Covid Benefits – Yet Another Massive Government Program Gone Awry

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Stolen without a gun. NBC News is reporting that hackers and scammers have pulled off “an epic theft” of COVID benefits. Foreign and domestic criminals have looted tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars. As reported, “The federal government cannot say for sure how much of the more than $900 billion in pandemic-related unemployment relief has been stolen, but credible estimates range from $87 million to $400 billion — at least half of which went to foreign criminals, law enforcement officials say.” In other words, more money could have been stolen from the jobless benefits program than the U.S. spends on K-12 education in a year.

Despite the fact that states are detecting huge numbers of fraudulent transactions occurring in May and June of this year the Biden Administration is blaming the Trump Administration for the problem. While hard data for Virginia seems hard to find, the anecdotal evidence points to massive fraud in the Old Dominion.

Easy money. Russian mobsters, Chinese hackers and Nigerian scammers have joined American prison inmates and U.S.-based drug gangs in the looting. The FBI has dubbed this scandal an “economic attack on the United States,” while one cybersecurity analyst described this as “perhaps the single biggest organized fraud heist we’ve ever seen.” Communications from West African fraudsters over the dark web described the theft of U.S. COVID benefits as “easy money.”

Art of the con. Stealing the money has been surprisingly simple. Years of data breaches from technology companies like LinkedIn, Facebook and Experian have given cyber-criminals access to vast hordes of private data. That data was used to falsify benefit requests such as jobless claims. These claims were processed and paid by antiquated state unemployment systems without sufficient verification capabilities. Once paid, the money was transferred electronically via payment applications often after being converted into bitcoin. There are two weak links in the chain — antiquated state IT systems and the inability or unwillingness of states to cooperate in multi-state fraud.

Staggering incompetence. ProPublica determined that the number of jobless claims filed over a ten-month period in 2020 equaled two-thirds of the U.S. workforce while the actual unemployment rate was 23%.

Tales from The Old Dominion. As mentioned previously, aggregate fraud data for Virginia is not quoted in the sources used for this article. However, a simple internet search yields a long list of COVID benefit fraud cases in Virginia.  For example:

Fraudulent Covid unemployment benefits for prison inmates (Glen Allen)

Fraudulent filing of $499,000 in Covid unemployment benefits (Abingdon)

VEC investigating more than 3,000 cases of unemployment fraud

In one case, a Chesterfield woman received 40 letters from the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC). None had her name on them. “In the course of two days, two days, how is there not a trigger at the VEC that says how can all these people, in two days, file at this address?” she said. Good question. Incompetence at VEC seems the obvious answer.

Rip Wrap. Once again our federal and state governments have been entrusted to competently disburse great quantities of taxpayer money. Once again, our governments have failed. This is nothing new. Books have been written about the bungled TARP bailouts associated with the Bush and Obama administrations. We now hear that more has been stolen from the COVID benefits payment stream than is spent on K-12 education in the country. When one finds themselves in a hole the first thing to do is “stop digging.”

Today, President Biden increased food stamp benefits by 25%. Congress is mulling a $1 trillion infrastructure bill and a $3.5 trillion spending bill. Rumors abound that liquor stores in Nigeria are running out of champagne.

How much of that money will be wasted or stolen? Spending expansion and new spending bills should be frozen until the “single biggest organized fraud heist in history” has been investigated and the holes plugged. Stop digging!

Closer to home Governor Ralph Northam decided to eliminate the Virginia Secretary of Technology from the cabinet. That unfathomable decision needs to be reversed by the next governor. The next Virginia Secretary of Technology needs to build a comprehensive plan to modernize Virginia’s IT systems. Cooperation with this effort should be an acid test for appointment as a cabinet member under the new administration. Cyber and process security across all state IT systems should be front and center of this plan. Stop digging!

Tech companies should pay significant fines for data breaches. If the fines are sufficient to send some of these companies into bankruptcy, so be it. Just yesterday it was announced that T-Mobile is investigating a possible data breach of nearly all of its US customers. Stop digging!

We are spending our country into bankruptcy with criminals as prime beneficiaries while our elected officials are asleep at the wheel.

