Read about woke math in National Review.

by James A. Bacon

Outside of the People’s Republic of Charlottesville, Northern Virginia is the most lopsidedly Democratic region of Virginia. It is also the most woke, and it is pushing the so-called “equity” agenda in schools more aggressively than anywhere else in the state. But the educrats have over-reached, pushing too far, too fast, and much of the population is up in arms. Insurgent groups are popping up over Northern Virginia, mobilizing support through social media, raising money to take back school boards, and using investigative-journalism techniques to delve into topics that local media refuse to cover.

The Washington Post has covered the Great Awokening in Northern Virginia schools only anecdotally. The region’s dominant newspaper has devoted none of its investigative resources to probing school board machinations and excesses as it has with, say, racism at the Virginia Military Institute. Citizens have been on their own to figure out what is going on.

Fortunately, one of those citizens is Asra Nomani, a parent of a student at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology who became outraged by the Fairfax School system’s equity-driven assault on the school’s admissions practices. A former reporter for the Wall Street Journal, she fought back with the tactics she knew. Linking up with other super-savvy Northern Virginia moms to create Parents Defending Education (see the leadership team here) the India-born Nomani has wielded the Freedom of Information Act like a Gurkha kukri to hack out the story that the mainstream media has been unable or unwilling to tell.

Bacon’s Rebellion has been reporting on bits and pieces of this story, but Nomani and co-author Elizabeth Schultz, a former deputy director in the U.S. Department of Education and former Fairfax County School Board member, have woven the threads together in a coherent tapestry. You can read the complete details in Newsweek. Here follows a summary of the highlights.

Elected in 2019, Fairfax County’s 12 school board members, all endorsed by the Democratic Party, took office on January 1, 2020. Just days later, at their first board meeting, they declared they would battle “hate and bias in our curriculum.”

Most visibly, the school board undertook to rectify the racial imbalance at the Thomas Jefferson High School, where roughly 70% of the student body was of Asian racial background and most of the rest were white. This meant dismantling the process that admitted the high scorers of merit-based tests and adopting a new formula that would guarantee more Blacks and Hispanics. Rather than abandon merit-based criteria, responded unhappy parents, Fairfax schools should do a better job of educating poor minorities in early grades.

But the battle over TJ was the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface, a vast bureaucratic machinery was working to implement radical Critical Race Theory under the benign term “diversity, equity & inclusion” throughout the entire school system. Two months after the new school board took power, the FCPS Office of Procurement staff issued a sweeping “Request for Proposals” for “Leadership Development Training” with a longer-term goal of providing “training” for all employees over time.

Write Nomani and Schultz:

In December, we have learned, the board’s Governance Committee quietly met to discuss ditching the [Controversial Issues Policy] policy so teachers can get around requirements that they “remain impartial” on controversial issues, and instead—with the change—”take a clear position” on “matters of contemporary controversy,” as part of a new “Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias Education Policy.” The recommendations included hiring a list of consultants, including Leadership Academy and The Equity Collaborative (known for high-priced consulting in neighboring Loudoun County), and issuing a “Letter of Reckoning with Racism.”

On Thursday, parents in Fairfax County, Va., one of the country’s largest school districts, got a disturbing email. Superintendent Scott Brabrand said he is “revising” the district’s [issues policy]” which protects students from biased teaching, and developing a new “Anti-Racism, Anti-Bias Education Curriculum Policy.”

As part of a “key strategy to achieve educational equity,” Brabrand said he is gathering “input” to “support more inclusive and equitable curriculum policies.” The survey asked parents loaded questions, such as whether they agree “anti-racist” and “anti-biased” curricula would best “support” students. It asked if they agree that the school district should “teach students how to challenge power and privilege in society.” And its many questions baited parents to spell out how important it is for staff to “discuss topics of race, racism, identity, bias” with students.

The survey, assert Nomani and Schultz, was just a pretense.

On March 11, Fairfax schools finalized a contract with the co-creators of the survey — the Leadership Academy, a New York consulting firm. The agreement’s “Pricing Schedule” laid out a four-year re-education plan to improve the “cultural competencies” of all FCPS employees. If the school district purchased the bare minimum on this shopping list, the tab would be $702,700. In actuality, the price tag could run into the millions of dollars.

The Fairfax County school district says it wants to “create a culturally responsive school system,” “learn to audit curriculum with a culturally responsive lens” and engage in “strengthening reflective practice and sustaining leadership growth” with “explicit emphasis on racial equity in coaching conversations.” That all may sound well and good to many parents, but the district has opted for a procurement vehicle that has no cost ceiling. The award creates a flow of taxpayer dollars that will deeply embed the indoctrination in our schools, if we, as citizens of conscience, don’t stop this poisonous ideological reeducation.

Similar initiatives are taking place in other localities around Virginia, not just Northern Virginia, but local media just aren’t reporting it. Parents Defending Schools is tracking the woke movement around the country and reaching out to local citizen groups. Find out more here.

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27 responses to “Combating the Great Awokening”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    It’s interesting that you’re taking their words and then claiming they don’t mean what they say, that they are lying .

    How do you know this?

    The words they are saying sound appropriate to the issue, at least to me.

    But you’re taking them and converting them into something else.

    And then you’re claiming the media ( all of it including Conservative media) is not covering the issue.

    And that at least parents are being “duped”?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Superior knowledge from taking courses at Trump U.

