Conspiratorial Thinking at UVA

by James A. Bacon

Sethunya Mokoko

In the fall of 2023, 54 new professors joined the faculty of the University of Virginia College of Arts & Sciences. Dean Christa Acampora hailed the “extraordinary talent” of the new wave of scholars.

One of the new hires was Sethunya Mokoko, a native of the southern Africa country of Lesotho and professor of rhetoric and communications in the English Department.

Two days ago, according to The College Fix, Mokoko posted to X (formerly Twitter) that the Saturday assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was “staged theatrics” performed by Secret Service to garner “idiots’ vote.” Trump’s secret service, he theorized, purposefully “ignored” eyewitnesses who informed police of an armed man on a roof before the shooting took place. 

I could not verify the accuracy of College Fix’s article — Mokoko’s X account no longer has the post — but I have no grounds to question it.

The Secret Service’s failure to stop the assassination attempt does raise legitimate questions. Many witnesses spotted the shooter and tried to draw the attention of law-enforcement authorities. But the idea that the Secret Service stage-managed the shooting is beyond absurd. Did someone orchestrate the bullet passing within an inch of blowing Trump’s brains out of his head? Did the conspirators recruit a 20-year-old local with minimal training in marksmanship to execute a shot demanding incredible precision? Was Trump willing to place his life at risk to garner a few votes?

The only “idiots” in this picture are those who gave Mokoko’s post the slightest credence.

If this is the quality of thinking typical of the new wave of faculty at UVA, then the institution is in major trouble. One can only hope that the hiring of Mokoko was an aberration. (See the list of 54 hires here.) The biographies of many of the new hires show no indication of extreme political/ideological bias. Some, however, do.

What should prove worrisome to anyone concerned about the quality of education at UVA is the intellectual framework that Mokoko has constructed around the “rhetoric of storytelling” — social justice storytelling.

From the UVA biography:

Mokoko’s work specializes in teaching students to appreciate and value social justice rhetorics across media; to become rhetorically listening writers, readers, and viewers; and to understand how global rhetorics shape and define agency and identification. His research and teaching commitments involve rhetorical theory, composition studies, cultural rhetorics, business writing and creative writing.

His dissertation project, Storytelling in Motion: Rhetorical Approaches to Autoethnography, Critical Pedagogy, and African Filmmaking, and other publications expose the marginalization in the education systems of his country, Lesotho, in Southern Africa, which still survives long after the plague of Apartheid, intending to eradicate the residue of colonization. Mokoko’s work draws on the values in the African epistemologies of storytelling, describing and illustrating these principles by showing how storytelling can transform composition pedagogy.

By employing the “epistemology of storytelling,” the storyteller is free to spin narratives free from the rigorous application of fact and logic. Reality is whatever one’s personal or communal “lived experience” says it is. People have license to believe whatever they want to believe.

The rhetoric of storytelling, in other words, is the perfect breeding ground for conspiratorial thinking. And this is how students are being taught to think at UVA today.

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120 responses to “Conspiratorial Thinking at UVA”

  1. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    This is why it is called rhetoric. Versus logic.

  2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Professor Mokoko's indefensible statement was verified by the respected George Washington University Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley: .

    Mokoko must be terminated immediately. Anyone this inflammatory and deranged has no business teaching UVA students.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Yeah, I am not surprised that some called this a staged event. It was not an uncommon initial reaction and goes to Trump’s underlying honesty and credibility as much as anything else. But conspiracy theorists abound. Today we see Trump himself voicing his belief in a phone call with JFK, Jr. that childhood vaccines lead to autism and other negative health impacts.

    1. Bedfordboy Avatar

      It may not have been an uncommon reaction by adherents of "social justice rhetorics." For those of us who live in the rational world it was nonsense on stilts.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Sorry but is simply not factual. It was a common initial reaction.

        1. Bedfordboy Avatar


          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Since you want to engage, do you agree with Trump and JFK, Jr’s anti-childhood vaccine beliefs or are they also “nonsense on stilts”? Wondering what the “rational world” view is these days…

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Since you want to engage, do you agree with Trump and JFK, Jr’s anti-childhood vaccine beliefs or are they also “nonsense on stilts”? Wondering what the “rational world” view is these days…

          3. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Saw that yesterday. I'm sure we will hear more about it. I think DJT was just blowing smoke up RFK Jr's butt to schmooze him, saying what he wanted to hear, but it was a really concerning statement.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So, to me, this is the issue in a nut shell. No matter what Trump says, there is no way to know if it is honest or not. He routinely crosses the honesty line so often, I don’t believe he even knows what he believes or not. He will say anything just to get whatever short term benefit he needs right then and accuracy or honesty doesn’t matter one iota. To bring it back around to the topic and as I said earlier, this is why the first knee jerk of many people to the shooting was that it was a fake. Is this really who we need as President… again…?

