Could Southlake Happen in Virginia?

Prairie fire

by James A. Bacon

If you ever doubted that school board politics can be a potent electoral issue, look no farther than what happened a few days ago in the Dallas suburb of Southlake. Voters delivered a “resounding victory” — about 70% of the vote — to a slate of school board and City Council candidates opposed to the school system’s implementation of Critical Race Theory under the guise of “diversity, equity & inclusion.”

After two high schoolers used a racial slur on TikTok, local school officials over-reacted by unleashing an “anti-racist” overhaul of the entire educational system. A proposed Cultural Competence Action Plan would weed out microaggressions, subject students to cultural sensitivity training, and infuse the curriculum with anti-racism doctrines associated with Critical Race Theory. The initiative sparked a strong reaction in the area, which, though conservative, had been trending in favor of Democrats in recent congressional elections. Local news outlets expected a close contest, but the results in an election with record turnout were lopsided.

Could what happened in Southlake happen in Virginia?

The Northam administration and numerous school districts across the state are implementing an identical set of “anti-racist” policies that strike many Virginia parents the same way as they struck Southlake parents — anti-racism is just reverse racism dressed up in therapeutic, bureaucratic language. The Virginia  reaction has been largely localized, however. Parents in Loudoun County, Fairfax County and Virginia Beach are up in arms where local school boards have been most aggressive. They’ve been quiescent elsewhere. But those three localities account for almost one quarter of Virginia’s population. The electoral effects could be dramatic if they spill over from local school board and municipal races into General Assembly and statewide elections.

Here is a sampling of groups — I have made no effort to make a thorough inventory — that have been either founded or energized by to counter the Northam administration’s racial agenda.

  • The Loudoun County Republican Committee and Loudoun County Republican Women’s Club mobilized to combat the introduction of Critical Race Theory into Loudoun schools. Many parents were outraged by efforts of “anti-racists” to silence opponents by publicly exposing them and harassing them online.
  • The Loudoun Parents for Education launched an effort to recall local school board officials and formed a Political Action Committee to raise money.
  • Asra Nomani, a leader of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology parents in Fairfax County, formed Parents Defending Education. The TJ parents had organized to protest moves by Fairfax and state officials to reduce the number of Asian-American students to make room for more Black and Hispanic students by circumventing merit-based admissions tests. Nomani’s new organization is geared to empowering parents across the country to combat “divisive ideas, the hijacking of our schools, the politicization and corruption of our educational systems.”

Parallel movements are rising up in higher-education as well in Virginia. Alumni groups are organizing to combat the radical leftward drift of university administrations. The Generals Redoubt is fighting to preserve the “Lee” in the name Washington & Lee University. The Jefferson Council (on whose board I serve) is mobilizing to protect the Jeffersonian Legacy, revitalize the honor system, and promote intellectual diversity at the University of Virginia. The Spirit of VMI is a PAC organized to bolster political support in defense of VMI traditions such as the Ratline and the Honor Court and counter claims that the institution is tainted by “relentless racism.”

These grassroots groups are new, and they arise from a different sector of the populace than that which birthed the giant gun-rights rallies and second-amendment sanctuary movement. The gun rights groups are mainly working/middle class and rural. Parents outraged by the proliferation of Critical Race Theory are suburban and professional class. This is politically significant in Virginia because Republicans/conservatives have been losing ground in swing suburban districts. Now that the polarizing figure of Donald Trump has been removed from the equation, middle-of-the-road voters are getting a clear-eyed look at what untrammeled Democratic Party rule looks like.

The mainstream media has largely missed the story. Only Fox News in the Washington media market has paid consistent attention to the “anti-racism” controversies. That’s OK. When you want to get a good prairie fire going, you don’t want the other side waking up to extinguish the blaze.

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26 responses to “Could Southlake Happen in Virginia?”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Sam Houston, Davie Crockett, and Jim Bowie were grassroots activists. The current revolution is not fought with muskets and pikes but with words and ideologies. Remember the Alamo!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Of course, they surrendred and were executed.

      1. Paul Sweet Avatar
        Paul Sweet

        Santa Ana might have won the battle, but Sam Houston remembered the Alamo, and avenged them and won the war.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          One word son… no, not plastic, logistics.

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Santa Anna was a chronically ill man after the Mexican War. He sought relief here at the Buffalo Lithia Springs in Mecklenburg County. Lived another 20 years until kicking the can at 82.

