COVID-19 Killed the American Work Ethic

by Kerry Dougherty

Sometimes nothing will lift a kid’s mood like a McDonald’s Happy Meal.

On Tuesday I was running a raft of errands with a 5-year-old strapped into the back seat. As it crept past lunchtime and she was clearly starving, I saw the blessed Golden Arches.

While we idled in a long ribbon of cars at the Hilltop location we were entertained. The police were placing two suspects under arrest just inches from our windows.

What luck!

“What are they doing, Kerry?” asked my granddaughter,  transfixed by the drama.

“They’re making the bad guys put their hands on the truck so they can pat them down and make sure they don’t have guns.”

“Wow!” she exclaimed, gaping at the scene.

“We’ll have to come here more often,” I replied.

When we got to the microphone window I ordered a 4-piece chicken McNugget Happy Meal for her.

At the second window we collected our McLunches but as we pulled away a little voice from the backseat cried, “Kerry! I don’t have any nuggets.”

Sure enough. There were fries, apple slices and a little toy inside the box. No poultry.

“I already have this toy,” she complained.

“Nothing we can do about that. But we can get your chicken.”

We hopped out of the car, walked up toward the entrance, giving the cops plenty of room.

The doors were locked and tables were empty.

Nothing to do but get back in the car, roll into line and watch the next installment of VBPD Live.

“What are they doing now?”

“Those are handcuffs,” I explained. “See, they told the man to lie down on the ground with his hands behind his back and they’re cuffing him so he can’t get away.”

“This is fun,” she said.

Have to admit, it was entertaining.

Back at the microphone window I explained our nugget-less situation and asked why the doors were locked, figuring it might be related to the crime.

The answer was more banal.

“We don’t have enough people working to open up,” came the disembodied voice.

Of course. There was a forest of help wanted signs.

Tuition reimbursement! Free meals! Flexible schedules! Ten bucks an hour!

Proof that the fat unemployment checks plus stimulus checks flowing from the government are killing the service industry.

Heck, if it’s just as profitable to sit home and watch “The Great British Bake Off” as it is to sweat over a fryer, who’s going to get a job?

People who don’t want government handouts, I suppose. But it seems there are fewer and fewer of them.

In fact, when I tweeted about the situation, lefties gleefully replied that it served McDonald’s right for not paying workers more.

I dunno. Ten bucks an hour to flip burgers and forget to put the nuggets in a Happy Meal seems about right to me.

When my son lost his job in March 2020 due to the governor’s shutdown, his unemployment check was larger than his paycheck had been. But the minute his workplace opened up, he was back on the job. Others did not return.

When I Tweeted that out, a candidate for the House of Delegates — a Dem, natch — accused my kid of being “short-sighted” to go back to work and should have used that “hiatus”  to save up for a car or something.

Geezus. I hope this person isn’t elected. We don’t need any more politicians who prefer handouts to work.

In a boneheaded editorial headlined, “No One Cause For Worker Shortage,”  the local newspaper claimed that there are many reasons for individuals refusing to reenter the workforce. They chided those of us who believe in free markets. They said the free market is telling employers to pay more.

Nonsense. When the feds augmented Virginia’s unemployment checks it forced businesses to compete with government handouts to hire people.

The free market? Not even close. In fact, it’s the OPPOSITE of free markets.

Here’s the money quote from that opinion piece:

…it’s telling that so many business leaders seem intent on forcing people back to work by ending the additional unemployment benefits before they’re scheduled to expire on Sept. 1.

Yep, leftists see the move to trim benefits now that the economy is open and COVID has retreated as big bad businesses trying to FORCE people back to work.

There was a time when we expected everyone who was able-bodied to work and support themselves. Being on the dole was a source of embarrassment, a temporary state until employment — any kind of work — could be secured.

Now those on the left see this extended period of joblessness as a merry “hiatus.” A chance to recharge one’s batteries, save up for a Tesla  and demand higher wages for unskilled labor.

