Corey Stewart’s Bad Idea


hree years ago, Prince William County achieved notoriety by adopting legislation that was supposedly designed to stem illegal immigration but in reality harassed Latinos, many of whom are hard-working and law-abiding.

What goes around comes around. Corey A. Stewart, chairman of the PWC board of supervisors, is beating the drum for Virginia to adopt a statewide anti-illegals ban of the same type as the one Arizona recently adopted which Stewart proudly says is modeled after PWC’s 2007 law.
Speaking on “fair and balanced’ Fox News, Stewart presented statistics that after the law in Prince William, violent crime dropped 38 percent, English as a Second Language enrollment dropped to zero and most citizens of the predominately white and affluent suburb of Washington, D.C. approved of the law.
Stewart believes that the 2011 General Assembly session is the perfect time to adopt another version of Arizona’s law which requires police to check the immigration papers of anyone they think might be illegal. He also wants to make it illegal to have day labor centers where one can find temporary workers or the solicit work on roadsides. The timing is right because state elections follow the 2011 session.
What Stewart doesn’t note is that Arizona’s racist law has been bashed by many throughout the U.S. as a throwback to the country’s tarnished reputation for tolerance when it comes to the white Protestant majority trying to keep out darker-skinned people or those of other religions, notably Catholics, Jews and Muslims. Activist groups have campaigned to stop tour buses and sports teams from stopping in the Copper State.
Plus, there may be some problem with Stewart’s facts. The advocacy group Media Matters reports that in 2009, after the law was passed in PWC, violent crime actually increased by 10.9 percent. Go figure.
Another problem is that being a white bedroom community, Prince Williams isn’t exactly a hotbed of rape, murder and robbery that one sees in the District of Columbia, Richmond or the inner cities of Tidewater. Indeed, PWC’s violent crime index, according to a University of Wisconsin study, is only 206 (in crimes per 100,000 population). If you want more crime, look to Portsmouth or Richmond. Much of the crime there is in African-American neighborhoods where drugs are a problem.
The PWC law was aimed at Hispanics who may or may not have their papers in order and handle much of the hard work that native-born Americans won’t do, such as landscaping, construction or busing restaurant tables. According to Latino activists, all that the law did was annoy Latinos and make them move their work or place of residence to a neighboring, more tolerant and less racist community.
As for English as a Second Language, one wonders what it is with these neo-Know Nothings like Stewart. Our world, especially that in the D.C. area, is becoming much more global and diverse. One would want new immigrants. They are hard working and some are quite bright. According to London’s Economist, between 2000 and 2004, Americans of Chinese or Indian descent won 14 percent of all patents although they make up less than 5 percent of the population.
Admittedly, the U.S. needs immigration reform but it must take into account the advantages of having immigrants and how they help solve America’s labor problems. Racist and polarizing initiatives such as Stewart’s need to be dumped, pronto.
Peter Galuszka

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30 responses to “Corey Stewart’s Bad Idea”

  1. Larry G Avatar

    My view is that this issue is self-imposed wedge politics designed to appeal to the red-meat of the angry white man wing.

    This is a very easy thing to fix if there was actually a legitimate interest in doing so.

    Basically, we deputize the illegals for a one-shot mission for each that accepts the offer.

    In return for turning in an "illegal" employer – they get 10K and a deportation with a place in line to apply legally.

    You want to see the "market" for illegal labor, including the "cash" market dry up?

    Just do the above for a year or two and watch the change.

    This is not the only way to deal with the issue. There are dozens of ways but to be effective they have to deal with the "illegal" employers and the folks who beat the anti-immigration drums will have none of it –

    … which tells me .. gives them away… as to their true motives…

    .. which have nothing to do with solving the problem and everything to do with demagoguery politics.

  2. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    The Economist has an interesting piece about how econmist Gary Becker woould introduce a nw system to decide immigration. He says immigration is out of kilter because no relevant price matches supply and demand. He says that governments could set a price that must be paid for the right to immigrate or auction off visas. Doing so, of course, favors wealthier imm,igrants. The problem is that much of the labor needed in this country is for immigrants willing to accept a very low wage.

    Sorry but I can't get the url.
    Peter Galuszka

  3. Larry G Avatar

    Peter – here's the URL:


    yeah.. he's on to the wrong problem..

    Here's the problem:

    It's the same problem that we had with Oriental railroad workers.

    The same problem that the Navy had with Filipino deck "stewards" and that Mining companies had without poverty-prone mountain folks…

    namely the ability to prey on human beings by using their disadvantageous circumstances as a supply of cheap labor – from which to build personal and entrepreneurial wealth.

    and the demagogues seek to exploit the political potential by appealing to the same folks who have lost their jobs to off-shoring cheap labor by telling them that "illegals" are "taking" what's left.

