COVID Vaccination Infrastructure Is Pathetically Inadequate

by Kathleen Smith

For the millions of dollars that have come to the Commonwealth for COVID-19, did anyone ever think about the infrastructure needed to rollout the most important aspect of a COVID response, the vaccine? According to The Virginia Mercury, The Virginia Department of Health hasn’t developed a uniform playbook or guidance that health departments can follow when it comes to a COVID-19 vaccination.

Here is an example of the lack of guidance. Go to the Alexandria website link provided by VDH. There is a place on the page that allows you to register for the vaccine. Go to the Crater website link provided by VDH, you find an article from April 2020 with no information on the how to register for the vaccine.

Using the telephone number and email provided in the Progress Index for “contacting” the health department as the Crater District moves into 1B, I left and sent my contact information as requested. One week later, NOTHING. I also called at 8:56 a.m. and was told by the person answering the phone that she could not put me through to the vaccine department until 9:00 a.m. I called back at 9:00 a.m., received the same person, who then took my name and telephone number and said someone would return my call. I am still waiting one week later.

At age 65+ with co-morbidities, it appears that I am a “vaccine hostage” due to the limited capacity of Crater Heath District to build the infrastructure needed to scale up vaccination efforts, made possible by VDH’s limited guidance to scale up to meet the needs of the many Crater district residents.

One could design a Survey Monkey link that could at least provide the VDH a running daily list of people and their contact information in the 1B category in about 10 minutes, freeing up the “apparently work to the contract employee” who answers the telephone at the Crater District office and has apparently lost my call-in information to do other more important things, like checking websites for a new job, maybe as a career as a vaccinator. At this rate, the Crater district will not be totally vaccinated for several years.

Where is the infrastructure? Now, in the General Assembly, lawmakers are working on a bill to allow any qualified health care provider in Virginia to volunteer as a vaccinator. Why wasn’t this thought about long before now?  Goodness, we have been here in this place for almost a year?

COVID funds should be used for this roll-out in a way that supports infrastructure to give the vaccine. One cannot say any more than that. If there is no infrastructure, like a registration site for people to get the vaccine, how does the public have any confidence in the rollout?

In the Crater District, there are many people in poverty who have traditionally had no voice. Many elderly residents cannot read or write well enough to understand what they need to do. I cannot imagine a 75-year-old living in federal housing registering for this vaccine or more importantly, knowing how to receive the vaccine.

There needs to be a link on- line and a call- in center manned by volunteers to support residents.  There needs to be constant communication letting people know when to expect the vaccine and where to go and get it – as simple as a computer-generated email and postcard letting people know: the registration has been received, possible time frame the vaccine might be administered (third or fourth week in March), possible location (TBD), and most importantly, how will the person be contacted in the future. Spend the COVID money on what matters most to folks – infrastructure. At least with a post card, some of the elders can ask someone to read the information to them.

Although information on the VDH website is helpful to some, it is not at all helpful to the person who only wants to know about when they will receive the vaccine. What the Crater District needs to understand is that they are not dealing with only the “voiceless” in the community in this vaccination effort. They are dealing with everyone and everyone means there will be more accountability to how the vaccine rollout takes place. I have worked in and lived in Petersburg since 1975. I care deeply about the people without a voice.

Del. Lacshrecse Aird, D-Petersburg, has been most helpful in providing the communication about COVID. I have attended her public Zoom meetings and I am thankful she is in office. I know that sh, too, is concerned about the citizens without a voice in Petersburg. Thank you Delegate Aird. We need to have as much confidence in the Crater Health District and I for one certainly do not.

Kathleen Smith is an educator who lives in Petersburg.

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50 responses to “COVID Vaccination Infrastructure Is Pathetically Inadequate”

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Sure. Clearly not the four color problem, so what is it?

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        A map of Virginia health districts.

        Do I win the prize?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Sure. Clearly not the four color problem, so what is it?

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        A map of Virginia health districts.

        Do I win the prize?

