Colin Greene and the Emergence of Richmond’s Deep State

by James A. Bacon

Colin Greene is still state health commissioner, but I’m predicting he’ll have to pull a Ralph Northam in order to last in his position. After he dared  to express skepticism that “structural racism” is a useful explanation for racial health disparities, the left is eager to take him out. Even issuing abject apologies and embracing leftist nostrums about health care may not suffice to save him. Defenestrating Greene would kneecap Governor Glenn Youngkin, who has so far managed to survive the assaults on his administration unscathed.

We can see how the game is being played in a story published yesterday by the voice of Virginia’s cultural elites: Virginia Public Media, the foundation-supported arm of taxpayer-subsidized National Public Radio.

Greene, VPM reports, has asked “at least two employees” to provide medical documentation to support requests to continue working remotely over the coming year. While VPM concedes that it is “not unusual” for employers to review such records, the employees affected said they expected to turn over their paperwork to the HR department, not to Greene. They “expressed concerns” over who would have access to the documents and how the information would be stored.

Oh, the horror!

There is zero evidence that Greene has done anything wrong, but two disgruntled employees fear that he might do something wrong. Somehow, this concern warranted a journalistic deep dive.

We’ve seen this scenario played out before, usually in the nation’s capital. Public employees embedded in the bureaucracy oppose the policies and/or ideas expressed by a politically appointed official. The employees leak their concerns to a friendly media. Typically, though not always, the media provides the employees the protection of confidentiality. Once channels of communication between disgruntled employees and the media are established, the leaks, charges and allegations keep coming. Eventually, the official is seen as a liability and let go.

That appears to be what’s happening here.

Virginia media did cover some of Ralph Northam’s manifestly inept performance during the COVID epidemic, but his health commissioner, Norman Oliver, was personally untouchable. The media never saw fit to question Oliver’s competence. During Virginia’s greatest public health challenge of the past century, the state health commissioner receded into the background.

Now that we have a Republican governor, the media plays by new rules. Team Northam staffed the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) with employees dedicated to the proposition that racism is a threat to the public health, that racial disparities in health outcomes are the result of structural racism — not poverty, not differences in behavior, but racism. Those employees stayed on with the Youngkin administration. Youngkin appointed Greene, a public health official with a different philosophy and, apparently, a none-too-subtle way of expressing it. Employees committed to viewing every issue through the lens of race were offended. They took their story to The Washington Post, which eagerly took it up. After reporting the initial story of disgruntled employees, the Post and other media followed up with the reaction of Black Democratic legislators — they were outraged, of course — and then of Northam appointees on the State Board of Health.

Now that dissidents within the VDH feel empowered, they’re bringing up other issues they have with Greene, and the media is now demonstrating its willingness to report minutiae that might cast him in a bad light. Oliver got a pass for the Northam administration’s repeated policy missteps regarding a pandemic that resulted in the deaths of some 20,000 Virginians, but VPM is willing to parse the details of Greene’s role, affecting as few as two employees, in executing Youngkin’s telework policy.

During most of my career as a journalist, Virginia reporters and editors kept their personal political opinions to themselves and they strove to uphold the ideal of objectivity. A handful still do. But the media covering politics and public policy in Richmond have adopted the Washington model. The dominant media — The Washington Post, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, The Virginian-Pilot, Virginia Public Media — have abandoned any pretense of objectivity. Convinced that their viewpoint is the only legitimate one, they have aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, the cultural elites, and the well-funded progressive advocacy groups. The new, ominous development is that the Washington “leak” culture has penetrated the ranks of Virginia state government.

While we barely noticed, Richmond has developed its own “deep state” analogous to the monster that runs Washington.

That coalition, I believe, will target Greene for transgressing its dogma. Once the herd mentality gets going, attacks will continue until he is crushed and made an object lesson to anyone else who dares transgress progressive dogma.

