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Conformity Article Errata, Semi-Mea Culpa

I got enough of importance wrong in yesterday’s post on state income tax policy that a real correction is required, not just a tweak to the existing previous post.  Herewith what I know I got wrong:

But here is what I got right:

I can plead distraction or blame the excellent pre-tariff Bordeaux, but I just didn’t double check – and even in an opinion piece, the facts matter most.

Those two tax provisions for corporate deductions return very little of the extra revenue the state should collect from corporate income taxes under conformity. Apparently, the business community’s army of lobbyists was satisfied with just those tiny tweaks, leaving the rest of the money for the state to spend.  So, I will give myself a half-right grade on my earliest prediction, that the state would keep the money.

I know this may be clear only to tax policy wonks.   I return you now to your other social media distractions.  My goal, despite what others may think, is simply to keep the focus on how the lack of a reasonable standard deduction is highly regressive.  Why argue about raising the minimum wage if the state just taxes it back?  There should be zero income tax on minimum wage workers.

Steve Haner

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