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So, to me, this is the issue in a nut shell. No matter what Trump says, there is no way to know if it is honest or not. He routinely crosses the honesty line so often, I don’t believe he even knows what he believes or not. He will say anything just to get whatever short term benefit he needs right then and accuracy or honesty doesn’t matter one iota. To bring it back around to the topic and as I said earlier, this is why the first knee jerk of many people to the shooting was that it was a fake. Is this really who we need as President… again…?

            Another topic that has been ignored here over the last two days is the Trump VP pick. Really interested on what the “rational world” take is on that topic as well…. maybe they can start with why not Pence…

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Totally agree And this is NOT a behavior you want from ANY POTUS leading the country.

            And too many in the GOP are emulating him by gaslighting issues IMO.

          7. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            Eric the half troll,

            You truly think Biden doesn't lie every time he opens his mouth? That he is a paragon of virtue?

            There are so many it would take me hours to recount. Here are but two which are blatant and egregious:
            1) "Inflation was 9% when I took office." No Joe, it was 1.4%. Due to your profligate spending and shutdown of the Keystone pipeline which spiked energy futures, fueling the inflation, it was 9% within a year. Due to YOUR policies.
            2) "No military lost their lives under my administration." Really, Joe? Memory reminder: Bagram air base, Afghanistan….13 dead military since you would not allow Army snipers to take out the Taliban suicide bomber.

            Eric, spare me the utter hypocrisy.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, Tom, Biden is very credible in my opinion. But please listen to yourself. Let’s say you firmly believe that Biden has zero credibility or honesty. Your response to this is to elect a person who takes dishonesty to a new level… how is that good for our country? This is true for nearly every criticism you launch against Biden… Trump takes that alleged fault to a new level and Conservatives cheer…

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, Tom, Biden is very credible in my opinion. But please listen to yourself. Let’s say you firmly believe that Biden has zero credibility or honesty. Your response to this is to elect a person who takes dishonesty to a new level… how is that good for our country? This is true for nearly every criticism you launch against Biden… Trump takes that alleged fault to a new level and Conservatives cheer…

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Watching the RNC Convention and is seemingly one after another spouting lies, conspiracy theories and gaslighting. Crazy!

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is now, pretty much, a mainstream Conservative identity thing… say the most audacious and obviously false thing… double down when challenged… harvest the inevitable media coverage to dominate the cycle… rinse and repeat… the new Conservative nihilism for America… burn it all down but line your pockets in the process…

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            on steroids at the RNC convention………..

          13. Azmountainguy Avatar

            Honestly, I find this entire “conversation” idiotic!
            Politicians lie! Get over it!
            This pointless and ridiculous conversation about who tells the most lies; who tells the best lies; or who tells the most egregious lies is simply proof that the division in this country is NEVER going to be resolved! We don’t like each other! We don’t trust each other! And we don’t respect each other’s rights! Sadly, we have nothing in common.
            It’s time to stop this constant agitation and anger and hate! I want to live happily ever after and I have concluded I cannot live happily ever after if I am forced to tolerate BLM, ANTIFA, THE DEEP STATE, WOKEISM, OR DEMOCRATS just to name a few.
            Let’s agree to a divorce. We’ll call it “irreconcilable differences”. You and Larry get your part of North America to do with what you will. We’ll take ours. For me, this is the only sensible and peaceful solution to our situation.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            IT's not the lies , it's the promises of what he'll do that are disturbing and not things the Dems would EVER do. Want a list? Way more than half the voters don't want what is being promised. It's a hard right authoritarian state not unlike what a lot of the 2025 ideas are.

            I think those that think the country wants that are not in touch with realities. Most voters are not going to go for that if they actually know that's the plan.