  1. Avatar

    -having the same horrid problem in the three rivers health district, took days to get through and they took my name etc and said they are compiling a data base and would get back to me. Supposedly there is some sort of “ticket” to be generated or sent to me!! Never happened! this is outrageous —now we are 49 out of 50 states getting this done! Is anyone awake in Richmond, where is the VDH Dept–

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” How West Virginia Became a U.S. Leader in Vaccine Rollout

      West Virginia has used 83 percent of its allotted vaccines, among the best in the nation. But even efficient operations face a major problem: There simply are not enough shots to go around.”

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      No one is awake. VDH is vacant!

  2. Avatar

    -having the same horrid problem in the three rivers health district, took days to get through and they took my name etc and said they are compiling a data base and would get back to me. Supposedly there is some sort of “ticket” to be generated or sent to me!! Never happened! this is outrageous —now we are 49 out of 50 states getting this done! Is anyone awake in Richmond, where is the VDH Dept–

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” How West Virginia Became a U.S. Leader in Vaccine Rollout

      West Virginia has used 83 percent of its allotted vaccines, among the best in the nation. But even efficient operations face a major problem: There simply are not enough shots to go around.”

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      No one is awake. VDH is vacant!

  3. I live in Charlottesville and am eligible for 1b vaccination access. ( Over 65)
    I checked Blue Ridge Districts webpage but could not gather information on registering for shots. Finally, my daughter forwarded me the site to go to.
    I filled in the information for my wife and I and submitted the form for “confirmation” of eligibility.
    I waited four days with no confirmation. I called BRD but got no answers. I was becoming desperate.
    Finally, a friend told me that he found the confirmation in his spam file.
    I checked, and sure enough, there it was.
    From there on it worked well. I chose a vaccination date at UVa only a week away. There were a lot of open times for appointments, a predominance of them, matter of fact.
    I wonder how many seniors are in the same boat. And, I shudder to think how seniors in public housing are navigating the waters.

    1. ksmith8953 Avatar

      Not in my spam mail. In fact, not even in my regular email. I did get a call after I sent this. The person said someone would call me to register soon. Soon is unknown. There is one and only one person dedicated to calling back over a thousand calls last week. Ridiculous. They have money to hire help.

  4. I live in Charlottesville and am eligible for 1b vaccination access. ( Over 65)
    I checked Blue Ridge Districts webpage but could not gather information on registering for shots. Finally, my daughter forwarded me the site to go to.
    I filled in the information for my wife and I and submitted the form for “confirmation” of eligibility.
    I waited four days with no confirmation. I called BRD but got no answers. I was becoming desperate.
    Finally, a friend told me that he found the confirmation in his spam file.
    I checked, and sure enough, there it was.
    From there on it worked well. I chose a vaccination date at UVa only a week away. There were a lot of open times for appointments, a predominance of them, matter of fact.
    I wonder how many seniors are in the same boat. And, I shudder to think how seniors in public housing are navigating the waters.

    1. ksmith8953 Avatar

      Not in my spam mail. In fact, not even in my regular email. I did get a call after I sent this. The person said someone would call me to register soon. Soon is unknown. There is one and only one person dedicated to calling back over a thousand calls last week. Ridiculous. They have money to hire help.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Certain level of “wild wild west”. I submitted a form to VDH in our region and within a few days got back confirmation that said I was eligible but it might be weeks before I could get scheduled.

    In the meantime, a friend sent a link to the local hospital and I got signed up right away and in 5 days got the first shot. They were well organized. You drove up and checked-in. If you had a cell phone they sent you a text to confirm check-in then another one when they were ready for you. After the shot, they made an appointment for the second shot but now I’m hearing they may not have supply …

    wild wild west……….

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      This has torn it with me and Wise King Ralph. No more defense, no more patience or forbearance. This incompetence is killing even more people.

      A week ago I got a link from my primary care and signed up for 1B (when it went to 65.) Then I got another link from my primary care and now there are two categories, 1B and 65+. So I added my name to 65+. Meaning I really rank below 1B after all? Of course I’m not 65+ and a health care worker, or 65+ and a long term care resident. There was no way to mark pre-existing condition. And they helpfully asked for my “race,” and I almost checked black to see if I got called before my wife….

      Dec 13 or 15 the first vials arrived in Virginia? Almost five weeks in….

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Which part?

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Thank you. That clarified things.
        With an existing condition, I should think you’re “65+ and a health care worker”. You merely have a very exclusive patient list.