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35 responses to “Colin Greene and the Emergence of Richmond’s Deep State”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” that racial disparities in health outcomes are the result of structural racism — not poverty, not differences in behavior, but racism.”

    I think if one opines that racial disparities might be due to behaviors on a race basis – … it sounds a lot like racism… no?

    same thing with poverty – got disparities between white and black but it’s poverty in blacks that leads to disparities in outcomes?

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Persecution fears are running rampant as “fifth columns” are ascribed to media. Perhaps the pathology is related to replacement concerns which, in turn, is associated with racial ones. This might be an avenue of inquiry by Dr. Greene to develop medical protocols for treatment.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      No. I’ll trigger the Libs by quoting Rush Limbaugh. What republicans/conservatives/libertarians/independents want is for the media to treat all politicians the way they treat Republicans. It’s really not that hard, unless you intend to be the propaganda arm…

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Golly Gee, Jim. The media is focused on ferreting out and suppressing “wrong thinking” on climate issues, the 2020 election, COVID and masks and vaccines, police misbehavior, tax policy…why should this be any different? Their role now is to tell the masses what to think and prevent any contrary opinions from confusing the automatons.

  4. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    He should be removed for not coming forth with what he knows about the dangers of the shots and masks they keep pushing on everyone, now babies. But he doesn’t. Remove all people that can’t stand up for what they know to be true.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    He’s clearly a monster! Next, he’ll be asking employees to prove their vaccination status! (what? Really?)
    I think he should go for looking too much like George Will, but if that isn’t a good enough reason, then he should stay.

  6. vicnicholls Avatar

    With the difference being Jim, that Youngkin has approved ZERO ADA accommodations. With another article on the issue, lawsuits are going to occur. When ZERO have been touched, that means there is an issue. The problem is at the state govt. levels.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      As I understand it, the administration has not completed its review of applications for more than two days that were submitted to the chief of staff to review. When that is completed, perhaps some ADA cases will be accommodated.

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        Legally on shaky ground. No excuse for it to take this long.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “After he dared to express skepticism that “structural racism” is a useful explanation for racial health disparities, the left is eager to take him out. ”

    I know you’d think that, but in straight fact, as a “lefty”, I am quite “eager” to watch him shoot his other foot. Done right, I’m sure he can take his leg from beneath the knee next time.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      indeed – keep him there by all means .. and let him further explain his views.

      I’d especially like to hear if he thinks behaviors on a racial basis are possible reasons for disparities in outcomes.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There were doctors at Tuskeegee. Maybe he still has a pair of skull calipers?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There were doctors at Tuskeegee. Maybe he still has a pair of skull calipers?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I predict we’re gonna find out something about Youngkin and his “divisive concepts’” in a bit.

          1. oromae Avatar

            Still crying over Youngkin?
            You’re just gonna curl up in a fetal ball of tears after November.

    2. oromae Avatar

      Yes, because you know something about structural racism other than crowing about it when you think you can pin it on someone?
      To the contrary, it’s attitudes such as your own comprising contemporary racism.
      The reach of your hypocrisy is waning.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Golly Gee, Jim. The media is focused on ferreting out and suppressing “wrong thinking” on climate issues, the 2020 election, COVID and masks and vaccines, police misbehavior, tax policy, inflation…why should this be any different? Their role now is to tell the masses what to think and prevent any contrary opinions from confusing the automatons.

    If obesity, type 2 diabetes, HBP and other dire health conditions that complicate pregnancy are more prevalent in a particular demographic group, it MUST be race. Likewise single-parent pregnancies, always more stressful than with a partner. Can’t be culture, can’t be choice, can’t be poverty, must be race.

    But Greene was an idiot to even go there.

