Common Sense for Virginia: Glenn Youngkin

by Kerry Dougherty

Well this is NOT a surprise: A new NBC poll shows that 71% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.

This simply proves that the true silent majority in America is made up of folks with common sense.

That’s why, when a Democrat whom I like personally implored me to vote for her I told her that wouldn’t be happening. Until the Democrats wake up, cut ties with extremists like AOC, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar and unshackle themselves from teachers unions I won’t be voting for any Democrat.

And I’ve voted for plenty of them in the past.

Sure, there may be a handful of reasonable Democrats left. I can only think of two: Joe Manchin and Virginia State Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax, who exhibited more courage in fighting Ralph Northam’s COVID power grab than any Republican in Richmond.

Other Democrats surrendered to far-left loons with their policies and ideas that are ruinous to America.

It’s time for those of us with common sense to fight back.

In just 10 months, the feckless Biden administration has brought us rampant inflation, a reckless and deadly surrender to the Taliban, and caused our border to be overrun with illegals, with thousands more on the way.

In Virginia, we’ve watched the teachers unions fight to keep schools closed and parents out of school board meetings. Just last week, the defiant Virginia Beach School Board voted to force demonstrators to obtain permits if they want to gather outside of the school board meetings.

Never mind that the board cannot issue permits or require them on public property. The rule of law doesn’t matter to these arrogant politicians. They do not want to face angry parents and explain why as test scores plummet as schools are making “Gender Queer,” “Lawn Boy” and other sexually explicit material available in school libraries, and why they’re closing schools on Wednesday afternoons at a time when struggling students need more class time, not less.

When it comes to public safety, Virginia Democrats have been an unmitigated failure. Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe appointed Adrianne Bennett to chair the state’s parole board and she went on a freeing spree that let murderers and violent criminals out of prison, including a cop killer. In one 10-day period, between April 5, 2020 and April 15th, her last day in office, Bennett made sure that 103 parolees, including 69 sentenced to life in prison or longer were released from Department of Corrections supervision.

For her good work in releasing prisoners, Democrats in the General Assembly rewarded her with a juvenile court judgeship in Virginia Beach.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Do you see what happens when Democrats have complete control of state government?

It’s a disaster.

Youngkin has pledged to fire the entire parole board on day one and appoint new members, including crime victims. Victims’ voices were ignored by the McAuliffe/Northam parole boards. That needs to change.

And every single Democrat who voted for HB257 — the bill that allows principals to sweep crimes under the rug — should lose their seat.

As a reminder, here are the votes on that bill:

It was this miserable piece of legislation that led to an alleged rapist in one Loudoun County high school being transferred to another school where he assaulted another girl. The crime was covered up because the left-wing Loudoun County School Board was in a breathless hurry to pass a policy on transgendered rights during Pride Month.

Had parents found out that the alleged rape of a 9th grade girl took place in a bathroom by a biological boy wearing a skirt, it might have spoiled their plans. So the Loudoun County School Board sacrificed kids to push their woke agenda.

This is madness.

And let’s not forget what happened at Heritage High School in Newport News recently, where a student brought a gun to school and shot two classmates.

Turned out, this punk was sporting an ankle bracelet courtesy of the juvenile court system. The reason for the tracking device? He’d allegedly been involved in ANOTHER shooting.

Why are kids in ankle bracelets allowed in regular classrooms anyway?

HB257 was introduced by Del. Michael Mullin of — you guessed it — Newport News. He and everyone who voted with him on this bill need to go.

Democrat politicians and pantywaist school officials are turning Virginia’s public schools into treacherous places where children are shot or raped by classmates enjoying second chances.

Meanwhile, charter schools are a no-go. Test scores are abysmal. Magnet schools are being dumbed down. Critical Race Theory is being promoted by the Virginia Department of Education, despite frenzied denials by the left. And children in Virginia are being left behind.

No matter how you’ve voted in the past, vote tomorrow to return common sense to Virginia.

