COVID Panic Porn and the American Left

by Kerry Dougherty

Last month I gave blood at a local church. As I was leaving, I struggled with my raincoat and a very nice woman standing nearby said she’d like to help, “…but with Covid…”

I said “thanks” and felt sorry for her. She honestly believed that grabbing the sleeve of my twisted jacket might kill her.

As we walked out of the church, masked and 6-feet apart, she said the thing she missed most during the pandemic was singing in the church choir,

“Oh, you’ll be singing again this Christmas,” I said, smiling under my grungy mask.

“I doubt it,” she sighed. “I’m not sure we’ll ever sing in choirs again. It’s so dangerous. It’s the most effective way to spread germs.”

I was dumbfounded. Harmonizing in church choirs is “so dangerous” that it may never come back? Who in the world believes that?

Then she told me what she did for a living: She works for a prominent Democrat.

Yep, another good-hearted, well-intentioned leftie scared into nihilism by the mainstream media’s relentless hysteria.

That’s when it hit me. At the risk of generalizing, the most fearful people I know are liberals. The people most willing to sacrifice civil liberties to slow the spread of a survivable virus? Biden voters. Those fighting hardest to keep schools closed? Lefties. Those cheering on the governor and urging him not to open Virginia “too soon”? Democrats.

But here’s something refreshing: Witty leftist, Bill Maher, who occasionally tweaks his fellow Democrats on his HBO show, “Real Time,” pointed out the stunning ignorance of the left on Friday night.

Of course, he repeated the oft-told Trump Derangement Syndrome lie, that the former president urged people to ingest bleach. Other than that and a smattering of liberal drivel, he’s mostly on target:

“And the media? If it leads, it bleeds. And the more they can get you to stay inside and watch their panic porn the higher the ratings.”

I was delighted that he also picked up on this “The Atlantic” piece: “Beach Photos Give People the Wrong Idea”

“When articles about pandemic risk come with images of beachgoers, readers draw incorrect conclusions about how the coronavirus spreads.”

No kidding.

I was scolded by former colleagues at The Virginian-Pilot last spring when I criticized a newspaper photo that seemed to show a crowded Virginia Beach. I was on the beach around the time the photo was taken. Yes, from a certain angle, with a long lens, it might look like everyone was shoulder to shoulder.

They weren’t.

Oh, and I also noted at the time that the best place for people during a pandemic is on a beach soaking up Vitamin D and building their immune systems. If someone like me knew that last spring, surely our physician governor did too when he banned sunbathing.

Then again, science had nothing to do with most of Gov. Ralph Northam’s restrictions.

In my experience liberals were the ones hiding under their beds while the rest of us went about our lives as best we could, exercising caution and common sense, despite stifling gubernatorial decrees that were arbitrary and capricious.

I pity people who gave up a year of their lives due to exaggerated fears being spread by the media.

Shame on newspapers that reported every rare case of “long Covid” and never wrote stories about the thousands of people who basically suffered a head cold.

Shame on journalists who elevated Anthony Fauci to godlike status and never questioned his edicts or motives.

Shame on newspapers and cable news stations that gleefully posted a daily tally of COVID “cases” without ever questioning what constituted a case or how many of those folks were actually sick.

Shame on the media for repeating over and over that masks prevent viral spread without ever speaking to experts who say they do not.

Shame on the media RIGHT NOW for not calling out Fauci for trying to keep fully vaccinated folks fearful and locked down when their chances of contracting or spreading Covid are virtually non-existent.

Shame on our vaccinated president for wearing two masks even when he’s alone and outside.

Biden’s not setting an example. He’s ginning up the fear.