    1. What’s different is the “leak” culture among state employees aligned ideologically with Dems, the media, and advocacy groups. State employees are becoming a lot more overtly partisan than they used to be, willing to undermine the other party. I’m sure partisan sentiments have always existed, but state employees at least had a standard of non-partisanship that most of them hewed to most of the time. That tradition is evaporating before our eyes.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Health Dept. employees buy into the race excuse for the same reason teachers and school administrators do. It takes them off the hook for failure at their actual jobs. Greene was kicking a crutch away so no surprise the reaction has been fierce.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Exactly right. If systemic racism is to blame for the failures of a government organization and there is nothing the employees of that government organization (teacher, principal, administrator or state government employee ) can do about systemic racism (other than cry in anguish) there is no accountability.

          You hit the nail on the head.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        ah yes, the dreaded deep state – once again!

        Government at all levels is infested with the

        higher ed, institutions like the AMA, and corporations , media…

        it’s a massive conspiracy to kneecap Conservative governance!

        Obviously Youngkin, if he’s got the spine, needs to clean house DEEP at VDH as well as VDOE and any other agency that exhibits “woke” behavior which is evidence of deep state!

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Change “woke” to “willfully unaccountable” and I’ll upvote your comment.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            no. no. They need to fire anyone who is suspected of being “woke” and when they replace them, they need to make sure the new hires are not “woke”.

            You seem think that individual employees can “undo” institutional things.

            For instance, only 4% of Doctors are black. Clearly the K-12 teachers and higher ed professors are responsible, right?

            So replace them with folks who are not “woke” and more accountable, right?

            and you do buy the idea that racial disparities can be traced to differences in behaviors in blacks… that’s why there are racial disparities in health care, right?

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I agree with you that this “story” is a non-story. If one is requesting special consideration due to medical or other extraordinary circumstances, then one must be willing to document those circumstances. I don’t understand why the employees were willing to hand over the information to HR, but not to the director.

    This little dust-up has two underlying causes. First is the resentment of some employees at not having as many telework days as they want. Second seems to be a disliking among the rank and file of Dr. Greene.

    I want to take issue with you on two counts. First, while it is technically true that NPR gets tax-payer subsidies, the proportion of the operating expenses of NPR covered by local, state, and federal funding is around five percent.

    Second, you assert, “Team Northam staffed the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) with employees dedicated to the proposition that racism is a threat to the public health, that racial disparities in health outcomes are the result of structural racism — not poverty, not differences in behavior, but racism.” This statement implies that the Northam administration consciously hired employees that had certain political leanings. However, with the exception of the agency director and one other senior official, all employees of the Department of Health, as are those of other state agencies, are hired on the basis of competitive interviews, tests, and prior experience. Furthermore, I would be willing to bet that a large portion, even more than a majority, of VDH employees had been in their jobs for years before Northam took office. Many probably go back to the years that Bob McDonnell was governor.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Would you be so cavalier about taxpayer funding of biased media outlets if 5% of the National Review’s operating budget was funded by taxpayer dollars?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You mean Fox ain’t?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You mean Fox ain’t?

        I’m sure you know that NPR news scores highest in factual content, “centered” on story content and presentation, and “left of center” on story choice. It is the gold stardard of news in the US by which all others are compared. But, you do know that.

        See graphic…

        Oops, not that one… this one…

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes. One would think many VDH employees have been there for years.

      Perhaps VDH jobs just attract “woke” folk?

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “But the media covering politics and public policy in Richmond have adopted the Washington model. The dominant media — The Washington Post, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, The Virginian-Pilot, Virginia Public Media — have abandoned any pretense of objectivity.”

    That is actually known as the Bacons Rebellion model…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You’d think there was no such thing as right-wing media, eh?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Well, yes, I could have cited Fox but that would not have pointed out the hypocrisy of the statement as effectively.

        1. oromae Avatar

          Why don’t you point out the other major networks with a conservative bent?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Again, major networks were not the subject of my comment. JAB’s hypocrisy was…

  11. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Talk about petty, small-minded thinking.

  12. Merchantseamen Avatar

    Democrat Party not “Democratic Party”. The Democrat Party is not Democratic by any means. The Democrats adopted the term Democratic and the Liberal now Leftist press did not challenge the “change”.

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