Glenn Youngkin for Governor. Republicans the rest of the way.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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24 responses to “Common Sense for Virginia: Glenn Youngkin”

  1. Criminals have the same right to live among the law abiding as anyone else. To think otherwise shows a total disregard to feelings and hope and one’s ability to use lawlessness to make a living.. Just like no single country’s culture [think China and Saudi Arabia] is any less than another’s; no person’s career option is more relevant and more right and more legitimate than another’s.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      If they turn from their ways, second, and make restitution, first. Otherwise no they do not. Commit crime and you sacrifice your rights. Criminals choice. No, we are not having anarchy in this country. You want them, host them i your house and you be legally responsible for them.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “To think otherwise shows a total disregard to feelings and hope and one’s ability to use lawlessness to make a living.”

      I assume that is sarcasm.

      1. According to college campuses these days no country is better than another, thus the stoning of gays and lesbians in Riyadh must be respected as culturally acceptable just as Israel’s protection of the same. I was just channeling my left wing ‘racism is everywhere and the root cause of all our ills’ mantra. Put in this light, it’s rather revealing isn’t it.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          so a question. Do kids brought up by liberals end up as criminals more that GOP brought-up kids?


        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          where did you get that part about college campuses?

          1. from student groups, faculty groups, and the high paid DEI czars… all you have to do is a little research to find the facts and quotes.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            oh I know…. opinions all over the place but facts? 😉

          3. As I stated, “According to college campuses….”

            It’s a fact that these campus entities believe all cultures are equal.

            Go to any campus and walk around with a sign ‘I stand with Riyadh’s stoning of Gays’ and see what happens…..

            I’ve made this very point in meetings and the discussion immediately ceased — the topic was dropped and the agenda moved on.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe as they say ” your mileage may vary”? 😉

            and don’t confuse a country with “culture” necessarily anyhow.

            Remember even in this country we had “cultures” that thought it OK to lynch people or even today that they will not “replace”…. perspective here…

          5. Ah….. once again the English language trips you up…. ”thought it OK’
            But the difference is the US has moved on in modern history….. the Middle East? China? Not so much Read Egyptian President’s al-Sisi’s US Army War College thesis… very enlightening

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Kerry’s shotgun screed is way too much to really respond to but she’s basically claiming that Dems are all far left and of course the GOP is “reasonable”. Both sides have their wacadoodles, no question but take immigration for example. The GOP … USED to support a path to citizens, no more. They USED to not engage in disinformation and conspiracy theories – now all but a handful do when it comes to climate and science in general .

    But PEW Research is not a leftist outfit last time I checked and the following lays out some of the divisions and where people of various demographics and political persuasions lie.

    ” AUGUST 12, 2021
    Deep Divisions in Americans’ Views of Nation’s Racial History – and How To Address It

    Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to say increased attention to history of slavery and racism is bad for the country”

    Now the question is – how does this translate to elections.

    Youngkin wlll, without question, get most GOP.

    But how many in the above demographics that are not GOP
    will vote for Youngkin or folks who cater to the GOP constituencies?

    Youngkin is doing an excellent job with the independents.

    Can the GOP win and govern by responding to their base and independents and Dems become a “minority” ?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Kerry’s entire essay barely touches on CRT. Your reply ignores 99% of her thesis. Even considering her single reference to CRT … that has little to do with most of your reply. The closest you come to a meaningful point is your second graphic where 25% of all people polled think America’s laws and institutions need yo be rebuilt due to racism. That leaves 75% who don’t believe that. Yet that’s what Kendi preaches and Kendi is being used as a guideline in many school districts. So, we have schools which want to push children to adopt a philosophy supported by only 25% of Americans.

      No wonder there are lots of protesters at school board meetings.

      No wonder 71% of Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.

      No wonder, as you say, Youngkin is doing an excellent job with independents.

      CRT and it’s kissing cousin, misnamed “anti-racism” have nothing to do with how American history is taught in school.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I could “touch” on the rest also but my point is that there are fundamental differences between the parties on core issues and Kerry just dismisses them as “far left”.

        re: ” CRT and it’s kissing cousin, misnamed “anti-racism” have nothing to do with how American history is taught in school.”

        really? then what is all this hell raising going on at school board meetings about not the mention the numerous posts in BR?

        but you found solace in the 25% – check the red circle and tell me what that means?