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Elections have consequences. Vote them out, vote with your money, or vote with your feet.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Would that be with or without voter suppression?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      If you vote with your feet, don’t use absentee. The signature won’t match. Unless, of course, you’re Daniel Day Lewis.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Key point – In December, we have learned, the board’s Governance Committee quietly met to discuss ditching the [Controversial Issues Policy] policy so teachers can get around requirements that they “remain impartial” on controversial issues, and instead—with the change—”take a clear position” on “matters of contemporary controversy,” as part of a new “Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias Education Policy.”

    Affirmative action in the 2020s is a perfect example. Under the old policy teachers would have to present the pros and cons of modern affirmative action in an unbiased manner. Under the proposed change teachers would have to “take a clear position” on this matter. However, the “clear position” will not even be the teacher’s personal belief. It will be indoctrination spoon fed to that teacher by the woke left. This moves teaching to preaching.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The expose of Fairfax Public Schools by Nomani and Schultz is a floodlight. Their important work could lead to the walls tumbling down and a better path forward.

  5. And yet NoVA provides VT with high school grads who have a 4.2 GPA but don’t know what a subject is, who believe an opinion is a fact, who don’t know what a clause is, and don’t understand that the red line in a Word document means you’ve misspelled that word — and should correct it. And then at the end of the semester ask if I can round up the grade they earned to keep their Honors status.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      What? Me fail English? That’s unpossible.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Spell and grammar Check would have gotten me “A”‘s in English Comp!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s a small mind what only knows one way to spell a word.

        1. DJRippert Avatar


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Whadaya ‘spec? Tech. It’s only called Virginia Tech because someone misspelled the abbreviation for “vocational”.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      You don’t need to know those things to run AutoCAD…

      1. If you can’t take in information, critically think about it, form fact-based conclusions, AND communicate it to others…….

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          …then you can be a design engineer!!

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    As an aside, as many people live in McLean as Charlottesville. More live in Reston. Charlottesville is largely irrelevant and gets far too much attention.

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    Once upon a time liberal Democrats had a story to tell. Systemic racism and white privilege were holding down people of color. Then the wokesters came across Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. That magnet school used racially blind entrance exams to determine who attended the prestigious school. As it turned out, people of color won a very disproportionate percentage of the slots for that school. Did the liberal wokesters jump for joy at a “majority people of color” advanced school? Of course not. The real racism of the left began to show. There were “too many Asians” in the minds of the Marxists on the left. Something had to be done about their perceived “Asian problem”. So they dreamed up a lottery to water down the excellence of TJ in the name of wokeness.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      so what do ALL people of color think? Not only the affluent Asians but the less affluent, the blacks and the Hispanics and other immigrants?

      Who would they trust to be fair and equitable to people of color?

      Conservatives have to stop preening for each other, the Conservative version of virtue signaling.

      What will they do for people who are not stone cold Conservatives?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        If woke libtwits are really agitating on behalf of economically disadvantaged people, they should say that and drop the “people of color” nonsense. If woke libtwits are agitating on behalf of people of color then they should include all people of color.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          partisan name calling is not only lame but just plain dishonest and disreputable.

          Economically disadvantaged people – the actual people – who are they going to be convinced by – conservatives spouting rants that there is no racism?

          good luck on that.

          Do you guys actually WANT to win over people of color or just prance for your fellow Conservatives?

          Are you serious about governing or just into calling others libwits?

          I know. It’s tough as hell to actually interact with black folks and seek to represent their interests. How odious!

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            What did the Asian-Americans ever do to you?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not a thing but the hate crimes against them are more important to them than TJ admissions.. If you want to win them over you’ll need more than an argument for TJ because TJ Asians are well-to-do and not representative of all Asians in NoVa.

            I don’t think you can come close to winning NoVa by targeting only affluent Asians.

            You’re gonna need a hell of a lot more votes than that.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Who is committing the hard hate crimes against Asian-Americans, Larry … what political / demographic group?

            Help me with some statistics, Larry.



            A report by the Center for the Study
            of Hate and Extremism drew national media attention for identifying a 149%
            increase in anti-Asian hate crimes in 2020 compared to 2019 in 16 of our
            largest cities. A startling number — until you learn the actual number of hate crimes in those cities rose from 49 to 122 – in a country of 330 million

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Okay, so let me get this straight. There are what?, about 1300 Asian kids in TJ and maybe 125,000 Asians in total in Fairfax county? So 1% are TJ Asians?

            And you as a Trump-loving (Kung flu) Conservative, think the 99% of them are more concerned about TJ than attacks on Asians?

            So the GOP Asian vote-getting strategy is to stir up the TJ thing and tell the other 99% Asians that they are way more concerned about attacks on them than they should be?

            This is the same party that is booting Liz Cheney and similar for refusing to not recognize truth and reality?

            “Screeching Liberals”? Yeah, I’d deflect also if that was my strategy.

            Something happened to the GOP. Even Haner knows it and bemoans it.

            I swear, it’s truly an alternative reality.

            It’s almost like a programmed bot.

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            I’ve heard so much from you about the “conservative echo chamber” and from other liberals about “racist Republicans” or CONservatives I’ve stopped being polite.

            “When you bring a gun, you walk through a door. You have to accept whatever walks through”

            Liberals brought a gun with their criticism of President Trump. Time to face “whatever walks through”.

            Did you really think you could spend the last four years screeching and everybody would return to the Marquis de Queensbury rules of political discourse?

            Welcome to the new reality, Larry!

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