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Virginia Democrats – “Progressive for Who?”

Al Sharpton. Courtesy New York Post

by James C. Sherlock

“Progressive for who?”

That question was asked by Al Sharpton directly to a gathering of his supporters at a conference hosted by his National Action Network while flanked by Lori Lightfoot, Eric Adams and two other big city Democratic mayors.

“Anybody that tells you they’re progressive but don’t care about dealing with violent crimes are not.”

“Progressive for who?”

“We gotta stop using progressive as a noun and use it as an adjective.”

“You’re labeled progressive but your action is regressive. I’m woke? You must think I’m asleep.”

He demanded “a national agenda around urban violence, urban crime and accountability.”

“Accountability.” There is no word more anathema to progressives. He could not have hurt them worse.

Watch the video.

That was not the first shot, but one of heavy caliber, in the revolution against progressive destructiveness by the Black people who are among its primary victims.

The Democratic Party of Virginia, tethered to Northern Virginia progressives, left its base, not the other way around.

It is now the “progressives with college credentials” party that tolerates other voters at election time.

It deals blows to Black communities starting before birth. In the name of “helping” them.

Bottom line.

Virginia Democrats call opponents of those policies racist.


Their quasi-religious dogma and zeal, fed by self-referential academic “studies,” are intact.

But even Al Sharpton, who still claims credit for criminal justice “reform” and police “accountability,” thinks they went too far.

He is not standing for the results any more.

“Progressive for who?”


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