Compromise and Subtlety are Becoming Dirty Words

Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

For those on this blog who are still lamenting the actions taken by “progressive” Democrats in the 2020 and 2021 General Assembly sessions, it might turn out that you ain’t seen nothing yet.

In the Senate, several members of that Democatic caucus are retiring or have moved on to Congress (Jennifer McClellan) and will be replaced with younger members. Furthermore, as described in today’s Washington Post, three incumbent Senate Democrats are being pushed hard by primary opponents. The opponents’ beef is not on policy. Rather, they contend the incumbents were not progressive enough, were not aggressive enough, and were too willing to compromise with Republicans. As Heidi Drauschak, who is challenging Sen. Dave Marsden (Fairfax), put it, “We just haven’t been bold enough.”

This is another indication of the nationalization of Virginia politics and the dangerously alarming push to divide politics into two warring sides with no compromise with the other side tolerated. The far left wing of the Democrats voted against the debt ceiling bill, needed to avoid economic chaos, because President Biden dared to compromise with Republicans (although the general consensus is that the Democrats got far the better end of the bargain).

The far right of the Republicans voted against the debt ceiling deal and continue to gum up the legislative machine, because Kevin McCarthy, the House Speaker, dared to compromise with the Democrats.

In another recent development, on our southern border, North Carolina Republicans censured one of their own, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis. What was his sin? Had he been indicted by a federal grand jury? Had he had multiple extra-martial affairs? Had he been credibly accused of sexual misconduct? No, his “sins” consisted of supporting the same sex marriage act and working with Democrats on gun violence legislation. As one North Carolina Republican put it, “We need people who are unwavering in their support for conservative ideals.”

Stark differences and demonizing one’s opponent are not new developments in American politics. The fights between the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists were downright nasty at times and politics was rough in the Jacksonian era. The country even engaged in a bloody civil war over its differences. But today’s acrimony and punishment of compromise is new in the modern era. I miss the days when Tip O’Neil, the liberal Massachusetts Democrat and Speaker of the House of Representatives, played golf regularly with Dan Daniel, the ultraconservative Congressman from Danville, Va.

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34 responses to “Compromise and Subtlety are Becoming Dirty Words”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    I think it is necessary for all Americans to speak out against bad behavior regardless of party affiliation. Why is it ok for Republicans to censure Tillis? Why is anyone regardless of political affiliation allowing this to happen? From all indications, it appears that McCarthy and Biden did the right thing with regard to the budget. Why aren’t more people calling out the fringes of the parties who are not representative of the majority of the US.

    Likewise with the whole Trump trial. From a national perspective, I have no issue with investigations into Joe Biden or Hunter Biden. If the facts lead to bad behavior, by all means show the evidence. Likewise, conservatives should welcome the investigation into the bad behavior of Trump. The evidence that has been presented is damning and he should get a fair trial. It is ridiculous for conservatives to be blasting the institutions like the FBI and the Justice Department on this. Do we have a rule of law or not? If Trump broke the law, then he should be punished. If either of the Bidens broke the law, they should be punished.

    But I continue to be amazed that there is a large percentage of people who still allow our elected leaders to promote the Big Lie that the election was stolen. And now, there are a bunch suggesting that Biden has weaponized the Justice Department against Trump. This is just wrong until evidence can be shown to support it. We have to trust our institutions or we are toast.

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      “it appears that McCarthy and Biden did the right thing with regard to the budget” The recent fight was not over the budget, it was over the debt ceiling. Yes, it gets tangled up in people’s minds with budgets and Appropriations, the Bills that spell out what the government can and cannot spend. Until we get back to the way that the law provides for passing these Bills, we have no chance of getting spending and debt under control. Continuing resolutions and Omnibus spending bills do not allow for legislators to fine-tune our spending priorities and eliminate wasteful and outdated spending programs. House Republicans, if they have any interest at all in limited government must insist on passing Appropriations Bills by August to allow time to reconcile with the Senate before Sep 30. Failure of the Senate or the President to do their part will make it clear who would “shut down the government”.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Good point. I should have said debt ceiling.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Perhaps you were misled by Biden’s assertions (fiction) that he was not negotiating over the debt ceiling, he was negotiating over the budget.