— DJ Rippert 

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46 responses to “Covid Benefits – Yet Another Massive Government Program Gone Awry”

  1. this is my surprised face…

  2. Add this to the list of the disheartening things that are occurring in our country — the botch job in Afghanistan, the shredding of the southern border, the collapsing standards in our schools, runaway and unrecoverable college student loans, the $28 trillion-and-growing national debt, rising rates of violent crime… That barely scratches the surface. The list goes on and on. It is so demoralizing.

    There is a simple lesson to be heeded from Don’s story: This sort of thing happens whenever the government firehoses money at a problem. The administrative apparatus is never prepared for the enormity of the job. The cheats, criminals, free riders and bottom feeders move in for easy money. Big-government advocates never learn a goddamn thing. And the “experts” with zero skin in the game, having gained no humility from their past blunders, move on to their next brain storm.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I used to work for a CEO that always said – you can change the company but you can’t jerk the levers. You need a slow, steady pull … like flying a plane.

      We’ve gotten to the point where every time we have a problem the only solution is a money bomb. Now, with infrastructure, we’ve gotten to the point where we don’t need a real calamity for the money bomb. Better infrastructure would be great but our bridges aren’t really falling down across the nation, our roads are crowded but they don’t have sinkholes. Why the sudden money bomb on infrastructure?

      We need new rules. Take war. All spending for wars should be done with increased taxes. If war is declared the draft should be reinstated – for all young people. There’s no way we’d have spent 20 years in Afghanistan with a pay/go system and Bush’s kids on the front lines.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Here’s another from James Earl Biden … he now wants OPEC to increase oil production.


      You’d think more expensive gas would cut driving and the related emissions as well as pushing more people to electric vehicles.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Thieves and hackers spend the dollars, too, and stimulate the economy! They have families to feed, houses to repair! It creates jobs, generates taxes! (I’m channeling Larry for a moment.)

      1. Unfortunately, the thieves and hackers mainly benefit the economies of Russia, Ukraine and Romania!

        1. don’t forget those Monrovia Bot Farms

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Monrovia bat farms? Oh no, they’re not eating bats in Monrovia are they?

            Oh … bots ….

      2. Well done, sir.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        Bacon is starting to sound like the “we’re all gonna die” wacadoodles!!!!

        These arguments have been with us for as long as – well as long a Conservatives have been part of the political realm!

        Remember the $600 toilets? Medicare Fraud, cash for clunkers, shovel-ready projects?

        For Virginia and unemployment – the same critics say that Virginia has not got out the unemployment to recipients – that it is the worst in the US. So which is it?

        According to Conservatives, Congestions is proof positive that VDOT is a failure. Poverty is proof positive that we have failed on reducing poverty (not true).

        It’s your basic half-glass perspective and we know what Bacons is in spades. It’s what he does!

        Oh, and ALL of this fraud is not benefiting the US economy , nope, it’s all going overseas!

        geezy peezy…. you guys “The sky is falling Professionals”!

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Having more money stolen from the Covid benefits than we spend on K-12 education is pretty ridiculous. McAuliffe wants to pay Virginia teachers more. Fix our miserable systems and maybe we can fund it through reduced fraud.

          As for the unemployment checks being delayed … my experience is that lousy systems that can’t process basic transactions in a timely manner also have security holes you can drive a tank through.

          I’m not ready too bet that our lousy unemployment systems prevented the thieves from stealing.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I get his number for K-12 ” Federal, state, and local governments budget $734.2 billion”


            What has slowed down Virginia on unemployment was actually it’s efforts to stem fraud:

            ” In July, an official with the state’s legislative watchdog agency, which is currently reviewing the commission, told lawmakers only a “small portion” of calls related to benefits were being answered.

            In an interview, Secretary of Labor Megan Healy said VEC had only 86 full-time call center workers at the start of the pandemic. The state expanded that number through third-party contracts, but that hasn’t helped many callers because those contractors don’t have access to “high-level” information about individual’s cases, such as why their application has been flagged for adjudication.

            This round of money will pay for a contract with Deloitte, which is setting up a call center with “navigators” who can handle more intensive advising of complex cases, Healy said. The first wave of new agents began taking calls this month.”


