COVID School Closure Learning Losses in K-12 Students – a Generational Catastrophe

by James C. Sherlock

I have written here extensively about the pre-COVID state of learning in Virginia’s public schools and my concerns about COVID school closure learning losses exacerbating the issue.

Those learning losses have come to pass.

McKinsey & Company just published a study of the results from Curriculum Associates testing.  That in-school sample consisted of 1.6 million K–6 students in mathematics and 1.5 million in reading. The sampling that required in-school testing favored states that opened earliest for in-person schooling.

The outcomes were hugely troubling.

The math sample came from all 50 states, but 23 states accounted for 90 percent of the sample. The reading sample came from 46 states, with 21 states accounting for 90 percent of the sample.

Regardless, the sample size was huge and the results can be considered solid.

The findings:

“Our analysis shows that the impact of the pandemic on K–12 student learning was significant, leaving students on average five months behind in mathematics and four months behind in reading by the end of the school year. The pandemic widened preexisting opportunity and achievement gaps, hitting historically disadvantaged students hardest. In math, students in majority Black schools ended the year with six months of unfinished learning, students in low-income schools with seven.”

“The initial shock was especially severe in math, with students learning little, if anything, during the initial spring shutdowns.”

“The initial shock was less severe in reading, but losses continued to build up over the 2020-21 school year.”

“And the crisis had an impact on not just academics but also the broader health and well-being of students, with more than 35 percent of parents very or extremely concerned about their children’s mental health.”

“The fallout from the pandemic threatens to depress this generation’s prospects and constrict their opportunities far into adulthood. The ripple effects may undermine their chances of attending college and ultimately finding a fulfilling job that enables them to support a family.”

The results comport with common sense.

On the baseline of the poor-to-horrible pre-COVID 2018-19 SOL results in some Virginia schools, such learning losses represent a generational catastrophe. Even with effective action, some of those kids are lost.

We must try to help as many as we can.

Funding. There is a ton of money available to address these issues. The federal government has already committed more than $200 billion to K–12 education over the next three years, most of it through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), of which 90 percent flows to districts and 10 percent to state education agencies.

Districts are facing competing demands for even that much money.

Better ventilation systems are useful, but not as important as the futures of an entire generation of children.

What would we do without experts? There has sprung up, of course, a “Coalition to Advance Future Student Success” to advise school divisions on how to spend that federal money.

That organization’s priorities:

1. Safely reopen schools for in-person learning.
2. Reengage students and reenroll them into effective learning environments.
3. Support students in recovering unfinished learning and broader needs.
4. Recommit and reimagine our education systems for the long term.

No details yet on number 3.

VDOE. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has published Virginia L.E.A.R.N.S. 2021, last revised in May.  It recommends:

“Implement a multi-tiered framework of supports that integrates universal practices focused on student well-being throughout the curriculum and layers on additional supports for those students who may need more targeted or individualized supports.”

We’re on it.

Next step from VDOE is an old friend:

“Delivery of social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum and supports to all students PK-12.”

VDOE concedes that “students with disabilities may encounter learning loss as a result of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic”.

It asks the question

“What additional accommodations, modifications, specially designed instruction and/or remediated instruction does the student need to
access the new curriculum?”

A key recommendation of four part answer:

“Refer to Virginia Tiered Systems of Support (VTSS) COVID-19 update to inform revisions to curriculum and instructional practice.”

VCU School of Education and VTSS. I read the VTSS webpage and associated links. You are welcome to do so.

VTSS is run by another old friend, the VCU School of Education. VCU, amid fierce competition, runs the most radical ed school in Virginia. So of course VDOE selected VCU to run its VTSS program. It would not be nice of me to characterize that program.

So I will let VCU do it. Divisions are encouraged by VTSS to “bookmark this page”:

The Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS) integrates academics, behavior, and mental health into a single decision-making framework for establishing the supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students. Building this framework is a complex and iterative process. This process requires extensive collaborative dialogue, ongoing and embedded professional-learning, effective problem-solving, and compromise.

VCU’s two “Big Ideas of VTSS Implementation”:

Big ideas indeed. Re-purposing 50 years of multi-disciplinary management charts.

Note the “provide professional development” recommendation. Nest feathering 101. I wonder how much taxpayers paid for that unique insight?

Bottom line. Forget inflation, street gangs and drug dealers.

Virginia’s graduate schools of education represent the most dangerous threat to the children of Virginia.

The ed schools and much of the administrative “educator” class who have taken their graduate school courses will be worse than useless as a resource to help school divisions remediate learning losses while simultaneously improving basic teaching and learning systems. So, packed with graduate ed school graduates, will VDOE.

