Chart of the Day: Virginia 4th, 8th Graders Excel at Science

Source: Virginia Department of Education
Source: Virginia Department of Education

Virginia 4th- and 8th-grade public school students out-performed their peers by wide margins in the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress, according to a press release issued yesterday by the Virginia Department of Education.

“Virginia’s science standards require students to investigate and understand scientific concepts and then apply what they have learned,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Steven R. Staples said. “The commonwealth also has made significant investments in programs to increase the content knowledge of teachers and equip them with the ability to tap into their students’ sense of wonder, whether they are teaching in the classroom or in the field.”

NAEP is the only nationally representative test of student knowledge in math, reading, science, and history. The 2015 NAEP science tests were administered in Virginia to approximately 2,300 fourth graders in 99 schools, and to approximately 2,300 eighth graders in 87 schools.


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