Chase Aide Pulls Gun in Self Defense

Screenshot from Chase attending the pro-Trump rally at the National Mall Jan. 6.

by James A. Bacon

Sometimes Sen. Amanda Chase, R-Chesterfield, goes out looking for trouble. Sometimes trouble comes looking for Amanda Chase.

Yesterday the Washington Post published an account of an incident in which Chase’s aide brandished an AR-15 pistol at a man whom Chase said threatened them during a road rage incident. My immediate reaction upon reading the story was, “Oh, no, here we go again. More bat-dung craziness from Trump in Heels.”

By the time I finished reading the story, I was thinking, “Wow, good thing they had a gun!”

The Republican gubernatorial candidate and two aides had departed a campaign event in Virginia Beach and were “somewhere around Norfolk,” heading home when the incident occurred.

“I’m in the exit lane,” one of the aides, Shayne Snavely, told the Post. “This car starts coming over and, literally, beside us — pushing, pushing, pushing. I had to keep moving to the right. So then I slowed down and let him in front. And when he gets in front, they slowed down. The passenger actually opens the passenger door and is hanging out the door, literally standing up on the floorboard, screaming and making some kind of gestures. I then pass him and I go ahead and get off that exit.”

Snavely said the sedan followed the unmarked campaign van for two or three turns, then pulled up beside the van as he stopped at a break in the median to turn back toward the highway. He said the passenger got out of the sedan and walked toward the van with one hand in his pocket.

“And yeah, he got a gun in his face,” Snavely said, referring to the pistol he displayed through the closed window. “If he’d made two more steps, he’d [have] probably got shot.”

Ironically, Chase was participating by phone that very moment in an online debate sponsored by the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Quoting from the audio recording, the Post reported the following:

“I’ve consistently voted against disarming law-abiding citizens, especially this patchwork — okay, we gotta go. I’m sorry, y’all,” she tells the VCDL audience before she’s heard sternly addressing the alleged road rager: “No. Stop.”

There’s a metallic clicking sound in the background and then a man in the van with Chase can be heard saying, “That’ll get your b—- a– in the car, won’t it?”

Slightly flustered, Chase immediately resumed addressing the VCDL. “Speaking of a Second Amendment moment, we just had to — oh, my goodness — we are exercising our Second Amendment rights right now [in] our car, where we had somebody road rage, trying to get in front of — get on us.”

I don’t take Chase seriously as a political candidate. She stakes out extreme positions on everything from guns to masks, and I don’t recall her having anything edifying to say about the lunch-bucket issues — from K-12 education, higher-ed, health care, job creation, criminal justice reform — that affect all Virginians. On the other hand, I believe she has been unfairly pilloried and made into Virginia Democrats’ favorite hate object.

We live in crazy times with super-heated political rhetoric, an era in which the Virginia Commonwealth University student council president can urge without consequence the killing of cops, and in which deranged people do shoot politicians. (Does anyone remember what happened to Steve Scalise?) The police-defunding movement is given a respectful hearing in Virginia as elsewhere, and the murder rate is climbing. Chase and her aides had no way of knowing whether the road-rage warrior who approached Chase’s car was a random maniac or someone with a political grudge.

Unless evidence surfaces to suggest that the incident was staged, Snavely was fully justified in pulling his gun. If I were a public figure today — especially one as outspoken and loathed as Chase — I wouldn’t go anywhere without protection. The right to self-defense is the most fundamental human right of all.

Whatever else you say about her, Chase is a colorful character. I just hope Republican convention delegates look past her swashbuckling demeanor to see her lack of substance on most issues.

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58 responses to “Chase Aide Pulls Gun in Self Defense”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    โ€œWhatever else you say about her, Chase is a colorful character.โ€

    And perhaps a good actor…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Actor as in Oscar actor? Otherwise we’ve issues with the word “good”.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I know a lot of people that like Chase. She is folk hero to the working class conservative. This story will add to the Chase legend. It will be interesting to see how Chase performs during the Republican Convention in a two weeks.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Interesting is not the word that comes to mind. Your enthusiasm for this behavior, Jim B., is baffling. The other guy could have responded in kind and a shooting ensue.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I wouldn’t call it enthusiasm. I don’t think a Chase administration would get much done. Chase’s behavior is not up my alley. But I do think people underestimate Chase and her followers. The political body language she uses to attract more to that base is counter intuitive and I see it working.