We know what Covid-19 did to the people who were stricken with the virus. In the months to come we’ll get to see all of the collateral damage of the lockdowns.

Here’s one for you: Looks like the virus killed the American work ethic.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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62 responses to “COVID-19 Killed the American Work Ethic”

  1. Just to be clear… COVID didn’t kill the work ethic, the government response to COVID killed the work ethic.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      More like people already lost their work ethic well before the plandemic.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Only journalists.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Automation did far more than the government. BTW, if the work ethic is so poor, then explain why productivity is outpacing wages.

      “Please Sir. More Sir.”

      Or, maybe workers are just catching on.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Doesn’t explain the closed McDonald’s but keep up the disingenuous distractions.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          McDonald’s: I’m Lovin’ It For 2021

          McDonald’s is worth $240 per share, which with the $5.16 dividend included makes for an attractive 18% potential return.

          McDonald’s has excelled at repositioning its business to grow during the COVID pandemic.

          With the pandemic in its final stage, McDonald’s is poised for outsized growth as diners return to the iconic restaurants’ dining areas.

          McDonald’s focus on Digitalization, Delivery, and Drive Thru should help the company continue to grow in this challenging environment.

          Strong restaurant growth in the medium term should boost revenues, as developments that were delayed due to the Pandemic are completed concurrently with planned restaurants for 2021 and 2022.

          McDonald’s Corporation (MCD) is an attractive stock as we enter the final stage of the COVID pandemic. The combination of restaurants finally operating near capacity and the company resuming its modest growth plans should move the share price to $240. Adding in the annual dividend of $5.16, investors have the potential to earn nearly 20% on this position over the next year

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tell that to an ICU nurse or doctor, Kerry.

    BTW, killed a lot of workers too.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    No worries. The Protestant work ethic, punctuality, and boot straps thinking is all white supremacy anyways. It should be destroyed.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    What BLATHER! Anyone buy groceries these days? Notice the stockers and check-outs? How about ordering online? Did you get your “stuff”? Someone packed your order, then trucked it across the country then brought it to your house? How about ordering food delivered to your house? Did you do that? Did it get brought by a robot?

    The trouble with Kerry is she’s got a view but it’s so myopic and distorted as to just look at what she wants to make a point about and ignore the obvious reality she refuses to see. Boobirds on parade here, once again.

    1. Maria Paluzsay Avatar
      Maria Paluzsay

      So you’re saying the lack of work force is due to grub hub and amazon delivery? I hardly think the lack of housekeeping staff at our timeshare at the beach is due to my ordering a phone case from amazon. How do I know there’s no housekeeping at the beach? My property manager refuses to take it as a rental listing because she can’t predict maintenance. Mom will be out $5000 on timeshare rent because maids have decided to deliver hooters wings? This is where your lack of happy meal nuggets trickles up to thei middle class. $5000 is a lot to regular actually working people.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Saying that there are LOTS of people working in these other jobs… pretty obvious.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Glad you’ve been to a grocery store recently. Perhaps you should also look at the macro numbers. There is a significant workforce shortage. The myopic view is yours. You go to a grocery store in your hometown and somehow extrapolate broad based numbers from that visit. I’m sorry, myopic is probably the wrong word. Absurd would have been a better choice.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Nope. Not only grocery stores. Lowes, HomeDepot, Total Wine (yup), Costco, eyeglasses, Dentists, gas stations, car dealers, car repair, tire stores, Harbor Freight, Northern Tool, the local landfill, the Post Office, UPS, FedEx, the furniture store, Kohls, Staples, the Verizon store, Best Buy, internet and phone providers, plumbing repair, on and on.

        And the stock market is going great guns, no?

        you wanna know what is “myopic”? 😉

        yep – the boobirds of doom – much, much worse than “leftists”!

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          So you’re aware of the man-loading of each place you visited? You are aware that they aren’t actively seeking worker?

          It’s clear you don’t know the meaning of myopic as it goes hand in hand with your anecdotal accounts.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “You go to a grocery store in your hometown and somehow extrapolate broad based numbers from that visit.”

