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Correction: SMR Bills Cover Both Utilities

Friday’s report that the General Assembly voted to allow early cost recovery on small modular reactors only for Appalachian Power Company was in error.  The Senate version of the bill approved March 7 was language applicable solely to Dominion Energy Virginia. A substitute that removed Dominion from the bill was rejected.

The error was entirely due to inattention on my part. Frankly, it is a message I need to stop trying to write about live legislation if I am not on the ground at the Capitol or glued to the broadcasts. Two other reports on digital outlets which I had questioned (in the comments) got it right while I got it wrong. For that most of all, I apologize.

The offending post has been removed from Bacon’s Rebellion but may continue to circulate. When the final text of both bills is posted I plan to revisit the topic, as the bills are now so different some reconciliation may still be needed, although both could be signed.

I have also received valid pushback on the post about the four dead whales. The most recent death, near Jennette’s Pier on the Outer Banks, was by far the furthest from the location of the Dominion wind turbine project and not “within sight.” Knowing that area somewhat, I should have realized I was confusing it with a facility further north and closer to the Virginia line. But the basic point -– that the media are not asking key questions about CVOW’s possible impact – remains valid so I will not remove it.  — Steve Haner

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