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Well you might consider anyone that runs someone else off the road a nut job to begin with and considering the crazy killers the democratic party has turned loose with their hate filled rhetoric I think you need to recognize that the crazies are loose and feeling entitled.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Staged? I suppose they logged the plate and filed a complaint.

    Wait. What am I saying? Amanda “Trump-in-Heels” stage a PR stunt, especially on her pet topic?

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Color me cynical but isnโ€™t it remarkable that this alleged incident took place so close to the convention and no one captured it with a cellphone.๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh man. O’Keefe and I agree!

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “By the time I finished reading the story, I was thinking, โ€œWow, good thing they had a gun!โ€”

    By the time I finished reading the story, I was thinking, “Wow, would the digital record on the cellphones, GPS, and car OBC match the story?” Or, would it show the van had been in a parking lot the whole time?

    No police complaint, no crime, no investigation, just conspiracy imaginings on BaQAnon’s Rebellion.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      “Under Virginia law 18.2-282, it is a class 1 misdemeanor criminal offense to point, hold or brandish any firearm in such manner as to reasonably induce fear in the mind of another. The maximum penalty for brandishing a firearm in Virginia is 12 months in jail and a $2500 fine.” Pull the trigger and it all elevates….hit your target, it elevates again.
      He might have a self-defense argument on those stated facts, but he would have to prove it. Drive away.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Kinda makes ya wonder why the other guy didn’t file a complaint, if he exists. Sheesh, you have a confession to brandishment in the newspaper, if it happened.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          No it doesn’t, if someone is up to nefarious actions they aren’t going to report that someone pulled a firearm on them.

          It tracks unless proven otherwise.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay matt. You’re right. You know the hearts and minds of all. Especially those who steal.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            As opposed to you know the “hearts and minds” of Chase and her detail?

            I wasn’t aware you were clairvoyant, what are the winning Powerball numbers for this week.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m not sure where Jim is sometimes. I have to ask if Jim would act that way in a road confrontation. I suspect he’d NOT escalate it.

    And if he was riding with someone , how would he feel if that person pulled out a gun during a traffic confrontation.

    I know some folks “like” this – and maybe even with a governor.

    Maybe this is one of those things that varies by whether one owns a gun or not?

    The thing is – you NEVER KNOW in a traffic confrontation WHO the OTHER GUY is ? Is he a convicted felon? Has he pulled guns on others? Do you REALLY want to mess with him EVEN IF you have a gun?

  7. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    I thought the AR-15 was an “assault” rifle, not a pistol.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      An AR pistol is anything under SBR length (16 inches). They require a Form 1 from the ATF to own. It is also just an AR pistol, you can get it in any caliber you want or it can be a pistol caliber carbine (PCC) (9MM, 45ACP, etc).

      I don’t see the purpose behind anything shorter than a SBR but to each their own. You just need to ensure your barrel is long enough to allow for complete burn of the powder.

  8. vicnicholls Avatar

    If we’re talking about Friday night, that was possible. We were at a Chase event before another political event. Shayne is a pretty decent guy – I trust him and feel safe around him.

  9. I considered the possibility that Chase staged the event to create sympathetic headlines — that’s why I included the statement, “unless evidence surfaces to suggest that the incident was staged….”

    People are going to believe whatever they want to believe, so I doubt I’m going to persuade anyone who wants to think differently. But… given the evidence available, I don’t think the event was fabricated. If Chase had staged it, she would have milked the incident for publicity. She wouldn’t have just let it slide, as in fact she did.

    Chase didn’t do the Big Reveal — a Democrat Party outfit did, and it was critical. And then the Washington Post (not exactly a sympathetic media source) followed up. If the Chase campaign had staged the incident, it would have orchestrated the publicity very differently.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I don’t know about other jurisdictions but we have a fair number of these incidents every year and some people hurt or killed and prison sentences.