          Repubs in the House are now preparing a budget with significantly tighter restraints on spending than provided in the debt ceiling bill.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            No but thanks. It was just a mistake.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Good luck on getting appropriations bills passed by October 1. Congress has never been able to do that.

        1. LesGabriel Avatar

          Contraire. It has happened many times in my lifetime. Not so much for my grandkids. Time to follow the process in the law.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            You are correct. I did engage in some hyperbole. Congress has passed all the appropriations bills by the start of the new fiscal year only four times in the last 40 years. The last time was 1996. I see no reason to believe that it will do so this year.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            The debt ceiling agreement did put significant reductions for continuing resolutions in the event appropriations bills were not passed. They are not a free ride to higher spending.

          3. LesGabriel Avatar

            TOO FEW CITIZENS KNOW WHAT IS AT STAKE and many are happy not to have a critical look at programs. One, and perhaps the only good idea of Jimmy Carter was zero-based budgetting.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Wow. An institutionalist. Trust the experts.
      How’d they do on Covid?
      “The Big Lie” – remember “the casting couch?” Everybody “knew” that existed in Hollywood to the point it was a standard observation. Then we learned it was far worse than thought.
      Everybody knows cheating in elections occurs. The Chicago Way was a joke. LBJ won his Senate race in 1948 due to cheating. JFK did as well. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? Anybody remember that? How come none of those liars have been charged?
      Guess you haven’t seen this document –
      Hey, did you know Geofencing works to arrest peaceful people who were in Washington on J6, but it somehow wasn’t valid to show all the ballot mules in Georgia. Oh, and the Geofencing appears to have not worked just on the person who planted the pipe bombs… I guess just lucky like Ray Epps. “The dog ate my Geofencing data.”
      And of course there is NO evidence of Hunter and Joe being crooks… except maybe this –

      or if you have a taste for redacted porn and creepy sexualized pictures of relatives, you can see these –

      I kind of prefer the Biden Family Business with all the Suspicious Activity Reports, but I’m just a stupid rube who doesn’t know my place to trust all the trustworthy people in charge, who censored people like me during Covid for asking questions…and being right!
      But you do you Blind Mouse.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Wow — Blind Mouse — wonder how that passes the admin filter? Your whataboutism is exhausting and frankly just getting old. When you have some evidence to present from a reliable source – and not a right wing partisan BS publication – present it. And please present evidence and not “could have been” like the voterga link. Numerous Republican appointed Judges have thrown out over 50 cases because there is NO evidence of voter fraud that could have changed the result of the election. And it is alarming to many that intelligent people continue to be blinded with that nonsense. Also, sharing the pictures of Hunter Biden only says that he was addicted to drugs and had a porn/sex problem. If he broke any laws, throw his arse in jail. But until you can show a link back to the President (the real one, not the one that you still think is President) – then please just stop. It really isn’t a good look for you.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          You are a Blind Mouse. The voterga site was a link to a Federal Court document, finally released, exhaustively documenting the vulnerabilities of just one aspect of the Dominion system used in GA. Did you know that the postal truck driver who said he delivered ballots from NY to PA in the dead of night has been confirmed? How about Kari Lake? Where is the concern that Katie Hobbs was in charge of running the elections and mysteriously all the machines failed in the Republican leaning voting centers on election day? Is a 94% failure in the R centers just happenstance? Why aren’t you all worked up over the conflict of interest? Did you look at the SAR reports on the money/grift/laundering? How come geofencing works for persecuting J6 people but not ballot mules, on tape confirmed, in GA (and who just by happenstance also appeared to have been at one of the NGO/Stacy Abrams voter places…)?
          It’s easy to say there is no evidence when you won’t look. How come your types were all in on RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, which was totally fabricated, and no one who lied to the country for years, and continues to lie, has been prosecuted?
          Here’s the big problem. People on the Left are liars. And even when you control the media and you control the press, and control the academies, and control the bureaucracies and the licensing boards, and engage in censorship, the truth is getting out.
          Try honesty. Does cheating occur? Is cheating bad? You won’t give an honest answer because you have to elect brain dead Senators like Fetterneck…
          Arguing with you Marxists is pointless because you have set up all your canards as non-falsifiable = Dem win = clean election; R win = stolen election. You do the same thing with “climate change” and CRT and all your other pseudo religions.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            OMG. Bless your soul. Take a deep breath and get yourself together. MAGA has taken over your brain.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Proving everything I said about being a blind mouse…or maybe a see no evil monkey. Overwhelming evidence.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Since you won’t read anything that doesn’t comport with your Unicorn fantasy narrative of pristine elections…always and forever…with no cheating ever and how dare you (except when Pubbies win so it has to be cheating), here is the case referenced…which has been going on since 2017! For people with nothing to hide, they sure spend a lot of time trying to hide an honest look into the machines. If a public company resist its auditors, it gets written up. Isn’t that analagous? Why, oh why, would someone in a position of trust resist opening the books?

