U.S. Senator Mark Warner, savior of Virginia’s Right To Work Law?

by Steve Haner

First published this morning by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy.

One key goal for many of Virginia’s new progressive Democrats has been repeal of Virginia’s venerable Right To Work Law, and in 2020 they crossed one milestone by passing repeal in a key committee. But the Democratic leadership, perhaps wary of losing the bill in the Senate or angering too many moderate voters, ended the effort there and snuffed that bill.

This year the same bill was stalled in committee, but patron Delegate Lee Carter, D-Manassas, did force a roll call with a motion to discharge the committee and bring it to the House Floor. It also failed.

Where General Assembly Democrats feared to tread, Virginia’s Congressional Democrats happily rushed in. Every House of Representatives Democrat from this state has voted for H.R. 842, sponsored by Virginia’s own Rep. Robert Scott, D-Newport News. All the Republicans were nays.

Scott calls it the Protect the Right to Organize, or PRO Act, and the hot potato is now firmly on the plates of Democratic U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. Kaine’s vote of yea is as sure as sunrise, putting the heat on our senior senator with his lightly-worn pro-business mantle. Will he shed it to give the unions and his new president what they want?

Scott chairs the House Committee on Education and Labor, where the bill originated. If you doubt the intent to repeal state right to work laws, the committee has issued its own propaganda piece on the bill which includes this among the talking points:

 Gives workers the power to override so-called “right-to-work” laws that prevent unions from collecting dues from the workers they represent. “Right-to-work” laws advanced by anti-union politicians are design to strip workers of the power and resources to defend themselves against wealthy special interests. The PRO Act allows employers and unions to enter into a contract that allows unions to collect dues from the workers they represent.

The other perspective, of course, is that right to work laws allow employees to make a free choice to join a union or not, to fork over a percentage of their pay or not, to finance the union’s preferred political candidates or not. Without doubt, Congress has the authority to take that away because it was the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act which gave states the authority to create such protections.

It followed on the heels of the tumultuous labor battles that hamstrung America’s war production efforts, with strikes crippling key industries at key times in World War II. It is a bitter history which has faded over 75 years (try Arthur Herman’s Freedom’s Forge), but the economic benefits of Taft-Hartley’s restraint on unchecked union power remain. They are now in real jeopardy.

Repealing any and all state right to work laws is just one aspect of this union wish-list bill, which also passed in 2019 but then faced a Republican Senate. Virginia’s Democratic House members, who campaign as pro-business and individual liberty when needed, have also voted for this:

  • Secondary strikes, where the union targets a company’s suppliers and customers as well to add pressure, which is now banned.
  • Federal binding arbitration, as opposed to mediation, even in the case of first contract negotiations. The bill makes major changes to the arbitration and mediation rules, all of them adding power to the union.
  • Punitive damages, civil penalties, personal liability, and private right of action are added to the list of weapons on the side of the union in contract disputes.

There is a good summary of the bill from the employer’s point of view here, balancing the sales pitch put out by Scott’s committee. It also points to what might prove the Achilles Heel if the House insists on it, and those are the new rules sought to limit independent contractors. The National Law Review writes:

Unions have long pushed for legislation to expand the definition of “employee” and limit the definition of “supervisor” to bring a greater number of individuals under their sway. Independent contractors are also currently exempt from the scope of the (National Labor Relations Act).

The PRO Act would expand the definition of “employee,” adopting the California “ABC” test to exclude most workers from exempt independent contractor status. The PRO Act would also require employers to act at their peril, even if acting in good-faith; employers found to have mistakenly classified their workers as independent contractors would be in violation of the NLRA.

California’s hardly right-wing electorate has actually repealed many of the same provisions in that state’s Assembly Bill 5. The same battles over who is or is not an independent contract have raged in the Virginia General Assembly. Again, Congress is about to ride in and settle the argument for everybody, with the help of Virginia’s own elected representatives.

As progressive as the Virginia General Assembly has become, where it has failed to push dramatic change across the finish line the new Congress is stepping in. Right now, all 50 Senate Democrats are potential swing votes, but Mark Warner is one of the obvious ones. In reality, the key vote will first be on maintaining the filibuster rules. That goes, the world changes fast.

