Chairman of the RPV Hears Hampton Republicans

Chairman of the RPV, Ed Gillespie, motored a long way for the Hampton Republican Committee fellowship breakfast on Sat. 24 Feb. He had to hurry home for his daughter’s basketball game. It was a long round trip to hear voices he, apparently, hasn’t heard in Richmond or NoVa.

Mike Wade, Chairman of the Hampton Committee and the 3rd District, hosted. Sprinkled among the 50 or so folks were visitors from Va Beach, Portsmouth, Newport News and Poquoson.

The whole time was very Tidewater. Respectful. Polite. Closing with a standing ovation. Yet, it showed some of the fault lines across the General Assembly, the Party and The People. It exposed some of the political thinking which may make the Republican Party the minority party across the Commonwealth soon enough.

Gillespie talked about winning the ‘grand slam’ of ‘07, ‘08, ‘09 elections and controlling re-districting in ‘10. He mentioned the Virginia Republican Creed’s principles of limited government and lower taxes. Then, he praised the Republican ‘compromise’ Transportation bill as a contrast to what the Democrats would do and the absence of action from Democrat Gov. Kaine.

Then, the questions began. No one is buying the Party line. No one in that room.

The starkest comment was a fellow who said, essentially, “Quit threatening us with the Democrats. It’s not going to work. It’s not going to work with the voters.”

The other comments ranged from sending a message to Sen. John Warner to support the war or don’t run again, to get the National Park Service involved in the Ft. Monroe closure issues, to how a candidate for city council in Portsmouth can build voter identity other than the ‘Republican’ guy, to a fellow from Hampton University who said quit pandering to minorities but include them on the basis of issues – and the absence of a Reagan Conservative front-runner for President.

The comments on what I call the ’07 Transportation Tax Panic criticized the pouring concrete that won’t reduce congestion, failure to add to the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel and several comments about unelected Regional Governments we rejected TWICE before and that the Republican bill violated the very principles Gillespie had lauded. All said kindly, but firmly.

The Republican ‘stra-tege-ery’ emerged as this – in my words:

The plan saves Republican seats in NoVa because the GOP did something on transportation. Now, any failure to pass a plan can be blamed on the Democrats.

Furthermore, the bill requires the cities and counties to raise the taxes ($209m in year One in Hampton Roads), so they will be blamed for raising taxes, not Republicans. In fact, it creates an opportunity for Republicans to run Conservative candidates in cities and counties to NOT raise the taxes and create unelected, unaccountable Regional Governments the Republicans put in the compromise bill.

(When I told my apolitical, school counselor wife this, she said, “What? Say that again.” “Okay, dear. The Republicans in Richmond put new taxes, and Regional Government – we’ve already rejected TWICE, for a plan that doesn’t decrease congestion in a law, so that Republicans can win elections in the cities and counties running against it.” She said, “Surely, they don’t think the voters are that stupid.”)

In ’02 the Republicans – same cast of characters in the Caucus – passed the buck to the voters. In ’04 the RINOs raised taxes with the Dems. Now in ‘07, the Caucus passed the buck to the cities and counties.

Ed Gillespie indicated he will ask the State Central Committee to vote to support the plan. That’s ironic. I was on State Central when we voted almost unanimously to ask, respectfully, the Caucus to not raise our taxes in 04. I heard how they laughed at the notion. Senators Norment and Chichester made some pointed comments about ‘gnats on the butt of an elephant’ etc. I look forward to the SCC meeting in March.

So, the logic is this: When the State Central Committee, the Party, asks the Caucus to honor the principles of the Virginia Republican Creed they are ignored by the Caucus. Yet, when the Caucus passes legislation directly in violation of Republican principles, they demand the Party support them.

It shows the fundamental relationship of power and divisions across the Commonwealth. The Party doesn’t deliver the money or the votes that gets politicians elected. Party discipline is a wet noodle (see what the 28th State District decides on Monday about His Lordship Sir John Chichester). The Party faithful who are useful fools and loyal eunuchs are patronized with the modest petting they require to prop up politicians at election time.

