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Conservatives Actively Promoting Better Economic Future for Petersburg

Governor Youngkin and Mayor Sam Parham celebrate Partnership for Petersburg.  Courtesy Governor’s Office

by James C. Sherlock

Bill Atkinson of The Progress-Index on May 3rd did his usual great job reporting news of Petersburg.

The article is titled “PFP point man calls Petersburg ‘gold mine,’ encourages business to come or expand there.”

The Richmond meeting featured the governor’s point man on the Partnership for Petersburg (PFP), Garrison Coward, speaking to an informal meeting of Americans for Prosperity (AFP).

His message:

check out the “gold mine” 23 miles to the south.

Do well while doing good.

Progressives have no such message to offer. And a progressive would never speak to that conservative business group. Even though the AFP

is looking to boost advocacy for localities such as Petersburg…

Mr. Coward spoke of the growing pharmaceutical industry down there.

Not only do we see the new grocery store, but we also see new housing, Coward said. And not only could we see new housing for the people there, we could also see new housing for Virginia State University. It’s just this domino effect, and we’re excited that it’s coming.

Private-sector businesses. Private sector housing. Conservative activism.

The Democrats. Let’s see what Lashrecse Aird, running against Joe Morrissey in the Democratic primary for Morrissey’s seat in the Virginia Senate, offers Petersburg voters.

Limitless abortion.

Reported legal abortions in Virginia by race/ethnicity 2020. Courtesy Statistica 2023

Black population is 20% in Virginia, and accounts for nearly half of the abortions. Her campaign slogan to an 86% Black population in Petersburg is “Roe Not Joe.”

Ms. Aird also offered that she has better “morals” than Morrissey.

She should pick one and stick with it.

Her campaign website proclaims that as a delegate, she

fought to provide … more economic opportunities for our communities.

She proudly refers to her 2019 Free Enterprise Award from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. She did indeed receive one. As did much of the General Assembly that year, the Chamber understandably being as inclusive as possible.

The Chamber gave awards to any legislator that supported any part of legislation it supported. Del. Aird’s was for “Career Focused Higher Education,” presumably meaning she worked to help pass the Chamber’s favored bill for workforce development in community colleges.

That was a good thing.

She neglects to mention that received a D+ on the Legislative Report Card from the Chamber in 2020 and 2021 when the Democrats were in control.

Who, between the Governor, the Chamber, and AFP on the one hand and progressives like Ms. Aird on the other has the best long-term interests of the citizens of Petersburg in mind?

The citizens will get to choose.

Updated May 7 14:52 with the Virginia abortions chart

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