COVID’s Latest Victims: Those Afraid to Return to the World

by Kerry Dougherty

If there’s one thing we can all agree upon it’s that mental health services are woefully inadequate in Virginia.

Our jails are filled with mental patients. So are our homeless shelters. Our state hospitals are so packed that they usually don’t have any beds available.

So, given the limited resources available, am I the only one wondering why mental health resources are being spent to help people who are afraid to come out from under their beds now that the COVID emergency is over?

I hesitate to point this out but if some Virginians are paralyzed by fear of a return to normalcy, it’s due to all of the hysteria whipped up by the government and the media for 15 straight months.

When I contacted the Virginia Department of Health yesterday, a spokesman said these “Coping With Re-Entry Anxiety” events weren’t theirs, these programs are run by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, a separate agency.

When I reached them, I learned that the VACOPES programs are funded by federal grant money from FEMA and SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.)

Virginia received two grants to help those struggling from the effects of lockdowns. In June of 2020, the commonwealth got the first check for $391,655. Two months later another $996,000 arrived to run “crisis counseling programs” through May of 2021. In April, Virginia received an extension to continue the programs through November.

No doubt lots of folks were experiencing serious mental health problems when they suddenly lost their jobs, were told that their work was “non-essential” and when they were cut off from their support systems due to stern warnings against gathering with others. Thousands of children needed help, too, when they were suddenly locked out of their schools and confined to their homes.

Tax dollars — and lots of them — should have gone to those crumbling under government mandates that ripped away their societal safety nets.

But mental health services for people anxious about a return to normal life? Seriously?

You know who won’t be needing these services? The people who didn’t have the luxury of staying home and binge watching Netflix and Hulu during the pandemic.

America’s farmers and truck drivers, for instance. America’s grocery clerks, nurses, doctors, police officers, fire fighters, plumbers, pharmacists, electricians, garbage collectors, carpenters, delivery drivers, postal workers, liquor store employees and, oh yeah, even radio hosts.

You know, people who had to GO to work every day to keep Western civilization from unraveling.

That, of course, was the wicked irony of the lockdowns. Many of those barricaded in their homes were middle-class folks, coolly working on their laptops during the pandemic and never missing a paycheck, while ordering the working class to fetch things for them.

Now they’re afraid to take off their pj’s and venture out?

Oh, please.

At the risk of sounding insensitive, these folks just need to open their doors and breathe the fresh air.

It’s nice out here. Join those of us who were out here all along, keeping things going for you.

Party like it’s 2019.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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14 responses to “COVID’s Latest Victims: Those Afraid to Return to the World”

  1. This post inspires so many potential comments.

    First point: How far does $1.4 million go? After spending money on public service ads and setting up the administrative apparatus for the programs, how much will be left over for actual crisis counseling? How does one go about identifying people suffering from post-COVID re-entry anxiety in the first place?

    Second point: Maybe people suffering from re-entry anxiety don’t need psychological counseling. Maybe they need a kick in the pants with someone yelling in their face, “Get over it, you damn baby!”

    Our therapeutic society treats everyone like three-year-olds, creating ever more fragile psyches. We need to set cultural expectations for people to toughen the hell up!

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      We were fortunate/unfortunate depends on how you look at it. My wife is “essential” and I am able to work remote, the hardest part about going back to the office will be less time with my family. However, I’m not the first, nor will I be the last in that situation.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: “the brand” – Way different than 10 years ago when BR was largely a non-paritsan , conservative-leaning, true public policy blog.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is giving snowflakes and even worse reputation!


    But this really is super simple and it goes like this – The Feds (Congress) wants to helicopter money for this purpose and that money creates jobs, even if short term, and that money goes into the economy.

    No magic there.

    It’s no different than other money the Feds want you to take – and spend, the efficacy of which is a different thing.

    And it does not matter if it goes for “administration” or advertising or anything else it can be spent on… Money-in = jobs = economic good stuff

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Thank you for adequately defining “waste, fraud and abuse”. Instead of using that money to help those in true need, you’re saying it’s okay because we paid for that sign that says “help here”.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Two points:
      1. the money could have been spent to create jobs in an activity in which there is a real need

      2. spending it this way gives more ammunition to those folks who oppose government spending as a matter of principle

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree on both points, but the “stimulus” was and is more about putting money into the economy fast and the purpose wasn’t critical , just do it.

        most of this stuff is short term, one shot.

        Now that Congress no longer fears deficits, I fear for our fiscal future. This is an area where fiscal conservatives played vital roles but now “conservative” has morphed to a different thing.

  3. tmtfairfax Avatar

    The blog is eating posts again. Twice this week I’ve posted and they’ve disappeared.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s possible, but just to rule out another possibility, you’re younger than, say, 60, right?

      1. WayneS Avatar

        The blog “ate” one of my comments yesterday too, but since it contained a not-so-nice name to refer to Terry McAuliffe it may just be that I violated the posting standards.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wash bag? A al francaise? That’s how I feel about the guy, but Youngkin is a used one.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            Actually, it was just “lying, hyperbolic jackass”, which is why I am not certain my post was removed for bad behavior.

            RE: Youngkin – Truth be told, we don’t really know how bad or good Glen Youngkin is. His detractors are exaggerating* to make him look bad and his supporters are exaggerating* to make him look good. I certainly do not agree with everything he says.

            But! I do know who/what Terry McAuiliffe is, and I think I’m willing to take my chances on Mr, Youngkin.

            * Feel free to use harsher but essentially synonymous term(s) here.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Meh. Americans have crappy mental health and care anyway.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    How many Virginians are paralyzed to the point of not returning to a pre 2020 normal? 15 months is a long time. I dropped off a bunch of boxes in Stafford today. Saw a family 5 inside getting ready to sit down and have some chow. All of them were wearing a mask. I thought that was weird.

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