Their single minded focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and its Social Emotional Learning (SEL) offshoot has left no room for  improvements to core reading, math and other academic results, much less remediation of COVID losses.

The school divisions are on their own. Hopewell has shown that divisions can innovate.

We both wish and need them to succeed.

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16 responses to “COVID School Closure Learning Losses in K-12 Students – a Generational Catastrophe”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    This is not new. Other natural catastrophes & military action have interrupted schooling for ages. What has worked and what has not? Getting kids back in the classroom with or without a mask is critical.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Getting them back in the classrooms is of course the first step.

      But Virginia did not have the pre-COVID numbers of failing schools for “ages” and this generation of teachers has never faced a situation like the COVID shutdowns.

      Far too many kids could not read in fourth grade before COVID. How will they learn now? All learning from 4th grade on requires kids to read to learn.

      Without increasing direct instructional time, it is hard to see any common sense way to address it.

      Year-round is the route Hopewell has selected. Extended school days, small-group tutoring after school and Saturday schooling are other options.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “Year-round is the route Hopewell has selected. Extended school days, small-group tutoring after school and Saturday schooling are other options.”

        I think you’re looking at pipe dreams if the Unionization of the teachers goes through. Good teachers are horrendously underpaid, bad teachers are horrendously overpaid.

        The Union will just compound that to build their slush fund.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Those pipe dreams are the only real route to progress. As I wrote, without increasing direct instructional time, it is hard to see any way to address learning gaps. You are much closer to current curricula than I, Matt. Is there some instructional time in current curricula that could be better used to address fundamental academics like reading and math?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Different Matt, I’m not close to curricula.

            I do agree that more instructional learning will assist. I also witness when I was in school and my father was a teacher, some aspect that made it worse ( at least in PA).

            Special needs students we lumped into classes so they wouldn’t felt ostracized. This did two fold, it made them even more lost when they could’ve had a good education and brought the higher achievers down. It made everyone average at best.

            I also am not the greatest wordsmith and will be the first to admit it. Which is reading/spelling, which I was taught using the whole word concept vs phonics.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Do you read a lot – for enjoyment, I mean?

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Myself personally, no. I attempted to pick up the habit (my families reads so many books it’s funny). Pre kids I was able to get through a book on vacation or I would do books on tape while driving to work (mostly historical non-fiction).

          4. WayneS Avatar


            That is a shame (in my opinion), But I get that answer a lot from people who were taught to read using whole word concept. They often find it hard to truly enjoy reading. Reading takes practice but it is very rewarding. The more you read the better you will be at it, and it will also help you become a better writer.

            Please take the following advice in the spirit in which it is intended, but if I’m prying where I don’t belong then feel free to tell me to mind my own business.

            If you want to start reading more, and genuinely enjoying it, the following things might help:

            -Set aside a period of time during the day to read. The last hour or so before bedtime works best for me.
            –Try to read at least a little each day but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t make that goal.
            –Don’t worry about how fast you are reading. Reread passages as many times as it takes to understand what the author is trying to convey. If sometimes you only make it through 3 pages in an hour that’s better then not comprehending the material
            –Don’t get in over your head. In other words, if you are out of the habit of reading you do not want to dive straight into Moby Dick or The Brothers Karamazov. Challenge yourself but not to the point you become frustrated or bored.

            I would recommend picking up something by Steinbeck or Hemingway to get started. Both were great writers, and each had an accessible style that conveyed their message without getting bogged down in complicated sentence structures and arcane language (you’re not going to find any thousand-word sentences in their works). Their writing is typically straightforward and their storytelling skills were superb. I think either of these authors could help start you down the path to reading enjoyment.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Wayne thanks for your advice, I really appreciate you taking the time to make that comment. Perhaps when we go back to normal I can take my train ride for some reading.

          6. WayneS Avatar

            You are quite welcome. I have always enjoyed reading, and it saddens me that some people have been turned off to it by poor teaching practices.

      2. tmtfairfax Avatar

        We simply abolish the standards and declare each child successful. And in 20 years, the entire state will function at the level of MSM journalists.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Ah, yes. The “Lake Woebegone Solution”

  2. CJBova Avatar

    How much former instructional time will be taken up by SEL and CRT? How will it impact the time allotted to reading, writing or math in the early grades?

    1. WayneS Avatar

      My guess is about 2-3 hours per week of specific “teaching” on top of current social studies instruction. There is really no other place for these hours to be gotten than by reductions to the time allotted for reading, writing and math.

      But that is not its entire scope. Elements of CRT and SEL will be inserted into all curricula, including reading, writing and math.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I love the venn diagram of nothingness. I give VTSS a 3 to 5 year shelf life before the next flavor of the week.

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