          2. DJRippert Avatar

            So … did Virginia have markedly better results from its fraud abatement efforts?

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            As of Feb 2021 it looks like Virginia paid $40 in inmate unemployment fraud. Again, just inmates. And that was as of 6 months ago.


        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Q Mr. President, some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling —

          Crash Test Dummy Biden: None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken.

          I just watched a video of Afghan people falling to their deaths from an American C-17 military plane that had taken off. They tried to cling to the plane to get out.

          Yeah, nothing like the fall of Saigon.

          Is Biden ever right?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Biden is right. He did what no other POTUS including Trump had the guts to do and that is admit we could not save Afghanistan from their own failures.

            We spent 20 years , a trillion dollars and over 2000 American lives trying to help Afghanistan secure their country. We paid to equip and operate over 300,000 solders – an Army bigger than many NATO countries – against about 70,000 Taliban.

            We can’t run the country for them and if they are not willing to fight for their own country we have surely done our part and no matter when we leave, it’s going to be the same outcome – Biden just had the guts to do it.

            The Afghans falling on the plane is an example of the Afghans failure to even secure their airport. The first thing the US did was put up razor wire and take over the operation of the airport. They had no choice.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Uhhh … Biden’s ill-conceived lightning withdrawal left the Taliban with some presents. Like US helicopters and other weaponry.

            So if the Crash Test Dummy would have withdrawn more slowly I suppose we could have removed or destroyed our equipment before the Taliban got it.

            Al Queda won’t have to hijack civilian airplanes in the future. They’ll be able to fly our own military planes into buildings. Or, maybe …. we left them some bombs and stinger missiles too. They have US “combat aircraft”.

            Yeah, Larry – Biden’s rush to get out by 9/11/2021 for a press op on the twentieth anniversary was just brilliant.

            Let’s be honest – Biden wasn’t very bright when he was younger. Now that he’s facing 80 and going through mental deterioration he’s as stupid as a stump.

            The Crash Test Dummy never even considered that leaving combat aircraft in Afghanistan might be a problem?


          3. DJRippert Avatar

            “A U.S. defense official on Monday confirmed the Taliban’s sudden accumulation of U.S.-supplied Afghan equipment is enormous.”

            It never occurred to Biden that leaving an enormous amount of combat equipment in Afghanistan could be a problem?

            “Money can’t buy will. You cannot purchase leadership,” John Kirby, chief spokesman for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, said Monday.

            So true. So why leave combat aircraft, helicopters and an enormous stash of combat equipment?

            Just leave and hope for the best?


          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Biden is following what Trump started. No matter WHEN we left, the same outcome would have happened.

            The main mistake they made is they totally underestimated just how hollow the military is – and again – with the military that weak and unprepared to fight – the same outcome no matter when we left.

            We do not learn the lesson about Nation Building. You cannot “build” a nation if the people in that nation are not prepared to fight to keep it.

          5. Larry,

            I want us out of Afghanistan as much as anyone, but Mr. Biden has failed miserably in preparing and executing a reasonable plan for our withdrawal.

            I am 100% behind Mr. Biden, as I was behind Mr. Trump, in wanting to find a way to end our tenure in Afghanistan. But anybody should have known that Sudden Random Abandonment was not the way to go about it. Mr. Biden was told as much before he ordered his plan into action, but he did it anyway. There was no reason our exit from Afghanistan had to go the way it did, apart from president Joseph Biden’s utter incompetence.

        3. Poverty is proof positive that we have failed on reducing poverty (not true).

          U.S. poverty rate in 1971 – 12.0%
          U.S. poverty rate in 2021 – 11.7%

          Wow! Fifty-plus years after the democrats started the “War on Poverty” we’ve managed to reduce it by whopping three tenths of one percent.

          When you’re right, you’re right, Larry (not).

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            An oldie but a goldie from Jim Bacon, 2011.


          2. LarrytheG Avatar


            We HAVE reduced poverty and KEPT IT down but we have not eliminated it and we never will no more than we will eliminate congestion or crime.

