Like Horse-Drawn Carriages — Without the Poop

I’m always on the look-out for novel transportation options, and pedicabs appear to have a viable economic future in Washington, D.C. — although I wouldn’t count on it to solve Virginia’s transportation congestion problems. DC Pedicab, founded by three friends, now has a team of 12 drivers and will expand its vehicle fleet from six to nine this season, according to

On its website, the company bills the bicycle rickshaw as “environmentally friendly” and a unique way to visit the District’s tourist hot spots. I would think that pedicabs could be a hit along the Virginia Beach boardwalk, too. “I had one guy pay me about $50 just to let him sit on my cab and hit on girls,” one pedicyclist told If passengers could drink beer, too, that just might be the killer app.

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5 responses to “Like Horse-Drawn Carriages — Without the Poop”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Not such a good idea with the beer. The problem is, passengers get drunk, stand up in the pedicabs, horse around, fall out and get hurt – and sue the pedicab operators.

    I know. I used to insure pedicab businesses in Baltimore and Annapolis. The claims killed us. I don’t insure them any more.

  2. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Ah… so much human folly exposed in one short paragraph. I fear for the future of mankind.

  3. Toomanytaxes Avatar


    This one reminded me of the old Seinfeld episode where Kramer & Newman decided to operate a rickshaw business powered by homeless people. Thanks. We also need to appreciate the light side of life.


  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Try Jakarta.

    All over Indonesia, betchaks and their peddle drivers take people all over. Not sure they are poop-less, though.

  5. Ray Hyde Avatar

    How about a pedalless cab? One with enough horsepower to actually go somewhere at a reasonable speed?

    All electric or hybrid drive with 5 or ten HP would make a lot more sense than clogging up traffic with “environmentally friendly” nonsense.

    Of course, then it is a motor vehicle and a whole other set of liabilites – and regulations.

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