    All of this – in the context – of clear approaches to stopping "illegal" employment in it's tracks – if we really wanted to .

    It takes equal parts of partisan politics and stupid to keep the current system in place and in a high state of uproar.

    I lay this at the feet of a stunningly brilliant actor-politician named Reagan who figured out that if you put together the "right" message, you could pull blue-collar America away from the Democrats into the waiting arms of the Republicans and that time-honored strategy is alive and well.

    No wonder the right reveres Reagan!

  4. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    My son wanted a new techno gizmo so bad he camped out all night in a long line at the techno gizmo store. Early the next morning a staffer opened the door and the line slowly moved through to the gizmo counter. My son was halfway through the line at 9 o'clock, when suddenly the parking lot filled with people making a mad rush for the door. The lone staffer had no chance, as hundreds filled the store demanding their right to buy the gizmo my son stood in line for.

    Such is the case of US immigration. The average legal immigrant waits ten years for a chance at the American Dream, while gate crashers face no retribution. Those who object to the affront are called racist or are condemned by foreign political leaders and US companies, who both support gate crasher rights because their own personal greed is a direct cause of the crashers existence.

    It's not racist to advocate a fair process for all. No new laws need be passed nor a long winded debate. Merely use the existing immigration/visa law, adjusted for reality. I find it amazing that politicians say the Constitution should be viewed as a fluid document open to interpretation. But laws (including those governing oil spills and other emergencies) are chiseled in stone for some, while for others it is politically expedient to ignore the laws altogether.

    I used to tell foreign born friends that their relatives should just skip the legal immigration avenue and crash in through Mexico. They told me it wouldn't work because Mexico was better at finding and deporting illegals than the US was.

    The line holders, weary of a lifetime waiting list, now move to our more welcoming foreign competitors to find their dream. Maids, machinists, nurses and nanotechnologists, all are joining a global economy that is leaving America in its wake because of bumbling bureaucratic obsolescence. In their eyes, our nation has become a techno store with empty shelves.

  5. Larry G Avatar

    I understand the " he did not play by the rules" sentiment but if you insist on it – there is no solution.

    It will never happen.

    I have to ask – is that what you really want?

    I want to a solution. I'm tired of the festering sore.

    I don't understand those who essentially won't accept any compromise that ends the problem unless they really want the problem to not go away in the first place.

    That's my view.

    Compromises are never fun flavors.

    I do not like the idea of going after the employers nor do I like the idea of giving an "illegal" 10K but if doing that – ends the problem then that would be my choice.

    I'm after whatever pragmatic solutions END the problem and I have no patience at all with those who favor continuing the festering sore approach.

    If we are truly serious about ending the problem, let's do it.

  6. Groveton Avatar

    Facts are stubborn things…

    Both Peter and LarryG attempt to classify Prince William County as a wealthy white enclave. Unfortunately, reality intrudes.

    Virginia overall demographics:

    White – 72.4%
    Black – 20.5
    Native American – 0.8%
    Asian – 5.4%
    Other – 0.9%

    Hispanic/latino (any race): 6.6%

    Now, Prince William County:

    White – 68.93%
    Black – 18.76%
    Native American – 0.39%
    Asian – 3.81%
    Other – 4.47%

    Hispanic/latino (any race) – 9.74%

    As for the categorization of wealthy …

    Per capita income, PWC – $25,641
    Per capita income, Va – $23,975

    Of course, the cost of living in Washington's suburbs is considerably higher than Virginia overall so the small difference in per capita income becomes even less relevent.

    As an aside, Chesterfield County is just slightly more diverse (although with a much lower population of hispanic/latino citizens). Chesterfield has an almost identical per capita income.

    Spotsylvania County is much less diverse than either Prince William County or the Commonwealth of Virginia overall. Spotsylvania County also has a considerably lower per capita income than PWC, Chesterfield or Virginia overall.

    Sorry boys but the myth of Prince William County being a toffy, exclusive, wealthy, whites – only place might play to the liberals of Central Virginia but it doesn't hold water when the facts are reviewed.

  7. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    I remain unpersuaded by your "facts."
    Also, you fail to address the key point of the post — why Virginia should reject becoming the next Arizona.

    Peter Galuszka

  8. Groveton Avatar


    I am sure that facts don't persuade you.

    In Arizona, 59.2% of the population is white, non-latino. Yet I have seen polls which say that the Arizona anti-illegal immigrant law is supported by 70% of the state's residents.

