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College Professor to White Males: Shut Up

by Kerry Dougherty

Oh look. A woke New York sociology professor made headlines and got in hot water over her racist and sexist syllabus.

It appears that SUNY Binghamton University has deleted Ana Maria Candela from its faculty directory. With good reason. She was caught bragging that she would use “progressive stacking” in her class “Social Change – Introduction To Sociology.”

Candela warned prospective pupils that white students — especially that loathsome species known as “males” — would not be called on in classroom discussions. She would be giving the floor to “non-white folks” and shy people who normally don’t participate.

It means that if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures of our society to have your voice easily voiced and heard, we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments to give others priority and will come back to you a bit later or at another time.


Who wants to hear what people who have had advantages have to say? They have nothing to contribute. And as we all know, you can tell just by looking who’s dripping in privilege and who isn’t.

Every white male, even those who grew up in poverty or foster care or who have learning disabilities, are the crowned princes of America in Candela’s world. Those with darker skin, even the sons and daughters of CEOs who live in million dollar homes, are victims, unlikely to amount to anything.

Once this woman’s syllabus went viral, the university deleted the “progressive stacking” paragraph from her classroom plans.

Later it looks like they scrubbed her altogether. Her bio is missing from the faculty directory.

Candela may be looking for a job, just like they/them at ODU who got caught trying to normalize pedophilia last year.


Because this is a state university. Candela’s blatant behavior amounted to illegal state-sanctioned discrimination and a denial of equal protection. If those privileged white boys in Candela’s class decided to file a federal civil rights lawsuit, the school would lose.

Then again, what white male would consider taking one of her classes?

It would be nice to think this woke professor is unique in her prejudice. But she isn’t. Most aren’t stupid enough to put their resentment toward those they believe to be privileged in writing.

If you want to know why Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s message of parental involvement in education resonated with many Virginia parents it’s because we know that this brainwashing doesn’t begin in colleges and universities. Teachers from elementary through high school are being told to teach about privilege and victimhood.

Talk to teachers.

They’ll tell you that school districts have mandatory teacher training in what is euphemistically referred to as “social emotional learning,” “diversity” and “equity.” While the moderators never use the words “critical race theory,” that’s what it is.

In higher education they call it “progressive stacking.” And that plunged one college professor into hot water.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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