          15. Azmountainguy Avatar

            Regardless of all you claim – it’s the argument that’s out of control. It doesn’t matter what you believe or what I believe. It doesn’t matter what experts on both sides claim. It’s time to realize and acknowledge that we simply will never agree on much of anything of substance. You’ve got your “facts” and “experts”. And I’ve got mine. So?!
            Truly, I have no interest in what you do with your local area or your state for that matter. That said, I equally have no interest or concern with what you would do with your half of the country. Honestly, this is the essence of the 10th Amendment.
            There are 2 solutions. Only one is peaceful – divorce! Take your part and be happy. It’s not complicated.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            who owns the Federal Govt?

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m actually going by what some/many conservatives (like the 2025 and Claremount , Heritage folks) are
            promising to do if they get elected as well as what Trump actually did do when he was POTUS.

            THese are not “lies” or disagreement on what is fact or not -these are the actual statements of what they
            intend to do if elected.



          18. Azmountainguy Avatar

            Larry. I’m sure you mean well. But have you asked yourself what you hope to accomplish in this futile effort to win an argument?
            Clearly, you are unwilling to accept opposing views. Why would you think any of us would treat you differently? Is it because we have always been malleable? Larry, those days are gone!
            That’s why argument is pointless and unproductive. You’re dug in. And we’re dug in.
            I hope you realize where this is headed. These arguments will only get worse. And under the current rules of engagement, there can be no winners. There’s only gonna be losers because the anger caused by unrelenting and escalating arguments about unchangeable issues will continue to boil until someone changes the rules of engagement. God help us one and all!
            You have a choice. You can fight about stuff you can’t change with people who aren’t interested in what you have to say. Or, you can try to make a difference in a way that makes sense.
            It’s time for a divorce! Stop the pointless arguments, anger, and hate! Make a difference!

          19. nealmaben Avatar

            I totally agree with your assessment. We need a national divorce. I used to have a lot in common with traditional liberals. Like, freedom of speech and the right to personal privacy. The left is now totally Marxist. Force is now the preferred weapon of the totalitarian left. So, that leaves us with divorce as the only peaceful solution. God help us!

          20. Azmountainguy Avatar

            Amen my brother!

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            We’re gonna vote guy. And I’m betting a solid majority of people are not going to vote for a someone promosing an authoritarian government that violates everything the Constitution stands for.

          22. Azmountainguy Avatar

            Larry. Your response confirms every point I’ve tried to make.
            First point – the argument never ends. You just introduce a new word to argue about. In this case, you invoke the use of “authoritarian” and “Constitution” – as if the first person to use these “righteous” words takes the advantage. Kinda like invoking the use of words like racist, misogynist, fascist, domestic terrorist, white supremacist, and on and on – too many to waste time listing. But I’m sure you know them all.
            Second point – we have nothing in common. For example, you use the word “authoritarian” to describe a future possibility. Can you predict earthquakes? Even the famous Chicken Little said “the sky IS falling”. He didn’t say “the sky MIGHT fall next year”! By the way, from my perspective, the word “authoritarian” is very appropriate in describing the current regime. Were you here for the unconstitutional COVID lock downs and state-mandated vaccinations? Do you understand the role of state-sponsored media? If not, I refer you back to Covid lockdowns and unconstitutional imprisonments.
            Then you suggest that you know what violates the Constitution. But isn’t that based on your definition of authoritarianism? Here’s a clue – “authoritarianism” can only describe, with certainty, current or past events – not future events.
            Here’s what’s true. You simply want to argue. I don’t know what you gain or how it improves your life.
            Once again, it’s clear we have nothing in common. That said, a national divorce is the only peaceful way forward. You can take YOUR understanding and use of the Constitution to govern your half of the country. I’ll do the same. Perhaps we can both live in peace and happiness. Right now – that is impossible!

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            We DO KNOW what TRump is promising.. it’s not opinion! We KNOW what Project 2025 is promising and it’s made up largely of people who served in the Trump administration. It’s not an opinion!

            Won’t be a national “divorce”. It will be an election and if enough folks figure out what Trump and his merry band are up to , they’re gonna lose big time. Your “half” will be the minority who lost with any luck!

          24. Azmountainguy Avatar

            Despite the fact that T has disavowed the 2025 Project, you are excited to bang the gong incessantly that he is threatening Western Civilization. Frankly, I’ve never heard him embrace the 2025 Project much less make promises to utilize it to govern.
            Remember, promises have no value without actions. But regardless of what “may” or “may not” happen, Obama made it clear to Republicans in 2009, how he viewed our concerns and/or suggestions in HIS new administration. Remember when he said, “elections have consequences – and I won!”? Since then, I have enthusiastically embraced the old saying – “turnabout is fair play”.
            I’m thinking you’d be a lot smarter to revise your current argument plan and focus on arguing for a national divorce. Surely you must know – if there IS an election nothin is gonna change. There won’t be a Kumbaya moment. Choose your future – peace and happiness OR anger, argument, antagonism, hate and …..