Maher sees through it. Maybe others on the left will too.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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42 responses to “COVID Panic Porn and the American Left”

  1. Publius Avatar

    Will the Party of Science, which I will very lovingly hereafter refer to as POS (and I love the inference…) let us know when we are to trust SCIENCE! and when we are not trust SCIENCE!
    The KungFlu does not kill young people. It is less deadly than flu. (By the way POS where is the flu? Has it been cured?) The KungFlu variants are not deadly. Really old people and fat people (sorry for the mean reference, I could lose 15-20 pounds, but am not morbidly obese) need to avoid it. The entire lockdown thing has been a self-inflicted public health disaster.
    The fear-mongering over HCQ was evil and many people died from this. The facts are that we have many great ways to treat this variant of flu/cold/corona virus before it gets deadly, and we need to get to herd immunity. In fact, I would posit that schools at all levels should be open and let the kids get it. Most will be asymptomatic. Some will miss a few days of school. Maybe someone will die, but I think doctors should be on the lookout for Covid and apply all the various tools we have against it. Herd immunity is a real thing. Has been since the beginning of time.
    I have never been sick from the flu. I have learned I had mono as a kid and never knew it. So I suspect I have had the flu but it does not really affect me. It’s time to go back to accepted wisdom – Orange Man is gone…but you can’t admit that you cranked up the fear to 12, so we have to pretend that all the fear was justified.
    And you wonder why people are skeptical of health professionals proclamations? People might have greater belief in the vaccines if they didn’t think you were lying about “cases.” I believe in vaccines. I’ve been offered it twice, but have turned it down. I don’t think I am particularly at risk and would rather somebody who is at risk or fearful get it.
    Meanwhile POS let me know why I am to trust your climate models when your Covid models have been wrong and you tell me there are 60 genders and all the other stupidity I am supposed to accept.
    Finally, I know someone who is old, got both shots and got Covid. The vaccines aren’t 100% effective. Neither are flu vaccines. But, the concept is that they would help. And for this person the Covid so far has been not bad, like a cold.
    The suicides, drinking, delayed treatments, stress from bankruptcies and loss of wealth… the greatest self-inflicted public health disaster ever from the POS…

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The baseless fearmongering about COVID has been pushing the baseless fearmongering about the nonexistent “Climate Emergency” off the front burner. So when we leave the frying pan…..

    Let’s see what His Excellency announces today….

    A major relaxation of restrictions as of May 1, in recognition of the vaccines? An admission that all the regulations based on the assumed contact spread were totally unnecessary, as there is no contact spread, and they now go away? An end to the state of emergency that is signed by him and not his successor (assuming its an R?) A strong statement that the children still not in school are being horribly shortchanged? A decision on his own to resume use of the J&J now that ED doctors know now not to use heparin when such cases present? Nope, not expecting any of that today. STAY AFRAID!

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      I predict a call for triple masking…
      Statistically speaking Dr Governor should enact an executive order saying we all should carry grounding rods and use them anytime we are outside to mitigate the inherent danger from lightning strikes…. or maybe an order to wear shark mesh anytime we swim… fresh or salt water (you just never know and bull sharks have been known to frequent fresh water rivers).

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Shame on bloggers like Kerry that make outlandish claims without feeling the least bit obligated to offer any evidence to back up those claims. Let’s look at two of them in this post:

    1. “Shame on newspapers that reported every rare case of “long Covid”–First of all, not enough time has elapsed for us to know the rate of occurrence of “long COVID”. Second, recent studies indicate that it is not rare; in fact, perhaps a third of those who contract the diseases, even if asymptomatic at the time, experience problems later.

    2. Newspapers should also quote “experts” who say masks do not prevent infection. Who are these experts? There are folks who say that the earth is flat, but newspapers don’t quote them during their coverage of space voyages. By the way, here is what studies say about the effectiveness of masks:

    Kerry is still upset about having to wear a mask although being vaccinated. Here is the problem with that: Not everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated. So, those people deserve protection. It would be impractical to say that only those who have not been vaccinated have to continue wearing masks and practicing social distancing. How would that be enforced? If I walked into Food Lion without a mask on, how would the manager know that I had been vaccinated? Of course, we could carry “vaccination IDs” or Apps, but Kerry does not like those, either.

    After we reach a point at which everyone has had ample opportunity to get vaccinated, then perhaps everyone can stop wearing masks and say to hell with those who refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated. But, we are not there yet.

