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The Coldest Vote

Given the hype, I expected a long line at the Tuckahoe Elementary polls in Henrico this morning. But that wasn’t the case. There were a few signs waving in the chilly breeze, no poll workers and only a few folks ahead of me — all taking the red, Republican ballots (this being one of the most Republican areas in the county).

I asked one of the workers whether he’d been busy. Yes, he said, steady traffic and lines all morning. I suppose compared to any other primary, that was probably true. I hesitated for a moment on seeing Fred Thompson still listed, and almost touched the screen for him. But I didn’t, instead tapping the screen for Johnny Mac, if only to tweak the righty talk radio gods.

Saw Del. John O’Bannon on the way out, but didn’t stop to chat — it was just too chilly for idle pleasantries.

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