Creating Our Own Hell

by James A. Bacon

Prostitution, it is commonly said, is the world’s oldest profession. If that’s true, then sex trafficking may be the second oldest. The enslavement and sexual exploitation of women has been a feature of most recorded history. But sex trafficking has taken on novel forms, as the story of Sage “Draco” Blair makes clear. As another old saying goes, “Only in America.”

What follows is a synopsis of a story of a teenage girl from an unnamed Virginia community who experienced abuse in early childhood, declared herself a boy as a teenager, ran away, was raped, was sucked into the Baltimore sex trade, and was rescued. It is also the story of how her grandparents (who were also her adopted parents) tried to recover custody of her, only to have the judge accuse them of abuse for failing to fully embrace her transgenderism.

The article upon which this post is based was written by Lisa Selin Davis, the author of “Tomboy: The surprising history and future of girls who dare to be different.” From what I can tell from online materials, Davis comes from a left-of-center perspective. But she acknowledges the “complexity, mess, and murk” of sex and gender today. Davis bases her story primarily upon input from the grandmother, identified as “Michele.” She has verified “aspects” of the story and viewed court documents that support it.

This story is like a Rohrschach test: Everyone will extract different meaning from it. I see it as another sign of social disintegration stemming from the relentless erosion of roles and rules that once held society together. Hell on earth used to come from grinding material poverty. Now, in our affluent society, hell is something we create ourselves.

Sage’s father had died when she was six months old, and her mother was in jail. By the time her biological grandmother Michelle was able to adopt her, Sage had lived in six different foster homes. By Michelle’s reckoning, Sage thereafter grew up “healthy, joyous and sweet.” When she went through puberty around age 12, though, things changed.

“All the kids at that point were, you know, ‘I’m trans and I’m gay and I’m bi and I’m this and I’m that,” Michele said. “So she did start to question her gender. At almost 14, she did want to be a boy.”

Although her parents didn’t understand it, they humored her by buying her boy’s clothes, allowing her to dye her hair purple, and letting her switch from Christian school to public school. At some point she began undergoing therapy.

Sage started her first day at the new school dressed as a boy. Teachers and counselors facilitated her gender transition, changing her name to Draco and pronouns to he/him — without the knowledge of her parents. Sage/Draco began experiencing bullying,  however, on the school bus and when she tried to use the boy’s bathroom. As the bullying intensified, she “just broke,” said Michele, and ran away.

What transpired next is cloudy, but Michele believes that Sage was groomed by adults online who identified as transgender and promised to be her new family. One of them picked her up and took her to Baltimore. That man shot up heroin in front of her, then raped her in the backseat of the car. He kept her in a locked room in a house in Baltimore, where she was raped repeatedly by partying men.

Eventually, Sage/Draco was rescued by the FBI. Michele and her husband tried to regain custody. Two school counselors from her Virginia school took the stand and testified that Michele was abusive for not affirming her gender transition. Michele and her husband made the mistake of continuing to refer to their daughter as Sage, not Draco, which angered the judge. Michele repeatedly pleaded that her daughter was not a transgender case but a trauma case. This, too, angered the judge. Michele and her  husband were put under investigation for abuse by both Maryland and Virginia authorities, and were denied the right to bring their daughter home.

Sage was sent to a children’s home in Maryland, where she was housed with the boys. “Here’s this kid on the boys’ unit with a female body. So they start abusing her there,” Michele said. At length she was given a private room.

Sage went to public school in Maryland, wearing a GPS tracking device on her legs. Growing increasingly despondent, she started taking drugs. Then she went missing. As it turns out, she had taken the GPS off her leg and boarded a bus to Texas. There she was trafficked again. A man created pornographic images of her, sexually abused her, and sold her body for sex. Law enforcement authorities rescued her once again, and sent her back to Virginia. She now resides in a therapeutic home working on her complex trauma issues. The abuse charges against Michele and her husband were dropped, and daughter and parents are rebuilding their relationship.