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh he disavows it but it’s staffed by a lot of people from his prior administration that he appointed.

            Yes, we very much know that elections do have consequences.

            How can you “divorce” the Federal GOvt when there is one POTUS and we already know what will happen if
            you know who gets elected. All of a sudden, all the folks in Project 2025 come back to staff his administration, right?

            So no divorce, unless you’re gonna give up POTUS and Congress in the property settlement!

            THe main task now is to make sure voters know who they are electing and what they are promising.

            The more folks who know, the better at vote time.

          26. Azmountainguy Avatar

            First, T has his own written plan for his term if he wins. It’s Agenda 47 and it’s unrelated to the 2025 Project. Jacob Knutson, a writer for Axios, appears to be the primary antagonist regarding the so-called danger of the 2025 Project. Aside from Knutson and some fellow liberal journalists, there is no credible individual with either party who will state, unequivocally, that Trump has any intention to abandon his Agenda 47 in favor of the 2025 Project. Sources matter!
            Next, a national divorce is called secession. It is provided for in the Constitution. Granted, it’s not an easy process. It takes months to years. Further, it has nothing to do with POTUS or federally elected office holders. Under specific conditions, it allows willing and desirous states or regions to secede from the union and establish their own independent government. Similar to Britain leaving the EU. By the way, I would gladly trade any POTUS for unobstructed secession.
            Finally, what have we accomplished? You’re unchanged – I’m unchanged. I still don’t care what you think or what you believe. There are millions of us facing this reality and it’s gettin worse. With or without you; with or without an election; with or without your POTUS, the increasing pressure and tension in this country is gonna get released and you’re not gonna like it. It almost popped last Saturday, Jul 13. We dodged one!
            This is why a national divorce is the only guaranteed peaceful solution. I’d be thrilled to see you with your own Constitution, your own government, and your own nation. This is a big country. There’s plenty of room. I just don’t want to argue about shit that the rules of engagement don’t allow us to resolve. Good luck to ya.

          27. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I get Virginia, then. See ya!

          28. Azmountainguy Avatar

            That’s OK with me. Live happy!

          29. WayneS Avatar

            Here are a few more of his lies He has used most of them more than once:

            “Put a pistol on a brace, and it…turns into a gun,” Biden said. “Makes them where you can have a higher-caliber weapon – a higher-caliber bullet – coming out of that gun."

            “The only industry in America you can’t sue is the – is the gun manufacturers.”

            “And the fact that the NRA has such overwhelming power – you know, the NRA is the only outfit in the nation that we cannot sue as an institution. “They got – they – before this – I became president, they passed legislation saying you can’t sue them.”

            [At a fund raiser in 2023 Biden stated that he taught the Second Amendment for 12 years in law school] “And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own.”

            “You can’t own a machine gun.”

            “Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun?”

            "And I sat with a trauma doctor, and I asked him—I said, 'What's the difference?'… I said, 'Why are they dying?' And they showed me x-rays. He said, 'A .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out, may be able to get it, and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.'
            "So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is of—there's simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting… and remember, the Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute. You couldn't buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed. You couldn't go out and purchase a lot of weapons."

            “Most people don’t know: you walk into a store and you buy a gun, but you go to a gun show you can buy whatever you want and no background check.”

          30. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: " but you go to a gun show you can buy whatever you want and no background check"

            are those folks out in the parking lot with their trunks open , doing background checks?

            How about those who buy guns and then give it to a friend or relative and they don't register it?

            Are we saying that does not happen?

          31. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            WayneS, great ones. Eric the half troll and LarrytheG truly live in an alternative universe. Orwellian at best…..and that's the kindest spin I can put on it.

          32. LarrytheG Avatar

            I guess we're gonna find out which non-conservatives, independents, etc, will believe
            the GOP claims, eh?

          33. WayneS Avatar

            I think if someone sat down and honestly counted the lies told by Joe Biden during his presidency the total would be very close to the 30,000+ attributed to Donald Trump by the Washington Post.