      Fredericksburg man faces brandishing charge in I-95 road rage incident

      Stafford County deputies have charged a 32-year-old Fredericksburg man with brandishing a firearm during a road rage incident Wednesday on Interstate 95.

      The victim called police at 3:36 p.m. to report a man pointed a firearm at her vehicle after she drifted into his lane on the highway. Passengers inside the vehicle reported the suspect reached into a tan bag on the passenger seat and took out a handgun.

      He then rolled down the window and pointed it at the victimโ€™s vehicle, the sheriff’s office said in a news release. The suspect later pulled in front of the victim and began slamming on his brakes forcing the victim to swerve to avoid a collision.”

      Seems like we have something like this almost every week these days.

      1. Brian Leeper Avatar
        Brian Leeper

        The drivers around here are rude and incompetent. This has been the case for the entire 34 years that I have been living in Virginia. My father remarked on it many times when we moved here in 1988.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Most of the ones I’ve seen are “come heres” from somewhere else.

          I think native Virginians are good. But the come here’s geeze…

          yes.. for 34 years, they have been coming…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          1. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            I don’t believe that to be true. I also don’t know how you could tell. I mean, do they issue a subtly different license plate to people who can’t trace their lineage 400 years back in Virginia?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh , you can often tell… especially the ones getting on I-95 to commute… the ones that complain that there is no Trader Joe, not enough chain Restaurants, whine whine whine.

          3. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Except I see awful driving even in parts of Virginia that I am fairly certain that nobody (willingly) moves to.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            drive in NoVa and you’ll see … these folks are different than country folks when it comes to sharing the road. “get out of my effing way or I’ll make you regret it”!

          5. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            I’m talking about little things like using your turn signal and knowing where you need to turn. For a state where failure to use a turn signal is a reckless driving offense, it sure is strange how little it is used here.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Might be true. but NoVa types will tailgate you even when there is traffic in front of you and you have no choice. unbelievable. I guess they want a “signal”. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          7. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            They drive the same way in Roanoke from what I’ve seen.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Maybe. Some folks when others are aggressive will respond with passive-aggressive games.

            You tailgate me and I guarantee you won’t like me after.

            People from the urban areas for the most part are not very patient and sometimes damned aggressive IMHO.

            Country folks are not near as obnoxious in my experience.

            I’m funning you a bit here…

          9. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            You’re telling me you’ve never been tailgated by a junkheap of a pickup truck sporting FARM USE tags?

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Almost never. It’s always some jerk in a late model VW or SUV… Nissan, etc.

            You gotta be kidding here.. Farm Use?

            geeze. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          11. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Yep, Farm Use tags. I suggested to a friend of mine that since the DMV is backlogged months out, he could probably stick Farm Use tags on the beater he bought from me and get away with it till he gets legit tags.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            How about in NoVa – Farm use tags?

            I rest my case.

          13. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            I’ve seen vehicles with Farm Use tags in the Manassas area on several occasions.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh yeah, but the VAST Majority of the obnoxious drivers in places like NoVa are not “farm use”. And not down Fredericksburg way either. NoVa drivers are impatient and obnoxious.

            Yeah, they want signals , so they can abuse you even more!


            more seriously, roads are a shared resource and way too many people don’t drive at all like they are sharing – they actually do the opposite.

            I don’t block people. If they want around me – and they are not tailgating, I’ll actually pull over and let them by.

            I’ll back off and allow people to change lanes or pull out. i don’t look to punish them like I’ve seen some do.

            I signal 500 feet before I turn… I give them LOTs of time to back off and I turn quick but some want to be on your bumper right up til you turn.

            Honestly, it was not like this 30 years ago in our area but now, you can almost count on it.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            I see them one in a while on local roads (not major commuting routes or I95) and most are slow moving and not aggressive nor obnoxious. Seems like that would be a good way to attract the cops.

            It’s usually the guy in the Nissan or VW in my rear view that is velcro on my bumper.

            And listen, I am NOT a slow driver. I go 5 and 10 mph over, on many roads, 80 on I-95 but I still have these fools doing crazy stuff and watch my rear view all the time.

            I’ve been driving in the Fburg Area for 45 years and I’ve seen the changes.