Davis sums up the saga this way: “Sage’s horrific tale is simply another example of an ideology blinding the adults who are supposed to be — and want to be — helping children, rendering them unable to treat trauma because all they see is transgender identity, committing more to serving a political idea of gender than treating individuals.”

Rampant broken families. Early childhood trauma. Mental health issues. Gender and sexual identity up for grabs. School authorities colluding against parents. The use of drugs to control and exploit vulnerable girls and women. Men willing to degrade and traffic the women. Men willing to rape girls while “partying.” A legal system that accuses loving parents of abuse for failing to get with the transgender program.

This is the hell we live in.

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43 responses to “Creating Our Own Hell”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Jim, as tragic as this story is sexual abuse and human trafficking is not about ideology although that may be part of the problem. St. Mary’s Hospital has a Victims Response Team that handles cases of sexual and other abuse and strangulation. It is a stellar forensic program in the Commonwealth and the nation. It’s case load, unfortunately, continues to grow. Victims are not limited to anyone social strata. All too often perpetrators escape punishment because of victim shame and prosecutors who cut deals instead of prosecuting.
    Human trafficking in Virginia is shameful with Virginia ranked in the top 20 states for this crime.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Some days, JAB sounds like a Conservative in a world that is changing that he cannot understand nor accept.

      Today is “hell” because of sex trafficking and transgender realities like we’ve never had similar issues

      And it’s caused by ideology?

      Try being a female slave a hundred years ago in plantation Virginia or a woman in Afghanistan today or a child with the wrong Priest in the Catholic Church 40 years ago. Try being a homosexual in this country a couple of decades ago. Don’t ask, don’t tell was the beginning of the end for the military or perhaps when blacks and women were allowed ?

      This is the world we live in and the way the world has been for a long time. It did not suddenly change from nirvana to hell.

      There are many, many, many good and decent people in this world. There are also others who are not.

      It”s not new or novel by any stretch of the imagination. It’s the way the world is.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        You can normalize chopping off sexual organs in children all you want. I would never want to be your neighbor.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…a child with the wrong Priest in the Catholic Church 40 years ago.”

        … or the Southern Baptist Church apparently…

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        “Try being a female slave a hundred years ago in plantation Virginia …”

        A hundred years ago was 1922.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Jim is on a roll!
    We can deny it all we want, but societal disintegration is the problem.
    Maybe all those enlightened ideas don’t work and those primitives who lived through the Depression and WWII and re-built the world were onto something…

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well DAMN. Excommuniate me, Pope, and call me a Baptist! You might be on to something!

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here are the 10 states with the highest rates of human trafficking:

    Nevada (7.38 per 100k)
    Mississippi (5.00 per 100k)
    Florida (4.04 per 100k)
    Ohio (3.84 per 100k)
    Georgia (3.81 per 100k)
    Delaware (3.81 per 100k)
    California (3.80 per 100k)
    Missouri (3.77 per 100k)
    Michigan (3.64 per 100k)
    Texas (3.59 per 100k)

    Early History of Sex Trafficking
    Women and children have been the victims of sex trafficking for thousands of years. This practice, going on throughout the centuries, finally became a political issue in the early 1900s. In 1902, the International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic was drafted. Its purpose was to “prevent the procuration of women and girls for immoral purposes abroad” ( After a few years it was ratified by twelve countries around the world. This eventually led to the United States passing the Mann Act of 1910 which “forbids transporting a person across state or international lines for prostitution or other immoral purposes” ( With the problem of sex trafficking still growing in the middle of the century, the United Nations felt it necessary to address the problem. This was done by the 1949 Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others which was ratified by forty-nine countries around the world.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well DAMN. Excommuniate me, Pope, and call me a Baptist! You might be on to something!

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      The pope is an apostate

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah. Feel sorry for him. Mine’s as big as a grapefruit. Maybe FloMax?

