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Connaughton Won’t Rule Out Tax Increases

Now we know why Sean Connaughton would not sign the Taxpayers Protection Pledge. The Washington Post let the cat out of the bag:

‘…he is honest and pragmatic enough to consider all options, including the possibility of new tax revenue. “I don’t rule out anything,” says Mr. Connaughton…’

What’s rather strange is this observation from the Washington Post:

‘Mr. Connaughton is a member of that increasingly rare breed: a moderate Republican in Virginia.’

Obviously form the Post’s perspective, a tax-and-spend liberal is a moderate Republican. So there should be little doubt left as to Connaughton’s real position on taxes–he is pro-tax!

But what’s odd is the Post’s conclusion that moderates are an increasingly rare breed in Virginia. Obviously the post hasn’t counted the office holders in the Virginia State Senate recently; by my count there are 18 RINOs to 6 conservative Republican Senators. That’s a three to one split in favor of the RINOs! Moderate Republicans are the majority, so what “rare breed” is the Post talking about?

But then again, the Post is not always focused on reporting the facts. Rather they prefer focusing on dishing out their liberal spin…

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