Meanwhile, the different political sub-cultures of NoVa and RoVa ignore state politics until election time. The RINOs can serve the special interests who support them financially with few consequences. Except, as my wife suggested, the voters aren’t that stupid.

When a Republican candidate says, “Liberal! Liberal!”, and the Democrats and MSM say not so (the truth doesn’t matter) – and the Republican doesn’t provide reasons to vote FOR him, then the GOP loses. When the GOP raises taxes or insults the voters by not listening to their NO votes on Regional Governments, etc. the base of loyal Party voters bleeds.

When the Democrats make inroads in ’07 and, maybe, carry Virginia in ’08, don’t look to those 50 people in Hampton. They, as activists, can produce almost 10,000 votes. But, when they can’t or don’t try – look to Richmond. There’s trouble in River City

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18 responses to “Chairman of the RPV Hears Hampton Republicans”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I’m usually not a fan about airing our party’s dirty laudry. However, the Hampton Republicans have said alot of things that needed to be said. Hopefully, the right people heard.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    I totally agree with Anonymous. I don’t like to air Party dirty linen either but there are questions from the activists that Ed et al are trying to sweep under the rug. We have the same issues in our part of the state (western). Thanks for the update, JAB.

  3. D.J. McGuire Avatar
    D.J. McGuire

    I actually heard whispers that the hope in the Imperial Palace (aka RPV HQ) is that Kaine vetoes it, because they can’t stand it either.

    Talk about not having the courage of your convictions.

  4. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    A Party confident of its principles is unafraid of the truth. Dialoque among well meaning citizens isn’t dirty laundry.

    The past problems that caused law suits and criminal investigations – now that’s dirty laundry.

    This is just issues and analysis.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    No JAB, it’s not issues and analysis. It’s just whining and complaining.

    If you JERKS in the 3rd ACTUALLY WANTED TO DO SOMETHING, find a candidate to run against Bobby Scott and make him spend a little money on his own race.

    Stop complaining and help your party. We need the plan because it’s good policy and will help us keep the majority for the long term.

    Sometimes I wonder if you WANT us to lose so you can then have the satisfaction of saying, “I told you so.”


  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Let’s face it. Our Virginia General Assembly Majority has become just like the GOP in the US Congress (only more overblown egos for some reason). They are not driven by the the cause that got them there…they just want to keep the power because “it feels sooooo good”.

  7. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I agree. It appears to me that the number one priority is to keep and get more power… whatever it takes to accomplish that.

    I see a very THIN platform on principles and their actual actions in the GA actually violate some fundamental principles about small government – both fiscally and socially.

    Whining… blaming the media.. and going after the moderates in their own party seem to be popular activities… also

    Where.. oh where is that VISION for EFFECTIVE government?

    Where are the inititiaves to implement Virginia’s JLARC and Auditor of Public accounts recommendations and reforms for a more efficient and accountable government?

    The only way the Conservative R’s win is if the Dems are so totally AWOL that they deserve it.

  8. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Larry Gross: Conservative Rs when in Conservative districts when they have positive issues.

    Criticizing elected politicians who violate the principles they run on is different from whining.

  9. Reid Greenmun Avatar
    Reid Greenmun

    Anonymous RINOs howl:

    “Stop complaining and help your party. We need the plan because it’s good policy and will help us keep the majority for the long term.”


    (1)[it’s good policy] – creating all-appointed new layers of regional government with six-figure paid bureaucrats and appointed politicians that “vote” yet do not have their one “vote” weighted based on the population of the cities they claim to “represent” – that is “good policy”?

    (2) [it’s good policy] – in TW/HR raising taxes, creating new tolls, and lots of tax hikes on lots of fees to fund a “package” of highway projects that don’t solve the problem – that being too much traffic congestion for local commuters at peak usage time – that is “good policy”?

    (3) [it’s good policy] – raising the taxes on the TW/HR locals to pay for the STATE’S $4.4B Port Authority “3rd Crossing” – so the port can expand and dump around 5,000 more polluting trucks on the over crowded TW/HR highway system – that is “good policy”?

    (3) [help us keep the majority for the long term] – ignoring what the Republican voters of TW/HR have told you at the ballot box in Nov. 2002 and causing Republicans to not vote for RINOs – that will help keep the GOP “majority” in the long term?