            I wonder why they have not been as eager to count Bidens' mistruths as they were Trump's…

          34. LarrytheG Avatar

            but does it impinge on 2nd amendment rights to have one at a rally?

          35. WayneS Avatar

            I never said it did. How did you get that idea from my comment? I was listing just a few of Joe Biden's lies about guns, gun manufacturers, gun owners, and the 2nd Amendment.

          36. LarrytheG Avatar

            there was discussion about guns and rights and lies and I was seeking some understanding of
            what are limits or not to having guns at various venues and whether such limits are perceived
            by gun owners as affecting their 2A rights. So I figured you probably knew the answer.

          37. WayneS Avatar

            and whether such limits are perceived
            by gun owners

            Gun owners are not a monolithic homogeneous block, so I would not ever try to speak for them.

          38. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: " but you go to a gun show you can buy whatever you want and no background check"

            are those folks out in the parking lot with their trunks open , doing background checks?

            How about those who buy guns and then give it to a friend or relative and they don't register it?

            Are we saying that does not happen?

          39. WayneS Avatar

            1) Have you been to a gun show lately? There are almost as many ATF agents as there are attendees. A person selling a gun out of the trunk of his car is more likely to be arrested (or at least run off the property) as he is to complete the sale. The people who run the shows do not allow gun sales on the property outside the show. It hurts their bottom line. They very often have their own security folks circulating in the parking lot.

            2) Gun registration is not required in Virginia, so no one registers them.

            3) Every single statement by Biden I posted above is a provable lie.

            4) No one is saying people do not break the law. But passing laws that hamper gun ownership by honest people while doing nothing to stop criminal activity is not the answer. Punishing criminals who break our myriad existing gun laws is the answer.

          40. LarrytheG Avatar

            been to enough gun shows to see how guns can be traded/sold transferred entirely as a private transaction.
            So if it’s legal to not register in Virginia, why the ATF folks?

          41. WayneS Avatar

            What the heck are you talking about? The federal government does not require gun registration, so the ATF would not be involved even if the state where the show was held does. They are at gun shows to enforce federal laws related to the sale/transfer of firearms. That's their job.

            And by the way, it is not just "legal to not register in Virginia", there is no place to register one. Virginia does not maintain a gun registry.

            And yes, I know that machine guns/fully automatic firearms require both federal and state registration. Fully automatic weapons are a completely different class of firearm from those sold at your typical gun show.

          42. LarrytheG Avatar

            I admit to ignorance on the issues. If there is no law that guns need to be registered.. true? I was under
            the impression that when you bought one, it had to be registered and that database was accessible to
            law enforcement. Not true?

          43. WayneS Avatar

            Not true, at least in Virginia. Some states require gun registration, but definitely not at the national level.

            Not only does the federal government not keep a gun registry, they are prohibited by federal law from doing so.

            Now, there are conspiracy theorists out there who maintain that the feds keep the background check forms beyond the federally prescribed time limit, and that they use them to create a defacto registry, but I've never bought into that.

            This might help:


          44. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought they tracked down the name of the shooter from the gun, no?

          45. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That would be cars…

          46. LarrytheG Avatar

            I was under the impression that they got the name of the shooter from checking his gun registration, no?

          47. muawiyah Avatar

            Some of his lies are totally incomprehensible.

          48. muawiyah Avatar

            Some of his lies are totally incomprehensible.

          49. Al Martin Avatar
            Al Martin

            Give him a break. He's just following orders and trying to earn a living.

          50. Al Martin Avatar
            Al Martin

            Mokoko, is that you?

    2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      Eric, the fact it was a "common initial reaction" only validates the utter stupidity and zealotry of the TDS infected Far Left. You are one of them.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Some folks were alive at the time that John F Kennedy got killed.
    And some folks were working at a store with TVs on and the store
    manager was heard to say " Hot Dang, they FINALLY got that SOB"!

    1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      Those comments were equally wrong and ignorant. You think that justifies this asinine UVA professor's comments? Spare me.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I DON’T think that at all but I’m pointing out that such rhetoric is not new at all. What’s “new” is the internet
        and social media where such comments are not only heard in one store by one guy but by thousands , millions, included other like-minded.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      …some folks were working at a store with TVs on and the store
      manager was heard to say " Hot Dang, they FINALLY got that SOB"!

      How many folks is "some"?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        a noticeable amount?