        You did read this piece, didn’t you…?!

    3. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      You’re obviously biased against Kerry but I dare say her posts rack up a sizable number of comments compared to the average number of all other comments on other posts. And after all isn’t that what posts are really all about?

      Too bad you missed out on her previous lighthearted columns over the years in the VA Pilot. Hopefully the FLS has an equivalent columnist. One of my late ex-roomies at W&M, Earl Copp did sports at FLS for years. And he was a dynamite bridge player, too…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I remember him! FLS has a somewhat similar –

        I’m not biased against Kerry – I just consider her to be an obnoxious loud mouth.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “I’m not biased against Kerry – I just consider her to be an obnoxious loud mouth.”

          Here’s your sign.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Optical Rectilitis. Optic nerve is attached directly to her sphincter giving her a crappy view of life.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Irrelevant. Productivity has been rising since biblical times. Today, there are too many people unemployed while employers can’t hire. Why? The $300 / week additional unemployment payments from the federal government. That’s $15,600 per year from the feds or $7.64 per hour on a 2,040 hour year.

      This isn’t hard.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Productivity is “irrelevant”. Wow! Facts are irrelevant also when one wants to believe what they want to believe no matter the “facts”.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So… what’s your measurement for work ethic? There ain’t one. Rising productivity and falling wages is a great measure of something… either work ethic or despair.

        Besides, yes, cumulative productivity has risen, but even for adjusted for seasonal cycles, productivity does fall. It did for a lot of last year.

        As for MickeyD’s, well a lot of those would-be workers have done what Conservatives have claimed for years what they do … left minimum wages for better pay.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          If it violates their beliefs – it’s no good… guano… by gawd if the world is going to crap – it’s going to crap – QED!

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I have noticed in Fauquier that you see a larger share of workers who are teens or retired in the work force. Why not? The incentives, signing bonuses, and pay are terrific right now.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    What’s the standard response when folks are advocating increasing the minimum wage?

    “Oh, you do that and they’ll automate” cuz they really don’t need those workers anyhow… they’re just being sympathetic to give them jobs!

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “I dunno. Ten bucks an hour to flip burgers and forget to put the nuggets in a Happy Meal seems about right to me.”

    This story is proof that you get what you pay for.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Minimal skills provide minimal pay, if you want to succeed you have to put an effort forth.

      “I dunno. Ten bucks an hour to flip burgers and forget to put the nuggets in a Happy Meal seems about right to me.”

      That’s an example of poor work ethic.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        You pay for minimal effort, you will get minimal effort. I’d say she got about $10/hour worth in this case.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Yeah, that’s a hard no. Your theory is only in practice where skills are required.

          I’d say you’ve never run a business and have no idea what peoples time is worth (other them I presume yourself being overpaid).

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            People’s time is worth exactly what they are willing to work for – no more, no less. Apparently, in this case $10/hour is too low for a quality work product.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            People’s time is only a commodity when they provide skilled labor. When you are merely a cog in a wheel, you don’t get premium pay.

            It’s called the person was lazy or disinterested is doing their job. That’s a work ethic problem.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I’m this scenario, more than $10/hour is not “premium pay”.

            Honestly, not getting one’s McNuggets in one’s order is hardly the sign of a work ethic problem. It could also be the sign of overtaxed workers. You have very little basis for your diagnosis. Further, it is hardly unheard of for fast food orders to be messed up in this manner. Anyone who has kids knows to check your order before you leave the lot. Kerry clearly has faced this issue in the past, hence her initial “meh!” reaction. It only became an issue to her when she had to sit in line again. So the quality of the work product Kerry received is actually the norm for $10/hour fast food workers. As I said, you get what you pay for.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            $10/hr to assemble an item from a formula that required no schooling is “premium pay”.

            Yes, yes it is.

            “Work Ethic”
            the principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward.

            If you’re not going to put the effort in to complete your job to the best of your ability than you’re not going to get a good wage.