    And there is another quandry: To the extent that people continue contracting COVID, the chance of variants of the virus emerging increases, perhaps even variants that are less resistant to the vaccines. We need to continue to break the transmission of the disease as much as possible.

    Finally, I have no problem with leaders who choose to be good examples.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Of course, too, given the incubation periods and the fact that the innoculated can STILL spread the disease, she may very well have killed that nice woman who was so deserving of Kerry’s special form of contempt, and left her carcass rotting, like a ship-struck whale in the wake of the mighty leviathan that is the know-it-all SS KERRY.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Please. Fully vaccinated people are not spreading this. With the concession that zero is impossible to prove, the risk of being a carrier once the vaccine has taken hold is damn near zero. But you’ve been the biggest purveyor of fear porn on this blog all along.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Fear porn = bigger government. Liberals love bigger government. Fear porn is a means to an end.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            They aren’t “liberals” none of them have any connection or understanding of that term.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Capital “L” designates the modern group in America today. Small “l” indicates the original philosophy.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Still not applicable, Jefferson and Jackson would be appalled to what their beloved party has become.

            They are wanna be Progressive’s and even that moniker was stolen from the Bull Moose Party.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Stop. Unless you’ve more time to answer why the sky is blue.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          To say nothing of the liberal vaccine fear porn…. oh… wait a sec…. nevermind…

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Stephen Haner • 41 minutes ago
            To say nothing of the liberal vaccine fear porn…. oh… wait a sec…. nevermind…”

            They were a plethora of individuals from the “left” (who has no idea what the term liberal means) who were vaccine wary because Trump was POTUS.

            Own very on VP had comments about it.


          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Generated AFTER Trump took umbrage with the speed at which the approval process was moving and intimated HE would fix that.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive a few seconds ago
            Generated AFTER Trump took umbrage with the speed at which the approval process was moving and intimated HE would fix that.”

            New Flash, the POTUS has no control on the approval of vaccines, FPOTUS Trump couldn’t push it faster nor could POTUS Biden.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Congratulations, that puts you in the 20% of the population who knows that and the 30% of the population who believes that a president can’t/won’t just fire his way into a favorable situation.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            A POTUS can only remove those which he has appointed or which fall under him in the Executive Branch.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And, what can THEY do? Look up Saturday Night Massacre.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’m well aware of what the Saturday Night Massacre was, that has what to do with your previous statement or the defense of VP Harris being against the vaccine before she was for it?

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Did I say “Harris”?

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Well considering I recalled her name in a direct statement to the previous post, instead of your standard tangents perhaps you could stay on task?

          10. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            When “I” heard Trump make the remarks, I fully anticipated firings at FDA, which if there had been, then I would have had some hesitations. As it is, I had none, and fully understood that Phases II and III are independent and, while usually consecutive, may be done concurrently.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            False, you heard what you wanted to hear (which occurs with everything).

            Again, that is completely irrelevant.

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            With Trump, everyone hears what they want, what they fear, what they loathe, what they love, and as with everything Trumps says, the only real meaning is the one that benefited him at the time.

            Let me see if I can find his complete in context statement and then we can parse it, so hold that thought, have some coffee, and do some work in the meantime.

            Meh, never mind. It was a Tweet, picked by media and as such, the original is now lost to the Journal of Irreproducible Results.

            Actually, the more hair raising statement involved his claiming to having approved the FDA approving an EUA for which no one applied.

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Trump is a pompous ass. Complete context? I linked you the article of what VP Harris said, it was an unbiased source, get a grip.

            “Actually, the more hair raising statement involved his claiming to having approved the FDA approving an EUA for which no one applied.”

            Irreverent, much like 99% of the drivel that you produce.

          14. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Same Tweet. So, not irrelevant.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yes, irrelevant. Why? Because, Trump is irrelevant, yet you can’t seem to not bring him up.

          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Link? I saw no link in this conversation. I’ll look again. In the mean time, why don’t you go kiss up to Steve or James.