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Illustrating why my son in the E school referred to it as the "College of Arts and Crafts." Social media is awash with people who are mad that the shooter missed, a more common theme than people who see it as a set-up. Good news is many are indeed losing their jobs over their wish to murder a nominee.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    To claim that the attempted assasination was "staged theatrics" puts Mokoko in the same camp as Alex Jones who claimed that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a fake. It might be plausible to term Trump's reaction (clinched fist, etc.) as "theatrics", but how would Mokoko account for the dead shooter? That certainly wasn't staged.

    I don't know the terms of Mokoko's contract with UVa. If he does not already have tenure, he should not get it. If his employment is by contract, his contract should not be renewed. I suppose one could object to firing him as being a violation of his First Amendment rights. However, he could be fired because he demonstrated a lack of academic rigor in his thinking.

    1. Hap Hazard Avatar
      Hap Hazard

      Exactly. Professor Kokomo needs to get the Alex Jones treatment.

  7. Monday after we killed UBL I came to campus and one of the department profs stated he thought that President Obama was telling a fib in his prime time announcement of the raid. When I asked why he thought that – he responded that if it had been real the USMIL would have taken a news media rep along on the raid to tell the world the truth…. talk about idiocy and complete ignorance of special operations…. luckily this person has a meaningless job of teaching kids about topics so inane few care… kind of like this UVA idiot.

  8. Lefty665 Avatar

    He ignores Hanlon's Razor, a corollary to Murphy's Law that explains the SS and police failure, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

    That may not be as dramatic as the epistemology of story telling, but is a far better descriptor of all too human behavior.

    The SS f***** up. Heads should roll, and it was about 1/4 inch from blowing Trump's brains out. It is hard to overstate how close it was. As JAB noted, no plot would pick a 20 year old to stage it or shave it that close while killing people. SS failure to do their jobs, nonfeasance, on the other hand, is a lot easier to achieve.

    Trump did demonstrate that he had learned his role as protectee. When he understood he'd been shot at he dropped immediately to the ground. He got down before the first SS body man could get to him. If Kennedy had reacted as quickly Oswald would not have been able to follow up with the fatal shot.

    Makes one wonder how many ill secured events for SS protectees there have been where nothing happened simply because there was no threat. It exemplifies the triumph of Equity over Merit. It also illustrates why the appropriate acronym is DIE, death, rather than DEI, god. People can and do die from the malfeasance of DIE.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      If Kennedy had reacted as quickly Oswald would not have been able to follow up with the fatal shot.

      I don't think we can assume that. We don't know what JFK saw, heard, or felt during/after Oswald's first shot, which missed the president. Trump reacted quickly because he was hit. JFK did not have that chance, because the first shot that hit him was fatal.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      If Kennedy had reacted as quickly Oswald would not have been able to follow up with the fatal shot.

      I don't think we can assume that. We don't know what JFK saw, heard, or felt during/after Oswald's first shot, which missed the president. Trump reacted quickly because he was hit. JFK did not have that chance, because the first shot that hit him was fatal.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Not sure that's so. Kennedy's first reaction was to reach up and back with both hands. That is apparently in response to the shallow wound in his back (and the source of the undeformed bullet). The second shot was arguably jerked over his right shoulder and hit Connolly. The 3rd shot was fatal. In any event, and even if you believe the Warren Report, Zapruder puts the fatal shot 5-6 seconds after Kennedy's first reaction.

        In contrast, by 5-6 seconds after Trump's reaction to being hit he was long on the deck and the SS body men (and women) were further shielding him. I've never thought of Trump as being particularly quick reacting, but he was impressive Saturday. He reached up, realized he'd been hit and dropped like a rock, but not from the impact of a bullet. Exactly as he was trained to do as Prez.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Not sure that's so. Kennedy's first reaction was to reach up and back with both hands. That is apparently in response to the shallow wound in his back (and the source of the undeformed bullet). The second shot was arguably jerked over his right shoulder and hit Connolly. The 3rd shot was fatal. In any event, and even if you believe the Warren Report, Zapruder puts the fatal shot 5-6 seconds after Kennedy's first reaction.