        BTW, now that the GOP is doing everything possible to censure the sane contingency of the party, what are you gonna call your party when it calves?

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Story is the Trump/Refusenik wing will be “Patriot Party.” Ok by me if they wanna. I’ll stay with Lincoln/Reagan/Bush/Goldwater/Eisenhower etc….even Nixon, who I greatly admired for many things.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Certain level of “wild wild west”. I submitted a form to VDH in our region and within a few days got back confirmation that said I was eligible but it might be weeks before I could get scheduled.

    In the meantime, a friend sent a link to the local hospital and I got signed up right away and in 5 days got the first shot. They were well organized. You drove up and checked-in. If you had a cell phone they sent you a text to confirm check-in then another one when they were ready for you. After the shot, they made an appointment for the second shot but now I’m hearing they may not have supply …

    wild wild west……….

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      This has torn it with me and Wise King Ralph. No more defense, no more patience or forbearance. This incompetence is killing even more people.

      A week ago I got a link from my primary care and signed up for 1B (when it went to 65.) Then I got another link from my primary care and now there are two categories, 1B and 65+. So I added my name to 65+. Meaning I really rank below 1B after all? Of course I’m not 65+ and a health care worker, or 65+ and a long term care resident. There was no way to mark pre-existing condition. And they helpfully asked for my “race,” and I almost checked black to see if I got called before my wife….

      Dec 13 or 15 the first vials arrived in Virginia? Almost five weeks in….

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Which part?

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Thank you. That clarified things.
        With an existing condition, I should think you’re “65+ and a health care worker”. You merely have a very exclusive patient list.

        BTW, now that the GOP is doing everything possible to censure the sane contingency of the party, what are you gonna call your party when it calves?

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Story is the Trump/Refusenik wing will be “Patriot Party.” Ok by me if they wanna. I’ll stay with Lincoln/Reagan/Bush/Goldwater/Eisenhower etc….even Nixon, who I greatly admired for many things.

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    The Peninsula is signing people up but they are still operating on the OLD 1b rules of 75+ even though the form says 65+

    Peninsula sign up form lead-in page…

  8. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    The Peninsula is signing people up but they are still operating on the OLD 1b rules of 75+ even though the form says 65+

    Peninsula sign up form lead-in page…

  9. sherlockj Avatar

    There is information that Ms. Smith, a teacher, should know.

    First, Virginia has had an Emergency Operations Plan, HAZARD-SPECIFIC ANNEX #4 PANDEMIC INFLUENZA RESPONSE since 2012.

    Second, under that plan,
    – “VDH will be the lead agency in addressing all health and medical issues and needs that may arise during an outbreak of pandemic influenza
    and will provide the necessary guidance to responders, government agencies, businesses, and citizens throughout the Commonwealth.”
    – “The VDH plan (anybody ever see one? It was required after 2012) and this annex represent the Commonwealth’s overall plan to respond and recover from a pandemic influenza outbreak.”

    Third, under “Roles and Responsibilities”
    “Department of Education
    ▪ Maintain the Pandemic Influenza Plan Guidelines for Virginia Public Schools (has anyone ever seen that set of guidelines that was supposed to predate COVID?).
    ▪ Work with VDH to facilitate in-school flu vaccination campaigns.”

    Don’t look for Virginia’s “Emergency Operations Plan, HAZARD-SPECIFIC ANNEX #4 PANDEMIC INFLUENZA RESPONSE”. It was taken down from public access the first time I referenced it in print. Which may have been the first time the Northam Administration knew it existed.

    Your government at work for you. But VDH is one of a kind.

  10. sherlockj Avatar

    There is information that Ms. Smith, a teacher, should know.

    First, Virginia has had an Emergency Operations Plan, HAZARD-SPECIFIC ANNEX #4 PANDEMIC INFLUENZA RESPONSE since 2012.

    Second, under that plan,
    – “VDH will be the lead agency in addressing all health and medical issues and needs that may arise during an outbreak of pandemic influenza
    and will provide the necessary guidance to responders, government agencies, businesses, and citizens throughout the Commonwealth.”
    – “The VDH plan (anybody ever see one? It was required after 2012) and this annex represent the Commonwealth’s overall plan to respond and recover from a pandemic influenza outbreak.”

