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Could Bloggers Have Stopped Hitler?

Could bloggers have stopped Hitler?

Yes, says Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio during his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize in Literature on Sunday.

“Who knows, if the Internet had existed at the time, perhaps Hitler’s criminal plot would not have succeeded — ridicule might have prevented it from ever seeing the light of day,” the author of such works as “The Book of Flights” and “Terra Amata” said.

Blogging may have it limits in that it is only as good, as accurate and as honest as the writer. But blogging is diffuse and completely bypasses the traditional gatekeepers at newspapers, magazines, television programs and even e-zines.

As one level of the media becomes corporatized, sanitized and emasculated another has arisen that can be free of all of those concerns. One doesn’t have to submit to someone else’s idea of what the right “tone” is or if a thought is “civil” or “high-minded” enough.

So, be glad that this blog is free, at least for now.

Gee, I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would say?

Peter Galuszka

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