  2. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Music to common-sense Republican ears. Woke progressive Democrats doubling down on wokeness and progressivism.

    Now, it seems the moderates and independents are ripe for the GOP’s taking—-IF the GOP is smart enough to craft policies and messaging that can appeal to them.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Please define “woke” and “wokeness”.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Ooo! I will take that one. Woke is being open to new ideas and concepts. The opposite is thinking their opinions are facts and thinking they know everything.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Gosh, I know people like that on both sides of the political spectrum.

          (The ones described by both of your sentences).

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Congrats, you’ve earned a Jim McCarthy Silly Walk Award. Nice that you’re giving him some competition. Keep up the good work.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Yes, the fate of several incumbent Democratic senators will be interesting, which is why I’ve avoided making predictions for November. You also have a race between two senior Democrats in the Senate (Lucas v. Spruill) and between a senior Senate Democrat and rising House Democrat (Deeds v. Hudson.) Most of those districts are a big D lock in November, though. Also the case with with Senator Morrisey v. former Delegate Aird. Not competitive come November.

    The really interesting substory has been the Clean Virginia vs. Dominion battle within Democratic ranks. That will be the scorecard to check come Wednesday morning next week. More D’s are taking Dominion money than I expected and if they survive, that will be noteworthy. My guess is most won’t, but we’ll see. Barker, Morrissey, Marsden, McQuinn….

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      I second that observation. Please post a link to the Atlantic article in which you offered comments on this topic. IMO, Clean Virginia has become an ideological litmus test for progressive Dems without evaluation of candidate records. It will be interesting to see Hala Ayala’s performance after her last campaign where she accepted Dominion money violating her environmental pledges.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Paywall, I’m afraid. I could load a PDF on Bacon’s server but might cause a copyright beef…

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          I now subscribe to the Atlantic, but have not checked recent e-mails. When did your article appear?

        2. how_it_works Avatar

          The full article, paywall removed by (Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.)

          1. William Chambliss Avatar
            William Chambliss

            Terrific article, IMO.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I tend to disagree with the assertion that Clean Virginia has become an ideological litmus test for progressive Dems. I am not sure what distinguishes a “progressive” Democrat from a plain Democrat, but there are number of Democrats to which Clean Virginia has not contributed, including: Don Scott, Louise Lucas, Lionel Spruill, Lamont Bagby, Charnelle Herring, and Mamie Locke. Clean Virginia even contributed to at least one Republican candidate, Glenn Davis. (Davis has dropped out of the race and has been appointed by Youngkin to head the state Dept. of Energy.) The defining criteria is not “progressivism” but a pledge not to accept Dominion money. A lot of challengers in Democratic primaries got Clean Virginia money. The cynic in me thinks that is because Dominion was likely to donate to incumbents and, needing money, the challengers pledged to forego Dominion money, which they were not likely to get, and go after Clean Virginia money.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You have broken a big news story here.

          Clean Virginia is boycotting the General Assembly Black Caucus!

          Michael Bills is a white male. Good thing he’s a Democrat.

          What do you think his motivation might be?

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Sorry to burst your bubble. Clean Virginia has donated to at least the following Black candidates:
            Jennifer Carroll Foy
            Lachresce Aird
            Aaron Rouse
            Jeff Bourne
            Debra Gardner
            Nadarius Clark
            Alex Askew
            Marcia Price

            There could well be others; I did not check every name with which I was unfamiliar. Nor did I check Michael Bills’ personal donations nor those of wife.

            So, no boycott here.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I don’t think the average voter knows, nor cares, who gets Clean Virginia money or Dominion money.

  4. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    My father knew Dan Daniels well from work with disabled vets. He was a Main Steet conservative. Strong on defense and probusiness. Not a John Birch type.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      If I seemed to imply that he was, that was not my intention.

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