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Colleges Gone Wild

USA Today

has done a public service by investigating what NCAA schools spend on athletic programs. Among the findings, several Virginia universities support athletic programs through mandatory fees. Six schools — Radford, James Madison, Norfolk State, Longwood and VMI were mentioned by name — charged $1,000 or more in the 2008-2009 school year.

Given the increasing unaffordability of college education and the mounting debts that students take on to pay for it, this nonsense must end. If students want to support athletic programs, let them do so voluntarily — by buying tickets to athletic events. If that means colleges support fewer athletic programs, then so be it. Our institutions of higher education need to themselves of the purpose of higher education: To friggin’ educate students, not amuse the alumni!

Check out the searchable database on how much Virginia institutions spend and where the money comes from. A couple of highlights:

The University of Virginia’s athletic programs: $63.6 million in operating expenses, supported by $11.9 million in student fees.

Virginia Tech’s athletic programs: $58.9 million in operating expenses, supported by $6.4 million in student fees.

For less money Tech gets stronger football and basketball teams? Now, there’s an outrage!
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