Clear Violations of Title IX in Employment at UVa

Courtesy UVa Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights

by James C. Sherlock

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

It covers employees as well as students.

There is clear work to do at UVa for its Title IX staff.

We’ll sample the problems.

Arts and Sciences. A look at the leadership team of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences must especially be troubling to the Title IX staff, if indeed they examine it.

Dean Christa Acampora, her senior special assistant, her chief of staff, and Senior Associate Dean for Administration and Planning are all women.

All six of the Associate Deans are females:

  • Associate Dean for Social Sciences (Professor)
  • Associate Dean for Arts & Humanities (Professor)
  • Associate Dean for the Sciences and Research (Professor)
  • Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Programs (Professor)
  • Associate Dean for Graduate Education (Associate Professor)

Correct. In Arts and Sciences, a female Associate Professor is Dean for Graduate Education, not a professor.

Since A&S does its own hiring and promotions, it should be pretty easy for the Title IX office to find the people to interview about discrimination on the basis of sex in that department.

School of Education and Human Development. The Dean and four of the six members of her leadership team at the ed school are women.

One of the two males among those seven people in leadership positions in that school is the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Which is almost amusing if you think about it.

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Compared to those two schools, the engineering school leadership is relatively balanced. It includes:

  • a female Dean;
  • a female Senior Executive Assistant;
  • women hold four of the eight department chairs;
  • women are two of the seven Associate Deans;
  • a female Assistant Dean for Graduate Affairs;
  • a female Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Affairs;
  • a female Director of Operations, Engineering Systems and Environment;
  • a female Director, Center for Applied Mathematics.

Bottom line.

I believe in enforcement of all laws.

And I am not even a male professor trying to get promoted in UVa’s School of A&S or of Education.

Nor am I Rachel Spraker, Senior Director for Equity and Inclusive Excellence, who leads UVa’s employment equity team.

It will be interesting to see what role the Provost, the immediate past Dean of A&S, plays in this.

Title IX is there to be enforced. Perhaps the Title IX office at the federal Department of Education will be interested in enforcing it.

I’ll check.

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33 responses to “Clear Violations of Title IX in Employment at UVa”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I’m sure if it’s that clear, it’ll be fixed. You keep checking.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Hey, hey. Sherlock admitted he was not a male professor seeking a promotion in UVA’s School of A&S or Education. His concern is that the all-female leadership may be meeting at steakhouses, smoking cigars, and swilling bourbon.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        What he forgets, but not so long ago as to be forgotten by those younger than he, is that two female professors wanted to develop a Women’s Study course at Yoo-Vee-eh?, and were told a male professor had to approve it and agree to chair it.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          That’s one method of diverting replacement of males in the academy. Another might be cessation of male/female census taking. Increase male studies courses is another.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          When was that? It had to have been before 1979, because that was the year UVA introduced an entire women’s studies program, not just a single course.

          This is from UVA’s web page about the history of women at the school:UVA founded the Women’s Studies Program in 1979 and appointed Sharon Davie (Grad ’69, ’72) its director.

          That being the case, the incident you described had to have occurred before pretty much any current UVA student, and a fair number of the current UVA faculty, were even born.

          By the way, 1980 was the first year freshman female undergraduates outnumbered freshman male undergraduates at UVA – and it’s been that way ever since.

          CORRECTION: Not “freshman”, but “first year”.

          I hope the Hoos down in Hooville will forgive me…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It was in the early 70s. I posted the link to the source in one of BRs articles on DEI last year, maybe a little further back. It was on the UVa website somewhere.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            According to several sources on line, the average age of an employed college professor is 46 years.

            So, to be fair, the anti-female behavior you noted occurred before most of the faculty at UVA were born.

            Perhaps it was longer ago than you think. Sooner or later we have to recognize that such discrimination has ended in this country.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes, yes. That’s why NOW they are called liberal bastions.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            That was around the time Playboy was doing ratings of the schools with the hottest coeds wasn’t it? I think I recall UVa featuring in that a couple of times.

            To appreciate how much we’ve progressed, today those ratings would include guys among the hot coeds.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What? Didn’t you see the Burt Reynolds’ centerfold?

