Steve Descano. Commonwralth’s Attorney, Fairfax. Photo credit: WTOP

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Contributors and many readers of this blog have been highly critical of Steve Descano, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Fairfax County.  They belittle him as being a Soros-backed, “woke” prosecutor, soft on crime. They seem to have missed Descano’s involvement in a recent high-profile case.

As described by The Washington Post, the defendant in the case had agreed to allow his home to serve as a delivery point for marijuana that was going to be sold by the victim. There had been a dispute between the defendant and the victim. When the victim knocked on the door of the defendant’s apartment, he sneaked out the back door, retrieved an AR-15 -style rifle from his car, and opened fire on the victim, killing him, and spraying bullets into adjacent occupied apartments.

The offender claimed that the victim had threatened to kill him and his family and he was protecting himself and them. A jury convicted him of second-degree homicide. A new trial was ordered because the jury had not been told that it could also consider a charge of manslaughter. A second jury also convicted him of second-degree murder.

The sentencing guidelines in the case called for a prison term of between 13 and nearly 22 years. The judge must have believed that the offender felt threatened by the victim. He imposed a sentence of 10 years in prison but suspended all of it. He also imposed the mandatory minimum sentence of three years for the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. (An offender gets credit toward his sentence for time spent in jail awaiting trial. The incident occurred in late 2020. Therefore, the offender has probably already served most, if not all, of that three years in jail.)

What was the role of the Commonwealth’s Attorney in this result? Descano’s office had asked for a sentence in the higher end of the guidelines range. Descano said he took that position because “we believed that was appropriate for the seriousness of this crime, and the dangerous, reckless actions of the defendant. In addition to the tragic murder of Mr. Sullivan, the defendant’s actions put the lives of everyone in the vicinity at risk.”

So much for being soft on crime. In case anyone is wondering, the judge cannot be considered a liberal progressive, either. He has been on the circuit court bench since 2008. During that time, he had to have been reelected by the General Assembly at least twice, during which Republicans were in control of at least one house and sometimes both houses.

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40 responses to “Checking up on Steve Descano”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Anyone that labels a person “woke” anymore should not be taken seriously. This tactic is the revenge of the ignorant. It is what MAGA Boomers do when they can’t make an intelligent argument.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Self-defeating much?
      I guess “MAGA Boomers” proves you can’t make an intelligent argument.
      Oink oink

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      ” It is what MAGA Boomers do when they can’t make an intelligent argument”

      If only you knew what irony was.

  2. It’s nice to know that Descano was willing to push for a tougher sentence, although 10 years in prison for a guy who shoots and kills someone — and sprays bullets into nearby apartments — hardly strikes me as “tough on crime.” But I’ll give him credit for not being as bad as the judge.

    If Republicans voted to approve a judge like that — and you’re a bit vague on the details — they undoubtedly did so at the behest of Democratic Fairfax County legislators. You approve my guy, and I’ll approve yours.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      What of Breonna Taylor? You just described the situation to a tee.

      “The prosecution of Brett Hankison, the former police detective who fired 10 bullets through Breonna Taylor’s apartment during a fatal 2020 raid in Louisville, Ky., ended in a mistrial on Thursday after the jury said it could not reach a unanimous verdict on federal civil rights charges.”

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Maybe it was a good verdict. Maybe it wasn’t a civil rights violation.
        Maybe it was a fuster-cluck with her drug dealing (former?) boyfriend and just a tragedy, and a justifiable one wrt the policeman.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, and maybe the judge in this case took into consideration the victim’s rap sheet or maybe he had been released early from a life sentence by a seriously woke parole board? Hey, this is fun.

          James has an attack dog?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, and maybe the judge in this case took into consideration the victim’s rap sheet or maybe he had been released early from a life sentence by a seriously woke parole board? Hey, this is fun.

          James has an attack dog?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The KY verdict was a jury. And it’s not like Louisville is right wing…

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Don’t confuse him with facts, he doesn’t leave his basement he wouldn’t know that Louisville is a very liberal city.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            Fairly certain that Computershare didn’t locate their call center in Louisville for the skilled, high-quality workforce available there. No, they wanted cheap, and they got it.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I have family that lives there and they are pretty far left. Not to mention Jefferson County where Louisville is located voted 70% for Andy Beshear the Democrat Governor.