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17 responses to “Congress to Kill Right To Work, Since GA Didn’t?”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    I’ll tell my story again. When I was still in high school, I got a job at Montgomery Ward’s catalog house. I generally opened big cartons of products; filled the product bins for the order filers to use; re-packed the remaining goods; and warehoused them, with the box identity and location filled and filed. I had this job until the end of my junior year in college. I worked full time in summer, major breaks as needed and part-time the rest of the year.

    Minnesota law required an employee of a unionized organization either to join the union or pay the dues equivalent. I grew up thinking unions were good for workers –all workers. I joined the union.

    The first factor that caused me to start souring on unions was the fact that part-time workers had to pay full union dues. That took a chunk from my part-time paycheck.

    The next bad thing that happened to me occurred after we completed the annual inventory check in early February. All the part-timers were laid off. We’d usually get called back in mid-to-late April.

    My first two paychecks usually went to taxes and back union dues. Oh, did I forget that Minnesota law permitted the union to charge full union dues to laid off workers. The alternative was to resign from the union and rejoin the union when one got called back to work. But there was a fee of $75 to rejoin the union. And these were the days when the union wage was about $2.50 per hour. That’s 30 hours of work to pay the fee to the union.

    I didn’t like this. It wasn’t fair. But I was screwed by the fact that Minnesota didn’t have a Right to Work law. It only took a couple of layoffs to move me from a union supporter to an opponent of mandatory membership or dues paying.

    I would challenge any opponent of Right to Work to explain why what happened to me cannot happen to others. Join a union if you want. But don’t make people join just to work.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “And these were the days when the union wage was about $2.50 per hour. That’s 30 hours of work to pay the fee to the union. I didn’t like this. It wasn’t fair.”

      I am assuming that the non-union wage was something south of $2.50. If not, then you were paying dues for no real benefit and you have a point. If so, then you had already received benefits from the union and should have understood the need to pay for those who represented you in negotiating those benefits.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Where did I say that I objected to paying union dues when I was working? I started from a pro-union stance and, but for being screwed by the union, would have probably continued to support them. The union was looking out for the union. It could have easily agreed to: 1) not requiring laid off workers to incur dues obligations; and 2) reduced the dues for those working part-time.

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    But those Union dues go to prop up politicians who vote in pro-union laws…. see it’s a necessary cycle….. they can’t just steal that money from workers….
    With the implementation of OSHA, Unions became for the most part unnecessary.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “New York’s Building Trades Employers Association, which represents more than 1,300 contractors in New York City, recently released new statistics using data from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It found that union construction workers in the Big Apple are five times less likely to suffer a fatal accident compared to their nonunion counterparts.”


      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Compared to the union bulit houses in New England, the piles of sticks in Virginia are just that.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Not the issue at all, that issue is local building codes. So your problem is with Government.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Or maybe not.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm yes, local building codes determine how your home is constructed. There are Union’s who build houses in both areas.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Should. Should be constructed. Unions ensure the skills of those doing the building.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Since when? When were you in any craft to make such a statement.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Craft? Small water craft. United States Yacht Racing Union.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Given your response you’ve never been a member of a Union, because someone who picks up the tools calls it the “craft”. Hence, in certain Unions members will continue to pay dues to maintain their position even thought they’ve left the “craft” for supervision.

            Now let us discuss your lack of knowledge on construction, the only building code that is National is the National Electric Code (NEC), hence the word “National”. All other codes can vary from state to state, that’s why you have to identify which state you reside in when purchases home owners insurance.

            So again, the variance in how your home is constructed dependent upon where you reside if a function of your Statement Government. The last amendment of theses codes took place in 2015, they were approved in 2018.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, actually it’s no longer called USYRU. Name changed in the 90s. It’s now called the United States Sailing Association. The rich yachties objected to the word “union” and the rest of us, who raced real boats, objected to the word “yacht”.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Not a Union by any sense of the means, you pay to be in a club. I’d those “dues” in college for my USA Rugby membership.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Venerable? Or venereal?

    Repeal and Replace.

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