          1. Paul Sweet Avatar
            Paul Sweet

            I know that Sam Houston was from Rockbridge Co. and Steven Austin was from Southwest Virginia (Austinville), but I didn’t know that Santa Anna had a Virginia connection.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I learned something new. I was unaware that Austin was born near the shot tower on the New River. Virginia truly is the mother state of America. Santa Anna was first cousins with Santa Claus. You would be surprised how many 11th graders would bite on that.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Virginia is the mother state of America who hasn’t been pregnant in 150 years,

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Would he have been an undocumented worker?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Santa Anna was a passionate fan of the sport of cockfighting. He had many roosters that he entered into competitions and would have his roosters compete with cocks from all over the world.[9]

          6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I am sure he reveled in the cockfighting past time that was once famous in Mecklenburg County.

          7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Is that “Chicken George”?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe the ROOTs version.

          9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Meet the real Chicken George Lea. Roots was so good for it’s day and time.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            A lot of the movies is fanciful stuff. In several scenes in Roots which is supposed to be in Spotsylvania County shows mountains in the distance.

            A guy like you who is very well-read know the real.

          11. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            You can see the Blue Ridge from a number of places in Spotsylvania County. You can spot them at Lake of the Woods, Mine Run, Ely’s Ford, and Belmont over by Lake Anna.

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s a strange world we live in. Santa Anna was reviled for the Alamo and accepted for cockfighting. Michael Vick…

          13. DJRippert Avatar

            I’ve long wondered about the level of outrage over Michael Vick’s dogfighting. Yes, dogfighting and gambling on dogfighting are illegal. Vick needed to pay for breaking the law. Yes, dogfighting is cruel. But … every year hunters go out into the woods with high powered rifles to shoot at deer. Many times the deer is hit but not killed. The deer then runs through the woods spilling blood until it eventually dies. Sometimes the hunter finds the deer, sometimes the carcass just rots away.

            I find it odd that people’s screeching outrage about Vick’s cruelty to dogs isn’t matched by a similar outcry against deer hunting.

            Are dogs just better than deer and, therefore, more deserving of protection.

            As an aside, I am a dog owner and dog lover. I also hunt although I don’t hunt deer.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            I stopped hunting because of that issue. It’s one thing to humanely kill critters for us to eat but quite another to cause them great suffering and pain but I point out, we do that with cars all the time. I doubt one person in 100 stops to put the deer out of it’s misery.. and some lay there for hours even days before they finally die.

            People who exploit animals at the expense of the animals are lower than spit IMHO. Animal cruelty is far worse than accidental or just ignorant harm.

            But it does look like back in that era, it was much more acceptable.

            What kind of person derives pleasure out of watching two animals tear each other apart?

            Not for me.

          15. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sometimes a deer crashes through a windscreen with an 8-pt rack and gets even.

            Had a run in with 3 deer last year. Buck ran in right front of the car. I braked to a stop. The doe walked right in fron, stopped, and stared at us while the fawn stood and refused to walk in front of the car. Put it in reverse, backed up about 30 feet and dowsed the headlamps. Finally the fawn crossed and the 3 stood as we drove past.

            I’ve thought about putting out a salt lick, but no point in encouraging them.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Two thumbs up. You mentioned CRT sans Marx, marxism, etc.

    But while we’re in Texas, are constitutionally mandated “all white” primaries an example of “systemic racism”? I only ask since the same language, e.g., “purity of the ballot box” was used to created the new Texas voting laws. Unless, of course, words really don’t matter.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Gotta love “Richmond logic”. Yeah, Texas was pretty racist. But not Virginia under full Democratic control. Oh dear no. The 1902 – 1971 constitution never happened, Massive Resistance was nothing more than a conspiracy theory and Harry Byrd didn’t operate a racist machine for decades.

      Oh, and there wasn’t a recent amendment to the state constitution restricting marriage to a union of one man and one woman. Never happened.

      People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    You missed the recall petition in Fairfax County to get two school board members removed.

    There is also a petition to recall Steve Descano, the county’s top prosecutor.

    While the recall is unlikely to work (in my opinion), the effort is shining light on the buffoonery of some elected officials in the county.

    Descano is a particularly slippery eel. He oscillates between claiming that he doesn’t have the staffing to prosecute certain offenses and then contradicting himself by saying he was elected to reform the judicial system.

  4. […] These America hating politicians, with the help of their handlers, subvert freedom and independence one innocuous bill at a time. But sometimes they are caught displaying their hate like the case in California where school board members resigned after being caught disparaging parents. , Could Southlake Happen in Virginia? […]

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