The Coldest Vote

Given the hype, I expected a long line at the Tuckahoe Elementary polls in Henrico this morning. But that wasn’t the case. There were a few signs waving in the chilly breeze, no poll workers and only a few folks ahead of me — all taking the red, Republican ballots (this being one of the most Republican areas in the county).

I asked one of the workers whether he’d been busy. Yes, he said, steady traffic and lines all morning. I suppose compared to any other primary, that was probably true. I hesitated for a moment on seeing Fred Thompson still listed, and almost touched the screen for him. But I didn’t, instead tapping the screen for Johnny Mac, if only to tweak the righty talk radio gods.

Saw Del. John O’Bannon on the way out, but didn’t stop to chat — it was just too chilly for idle pleasantries.

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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    To Jim Bacon:

    Totally off topic, but this is an insider scam by the wealthy elite landed interests at Tysons who want to pass off the majority of the costs of rail to someone else.

    “The Virginia home-building industry offered a compromise Monday that would exempt Tysons Corner and the Reston Town Center from a Senate bill that would dramatically change the way developers contribute money for roads, schools and other services.”

    The dirty little secret is that most recent rezonings at Tysons and Reston have not come close in proffers to the impact fees being proposed.

    The big boys like WestGroup want to continue their almost free ride.

    Please start a thread on this.

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