to have school choice for one thing.

            I also believe the irrational attack on law enforcement, as well as releasing violent criminals makes poor neighborhoods even harder to raise children.

            You have been completely unresponsive to my comment elsewhere about adoption.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I might have missed your comment about adoption. give it again and I’ll respond.

            I don’t think Conservatives have the answers. THey know what they don’t like but they
            often cannot agree even among themselves on a way forward.

            There is no magic in school choice. Nothing specific is proposed other than a different school
            than a public school and to have it tax-funded without any accountability for any of the things
            that public schools are held accountable for like reporting data on performance, safety, etc.
            We have almost zero data for non-public schools other than claims.

            Can you name a city , a state, a country where the Conservative approach is done and successful?

          6. The entire country was more conservative than today.

            Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent.

            The murder rate among blacks in 1960 was one-half of what it became 20 years later, after a legacy of liberals’ law enforcement policies. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a “legacy of slavery” there..

            – Thomas Sowell


          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            I will respond later today

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “That theology emphasized personal responsibility and the concepts of sin and redemption.”

    Those are mutually exclusive – the concept of sin and redemption excuse one from personal responsibility… the hypocrisy displayed by leaders in the most conservative Christian sects in the US demonstrates that regularly…. it is how we ended up with Trump as a US president…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Those are mutually exclusive – the concept of sin and redemption excuse one from personal responsibility”

      You clearly did not attend a mainstream Christian church as a child or as an adult or at least did not understand their teachings.

      I’m taking the rest of the evening off, so fire away.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I was raised in the Methodist Church. I also routinely attended a Nazarene Church growing up. I converted to Catholicism when my kids were born and served on the Parish Council and taught CCD for years. Most recently I attended an Episcopal Church. I assure you that I know of what I speak.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The Cap’s usual snap judgment and ESP fail again.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You re in the minority in that interpretation. To proclaim that confession and forgiveness equals lack of responsibility for sin would be considered heresy in the Catholic Church. I hope you did not teach that in CCD.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That particular Church’s position in this particular issue is one of the main reasons I left. Really, you think the Catholic Church of all places holds sinners responsible for their sins…?? For instance the Prayer of Absolution:

            “God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his son has reconciled the world to himself and poured out (currently, sent) the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the church may God grant (currently, give) you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, (+) and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

            set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.”

            And please don’t speak of penance… do your rosary and you are good…

            The final proof is how the Church sheltered evil for most of its history (even in my time in my parish it turns out) to protect its worldly assets… the antithesis of holding sinners responsible for their sins.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Faust, Faustus, take your pick.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s called extremunction. You need not be conscious to obtain your “Get outta Hell Free” card.

      Of course, the best way to obtain redemption is to simply convince yourself that you don’t need it by claiming you know God’s will.

  9. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Thanks for this post. The numbers are compelling. They’re not talked about enough.

  10. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
    Jonathan DeWilicker

    These statistics are of no surprise to anyone that has lived in an area with a significant black population. Or in the case of Charlottesville, not even a significant population. The FBI has been tracking these for decades, but will likely stop in the near future in the name of “equity”. Despite some of the nation’s largest police departments (LAPD & NYPD, along with dozens of smaller cities) not reporting crime by race since the summer of love riots in 2020, blacks were committing 56% of murders despite being 13 % of the total population. Include the major cities that refuse to cooperate and include estimates based off of decreasing clearance rates, and that number is likely closer to 75-85%. When was the last time a white person was arrested for murder in DC? Could it have been falsely accused Gary Condit?

  11. Lefty665 Avatar

    The population graphic includes Hispanic. None of the other graphics do. There must be some Hispanic perps and victims in Virginia. What category in the statistics do they fall under?

    Hope you get some real discussion. Neither it’s all systemic racism or black folks are no account make a useful contribution.

    The first step in fixing problems is acknowledging them. The statistics show we have a problem. It is we because we are all citizens of and/or are living in the same country. Everyone has a stake in making it a better place for all.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Hispanics are divided into whites and Blacks in that grouping. Race, not heritage.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Hispanics are divided into whites and Blacks in that grouping. Race, not heritage.

  12. The biggest lesson is that both Black families and society simply have to do a better job of raising, educating, and mentoring Black youth. That has to happen in their homes, communities and schools.

    Correction: That has to happen in our communities and schools.

  13. George  Walton Avatar
    George Walton

    Excellent article. The opportunities are and have been there for young Blacks to be successful but too many are unqualified due to failing schools. Money can’t correct the problems with the schools only the Black community’s total involvement can. Black politicians parrot democratic talking points on global warning and abortions rather than supporting school choice. Black churches need to mentor mothers on the importance of a good education. These problems can only be solved solved in and by the Black communities.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The majority of non-public choice/voucher schools are not set up to teach kids that are economically disadvantaged. Their primary kids are from parents who are well-educated.

      The public schools don’t teach these kids well either but unless the choice/voucher schools are set up specifically to target the economically disadvantaged, they won’t succeed either but we won’t know because they are not required to report their results like the public schools are.

      Putting these kids in non-public schools that don’t have to report results will just hide the problem, not fix it.

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