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Check Out the “Retirement Crisis” Blog

Kudos to EMR and Peter G. for keeping Bacon’s Rebellion a lively venue for discussing real issues during my prolonged absence. I’m parachuting in just to say hello — and to let Bacon’s Rebellion readers know about my new blog, The Retirement Crisis.

While Bacon’s Rebellion explores the theme of environmental sustainability, The Retirement Crisis tackles the theme of fiscal sustainability. Both are weighty. Both are game changers. No, that’s too mild. Both are civilization changers.

But of the two, I believe that fiscal collapse is more imminent than the environmental collapse. And if we can’t forestall the one, the United States won’t have the resources to avert the other.

The new blog focuses on the “retirement crisis” in a raw appeal to peoples’ self interest. Questions about multitrillion-dollar budget deficits, age wave-induced shortages of global capital, the overwhelming burden of carrying the national debt, and the disintegration of the retirement safety net are too abstract for most Americans to wrap their brains around. By making the case that the federal government will be unable to keep the promises made regarding Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlements, I’m hoping I can make the case that these issues will impact readers directly.

I urge Bacon’s Rebellion readers to bookmark The Retirement Crisis or sign up for the RSS feed. I promise you, we’ll have a lot of fun — and perhaps even nudge the needle of debate at the national level, just as we did with Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia.

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