        1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

          Now that is funny. I wonder how many here will even get it. What’s the word on Proscar and Avodart?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Stone knives and bearskins. But, over the last two decades they’ve come a long ways. The only thing I can tell you is that of all the things they do to you if your PSA > 5, a cystoscopy is one one you DON’T want.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    God’s own people.

    EXCLUSIVE: ‘My dad opened Circle of Hope for his own sick perversions.’ Daughter of couple charged with running abusive religious boarding school tells of her ‘torture’ and says her attempts to expose her parents were IGNORED by police for over a decade
    Boyd Householder, 71, and his wife Stephanie, 55, were charged last week with 102 counts for sexually, emotionally, or physically abusing girls for years
    The Householders ran religious all-girl boarding school Circle of Hope Girls Ranch in Cedar County, Missouri
    Their daughter Amanda Householder revealed the deeply disturbing torture she and ‘hundreds’ of other young girls allegedly suffered at the hands of her parents
    The 30-year-old tells DailyMailTV that her father would beat her and others with golf clubs and threaten his ‘students’ into assaulting other girls
    She said her father would force them to drink laxatives and he was accused of raping at least two of the girls at his ranch
    Amanda says she attempted to expose her parents alleged abuse for over a decade but was ignored by police and prosecutors
    Despite amassing dozens of accounts from former students alleging abuse at the hands of her parents, a local prosecutor in Missouri did not return her calls

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Wow. You mean there are people who profess to be Christians who aren’t perfect? Who are evil?
      Well you proved your point, Nancy!
      Or maybe you proved the need for a Savior…
      Psalm 14:1 for you
      Cuz of course there are no bad people who deny God. They’re all good. It’s only the evil Christians who are responsible for all the suffering in the world…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        None are.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Yeah, who’s among us is perfect, NN…?! (smh)

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Me? I’m a perfect arse.

            Had a thought (it is lonely) that the traumatic difference between me practicing “Duck & Cover” when I was 8 and an 8-year old kid today practicing “Active Shooter” is that we never knew that it wouldn’t help.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Apparently, those kids at that Christian school needed one… and not the spiritual kind…

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          So why didn’t you save them Troll? What’s wrong with you? Don’t you care? You clearly are perfect and full of wisdom. Why didn’t you stop Uvalde? Buffalo? The Ukraine war? The weekly massacres in Chi-town and all the other Dem hellhole cities? Don’t Black Lives Matter to you? How about the Latinx lives slain by the Latinx kid in Uvalde?
          People don’t need a Savior, they need more liberals and more liberal policies, which fail everywhere they are implemented and the answer is always more liberal policies to address the problems caused by the previously adopted liberal policies.
          People are catching on…

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I didn’t need to save them… Jesus had that covered… I am sure they were comforted to know that regardless of how Christians tortured them in here on Earth, God forgave their oppressors and they get to spend eternity with them in heaven…

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So failure of one means failure of all?
            Considered all your Leftist policies?
            Oh, I get it. One Christian failure is proof positive. Millions of liberal failures = shut up racist! Typical liberal “argument.” Look – I found one article supporting my view and I don’t care about all the evidence countering my view.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            One…?? Hah!!

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So Troll. In all of your great wisdom and benevolence, what is the answer? Just get rid of guns? How’s that working in Chi-town?
            You have nothing because you have an empty philosophy of nothingness. More transgender training? More CRT? More dumbing down standards in the cause of “equity?” Funny none of your stuff works. In fact makes it worse.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Start with not letting religious zealots near your children, perhaps…

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Or Disney groomers! Or NAMBLA! Holier than thou much, Troll?

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I wouldn’t let either of them near my child either… your equivalency is apt…

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Troll – you are so oblivious. Oh, that’s right. You are perfect. The only sinless human ever (cuz you know that Jesus story was made up by racist patriarchs to stop people from having fun). Hail Eric the Red Troll King of his own mind!

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nobody is claiming or asking for perfection… we just want Christians to keep their creepy hands off our kids is all… is that asking too much…??