            And as JAB points out – the actual poverty rate in this country is different than many other countries where people live in shacks without electricity of a few dollars a day.

          3. Yes, between 1960 and 1965 the poverty rate dropped precipitously (by about 6%). This was before the laws which comprised the “War on Poverty” were in effect. In the fifty-six years since 1965 the poverty rate has dropped a couple of percentage points at best.

            And yes, I know that poverty is quite different in the U.S. than in other parts of the world – but it seem as if “progressives” only remember that fact when someone mentions the poor results attained by the “War on Poverty”.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            war on poverty, war on drugs, war on crime, war on congestion –

            foolish concepts.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Ranks right up there with the War on Drugs.

      4. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        On the other hand, it’s not wrong. Al Capone created additional income for Chicago PD, judges, city councilmen, etc., etc.

        I get two, maybe three, calls every day from Mumbai needing to verify my Medicare number. I’m sur that boosts their economy.

        Theft is an industry.

  3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    If you want votes next election, get the money out there and you will re-elected. Money talks. Just spread it around,,,that is what good government looks like, to many.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I have no idea why Biden believes the “food stamp” program needs to be increased by 25%. That’s the largest single increase in history. Why? Are people really starving with what it is now? I think he’s trying to buy a better approval rating. That might be fine if he upped everybody’s tax rate by some percentage. Now his action has immediate consequences. I have no idea how he expects to finance that. More debt I guess.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        the same way the GOP financed their tax cuts! 😉

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Yeah, the GOP needed to cut spending at the same time they cut taxes. Just like the Dems need to increase taxes at the same time they increase spending.

          You are starting to get it.

        2. You don’t have to “finance” a tax cut – unless you believe the money we earn belongs to the government first, and they are “spending money” by allowing us to keep some of it.

          People with your mind-set are the main reason our taxes are as high as they are.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I was going to write something like that but I have to agree that cutting taxes without cutting spending puts us on the track to more debt and inflation.

          2. That is true. So let’s cut spending.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            and people with YOUR mindset, apparently don’t believe we need to have taxes to pay for spending!

            DJ got it right – both in theory and practice.

            If you gonna cut taxes, you have to cut spending or else you’re going to borrow the difference, and any tax cut predicated on that is about as “un-Conservative” as you can get but it’s exactly what Conservatives have been doing in recent years.

          4. If you gonna cut taxes, you have to cut spending or else you’re going to borrow the difference, and any tax cut predicated on that is about as “un-Conservative” as you can get but it’s exactly what Conservatives have been doing in recent years.

            I can’t argue with that. We definitely need to cut spending. But I still maintain that a mind-set which comes up with the idea that lowering taxes is “taking money away from the government” will never result in anything but increased taxes.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Ummmm … might be best not to trust the states’ estimates of fraud.

    “In fact, state officials have made statements that refute their own reporting into the Labor Department data system. California, for example, appears to have reported only $2 million in fraud across CARES Act programs, despite publicly having acknowledged over $11 billion in unemployment fraud after an audit in January. State officials said early this year that projected losses could reach $31 billion.”

    From $2m to $11b. Well that’s quite a rounding error.

    “More than two-thirds of states, 34, reported no cases of identity theft overpayments in the most vulnerable unemployment benefits program. Experts say that simply is not accurate.

    The inspector general pointed out in a recent report that the Labor Department reduced testing and reporting requirements on state unemployment systems during the pandemic.

    One result is that the public is in the dark about the scope of the fraud.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I have no doubt what-so-ever that there are higher levels of fraud with stimulus stuff.

      It’s going to be inherent in the rush to get the money out, to be expected.

      But it’s NOT a sign of the govt going off the rails – it’s just the way that stimulus usually works.

      I note – that the Dems wanted to PAY for the new infrastructure by going after IRS fraud and GUESS who opposed it and would not support it in the bill?