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Kerry’s entire essay barely touches on CRT. Your reply ignores 99% of her thesis. Even considering her single reference to CRT … that has little to do with most of your reply. The closest you come to a meaningful point is your second graphic where 25% of all people polled think America’s laws and institutions need yo be rebuilt due to racism. That leaves 75% who don’t believe that. Yet that’s what Kendi preaches and Kendi is being used as a guideline in many school districts. So, we have schools which want to push children to adopt a philosophy supported by only 25% of Americans.

      No wonder there are lots of protesters at school board meetings.

      No wonder 71% of Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.

      No wonder, as you say, Youngkin is doing an excellent job with independents.

      CRT and it’s kissing cousin, misnamed “anti-racism” have nothing to do with how American history is taught in school.

    3. LesGabriel Avatar

      The answer to your last question is “yes”. In response to your first point, that “Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to say increased attention to history of slavery and racism is bad for the country” I believe that is because most Republicans believe, correctly, that this increased attention will be defined by Left-of-center academics and political operatives, not by objective historians. The Commission appointed by Ralph Northam was filled with the former and woefully lacking in the latter. If we thought that this increased attention would entail a fair, unbiased look at who exactly was behind the slavery, opposition to the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, passing and enforcing Jim Crow laws, opposition to Civil Rights legislation in the 1950’s, and resistance to Brown v Board of Education, then I think the results of this poll would be vastly different.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do you think the poll numbers are from left wing academics and political operatives or just the demographics they are reporting?

        So when they go out and poll – they make sure to contact left wing academics for the Dem numbers?

        1. LesGabriel Avatar

          No. I think the polling reflects the question asked. I thought I explained how Republicans would interpret the question as posed differently than Democrats. And your interpretation of the results should take that into account.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The polls do. There are multiple polls and not that hard to calibrate.

            Are you disbelieving the polls ?

            do you think most of them pose questions “wrong”?

            So discount the polls and believe what one wants to believe instead, maybe?

            Pew has been fairly objective and straight-forward IMHO but there are other polls on these issues that show similar attitudes.

            The point is – that Dems don’t think the same on these issues as GOP does – it’s not an issue of them not “understanding” because they were asked “wrong” question.

            At some point, you have to accept that others don’t agree with you – in numbers, and they are not any more ignorant or not than you might be (or not) and certainly not as entire demographics.

            There are fundamental differences in attitudes on how people feel about race – to INCLUDE black people and other people of color.

            And finally, they actually do vote and elections decided based on what they think even if you disagree with them.

          2. LesGabriel Avatar

            “There are fundamental differences in attitudes on how people feel about race – to INCLUDE black people and other people of color.

            My comments are focused solely on the question regarding “attention” to the history of racism. You have admit that the term “attention” is ambiguous. Republicans and conservatives, who for the most part agree with MLK, Jr that society should be colorblind would, for that reason, tend to not agree that we should pursue more racialization of our society. We understand that those who interpret or misinterpret history would be those who would be in charge of directing any increased attention to our racial history in our schools, our media, and our politics, and we have seen where that has taken us. As I stated, if the question were asked in such a way as to ensure that this increased attention would consist of true, fair, unbiased history then I think the percentage of Republicans answering “yes” would increase substantially. The interesting question is what it would do to Democrat’s answers. You alluded to multiple polls. I would be interested in other polls that asked the question in an unambiguous way.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s not about “interpreting’. The questions are pretty basic and the answers pretty clear.

            You just disagree with them.

            Here’s another one.


            You’re basically arguing that people don’t understand the poll(s) and they’d answer differently if they did.

            No way. It’s crystal clear and it really is a fundamental difference between R’s and D’s.

          4. LesGabriel Avatar

            Final reply. You keep trying to convince me that there is a significant difference in the ways that the 2 parties look at race issues. I totally agree with that and you won’t find any place that I denied it. What I object to is your assumption that Democrats assessments are right and the Republicans are wrong.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            final reply – Conservatives and GOP are wrong to think their view of CRT is a majority or prevailing view. It’s not.

            They’ve done an excellent job of getting the independents but most Dems believe it’s a dog whistle type Southern Strategy and wrong – yes and especially if you ask black voters about it which the GOP seems to dismiss as irrelevant and that th issue is really between white Dems and white GOP.

            We’ll find out how successful the GOP was with their strategy in NoVa and suburban counties tomorrow night…

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Larry is binary, he doesn’t understand or is not willing to understand that things aren’t always 0’s or 1’s.

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