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And I want Marxists to quit crushing the middle class and adopting policies that hurt the people they claim to help and has caused over 100 million deaths….Is that too much to ask?
            It’s like the virtue signaling… You know how to virtue signal, but you don’t know how to virtue…and that is the hard part!

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, you gotta admit for those that are “saved” and all their sins forgiven – compared to those not saved and every sin counts…towards hell… sounds not good!

            So stone cold killers get to go to heaven and be with their victims?

            Hey, that’s SOME “belief” system you got!

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – seriously. But maybe I should have known…
            Are you an atheist? What belief system are you denigrating? I don’t recognize it. And is that even permissible? Are you engaging in hate? How dare you!
            Please tell me your brilliant belief system that answers all questions in the world and how that would make things better for what Jim cited in his article (especially since you are the guy who will go to great lengths to defend illegitimacy by citing Iceland or somewhere ridiculous).

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t defend illegitimacy nor condemn single parent either. The reality is we’ve had single parent for as long as kids have been born.

            I’m not an atheist but I don’t believe in religion per se or the Bible per se. I do believe there is a God and it’s on me what I do and I won’t be claiming my sins are “forgiven” if I “believe”.

            What I do believe is that we’ve had our problems for as long as mankind has been on earth. It has not deteriorated as of late and we’re doomed.

            For hundreds of years, we’ve had kids abused by their parents and sold into slavery and sex. It did not suddenly start happening. It’s been with us for thousands of years and pointing to it now as if you didn’t know until now so it must be new and means society is ‘unravelling” is just not the reality.

            It’s the human condition and we work to make it better with the understanding that we won’t ‘fix” it for all time either.

            It is what it is. We do the best we can and we work for better outcomes.

            If you’re looking for perfection, you’re on the wrong planet.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Ok. As you noted you are free to believe what you want. As to the question at hand, I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming that the 60 years since Madelyn Murray O’Hair and the bogus Supreme Court decision, society has gone downhill…

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. It’s the standard lament from many conservatives since time began….

            You have to confront the changes in front of us – you can’t be looking back and giving up.

            We’re NEVER going to fix it all – but we can get better….and we have… where we are today is light years from where we were 500 years ago or even 100 years ago.

            We just have trouble reconciling what we believe as individuals – with rules we can all live by together.

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Sorry Larry. I say you are wrong. You can believe what you want. I say you delude yourself to think MAN, by himself, can make utopia. There is a standard of right and wrong, good and evil. And it ain’t man…
            I think you’d best agree to disagree…

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, I say the opposite – man CANNOT make utopia.

            but yes, we can agree to disagree.. I’m shocked we reached this point!

          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I am only looking for perfection from those who take pride in wearing the mantle of holiness and judge the actions (or nature) of others…. routinely, I am disappointed…

  7. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    And you can add to this the ex VA tech linebacker who beat a tran sexual to death and was acquitted by a jury in Montgomery County. All from a tinder date.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      If you are acquitted in Montgomery county for a crime like that you are definitely not guilty.

  8. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    We can all agree (I think) with Jim that this is an incredible use case of a society that is failing a young girl and her grandparents. A society on need of repair.

    However, what to do about it, i.e. the “solutions”, or what the underlying causes are, is where we disagree here on BR and in the US and world at large.

    Underlying issues:

    Sex trafficing.
    Gender identity, and society acceptance, support, and socialization around it.
    Cultural and political polarization, with differing worldviews, value systems, and approaches to societal cohesion.

    Thoughts and players might help.

    We might need more than that though.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes, but it’s not as if Sex trafficking has not been around until recently and it’s a sign of society coming unglued. Same with transgender and other issues that confront us.

      It’s not “society coming apart”.

      JAB acts like we’ve never had these issues before and now we’re confronted with them and it’s a sign of society coming apart.

      Just not true. It’s almost like he does not know that they’ve been issues for a long time.

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