by Kerry Dougherty

Someone call a lawyer. I have whiplash.

Happens every time I try to make sense make of America’s top health “experts” and their contradictory opinions, which have a peculiar way of becoming policy. Especially in blue states with governors eager to please the president.


Just this past weekend, for instance, Dr. Anthony Fauci was in his usual place: The make-up chair at one of the Sunday news shows.

Later, on air with George Stephanopoulis, Fauci conceded that the chance of contracting or spreading Covid-19 outdoors was very, very slim and hinted that the CDC would be issuing new recommendations regarding the wearing of masks outside. (President Biden is due to make read a statement on masks today.)

“What I believe you’re going to be hearing, what the country is going to be hearing soon, is updated guidelines from the CDC,” Fauci told ABC’s Sunday program “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.” “The CDC is a science-based organization. They don’t want to make any guidelines unless they look at the data and the data backs it up.”

“But when you look around at the common sense situation, the risk is really low, especially if you’re vaccinated,” he said.

I hesitate to point this out, but lots of us knew this a year ago, back when Gov. Ralph Northam foolishly outlawed sunbathing and then beach volleyball, lest anyone get sick and die from touching a COVID-tainted ball.

But just as Fauci was signaling that perhaps the CDC was getting ready to tell all the masked up bikers and hikers to lose the outdoor face diapers, these same experts issued conflicting guidelines for summer camps.

Bizarre ones at that.

The CDC now recommends that kids stay masked up – AT CAMP – unless they’re swimming, napping or eating. When sleeping, they should be distanced and arranged head to foot. When eating in a dining hall they should stay six feet apart.

Sounds more like the Hanoi Hilton than summer camp.

NPR reported on the guidelines this way:

Everyone in camp facilities must wear well-fitting masks at all times, with exceptions for certain activities such as eating, drinking and swimming.

The guidance recommends disposable masks or cloth masks with two or more layers of fabric. It suggests creating cohorts, or groups of campers and staff that stay together throughout the day, and limiting exposure between them. Camps should require at least 3 feet between campers within a cohort, while 6 feet of distance is required in other situations, including during mealtimes and between campers and staff. … It also suggests modifying a number of activities and traditions for safety’s sake, such as avoiding group activities where distance cannot be maintained, limiting nonessential visits from other individuals and organizations.

Seems that in their never-ending quest to teach American children obedience to the government, the CDC is trying to turn one of the best things about being a child — summer camp — into a miserable, abnormal experience.

What is wrong with these people?

If I’ve seen the data and can figure out that kids are at very little risk of contracting or spreading the coronavirus, surely the lab-coat crowd has seen it too.

If ever children craved a chance to escape the neuroses of adults, it’s now. If ever they needed summer camp it’s in 2021. These guidelines are a form of child abuse. It needs to stop.

Let’s hope camp directors ignore the CDC’s wacky not-following-the-science advice and do what they’re supposed to do: Provide campers — who’ve had a tough year — with a place to have fun.

That means letting kids be kids. Without masks. Without distancing. Without worries.

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12 responses to “Camping’s COVID Killjoys”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Common sense and intuition might have led to that conclusion about low risk but neither FDA nor CDC can operate on those. They have to be guided by increased scientific knowledge and sound empirical data. Let’s give the cautious a break.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Okay, but it has been clear from the data for a long time that being outside was perfectly safe unless you were in a compact crowd or spent a long time face to face with an infected individual. (Indoors is a different thing.) It has been clear that this does not spread on surfaces (a Lancet study last summer!). Just like it has been clear that schools could operate in person safely. Sorry, this is politics more than science. Make ’em fearful, then promise to save them.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        “Just like it has been clear that schools could operate in person safely.”

        Could? Many schools DID operate in person safely.

        Funny how you don’t hear the press or Fauxchi talk about the many schools that provided 5 day a week in-person education with no ill effects.

      2. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        I don’t disagree but remember that “politics” in DC means being risk adverse.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Upon seeing the ocean for the first time, a little boy said, “Cool Mom, it just keeps flushing and flushing…”

    Thank God HRSD has never dumped raw sewage in Hampton Roads.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I would be remiss if I failed to note that some readers – mentioning no names – dump raw sewage into this comment section.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        They won’t USE their names. Afraid of their mommas…

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I think Ninny is afraid of his partners terminating their agreement because of the stuff he espouses.

          They’d also probably have to go back and see if they were liable for any lawsuits because of his mouth.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, haven’t seen him since yesterday morning.

    2. HRSD, probably not.

      Little Creek Amphibious Base? I wouldn’t say “never.

      Thirty years ago there was this spot in the Chesapeake Bay about 500 yards off shore, about halfway between the inlet leading to the docks at LCAB and the bridge-tunnel, where several times a day the water would suddenly begin to roil violently in an area a couple of hundred feet in diameter on the surface. Nasty smelling debris, including toilet paper, feminine hygiene products and, to be blunt, turds, would begin to come to the surface and swirl around in a “vortex” which was upward flowing in its center and downward flowing at its edges. The phenomenon would last for 3-5 minutes or so, and then it would stop. It occurred every few hours, 24/7/365.

      It seems the rudimentary wastewater treatment plant which was serving the base at that time had an outflow pipe that ran perpendicular to the shoreline, under the floor of the bay, to a point +/-1,500 feet from shore, whereupon it discharged into the Bay under a fair amount of pressure. It was pumped, of course, which explained the non-continuous nature of the flow.

      I know this because my father and I were sailing a little 20 foot sloop eastward towards the CBBT one afternoon when this discharge phenomenon occurred right around our boat. It was not a pleasant experience. It was also quite startling. In fact, the only time I was ever more startled on a sailboat in the Bay was when a nuclear submarine surfaced about 100 yards away from us.

      I assume (hope?) they have improved the treatment capabilities of that WWTP over the last 3 decades.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        HRSD used to dump raw sewage after particularly heavy rains. Nowadays, you’re right. Well, it’s the Navy, whaddaya ‘spec?

        Had a friend who, as a kid, was racing in the Potomac in the DC area near Bluefields when he ran into a mass that engulfed his boat. Light air and he couldn’t get enough headway to break free. According to him there were easily recognised turds. A mark boat eventually came and got him.

        Ah, the 60s… free love, free dumping.

  3. Another perfect example of systemic racism run amuck in the government

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