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Count on Christmas in York Public Schools

Sorry, I’m so slow. I was occupied with the election. That’s my story. Nevertheless, three weeks ago the York School Board changed their policy on Religion.

The School Superintendent offered a much longer, and seriously flawed, change to the Religion policy. (See

Parents asked that the Religion policy not change, but simply add a policy statement about holidays that York would follow the guidelines of the State Department of Education.

The elected School Board voted to do both. You have to love representative democracy at work. The Golden Age of Greece ain’t got nothing on York County.

The next step is for the Superintendent to provide implementing regulations. Those will be interesting to see.

The step after that is for the citizens of York to consider if they need to elect any new School Board members.

Meanwhile, it looks like Christmas, the official U.S. and Virginia, holiday will be noted in all York Co public schools this year. Good work, Citizens.

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