    Third, under “Roles and Responsibilities”
    “Department of Education
    ▪ Maintain the Pandemic Influenza Plan Guidelines for Virginia Public Schools (has anyone ever seen that set of guidelines that was supposed to predate COVID?).
    ▪ Work with VDH to facilitate in-school flu vaccination campaigns.”

    Don’t look for Virginia’s “Emergency Operations Plan, HAZARD-SPECIFIC ANNEX #4 PANDEMIC INFLUENZA RESPONSE”. It was taken down from public access the first time I referenced it in print. Which may have been the first time the Northam Administration knew it existed.

    Your government at work for you. But VDH is one of a kind.

  11. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    The General Assembly and Governor Northam are guilty of gross negligence. It has been known for some time that VDH is broken and not able to handle a crisis. We have all known since early in 2020 that a plan would be needed to distribute and administer vaccines when they became available. Where is the plan? A plan needs to be tested and made robust so that is can quickly be modified when unknowns and surprises occur. The slate is still blank for Virginia even though we are rich in talented people and firms that have expertise in systems management and logistics. The fact that Virginia has been cited as one of the worst performing states in dealing with the virus is worse than an embarrassment; it is a crime because negligence is costing lives.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      One explanation is that VDH, like the VEC is/was a Rickity and moribund agency and the choice was to try to reform it in the middle of the pandemic or wait.

      I do think it’s a bit ironic that many also argued that VDH and other public health agencies tried to institute mask wearing and social distancing – were exceeding their authority!

      At any rate, once in a blue moon does something like the pandemic come along – and you dance with the one you took to the dance or risk even worse….

      Remember also, we had this debate about the Feds organizing the vaccine rollout or delegating to the states. Virginia is by far not the only state with these issues and now they ARE talking about a Federally-run effort.

      The bigger issue now is vaccine supply and it’s starting to appear that they simply do not have enough… to which, I’m sure, we’ll somehow blame Northam (or Biden) for also….


      everyone is hating life and bitchin to high heaven about it. wonderful.

      1. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
        Bill O’Keefe

        That is a typical bureaucrat response that also is irrelevant to the issue of administering doses. A once in a lifetime event requires new and creative thinking. Where was the Task Force to marshall the needed resources and develop a robust response plan once the vaccines were made available? It doesn’t exist because it wasn’t created. It there any evidence that the Northam Administration created a viable crisis response?
        New Jersey which is comparable in size to Virginia has administered 51% of its vaccines and Michigan which is larger than Virgina 60% while Virginia has only administered 40% as of January 21.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Not all states are created “equal”. At least Virginia has not been giving COVID shots to out-of-state folks like some states have been!

          Virginia claims that there is slow reporting of their vaccine shots…and I’ve heard that other states are reporting “available” doses and not actual in the arm shots…

          I’m really not going to defend Virginia very much. It’s clear that there is no top-down plan and it’s all been delegated out to the localities… and even then it looks like there are multiple players involved beyond VDH.

          But check BR’s respondent from Florida , 93 years old and still no shot but says that folks from New York are getting them.

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      I hadn’t thought about the logistics expertise!!!!! Great point. The VDH hasn’t thought about it either. I was in a phone conference with VDH and news reporters. Dr Avula was asked logistics questions. He had no clue. For example, if 40% of the work force in Accomack are frontline essential folks working in the Chicken industry and are 1a, why did Accomack get the number of vaccines based on their small overall population? Another, if one wants to go to Richmond and sign up for the vaccine, will their living address be checked since the vaccine is being distributed by local population? His response was no, but he thought that might be something they should consider?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Who is deciding how much a locality will get? And where is that vaccine actually coming from? Do we know this?

        Cuomo on tv yesteday (and West Virginia says the same) that they are not getting enough vaccine even though they have the ability to give more shots.

        Who is controlling the supply of vaccine?

  12. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    The General Assembly and Governor Northam are guilty of gross negligence. It has been known for some time that VDH is broken and not able to handle a crisis. We have all known since early in 2020 that a plan would be needed to distribute and administer vaccines when they became available. Where is the plan? A plan needs to be tested and made robust so that is can quickly be modified when unknowns and surprises occur. The slate is still blank for Virginia even though we are rich in talented people and firms that have expertise in systems management and logistics. The fact that Virginia has been cited as one of the worst performing states in dealing with the virus is worse than an embarrassment; it is a crime because negligence is costing lives.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      One explanation is that VDH, like the VEC is/was a Rickity and moribund agency and the choice was to try to reform it in the middle of the pandemic or wait.