            I have no issues with drivers making time who are patient and bid their time – and don’t abuse others and I’ll make way for them, back off and let them pass, etc.

            There is a difference between a fast but competent, patient and courteous driver and aggressive, impatient jerks and it’s about 10 to 1 in numbers.

          16. WayneS Avatar

            I’ve been driving in Virginia for 40+ years and no, I have never been tailgated by a junkheap of a pickup truck sporting FARM USE tags.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, and I don’t think we EVER had folks pulling guns out over traffic issues… the folks that do this are almost never from around here…

          18. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Where do you think the people who do that come from?

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            from reading the papers… come-heres….

            Your pont about idiots and obnoxious jerks I agree with …

            I hold no malice towards those that are just not used to driving in urban traffic. I also observe folks driving local with out of state tags who dont know the local patterns.

            But I can tell an obnoxious jerk right off the bat but their pushy behavior. They tailgate, cut people off, and in general just abuse others they think are “slower” than them.

            And all I know is that the more folks who move down here – the more of that type behavior I see.

            A lack of patience for folks who just are not as adept to the way that traffic works these days – and it begets passive-aggressive responses.

            Again – we share a resource – and way too many don’t see it as a sharing thing.

            And yep, I sin sometimes.

          20. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            I guess you might call it the difference between driving like a jerk and driving like an idiot. Driving like a jerk is more common in NOVA to be sure. Driving like an idiot is more common elsewhere in the state. I’d rather not be around either an idiot or a jerk driver.

          21. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            And if it helps you feel better Larry, I would rather my parents NOT have moved here 34 years ago. The place we lived before was better in practically every measurable aspect than what we moved to.

          22. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah, from California, eh?

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes. Yes. That’s what we hear. This place “sucks” cuz it’s got traffic…. and not enough chain restaurants, and other “Good stuff”, yeah boy – once al ya’ll move here for sure! Whiners!

          24. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            It would be one thing if it was just traffic.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. But WHY would you MOVE to a place that lacks the things you want in the first place?

            My theory is that they hate NoVa so much they leave but they are 100% whiners.

            They blame the place they moved to?

            geeze! No wonder they’re obnoxious!

            And I can guarantee you they won’t leave the Fredericksburg Area for NoVa!

          26. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            In my parent’s case, it was because a major employer in Fairfax (which is no longer there) told my dad to move here to keep his job. They didn’t tell him that they would lay him off a few years later. And the type of work he did isn’t exactly very common in Northern Virginia. So it was difficult for him to find another job, let alone one that paid him what he was making before.

            And, 34 years ago, there was no internet. No city-data. No easy way to get the details that you might need to make a (good) decision as to whether you should move to a given area to keep your job, or tell them to shove it and stay where you’re at.

            FWIW, I tell anyone even considering moving to NOVA this: Unless you are getting a Federal job, this is probably not the place you want to be.

          27. LarrytheG Avatar

            Many of the folks that moved to the Fredericksburg Area are NoVa workers looking for more affordable single family housing and prior to the pandemic, commuted.

            And not just Fburg, the exurban ring around NoVa and many places with even far less amenities.

            The pursuit of less crowded, less expensive housing and the willingness to commute 1-2 hours each way.

            Not only completely overwhelmed I-95 but local roads built to 1930 era design capacities.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Welcome to Virginia. Slow drivers keep left. All others please tailgate. Radar detectors are illegal.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It made national news.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s your last paragraph here that I would like to address.

      Not all lies are intended for widespread distribution. In fact, lies are often specifically targeted because widespread distribution could results in the type of discussion we’ve had here and risks the discovery.

      So perhaps she didn’t intend for it to go beyond the call. It was for the immediate consumption by persons on that call. Now, it’s out of the bag and some people are taking issue.

      Imagine a L&O type like Amanda not calling the police and reporting the incident. Even Steve has idicated Amanda’s guy broke the law, and people with CWPs KNOW that waving a gun can get you arrested. Certainly not an intended outcome.

      She’s proven herself to be factually challenged her entire career, starting with the lie about swearing at the CPD officer and misleading about her Lexus’ color.

      52 comments and a bunch point out other possibilities.

  10. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    no call to the police? Give me a break.

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