            As a matter of fact not a single Republican was voted into office that is identified by party in Lousiville.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            That something like this could happen there tells me what I need to know about the place:


          6. how_it_works Avatar

            That something like this could happen there tells me what I need to know about the place:


    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The sentencing guidelines recommended a range of 13 years to almost 22 years. Descano asked for a sentece in the “higher end” of that rage–presumably around 20 years. The 10 years was the judge’s idea, which Descano objected to.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Once, when playing golf, I got a hole in one. 175 yard, par 3 at Mt Vernon Country Club.

        That shot would have made the highlight reel of any Master’s Tournament.

        Unfortunately, my game normally is pretty mediocre.

        So, no highlight reel for me.

        I’m glad Descano got ONE case right.

        But that no more makes him a good prosecutor than my single hole in one makes me a PGA Tour Pro (or, for that matter, an even richer LIV Pro).

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Maybe confusing pros with wannabes?

          1. Your words…

          2. Your words…

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe shouts from the cheap seats versus players on the field.

          4. But you’re the one who called Descano a “wannabe”…

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            no you misunderstood methinks.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “… spraying bullets into adjacent occupied apartments.”
    Apparently, not a problem in Louisville, Kentucky. Precedent case?

  4. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    Pleal deals for sex crimes and failure to get career criminals off the streets. He’s a bang up guy, perhaps instead of seeing his party affiliation and defending all his moves the author should read about what he hasn’t done.

    Par for the course more DHS bull excrement.

  5. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I don’t know anything about Descano and could not open the Washington Post article. The shooter used an AR 15, so knowing this is the gun the Left hates, one has to wonder if that came into play. I saw an article where Descano was making the case that AR 15’s should be banned and cited this case, see here.

    1. I saw an article where Descano was making the case that AR 15’s should be banned…

      And a weak argument it was, too.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Any weapon that can kill dozens of people in a few minutes should not be in the hands of mentally ill… as they are right now. Not about the name of the weapon but it’s killing capabilities.

        1. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          the problem of course is identifying who is mentally and dangerous.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, the claim that , that we SHOULD have gun rules that prevent guns being sold to the mentally ill is false, so we continue to sell guns to the mentally ill and say “oh well”?

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I’m sure the Fairfax CA saw what happened to the Loudoun CA. Strong smelling salts.

  7. The judge must have believed that the offender felt threatened by the victim.

    Maybe he did. If the man really was threatened by the other party then a 20 year sentence would be unjust.

    I have no problem whatsoever believing that Mr. Descano would prosecute to the fullest extent of his abilities anyone who claims self defense in the killing of another person. Most “progressives” simply abhor the idea that a person has the right to defend themselves or others from those who wish to do them harm.

  8. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    Mr Hall-Sizemore, how is this anything more than wild extrapolation? Mr. Descano pursued one prosecution of a violent crime with some degree of vigor. The fact that you bother to point this out seems to indicate that it is unusual, perhaps even novel.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      One the other hand, to speculate that he does not pursue prosecution of violent crime is what? just plain old what-a-bout-ism?

      1. Marty Chapman Avatar
        Marty Chapman

        What you label “what a-bout-ism” is actually just a logical and reasonable way of evaluating the Fairfax CA. Has crime, particularly violent crime, increased during his term? What percentage of arrests lead to prosecutions and convictions? How does Fairfax compare with VA as a whole and with surrounding jurisdictions?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Lots of moving parts besides just the prosecutor right? It’s all on him?

          1. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            No, but he is a big factor. A prosecutor who simply declines to prosecute certain crimes can certainly be held to account for an increase in those crimes.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            if that were actually true. Is it?

          3. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            That is the question Mr. Hall-Sizemore SHOULD have answered.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well no. He just showed that the prosecutor DID strongly prosecute. It was others who claimed otherwise and did not provide definitive proof at all.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well no. He just showed that the prosecutor DID strongly prosecute. It was others who claimed otherwise and did not provide definitive proof at all.

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