      I do think it’s a bit ironic that many also argued that VDH and other public health agencies tried to institute mask wearing and social distancing – were exceeding their authority!

      At any rate, once in a blue moon does something like the pandemic come along – and you dance with the one you took to the dance or risk even worse….

      Remember also, we had this debate about the Feds organizing the vaccine rollout or delegating to the states. Virginia is by far not the only state with these issues and now they ARE talking about a Federally-run effort.

      The bigger issue now is vaccine supply and it’s starting to appear that they simply do not have enough… to which, I’m sure, we’ll somehow blame Northam (or Biden) for also….


      everyone is hating life and bitchin to high heaven about it. wonderful.

      1. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
        Bill O’Keefe

        That is a typical bureaucrat response that also is irrelevant to the issue of administering doses. A once in a lifetime event requires new and creative thinking. Where was the Task Force to marshall the needed resources and develop a robust response plan once the vaccines were made available? It doesn’t exist because it wasn’t created. It there any evidence that the Northam Administration created a viable crisis response?
        New Jersey which is comparable in size to Virginia has administered 51% of its vaccines and Michigan which is larger than Virgina 60% while Virginia has only administered 40% as of January 21.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Not all states are created “equal”. At least Virginia has not been giving COVID shots to out-of-state folks like some states have been!

          Virginia claims that there is slow reporting of their vaccine shots…and I’ve heard that other states are reporting “available” doses and not actual in the arm shots…

          I’m really not going to defend Virginia very much. It’s clear that there is no top-down plan and it’s all been delegated out to the localities… and even then it looks like there are multiple players involved beyond VDH.

          But check BR’s respondent from Florida , 93 years old and still no shot but says that folks from New York are getting them.

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      I hadn’t thought about the logistics expertise!!!!! Great point. The VDH hasn’t thought about it either. I was in a phone conference with VDH and news reporters. Dr Avula was asked logistics questions. He had no clue. For example, if 40% of the work force in Accomack are frontline essential folks working in the Chicken industry and are 1a, why did Accomack get the number of vaccines based on their small overall population? Another, if one wants to go to Richmond and sign up for the vaccine, will their living address be checked since the vaccine is being distributed by local population? His response was no, but he thought that might be something they should consider?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Who is deciding how much a locality will get? And where is that vaccine actually coming from? Do we know this?

        Cuomo on tv yesteday (and West Virginia says the same) that they are not getting enough vaccine even though they have the ability to give more shots.

        Who is controlling the supply of vaccine?

  13. My primary care office has been willing and ready to give the shots and was expecting distribution weeks ago. Recently, the doctor sent out a note that they don’t know when they’ll receive the vaccine, and if we have another option for getting it, to take it. How many other offices are in the same position?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      My wife and I heard the same this week, two different practices.

  14. My primary care office has been willing and ready to give the shots and was expecting distribution weeks ago. Recently, the doctor sent out a note that they don’t know when they’ll receive the vaccine, and if we have another option for getting it, to take it. How many other offices are in the same position?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      My wife and I heard the same this week, two different practices.

  15. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I was talking to Mr. Joe who manages the Prospect Hill Cemetery in Front Royal. I haven’t seen him in a good while. Says he is busy. Joe has 15 people working for him right now and they are working 7 days a week. Normally he keeps a crew of 4 in the winter months. Says he has never seen anything like this in 41 years of running the cemetery.

  16. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I was talking to Mr. Joe who manages the Prospect Hill Cemetery in Front Royal. I haven’t seen him in a good while. Says he is busy. Joe has 15 people working for him right now and they are working 7 days a week. Normally he keeps a crew of 4 in the winter months. Says he has never seen anything like this in 41 years of running the cemetery.

  17. idiocracy Avatar

    That’s not the only infrastructure in Virginia that’s pathetically inadequate.

  18. idiocracy Avatar

    That’s not the only infrastructure in Virginia that’s pathetically inadequate.

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