        In contrast, by 5-6 seconds after Trump's reaction to being hit he was long on the deck and the SS body men (and women) were further shielding him. I've never thought of Trump as being particularly quick reacting, but he was impressive Saturday. He reached up, realized he'd been hit and dropped like a rock, but not from the impact of a bullet. Exactly as he was trained to do as Prez.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I would think the back brace Kennedy wore came into play how he reacted with struck by a bullet.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Also seems likely that was a "short" round, one that had less than normal force. That drop in velocity caused both the shallow wound with an undeformed bullet and drop of impact point from back of head aim point to mid back. Not sure if Oswald was shooting WWII surplus or reloads. Either could have higher than average defects.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yeah, I don't think you were finding too many 6.5 rounds that were surplus in the states at that time.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Actually I believe there was a bunch of it around. Lots of imported war time ammo. More of course in the more common Mauser chamberings, but the Italians produced a lot for their army that never used much of it. The mail order gun ads of the time advertised bundles of rifles and surplus ammo. That was less than 20 years after the war so it wasn't that ancient.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I meant as it we weren’t producing it here at the time. WWII and even cold war ammo has been plentiful for a good while, well at least till the sanctions from Ukraine.

            Probably just a bad batch at that point.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Think you're right, there may have been no 6.5mm being produced domestically. War surplus or reloads both would have had higher defect rates than fresh ammo. That resulted in the short round that hit Kennedy in the back with low energy.

            That probably startled Oswald because the shot he had time to line up did not have the intended effect. He then likely jerked the second shot right over Kennedy's shoulder, hitting Connolly. Then he settled down and got Kennedy with the 3rd shot. Thus my original suggestion that had Kennedy dropped anywhere near as quickly as Trump did, he'd have survived with a shallow back wound.

            Spector and the Warren Commission's magic bullet theory was unbelievable from it's inception. That's probably driven as much conspiracy theorizing as everything else combined.

          6. WayneS Avatar

            Good point.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          Thanks. For some reason I thought the second shot was the fatal one.

  9. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Sounds like a Marxist plant. And why is any non citizen teaching in any school in our nation?

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    ”I could not verify the accuracy of College Fix’s article — Mokoko’s X account no longer has the post — but I have no grounds to question it.”

    Aka, a belief system.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      The Tweet was real. Unfortunately this is the best screen shot of it I've been able to find.
      It's a little blurry but still perfectly readable.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      The Tweet was real. Unfortunately this is the best screen shot of it I've been able to find.
      It's a little blurry but still perfectly readable.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        CNN covered this guy several times, perhaps, many times, not ignored at all.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          The claim was that he was ignored by the Secret Service and the police, not the media.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          The claim was that he was ignored by the Secret Service and the police, not the media.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You are correct. I was seeing criticism elsewhere that the media in the US was not covering this and they were showing this guy's picture.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, everybody’s trying to be funny. Saw a post on poll results where Trump gained, and someone said, “He’s #1 with a bullet.” That was worthy of a smile.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          That was worthy of a smile, but only because Mr. Trump was not seriously injured or killed.

          It'll take a lot more convincing to get me to believe that Mr. Sethunya Mokoko was trying to be funny.

  11. Clarity77 Avatar

    Whether Secret Service hiring or UVA faculty hiring when based on DEI as opposed to merit, why would it surprise you as to the incompetence and abject stupidity?

  12. 3wire 42 Avatar
    3wire 42

    I guess this genius thinks two people hospitalized and one being buried are staged as well. Sadly, he is what happens when hatred overrides intelligence.

  13. pyramid_003 Avatar

    Rhetoric. . . . sounds like one of those majors where the only place you can get a job in it is in a college or university . . . teaching it.

  14. Recognizing_Truth Avatar

    He also believes the word is flat.
    That the moon landing was faked.
    And that males can "trans" into females.

  15. GiveMeLiberty Avatar

    And Joe Biden's senility is not real.

  16. Will Parker Avatar
    Will Parker

    The aftermath of the Trump assassination attempt is a painful reality for the political left. Their caustic rhetoric has backfired spectacularly. They actually succeeded in, ostensibly, goading a disturbed misfit into shooting at their nemesis, only to make him into a folk hero. There is even an Iwo Jima-like photo that will haunt them forever.

  17. Frank Moss Avatar
    Frank Moss

    Remember, diversity is our strength.

    1. Tiredofpols Avatar

      Diversity is fine. Unintelligent diversity will be our institutions downfall.

  18. muawiyah Avatar

    Statistically speaking every square inch of the USA is within a 10 minute drive at 35MPH of a person who is already on a list as a THREAT to Presidents, Senators, legislators, cops, teachers……

    That's just one of the reasons why we have to send special security forces with many people when they make public appearances.

