Civic Engagement

Photo credit: Richmond Times-Dispatch

Governor Youngkin gave blood yesterday.  The Commonwealth’s top elected official publicly setting an example for this vital activity sends a strong signal for others.  According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, blood donations are slowing down during the summer, so Youngkin’s active endorsement through participation is welcome.


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23 responses to “Civic Engagement”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wait. Why is it a choice to give blood? It can save 1000s of lives. The Red Cross should be empowered to simply round up donors and take what they need.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I know you are being facetious, but I think the 4th Amendment to our Constitution has that plan covered.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Actually, I’m not.

        The 4th, if that is what prevents the harvest, means that you cannot be forced to give a single drop of blood, even if it could save thousands of lives, and moreover, this protection extends to you even postmortem, unless you waive the right while alive.

        This means that YOU as a dead man will have more bodily autonomy granted by the State than a live woman impregnated by rape or incest in those States with a total ban.

        So, let’s square it up -life-for-life. If someone needs a kidney to live, and you’re the closest match then the State should be able to compel you to donate one of yours. Don’t worry, you’re still covered. If the one you have left should begin to fail, you’re guaranteed a replacement. Paying it forward, so to speak.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          The primary difference being that requiring blood and organ “donation” mandates that a person undergo a medical procedure, whereas banning abortion proscribes a medical procedure.

          PS – For the record, I do not support a total ban on abortion.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            C-sections are out.

            Women are more at risk in childbirth than a kidney donor.

            So, if a woman wanted an abortion and was denied one, and then had to undergo a caesarean, is that not a medical procedure?

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Apples and oranges.

            The medical procedure of C-section is a life-saving surgery for the recipient and her offspring. Forcing someone to donate a perfectly healthy kidney endangers that person’s life for no possible benefit to that person.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’ll bet I can find a buncha folks sitting in Stressless(R) recliners who would take exception with that.

        2. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          Of course those making these decisions, along with their consultants, would be self-granted special “essential worker” status and not have to give blood or organs.

        3. Nathan Avatar

          “This means that YOU as a dead man will have more bodily autonomy granted by the State than a live woman impregnated by rape or incest in those States with a total ban.”

          What states currently have total bans on abortion with no exceptions?

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Could “due process” refer to using a scalpel rather than an axe in the “harvesting” of organs?

  2. ChatGPT Says Avatar
    ChatGPT Says

    User: Is giving blood a good thing to do?

    ChatGPT: Yes, giving blood is generally considered a good thing to do. Blood donation is a voluntary act of providing a life-saving resource to individuals who need it. Here are some reasons why giving blood is beneficial:

    Saves lives: Blood transfusions are crucial in various medical procedures, including surgeries, organ transplants, treatment of cancer, and emergencies. By donating blood, you contribute to the availability of this vital resource, potentially saving someone’s life.

    Health benefits for the donor: Donating blood can have positive effects on the donor’s health. It stimulates the production of new blood cells, helping maintain healthy iron levels in the body. It also offers an opportunity for a free health checkup, as donors receive preliminary tests for blood pressure, hemoglobin levels, and other health indicators.

    Community support: Blood donation is an act of community support. By donating blood, you contribute to the well-being of your community and help ensure that blood supplies are available for those in need, whether they are accident victims, patients with chronic conditions, or individuals undergoing medical treatments.

    Emotional satisfaction: Donating blood can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Knowing that you have made a positive impact on someone’s life by donating a vital resource can be a rewarding and gratifying experience.

    However, it’s important to note that not everyone is eligible to donate blood. Specific criteria, such as age, weight, overall health, and medical history, must be met. Additionally, it’s essential to donate through recognized blood donation centers or organizations that follow strict safety protocols to ensure the well-being of both donors and recipients.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Are AI postings a bug or a feature? What, if anything, do they add to BR?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        They add nothing.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That can be said of others too. 😉

          I just don’t like them posting anonymously. What kind of a name is ChatGPT?

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Thee and me? 🙂

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ooh, oooh, now ask it, “Is Youngkin a good governor just because he gave blood?”

      [maybe ChatGPT should be called OracleDLP2]

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        or how demented is Joe Biden or how much did Hunter pay for the coke delivery at the White House?

  3. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    If he had one of the sixteen MRNA spike shots, it’s toxic.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      What is the basis of this claim? I have had all the COVID vaccinations, including boosters, and the Red Cross has accepted my blood donation twice this year. Apparently, no recipient has died.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The basis? A willful absence of knowledge.

  4. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Thanks for posting Dick, I donate and commend it to anyone who can. I think Youngkin is showing leadership by donating and highlighting it, no different then when Biden took a COVID booster vaccination in public.

    Furthermore I saw your comment about COVID vaccines, I have had two regular vaccines and one booster, they asked at the Red Cross for their records, and it was not an issue to my knowledge.

    1. CJBova Avatar

      Considering that “After six months, the overall effectiveness of the vaccines dropped further to 14%, and to 9% after nine months….” unless it was recently received, probably won’t be that much to get passed on.

      “This study is showing that the protection [from vaccines] is very high at the beginning, but it wanes quickly,” says Marco Ajelli, associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the Indiana University
      School of Public Health and one of the co-authors of the study May 2023

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