    Now, I've been to Phoenix, Tucson and, especially, Scottsdale a few times. There are definitely some white, non-latino residents who strongly oppose the new Arizona law. Which means there must be quite a few non-white or latino residents who support the law.

    And that's the unspoken truth … this is not a white vs. non-white issue, this is not a matter of racism. It's a matter of legitimate national policy.

    I am sure that Saul Alinsky would encourage modern day liberals to use the false charge of racism to argue in favor of granting amnesty to a new voting bloc of possibly liberal Americans. Morality and ethics have long been lost by the far left. However, facts are stubborn things and I will continue to point out the clear and observable flaws in the "racist whitey hates lations" argument so beloved by today's liberals.

  9. Larry G Avatar

    Groveton – I'd like you go go back and provide the quote that demonstrates that I said PW was wealthy white folks because I don't think I said so….

    My point was and remains that the basic way to deal effectively with the employment of illegals is to sanction the employers who do the hiring – to include a method for identifying the cash hiring.

    My point is that effective and comprehensive reform is possible if we really want to make it happen if this was not a class/race war.

    I don't care who is wealthy or who is blue collar or who is blue, black or purpose – just that we focus on the real problem which is people and companies who hire illegals.

    You make those jobs cost 10K if you get caught and those jobs go away.

    When those jobs go away – illegals will no longer have a reason to come here.

    Another effective approach is what Canada does.

    The point is that it's the employment side that is the problem as Canada has shown with their policies and I'm becoming convinced that since we don't want to deal with this issue then it means we want it to stick around as a wedge political issue.

    If you think that means that I think wealthy people are the problem.. it's a stretch guy.

  10. James A. Bacon Avatar
    James A. Bacon

    Liberals routinely accuse conservatives of using race as a "wedge issue." But it is *liberals* who insert race into every issue under the sun. Why? I see two reasons.

    First, the path to political power for liberals in a country where a large majority of people identify themselves as conservative or moderates is to bring blacks and Hispanics into the liberal plantation by chanting "race, race, race" at every turn. So far, the strategy has been pretty effective.

    Second, crying "racism" gives white liberals someone to feel superior to and to look down upon — those evil, conservative racists. Liberalism cannot survive in a world without domestic evil doers to demonize. The existence of racism validates the liberal world view.

    The problem with this trope is that racism is receding as a real-world phenomenon in the U.S. (unless you define liberalism as racist, which one could argue it is.) At some point, white people get sick and tired of getting labeled as racists, while blacks and Hispanics come to understand that "racism" is not what is holding them back.

  11. Groveton Avatar


    I see you as more of the race baiter. For example …

    "My view is that this issue is self-imposed wedge politics designed to appeal to the red-meat of the angry white man wing.".

    So, the 70% of Arizonans who support the new law are [angry] white men? Isn't the governor of Arizona a woman? I wonder what Bobby Jindal thinks. Is he another [angry] white man? How about Michael Steele? Thomas Sowell?

    The lefty playbook calls for screams of racism as often as possible – regardless of the facts. That diminishes your argument and tells me that you are getting desperate.

  12. Larry G Avatar

    For Jim Bacon and Groveton.

    people who support a society and a culture when we allow the more vulnerable in society to be preyed upon with substandard wages and no benefits and then whine about those victims associating themselves with the party that opposes those practices is what this is about.

    It's what was done to Oriental railroad laborers, coal miners, slaves, and now illegals.

    I think ya'll totally miss this.

    It's not about race any more or less than it is about Asians, blacks or Hispanics.

    It's how we treat these people if we allow some people to gain their wealth by not paying fair wages and benefits.

    But what's REALLY FUNNY is that most Asians and Hispanics and even Blacks are fundamentally conservative in their outlooks.

    Most are big on family values, hard work and personal responsibility.

    And yet you guys cannot get yourselves "straight" so you just forfeit to the Dems what ought to be an organic advantage.

    That's not really "racist" but it IS …DUMB.

    The same Conservatives who say they support family values, hard work, personal responsibility and a conservative approach to life just totally bail out when it comes to non-white people.

  13. Larry G Avatar

    so… the idea that we cannot prosecute those who violate the law in their hiring of illegals ….to prosecute those folks is apparently a "racist" concept, eh?

    We cannot fix the illegal hiring of illegals because punishing the folks who hire them is a "racist" approach?

  14. Groveton Avatar


    You made the following statement, "It's not about race any more or less than it is about Asians, blacks or Hispanics.",

    Interesting comment. Perhaps you are starting to see the light.

    However, still some work to do. When you get a chance, take a statistical look at the income, educational level, incarceration rate, etc for Asians in Virginia. I think you'll be a bit surprised.

