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COVID-19 Update: All Trends Positive

Over the last few days I almost forgot we’re in the middle of a COVID-19 epidemic. Maybe that’s because thousands of people have been marching down the streets of Richmond and other Virginia cities in defiance of Governor Ralph Northam’s prohibition on gatherings of more than 10 people. But I will give the protesters credit. Many of them — and I’m not just talking about the Antifa wannabes — were wearing masks.

As it turns out, no epidemiological harm is likely to come from the mass gatherings. The spread of COVID-19 is on the downward slide, at least for now.

As can be seen in John Butcher’s chart above, the number of COVID-19 patients treated in Virginia hospitals is the lowest it’s been since late April. Likewise, as can be seen in the graph below, COVID-19-related deaths have declined markedly as well.

The count of newly confirmed COVID-19 cases is down from its high, though less noticeably so. However, that trend-line reflects the higher incidence of testing rather than the actual prevalence of the disease.

Now, if Wise King Ralph would just allow Virginians to attend outdoor funeral services (see Kerry Dougherty’s latest column), we’d be making real progress.


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