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Was he dressed like Mulvaney and holding a personalized beer can?

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Dressed? No.
            Holding? I believe so.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Pride, in this case arrogance, goeth before the fall. Even a hint of self reflection would have prevented this.

      The 10-person all-female leadership of the School of A&S is Olympic-class stupid.

      The fact that it is a legacy of the Provost is embarrassing.

      I’ll let the federal Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and the BOV “check”. Their job now, not mine.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        “The 10-person all-female leadership of the School of A&S is Olympic-class stupid.” Ten of how many in the entire School? If only its leadership is female, what does Title IX imply about that? Is a School’s leadership an educational program for the purpose of assessing sexual discrimination under the law? If not, an Olympic-size foot may have been placed uncomfortably in an anatomical cavity.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          If it was an all-male leadership, counselor, the tort bar would gird itself for battle.

          The term “What are the odds?” occurs. Turns out they are zero for ten – no chance – in the College of A&S.

          How would you like to be trying for tenure?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Odds? Given that women are heavily the majority of college students nowadays, not so out of bounds as one would think.

            “In the academic year of 2019/20, about 85,230 male and 104,950 female students earned a doctoral degree in the United States. By the academic year of 2030/31, these figures are expected to increase to about 88,000 and 133,000 respectively.”

            All those men are going into industry for the big bucks, leaving the low paid education jobs to women…. Again.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Odds? Given that women are heavily the majority of college students nowadays, not so out of bounds as one would think.

            “In the academic year of 2019/20, about 85,230 male and 104,950 female students earned a doctoral degree in the United States. By the academic year of 2030/31, these figures are expected to increase to about 88,000 and 133,000 respectively.”

            All those men are going into industry for the big bucks, leaving the low paid education jobs to women…. Again.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I don’t blame you for your attempt to deflect the point of the article.

            Men 0, women 10 in the leadership of the largest school in the state’s flagship university.

            UVa takes federal education funds.

            Discrimination on the basis of sex is as illegal under Title IX as it was in the examples you give when men did it.

            But this is just another skirmish in the progressive war on the rule of law. You two are dependable soldiers.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Call the EEOC and Title IX police. You’ve put together evidence in which you believe the law has been violated. Men 0, women 10 in one place? Pray that it’s not merely another replacement theory at work. Repeat for the audience the total number of positions in the “largest school in the state’s flagship university” to drive home the illegality. All depend upon your militancy for beauty, truth, and the Virginia Way.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What’s a matter? You afraid of the “matrinization” of America? Is that what MAGA is all about?

            Women are earning more degrees. Men eschewing education. Eventually, they take over. Women are 29% of the House, 25% of the Senate, and overwhelmingly they are Democrats.

            Hmmm, overturning Roe v. Wade? Voter ID laws that affect women more than men? Forget race.

            Is this the dying gasps of the patriarchy?

            Is that your fear? Check yourself.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What’s a matter? You afraid of the “matrinization” of America? Is that what MAGA is all about?

            Women are earning more degrees. Men eschewing education. Eventually, they take over. Women are 29% of the House, 25% of the Senate, and overwhelmingly they are Democrats.

            Hmmm, overturning Roe v. Wade? Voter ID laws that affect women more than men? Forget race.

            Is this the dying gasps of the patriarchy?

            Is that your fear? Check yourself.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What’s a matter? You afraid of the “matrinization” of America? Is that what MAGA is all about?

            Women are earning more degrees. Men eschewing education. Eventually, they take over. Women are 29% of the House, 25% of the Senate, and overwhelmingly they are Democrats.

            Hmmm, overturning Roe v. Wade? Voter ID laws that affect women more than men? Forget race.

            Is this the dying gasps of the patriarchy?

            Is that your fear? Check yourself.

          8. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            So, instead we must rely on your legal knowledge and evaluation. I’m sure y’all can find a macho male law firm to sic on the illegal, all female leadership staffing at UVA. What are the odds you don’t follow through? Will your dudgeon and affront by these circumstances prevail?