    One slip up by those security forces, and that THREAT can manifest itself/herself/hisself in 10 minutes!

    Not the first assassination attempt on Donald Trump!

  19. Our Universities are full of woke, triggered, low-life posing as enlightened intellectuals.

  20. Tiredofpols Avatar

    DEI hiring?

  21. Dr Sam’s  Family Avatar
    Dr Sam’s Family

    Okay, what in the devil is Sethunya Mokoko's REAL name? Stanley Magoo? These "rebranded" pseudointellectual race hucksters with fake, plagiarized credentials don't impress anyone but each other. Let them try to earn REAL credentials like STEM doctoral degrees with genuine bench work involved and maybe we'll talk. Probably makes his students call him "Professor" or "Doctor" just to boost his overinflated, undeserved and unearned ego.

  22. Al Martin Avatar
    Al Martin

    And, of course, he was there. What, he wasn't? Just blowing smoke? Why would he do that?

  23. John Smoot (Deplorable Chump) Avatar
    John Smoot (Deplorable Chump)

    It seems to me that Mokoko is researching and teaching persuasive communication. He's got a lot to learn. Brevity is the heart of persuasion. Mokoko is long-winded. The brain can absorb only what the butt can endure.

  24. Skeeve Blockhead Avatar
    Skeeve Blockhead

    The theory that the assassination attempt was staged certainly does not require the 20-year old kid on the roof to be an expert marksman. In fact, it doesn't even require him to shoot at all. One thing I know for sure: Trump's bloody ear was 100% intact. There is no way that it was even grazed by a high-powered rifle. The bullet would have blown the entire top of his ear off. Look at the photos – there is no wound, just blood. Trump and President Cabbage actually both work for the Deep State. Evidence? The COVID "Vaccine". A depopulation drug meant to cull the population and rid the elite of the burden of the elderly and "unfit". A latent poison for which the effects are only just beginning to affect us. Both the Vegetable-in-Chief and Trump have never once criticized the mRNA jab.

  25. A Charles Martel fan Avatar
    A Charles Martel fan

    Banned test

  26. FarOutWest Avatar

    Tell this ‘staged’ BS to the family of the man who died as a human shield protecting his wife and daughter.

  27. Ponyexpress Avatar

    This attempt was nothing more than JFK 2.1. Current silence and obfuscation by FBI and SS and lack of public airing tells me all I need to know that the security apparatus was complicit and probably directed the event. Cheeto lady will not be fired because although complicit ,she knows where the bodies are buried .Look for an unexpected / accidental death. . Probably a drowning in Martha's' vineyard automobile crash or fatal mugging.


    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh NO! Not before the GOP Congressional Committee gets to "interview" her.. right?

  28. Hap Hazard Avatar
    Hap Hazard

    "Mokoko’s work specializes in teaching students to appreciate and value social justice rhetorics across media; to become rhetorically listening writers, readers, and viewers; and to understand how global rhetorics shape and define agency and identification. His research and teaching commitments involve rhetorical theory, composition studies, cultural rhetorics, business writing and creative writing."

    In other words, he teaches students how to write socialist propaganda.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      if one thinks all of such rhetoric is only about propaganda, right? Is there any legitimacy at all do doing what he is saying to do for any people, including gender, culture, etc subject to disparate treatment by others or govt?

  29. James Wills Avatar
    James Wills

    Well, just one look was all it took. (HT to Sonny and Cher)

    I live just a few miles from Mr. Jefferson's school. Since the wokesters took over Albemarle County – and in particular Mr. Jefferson's House, Mr. Jefferson's School and even Mr. Jefferson's Town, I never go to Charlottesville unless it is an absolute necessity. I'm sure he is spinning in his grave like a top.

    1. James Wills Avatar
      James Wills

      Sorry – Doris Troy, not Sonny and Cher

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Maybe "woke" got started when folks decided a free public education for all , funded by others was a good idea?

  30. MickeyD Avatar

    Someone should sue UVA for a billion plus dollars. If it's suitable for Alex Jones, it's suitable for all.

  31. Kyle Lam Avatar
    Kyle Lam

    Maybe it could be faked on a closed Hollywood set with actors, but in a live rally with some many participants and one death and two other casualties it is very, very, very doubtful. Sethunya Mokoko's syllabus probably doesn't include any critical thinking, yet he seems to excel in empty brain dead rhetoric.

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