    You idea of prosecuting the employers of illegal immigrants is completely correct. In fact, it is a hallmark of the people in Prince William County who oppose illegal immigration.

    Presumably, employers will stop hiring illegals once they could go to jail for doing so. At that point the illegal immigrants will have no more money coming in. Would you support extending social benefits to these people or not? If so, you create a permanent underclass. If not, I guess the illegal immigrants either work in an ever shrinking black market, live off legal friends and relatives or go home.

  15. Larry is correct. These people do not want a solution: they want an issue.

    On anther blog one individual suggested the thing to do to prevent illegal immigration was unannounced weapon testing in Southern Arizona, combined with impeachment of Hilda Solis.

    Despite repwated requests for a real suggestion, this paragon of American virtues was unable or unwilling to provide one.


  16. Presumably, employers will stop hiring illegals once they could go to jail for doing so. At that point the illegal immigrants will have no more money coming in. Would you support extending social benefits to these people or not?

    Well, we could keep a lot of desperately poor people in other countries and then spend our social services money or foreign aid and border protection.

    If employers are hiring these people it is because they have work for them to do.

    It seems to me this boils down to three questions.

    a) How much of that work would still exist if those employers had to pay US wages and benefits?

    b) How much of that work would still get done if we exported every illegal alien?

    c) What is the "correct" number of illegal aliens to legalize in order to get the highsest cost benefit ratio.

    This is the same as the problem with any kind of "pollution". The correct answer is never zero.


  17. Anonymous Avatar

    If you need any confirmation that things are not what they seem, see this website.


  18. Anonymous Avatar

    I suggest we take 12 million illegal immigrants, dress them in absorbent suits and have them swim back to Mexico.

    Solve two problems at once.

  19. Dustin Avatar

    Being a resident of PWC, I fully supported the 287g program that was implemented. It worked for awhile….
    As such, I would like to add the Federal law states:
    "Furthermore, the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) goes on to state, "Encouraging and Harboring Illegal Aliens – It is a violation of law for any person to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection in any place, including any building or means of transportation, any alien who is in the United States in violation of law. HARBORING MEANS ANY CONDUCT THAT TENDS TO SUBSTANTIALLY FACILITATE AN ALIEN TO REMAIN IN THE U.S. ILLEGALLY. The sheltering need not be clandestine, and harboring covers aliens arrested outdoors, as well as in a building. This provision includes harboring an alien who entered the U.S. legally but has since lost his legal status."

    Illegal is illegal, plain and simple.

  20. Illegal is illegal, plain and simple.

    And legal is legal, plain and simple, no matter how immoral or unethical, right?

    Must be nice to live in a black and white world.

    How about if we throw all 12 million plus their employers in jail? Then those of us (whoare all perfectly honest and have NEVER broken a law can pay $25k a year to keep them there.

    That'll show 'em.


  21. So much sturm and drang, which is exactly what Corey wants. Yes the issue is weighty, at the forefront of our political discourse and possibly one of the most polarizing topics of our time but is that what this is really all about? As a PWC resident, I can assure you it is not. This is just another example of our County Chairman, Captain Soundbyte, demagoguing on the flavor of the day while reneging on all of his previous promises or backpedaling from previous positions.

    Don't feed the troll, he is nothing but a self-agrandising egomaniacal carpetbagger with the attention span an mannerisms of of a petulant five-year old. With any luck this will spell the end of both his aspirations for higher office and his term on the PWC BOCS.

  22. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    Re; Anonymous 10:02

    We have Bacon and Groveton with the usual complaints about "liberals" decrying racism (which is exactly what these anti "illegal" immigration laws are all about.

    Then we have this comment by "anonymous" about the 12 million Mexicans. As one who has several close friends who happen to be Mexican citizens this kind of RACIST comment has no place on this blog. What's more, the 12 million allegedly illegal immigrants in this country are not all from Mexico.
    I hope someone removes this insulting and stupid comment. I'd like to think that Bacon's Rebellion has some standards.

    Peter Galuszka

  23. "he is nothing but a self-agrandising egomaniacal carpetbagger with the attention span an mannerisms of of a petulant five-year old."

    Well done, a truly epic insult. i get a kick out of those, especially the Arabic ones that inslult everyone in your tribe down to your camel.

    Lets see, soo far we have Tom, Anon, and the moron I mentioned about weapons testing on one side, and you and Peter, and maybe Larry on the other side. One extreme reaction after another, just different flavors.

    It suggests to me that this porblem isn't going away for a while.

