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Conservative Snowflakes

by James A. Bacon

Delicate snowflakes aren’t found only on college campuses. Some conservatives in Virginia, it seems, are just as prone to melting down and suppressing images and ideas they don’t like.

It appears that “multiple parents” have approached Patrick County Supervisor Denise Stirewalt with concerns about reading materials their children are being exposed to in school. What are we talking about? Inappropriate sexual content? Profanity? Suicide? Race war? Genocide? No, we’re talking about Norse mythology stories.

“One instance involved a third-grade student who was having nightmares as a result of a story he had read in class. The story was a single Student Reader, Unit 6, titled ‘Gods, Giants, and Dwarves,’” reports the Martinsville Bulletin. The story has been removed from the curriculum.

Good grief!

I don’t know for a fact that the parents who complained are politically or culturally conservative, but Patrick County is a very conservative and Christian community. And I don’t know how graphic the material was that the child found so disturbing. But with those caveats, I feel moved to issue a warning: conservatives, don’t adopt the pathological traits of the left! Don’t become snowflakes! Don’t coddle your children! Cultivate the virtues of courage, resilience, and determination.

I understand that fragility and victimhood have become the coin of the realm — victimhood confers a bizarre kind of authority today. But the benefits are transitory. Victimhood is the philosophy of losers. Adversity is part of life. The only way to thrive is to learn how to overcome hardships, which means coping with uncomfortable images and thoughts. Be strong. Teach your children to be strong.

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