      ” Republicans Have Taken a Brave Stand in Defense of Tax Cheats”

      That once again became clear over the weekend, when Rob Portman, the GOP senator from Ohio, announced that the bipartisan infrastructure package that lawmakers have been haggling over for months would not include a proposal to raise revenue by boosting funding for the Internal Revenue Service. The deal’s original outline would have provided $40 billion to help the financially beleaguered agency collect more of the taxes that Americans fail to pay each year. But after a rebellion by conservative activist groups, Republicans got cold feet about the idea. Now, they have officially nixed it.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Easy money. Your government at work. $400b in theft from just the unemployment benefits part of the Covid funds. That’s about $1,175 for every man, woman and child in the US.

        Yeah, good work Larry.

        “But it’s NOT a sign of the govt going off the rails …”

        I give up. How many billions have to be stolen before it is a sign of government going off the rails? A trillion? How convenient. That’s the size of the infrastructure money bomb.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The entire point of the COVID stimulus and the follow-on infrastructure is to goose the economy.

          No, I’m not okay with the width and size of it nor the deficit/debt but the fraud thing is inevitable with that much money flying.

          TARP had a ton of fraud. It also saved the banking system and the automobile industry.

          If we did not do it, we would likely have seen another depression.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wow. This is different from Reagan’s Wefare Queen… this might be true.

    But, do they get cheese with those Covid Benefits?

    1. When the Sh!t Hits the Fan
      by The Circle Jerks
      Songwriters: Greg Hetson / Keith Morris

      In a sluggish economy
      Inflation, recession, hits the land of the free
      Waiting unemployment lines
      Blame the Government for hard times

      We just get by
      However we can
      We all have to duck
      When the sh!t hits the fan

      Ten kids in a Cadillac
      Stand in line for welfare checks
      Let’s all leech off the state
      Gee! The money is really great!

      We just get by
      However we can
      We all have to duck
      When the sh!t hits the fan

      Soup lines
      Free loaves of bread
      Five pounds blocks of cheese
      Bags of groceries
      Social security
      Has run out on you and me
      We do whatever we can
      Gotta duck when the sh!t hits the fan

      We just get by
      However we can
      We all have to duck
      When the sh!t hits the fan

      Soup lines
      Free loaves of bread
      Five pounds blocks of cheese
      Bags of groceries

      Social security
      Has run out on you and me
      Do whatever we can
      Gotta duck when the sh!t hits the fan!

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        That’s some head banging stuff. Inspiration for the Dropkick Murphys.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Oldie but a goldie, 10 Years After…

          Everywhere is freaks and hairies
          Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity?
          Tax the rich, feed the poor
          ‘Til there are no rich no more
          I’d love to change the world
          But I don’t know what to do
          So I’ll leave it up to you
          Population keeps on breeding
          Nation bleeding, still more feeding economy
          Life is funny, skies are sunny
          Bees make honey, who needs money? Monopoly
          I’d love to change the world
          But I don’t know what to do
          So I’ll leave it up to you
          Oh, yeah
          World pollution, there’s no solution
          Institution, electrocution
          Just black or white, rich or poor
          Them and us, stop the war
          I’d love to change the world
          But I don’t know what to do
          So I’ll leave it up to you

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Unfulfilled – and now tomorrow’s nothing but another day
        Somebody came and took my hopes and dreams away
        And now I’m lost and unfulfilled

        Curtains close – all we were are distant memory
        Somebody just bitch slapped the smile right off of me
        And here I am so unfulfilled

        The happiness I knew just got raped and killed
        And all I am is unfulfilled

        Nothing that I have seems like enough
        All I’m left to ask is “where’s my stuff?”
        It’s sitting somewhere unfulfilled

  6. Timothy Watson Avatar
    Timothy Watson

    The Virginia Office of Technology was disbanded because the Secretary only oversaw two agencies, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) and the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT).

    VITA was moved under the Secretary of Administration and CIT was moved to Department of Commerce and Trade.

    VITA currently maintains a Commonwealth Strategic Plan for Information Technology, and each agency submits it’s own IT Strategic Plan, but funding for agencies and what modernizations they want to pursue is up to the agency and how they want to spend their money. That funding is dependent on the General Assembly and federal appropriations (depending on the agency).

    As a former employee of VITA and other state agencies, there’s a lot of negative things I could say, but disbanding the Secretary of Technology’s office, which actually saved money by removing a redunant office, wasn’t one of them.

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