  24. Larry G Avatar

    well I might be considered insulting at times but I'd like to see the country come together on what to do about immigration and I don't think throwing people in jail or building tall fences is going to fix it – as long as there are jobs for those willing to find them.

    It's sort of like our drug problem.

    The war on drugs will always be a failure as long as there is a strong demand for drugs.

    The country finally learned that lesson on Alcohol and the "numbers" racket (LOTTO) and regulated it.

    as long as there is a job available.. someone is going to take it even if they have to travel thousands of miles and sneak into the country.

    The BEST PLACE to FIND THESE people is not in their homes or cars but where they work.

    Once we make up our minds that we ARE going to ALSO charge those who break the law by offering illegal jobs, then we'll be moving on to some kind of resolution instead of gridlock.

    I'm willing to give in on the stupid fence idea, denying welfare benefits, and arresting and deporting as long as we are also willing to go after the root causes so that we actually solve the problem.

    Continuing to make this a cause celebre for Conservatives red meat politics just burns me up.

    but like I said – Ronald Reagan figured out that the Republicans could convert Blue Collar Union folks from the Democratic mindset to the Republican mindset.

    The man was brilliant. Those who have followed in his footsteps.. not so much.

  25. Anonymous Avatar

    Larry writes "Once we make up our minds that we ARE going to ALSO charge those who break the law by offering illegal jobs, then we'll be moving on to some kind of resolution instead of gridlock."

    Agreed. Any enforcement program must have a major focus on those who would knowingly or negligently hire illegal aliens. If E-Verify is the best system we have, employers should be required to use it.


  26. Larry G Avatar

    TMT – I think it is the cash-for-one-days-work that is where some of the evasion is going on.

    Not only are competitive wages not being paid but neither is social security, Medicare, unemployment/workplace injury, nor health care being provided.

    Another way of looking at the employment of illegals is to consider it "outsourcing" … in-place.

    In other words how to "outsource" without going overseas for cheap labor.

    We need a proper name for this… like "domestic outsourcing" or some such.

  27. Anonymous Avatar

    The solution isn't actually that difficult. I believe that most illegal aliens come to the US to work. Deny them employment and they will (1) leave or (2) not come in the first place. Every illegal alien who holds a job does so either by working off the books or by using fraudulent/stolen ID, both illegal.
    · Initially for new hires, we should mandate the use of E-Verify, a highly accurate, free, simple, and fast verification system used by more than 200,000 employers across the United States. It will catch those who are using only forged SSNs instead of total identity theft and will likely end the theft of children’s identity – now a major problem – as it will connect SSNs and birth dates. All who have honest errors in their information will have ample time to correct them. Those who are using these SSNs illegally will be denied employment.
    · At least semi-annually, the SSA should resume sending out “no match” letters which will alert employers that they have invalid information on one or more of their employees, such as a SSN that does not agree with name or birth date. Employers can then clear up any honest errors and terminate employees who are working illegally. Employers who fail to respond to these letters should face criminal sanctions plus liability for any harm that befalls any victims of this identity theft.
    · The IRS and SSA should cooperate to alert victims of identity theft as soon as they suspect that it is occuring. This is critical in cases of complete identity theft, which would not be caught by E-Verify. It is remarkable that the IRS and SSA will not alert you to the fact that you are likely a victim of identity theft even if they are certain that that is the case. The victim should not have to wait until he is presented with a bill for unpaid taxes owed by an illegal worker to discover his victimization.

    Employers who do not cooperate should be prosecuted, including jail. Period.

    It is important to note that pedophiles and other former offenders who may be excluded from certain types of employment can also use identity theft to evade detection.

    The technology for all 3 of these exists now.

    Deena Flinchum

  28. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    Where have you been all these months. I have missed you!

    Peter Galuszka

  29. Anonymous Avatar

    Peter, I've missed you, too!

    I've been busy in the Medicare world, am trying to help start up a Federaly Qualified Health Center in Fairlawn, spoke in Bristol on health care reform, am helping keep a no-kill animal shelter going, am working with Literacy Volunteers, am working with a group to help bring dental care to SW VA, and have started helping the Christiansburg Institute with storing some files and office work. The CI is the black school that from 1866-1966 during Jim Crow and massive resistance taught many black Virginians, including a few from Prince Edward County when the schools were closed. You might find it interesting – link at bottom. Picked up my 4,000 volunteer hours life-time achievement from RSVP in April 2010 after 3 years. Not bad for an old woman.

    I've been busy but I still keep up my research.

    Deena Flinchum

  30. Larry G Avatar

    I got worn out just reading what Deena has been doing.


    You a better (wo)men than I Gunga Din

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