            Again, you’re understanding of business is extremely lacking.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You have no idea whether the person who missed the McNuggets completed the job they were tasked to do to the best of their ability. As I stated, these are not uncommon mistakes for fast food workers.

            The fact that McDonalds can not find workers to fill the slots they have for $10/hour demonstrates it is not “premium pay”.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “The fact that McDonalds can not find workers to fill the slots they have for $10/hour demonstrates it is not “premium pay”.”

            That’s not even remotely true, further illustrating your lack of understanding of business. Go ask your boss to explain it to you, since he’s were you derive all of your thoughtless opinions.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is completely true, Sport. Not surprising you don’t get it though.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Matt Adams • 16 hours ago
            It is completely true, Sport. Not surprising you don’t get it though.”

            No it’s not, but given you can’t figure out how to calculate a percentage I’m not surprised it’s beyond you.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          That street goes both ways.

          Doing the best job one can do, even at menial tasks and no matter how much one is being paid, is an important part of making one’s labor worth more than $10/hour.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Not when nobody else will work for that $10/hour. Employers are buying in a seller’s market.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The verify definition of “work ethic”. I didn’t think this was such a foreign concept.

            When I made all of $5.25 in high school at Subway, I didn’t feel I was under paid. I was happy when I got my .70 cent an hour raise and it should my work meant something.

          3. WayneS Avatar

            “I didn’t think this was such a foreign concept.”

            Neither did I, but here we are.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            From my perspective and compared to my first job $5.25 would qualify for “premium pay” so of course you did not feel under paid.

            Certainly a 7% raise should make you happy. My first raise was 25%. I guess my work just meant that much more than yours, eh…

          5. John Harvie Avatar
            John Harvie

            They could get $20/hour and it wouldn’t make a damn. Doing menial work is well named: Doing menial work is still just doing menial work, nothing more, nothing less.

            You can’t make a purse, etc., etc.

            Be they Luddite or not it’s just the nature of the job.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Geeze John.

            All work is honorable and can have dignity. Every job will teach you something. Any job can be done poorly or well done and it does reflect on you and others do notice.

            I respect workers…who do good work.

          7. John Harvie Avatar
            John Harvie

            We really don’t have any disagreement, Larry. I buy what you say 100%. I’m not saying menial work is anything other than honorable.

            Menial and honorable are not mutually exclusive. Put another way, boring work can still be productive and worthwhile and honorable and valuable.

            A quick internet search for synonyms of the word honorable yielded 34 hits. Take your pick.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Perhaps if they paid $20/hour they would have more staff available and perhaps their product would be less flawed as a result. Of course Kerry may have to pay more than $3.29 for her kid’s Happy Meal. So in a way, it might make a damn.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Certainly a 7% raise should make you happy. My first raise was 25%. I guess my work just meant that much more than yours, eh…”

            Not really, I was 15 when I was paid $5.25 and got my raise.

            It’s okay that you lost in court, if you would’ve had any sack you would met Davy in the field like a man.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I was 15 as well. But I got a 25% raise. My next one was nearly 100%. Beat that, Mr. No Work Ethic.

            But you are one funny guy. I lost nothing in any court, y’know. Also, I’ll meet any person any place they like at most anytime. Do you have a suggestion??

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s nice, I certainly hope none of those jobs involved math. As the addition of is not 7%. So instead of making minimum wage you made $6.56, real big leap there.

            Well according to your Twitter feed to certainly didn’t get the judgment you were after.

            “Also, I’ll meet any person any place they like at most anytime. Do you have a suggestion??”

            Given the manner in which you post (anonymous) I suspect that statement is a lie, not unlike everything else you state.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well, you let me know what you are interested in. I’ll be happy to oblige.

            “As the addition of is not 7%”

            English, please. But you are correct, your $0.40 raise was a whopping 7.6%, my bad!! When it gets to double or triple digits, you let me know.