            No wonder. It’s in your response to Eric. If we’re to have a meaningful exchange, one of us should pay attention. It better be you since I don’t give a ratazz about what you think.

          17. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams


            “No wonder. It’s in your response to Eric. If we’re to have a meaningful exchange, one of us should pay attention. It better be you since I don’t give a ratazz about what you think.”

            In a response to Eric, which you directly commented. The irony of a narcist telling others to pay attention.

            “It better be you since I don’t give a ratazz about what you think.”

            Clearly that’s the case, you were proven wrong just last week. Where instead of admitting your error, you attacked me.

          18. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I responded to Dick, Steve responded to me to which I replied, “Can not is.” That was the end of my involvement until you slammed in with — what’s those words you use? “Irrelevant drivel” — Trump/Harris, etc. Again, pay attention. BTW, Throwing a down arrow on truth about the thread that is clearly evident to a casual observer just makes you look both stupid and petty.

            Eric responded to Steve. I made NO response to Eric. No wonder you have nothing to do at work. Following a simple, albeit poorly laid out threading, statement-response string seems to be a tax.

          19. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            False, do you need more lie? See the below chain of thread:

            “Eric the half a troll Stephen Haner • a day ago
            To say nothing of the liberal vaccine fear porn…. oh… wait a sec…. nevermind…

            Matt Adams Eric the half a troll • a day ago
            “Eric the half a troll Stephen Haner • 41 minutes ago
            To say nothing of the liberal vaccine fear porn…. oh… wait a sec…. nevermind…”

            They were a plethora of individuals from the “left” (who has no idea what the term liberal means) who were vaccine wary because Trump was POTUS.

            Own very on VP had comments about it.


            Nancy Naive Matt Adams • a day ago
            Generated AFTER Trump took umbrage with the speed at which the approval process was moving and intimated HE would fix that.”

            “No wonder you have nothing to do at work. Following a simple, albeit poorly laid out threading, statement-response string seems to be a tax.”

            It’s fairly evident when you get caught in a lie, you lash out.

          20. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            WT Eff? No, your lies are enough. You are one troubled puppy.

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So I’m troubled because you can’t follow a blog comment thread and know to whom you’re responding?

            So, in your typical fashion instead of admitting your error you double down and it’s the other person who’s messed up.

          22. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Stephen Haner • 41 minutes ago
            To say nothing of the liberal vaccine fear porn…. oh… wait a sec…. nevermind…”

            They were a plethora of individuals from the “left” (who has no idea what the term liberal means) who were vaccine wary because Trump was POTUS.

            Own very on VP had comments about it.


        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Can not is.

  4. I am still waiting for some reporter to ask Gov Coonman what are the goal posts for rescinding his dictatorial mandates?

    But would be science based and lock him into giving up power

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The closest anybody has come to declaring an end to the fear porn is Fauci testifying in front of Congress a few days ago. He said the daily infection rate has to be below 10,000. Given that Virginia has 2.8% of America’s population I guess that means we have to get down to 280 infections per day.

      Let’s see … 280 infections per day with a 99.99% chance of survival means .028 deaths per day or 10.22 deaths per year. Almost 10 times as many people will die in Virginia from accidental drowning this year.

      Put on that life jacket in the pool and flatten the curve (while wearing a mask as you swim).

      The Socialist Republic of Amerika loves fear porn because it excuses a runaway government.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Dr. Fauci has found a new pandemic to used his sway to champion (it’s called “mass shootings”). However, I’m uncertain what an Internal Medicine Doctor knows about mass shootings and or the factors that drive them.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Dr. Fauci has found a new pandemic to used his sway to champion (it’s called “mass shootings”). However, I’m uncertain what an Internal Medicine Doctor knows about mass shootings and or the factors that drive them.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Governor basically just said no relief from the emergency until the kids are vaccinated. Speculated early 2022. Oh great. This really is the Democrats trying to keep this issue alive for the fall election. Problem is, the polling is turning on them…..

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Is what Northam is saying at odds with the CDC ?

      Do we consider the CDC “science”?

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