Congratulations, Cooch!

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli racked up the biggest legal victory of his career yesterday when a federal judge ruled for Virginia in its legal challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). Wrote Federal Judge Henry E. Hudson on the provision that would compel Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a fine:

Neither the Supreme Court nor any federal circuit court of appeals has extended Commerce Clause powers to compel an individual to involuntarily enter the stream of commerce by purchasing a commodity in the private market. In doing so, enactment of the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision [the individual mandate] exceeds the Commerce Clause powers vested in Congress under Article 1.

Score one not only for Cuccinelli but for the rollback of the leviathan state. If Hudson’s ruling is upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, as it undoubtedly will be, an an important limit will be placed upon Congress’ power to regulate and coerce Americans any where, any time, for any reason. The ruling also undermines Obamacare’s effort to restructure the health insurance industry by forcing Americans to purchase insurance. With the blow to this critical piece of Obamacare’s financing, the entire scheme may unravel.

The only good thing that can be said about Obamacare is that at least the Democrats tried to address runaway medical inflation and shrinking access to the health care system with their own legislative package. Their solution stinks, but they tried. Now that the Republicans have shot it down, let’s see if they come up with anything better.

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8 responses to “Congratulations, Cooch!”

  1. Hip Hip Hooray!

    So, what are we going to do about people like this again??

  2. Funny how the mandate was supported as part of the Republican plan for health care, but when Obama owned it…..

  3. James A. Bacon Avatar
    James A. Bacon

    RBV, Two things we can do for the people of SW Virginia who lack insurance is to bring down the cost of medicine and make it easier to buy a no-frills insurance policy.

  4. "…is to bring down the cost of medicine and make it easier to buy a no-frills insurance policy….

    That would not solve the problem,and you know it. And why limit the cure to southwest?

    A no frills policy is a no coverage policy – good for catastrophic events, but does nothing to help with your every day problems, which these people have plenty of.

    Assuming you have next to nothing, what good is a catastrophic coverage policy? What does it protect, when you have nothing to lose?

    A no frills policy for Jim Bacon, however, makes a lot of sense. He can easily cover the cost of services for the ususal ailments and sprains, and the catastrophic coverage would keep him in his fine home if something really bad happens.

    But for the people of SW, it is worse than useless.

    BTW, how do you propose to "bring down" the price of medicine? You don;t think the market works?

  5. COOL! Let's gut Medicare and tell the old farts to get their butts out and buy no frills healthcare policies.

    Jim – the Republicans have NO IDEAS and NO INTENTION to do anything about this problem.

    There is nothing past "repeal" than deafening silence or the flip "let them eat cake" ideas like you spout …." awww..tell them to get some no-frills insurance"….


    I'll say this for the idea.

    If they extend this idea to the old farts – it will sure boost the idea of Walton type Nuclear Families again.

    Mom and Dad will sell their homes to pay for their medical care and move back in with Son and Daughter, eh?

    I wonder how many sons and daughters will tell their parents " hey.. you should have saved enough for your medical care.. it's not my fault – go stew in your own juice".

    talk about your generational transfer of wealth, eh?

  6. This is a charade.

    Someone had to find agaist this clause in order for it to get to the supreme court to settle the issue.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Mr. Bacon:

    I am genuinely shocked to see this item by you of all people. Did you not do your homework?

    I know you have some issues with Mr. Ezra Klein. But it would be a good idea for you to read his item on this issue in today’s Wash Post. (“Health reform advocates have little to fear from judge’s ruling.”) The research we have done suggests he is right on all counts.

    This is pure political theater and is will not work well for those who like to call Healthcare Reform “Obamacare.” or love Coochie. As Prof. Risse would say “More Whack a Mole.”

    Mr. Hydra hinted at one of the traps this sets for the Elephant Clan.

    We look forward to a recant.


  8. Anonymous Avatar

    CJC already said it on Mr. Gooze post but it is worth repeathing:

    "The only person who would think that the Hudson decision is a ‘victory’ for anyone is a person who understands nothing about the judicial procedure and / or has never sat in Judge Hudson’s court.


    I have been there.


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