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “English, please. But you are correct, your $0.40 raise was a whopping 7.6%, my bad!! When it gets to double or triple digits, you let me know.”

            Welp, again hope whatever you claim to do doesn’t require math, because you can’t still manage to determine the increase. So perhaps you didn’t get a 25% increase yourself.

            New Flash Erica, I don’t work at Subway part time anymore. I’m sorry that you’re still managing the local McDonalds.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            New Math Matt, tell you what, you tell me what percentage of 5.25 you think 0.40 represents.

            I don’t need to work anymore, Sparky. That superior “work ethic” strikes again, I suppose.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’m well aware of how to calculate percentages and use math (EE). It appears you aren’t very good at it or very good at paying attention (previously established).

            “I don’t need to work anymore, Sparky. That superior “work ethic” strikes again, I suppose.”

            Interesting because you were saying otherwise earlier this year (when referencing your boss on small business impact of COVID). Further evidence of you being utterly disingenuous on all fronts.

            Also, one being retired earlier has very little to do with work ethic, see 90% of Government employee’s.

          16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Unless your “special” math is really unique, I calculated your supposed raise correctly.

            You really don’t read well, do you. “I don’t need to work anymore, Sparky.”. Since you are struggling so, I’ll give you a hint… “need” is the key word here. And I will help you out yet again, I work for the private sector. Always have.

          17. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll an hour ago
            Unless your “special” math is really unique, I calculated your supposed raise correctly.

            You really don’t read well, do you. “I don’t need to work anymore, Sparky.”. Since you are struggling so, I’ll give you a hint… “need” is the key word here. And I will help you out yet again, I work for the private sector. Always have.”

            So instead of going back to re-read and correct yourself you continue on the path you’re on.

            The probability that you’ve got a boss and don’t “need” to work anymore aren’t very high. Given you seem to lack any and all ability to reason I’m not surprised. Also, given your propensity to lie, I’m again not surprised.

            “And I will help you out yet again, I work for the private sector. Always have.”

            PS: I never said you didn’t, thanks for the strawman. Perhaps, before lecture others on “reading” you should take your own advice Walt.

          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “So instead of going back to re-read…”

            Re-read what? This “edited” post? No thank you very much…


          19. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So instead of checking back like I previously told you to do, you continue on a path and get caught looking like the as$ you are.

            Furthermore, the notion that an edited post isn’t valid is laughable considering your very posted is edited as are a litany of your other posts.

            PS: This is a lovely deflection does your boss know he’s employing a pathological liar?

          20. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            An edited post is not valid after you changed the very figure you refer back to. So no, not valid, thank you very much.

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Says the poster who complained about an edited post in and edit post. Should we inspect your posts to see which are edited and therefore in your opinion “invalid”?

            I edited the post after I made it to correct it, the fact that you didn’t catch is says more about you.

            Much like you lecturing people about minorities when you live in a population of 1.42% African American, or tell others how great Union’s are when you’re not a member or subject to them.

            Your opinion’s along with you math skills are in line with politicians, do as you say not as you do.

          22. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Says the poster who complained about an edited post in and edit post.”

            I have no problem with edited posts, I usually think they are terrific actually, shows a commenter cares about what they write. The issue, which once again is completely lost on you, is when points to one’s edited post as evidence of what one wrote. Sorry, that ship don’t sail.

            “I edited the post after I made it to correct it, the fact that you didn’t catch is says more about you.”

            Sorry, the onus is not on me but you here to state that you fixed your post when relevant. You didn’t.

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Sure you do, you just indicated they are invalid. So based upon your own standard your posts are invalid, to include the posts where you complained about.

            “is when points to one’s edited post as evidence of what one wrote. Sorry, that ship don’t sail.”

            I told you when I edited it, as I told you to go back and check before you commented (multiple times). It’s not my fault you lack attention to detail or just about anything that resembles logic.

            “Sorry, the onus is not on me but you here to state that you fixed your post when relevant. You didn’t.”

            I did, so now you’re lying, yet again.

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