    (4) [help us keep the majority for the long term] – Not offering the GOP faithful real Republican candidates to replace RINO traitors of GOP core values of less taxes and smaller government – – that will help keep the GOP “majority” in the long term?

    (5) [help us keep the majority for the long term] – dismissing the legitimate and well thought objections to a HORRIBLE bill that fails to solve our transportation needs as “complaining” – thus insulting the intelligent GOP base — that will help keep the GOP “majority” in the long term?

    Wow – these “party politics” Kool-Aid drinkers filled with arrogance and lusting for political power sure are lost! If guys like “Anonymous RINOs howl” are in GOP Party leadership roles, then the GOP has already lost the “majority”.

    Until the GOP leadership realizes they have to produce real RESULTS – and not just complex transportation bills that don’t actually solve traffic congestion – and, that the bill (HB 3202) they did pass is clearly a bill designed to pander to special interests and business lobbies – and that WE, The People do understand that obvious truth; then I predict the GOP will continue to lose elections.

    You see, while the GOP leadership insults us, they then boldly tell us “Stop complaining and help your party”.

    Our party?

    The GOP leadership and the RINOs they continue to support sure isn’t acting like MY Republican Party.

    Here is a novel concept – stop trying to stand up all-appointed regional government in Tidewater and do a good job actually solving our transportation needs and we will vote FOR you – instead of against you.

    Now THAT might be a way to help the GOP to “keep the majority for the long term”.

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    If you think the actions of this assembly is within the Republican edicts, and remaining “in power” is more important than ideology, good government, and honest representation, then you are truely a “country-club democrat”. This Republican assembly is self-serving and worships their seat before the party, the Commonwealth, and the Constitution.

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    Love to see you elephants implode. Hah. Hah. Hah.

  12. E M Risse Avatar

    This post and the comments suggest that it is time to end the Two Party Charade.

    There are not two cores of political interest.

    Rather there are several camps in each of the two major political parties who keep their real agendas under wraps while they try to hoodwink others into thinking if you vote with us you will “win.”

    No wonder US of A “democracy” has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any First World nation-state.

    Let us all admit that the political process is broken and that Fundamental Change is needed in governance structure.


  13. Anonymous Avatar

    Hope you RINO’s enjoyed your majority. ITS OVER!

    As a life-long Virginia Conservative, the vote on HB3202 convinced me that you liar, frauds, dirty rotten scoundrels and have given us the BIGGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF VIRGINIA and regional government to boot.

    I will vote for a DEMOCRAT just to unseat you bunch of arrogant, idiots.

    You’re going down. Hard! I can’t wait for election day!

  14. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    Gee, sounds like the ABR party is gathering steam.

  15. Reid Greenmun Avatar
    Reid Greenmun

    Darrell, what is the ABR Party?

  16. Robert W. Smith Avatar
    Robert W. Smith

    Republicans are living in fanstasy-land, if they think they’ve “delivered” a “transportation package” and have done their jobs. Second biggest tax increase in our history, more and bigger government with regional tolling nazi’s, and a complete abandonment of Republicans principals of smaller government, lower taxes. Here’s an epiphany for you morons. YOU FAILED. YOU FAILED MISERABLY.

    Like previous posters, I’ve voted Republican in Virginia for most of my life, but you’ve lost me now! By the way, I STILL HAVE MY CAR TAX JACKASSES!

    Clearly the only way real conservatives can regain control of the house and senate is to vote the Democrats in and the Republicans out! YOU’VE FAILED. You don’t deserve our votes or confidence. Handing more money over to VDOT before you’ve fired the management is dishonest to the taxpayers.

    Sadly, I will vote for ANYONE BUT REPUBLICAN this November. I”m not happy about it, but I will enjoy giving Republicans a payback for their unethical votes on HB3202.

  17. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    Yet another new member to the ABR party. I think we are on a roll. And the GOBs thought Jim Webb was a fluke.

    Who’s next to join the party?

  18. […] also came out strong in support of the unconstitutional tax hike known as HB3202. That was such a good law that it was later overturned by the Virginia Supreme […]

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