      2. Cathis398 Avatar

        i would also report to the state AG.

        the fact is that many inside universities do think that affirmative action is not only acceptable but legal, and actually celebrate facts like the ones you’ve presented. it’s amazing to try to talk to them about what is clearly permitted and disallowed under existing law. not only don’t they care: they think their own POV should be as good as law.

        similarly, they are unconcerned about recent stats showing that universities are becoming less and less hospitable to men–I think recent stats are something like 58% of undergrads are women?

        you probably need more than a single snapshot in time to show systematic Title IX violations, and for EEOC it would be ideal to have a plaintiff (although finding one to suit this situation might be very hard). but the fact is that inside universities some openly pursue goals like what you see here, and behind closed doors express contempt for anyone who has a problem with it.

        this will continue until a court or the EEOC makes clear to them that Title IX means what it says.

        the stuff i have heard people say when they think nobody (who disagrees) is listening is absolutely shocking.

      3. Cathis398 Avatar

        i would also report to the state AG.

        the fact is that many inside universities do think that affirmative action is not only acceptable but legal, and actually celebrate facts like the ones you’ve presented. it’s amazing to try to talk to them about what is clearly permitted and disallowed under existing law. not only don’t they care: they think their own POV should be as good as law.

        similarly, they are unconcerned about recent stats showing that universities are becoming less and less hospitable to men–I think recent stats are something like 58% of undergrads are women?

        you probably need more than a single snapshot in time to show systematic Title IX violations, and for EEOC it would be ideal to have a plaintiff (although finding one to suit this situation might be very hard). but the fact is that inside universities some openly pursue goals like what you see here, and behind closed doors express contempt for anyone who has a problem with it.

        this will continue until a court or the EEOC makes clear to them that Title IX means what it says.

        the stuff i have heard people say when they think nobody (who disagrees) is listening is absolutely shocking.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Shocking that 58% of undergrads are women!! From where are they coming? Are males being threatened by replacement? If so, education integrity is being violated along with election integrity. Absolutely shocking!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Explains MAGA.

      4. Cathis398 Avatar

        i would also report to the state AG.

        the fact is that many inside universities do think that affirmative action is not only acceptable but legal, and actually celebrate facts like the ones you’ve presented. it’s amazing to try to talk to them about what is clearly permitted and disallowed under existing law. not only don’t they care: they think their own POV should be as good as law.

        similarly, they are unconcerned about recent stats showing that universities are becoming less and less hospitable to men–I think recent stats are something like 58% of undergrads are women?

        you probably need more than a single snapshot in time to show systematic Title IX violations, and for EEOC it would be ideal to have a plaintiff (although finding one to suit this situation might be very hard). but the fact is that inside universities some openly pursue goals like what you see here, and behind closed doors express contempt for anyone who has a problem with it.

        this will continue until a court or the EEOC makes clear to them that Title IX means what it says.

        the stuff i have heard people say when they think nobody (who disagrees) is listening is absolutely shocking.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    UVA uses euphemisms to hide racial discrimination.
    “Under-represented.” “Marginalized.”
    So how come the “diversity dashboard” tracks by race?
    Also, note that Black percentage went down, despite all the efforts. There is huge competition for qualified blacks. So the next step is to get rid of the SAT so UVA can hide that it is making offers to less-qualified Black applicants to boost the skin color game. For Class of 2026 admissions info, Blacks had the highest offer rate and the lowest SAT scores…by far.
    How does UVA do it? Curious minds want to know, but UVA won’t let me see the screening software, although I am pretty sure I know how it skews the results. And that is why UVA won’t come clean…
    As a State U, don’t you think that is a matter of public interest? What happened to “unequivocal” support for “free inquiry?”

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The article alleges sexual discrimination not racial. Stay on point.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Oh, thanks. Still discrimination. And you can look at the diversity dashboard for students, staff, faculty. Quit obfuscating the law breaking. Women are nearly 60% of students. Seems the men are “marginalized” or “underrepresented” in your fever dream euphemisms to Utopia.
        Great AND Good, as led by Messiah Jim.

  3. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    It is good to know there are warriors who have not tired of fighting the wretched take over of our republic as it is envisioned, written, and fought and died for.

  4. WayneS Avatar

    It’s all part of the systemic sexism inherent in our public education systems…

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