Cavalier Daily Reveals Real Motive for Vilifying Bert Ellis

by James A. Bacon

As a critical vote approaches in the Virginia state senate, The Cavalier Daily has doubled down on its denunciation of Bert Ellis, and in so doing has revealed its real motive for campaigning to block his appointment to the University of Virginia Board of Visitors: Ellis represents a threat to Business As Usual at UVa.

In a Jan. 28 column, the Editorial Board rehashed its absurdly one-sided portrayal of Ellis’ actions as a member of the University Union 50 years ago and the two-and-a-half-year-old thought crime of intending, but never following through, to use a razor blade to cut down the infamous “F— UVA” sign on the door of a Lawn resident. The editors have persisted in their cherry-picking of facts despite the publication of multiple articles providing the full context of these incidents. (To refresh yourself on the details click here.) 

The Cavalier Daily is not engaging in journalism. The editorial, like its previous articles and editorials libeling Ellis as a racist and homophobe, is a partisan polemic. Sadly, as the student newspaper’s charges have been amplified by the UVa Student Council and Faculty Senate and propagated through social media and the rumor mill, they have inspired Democratic Party opposition in the General Assembly to the confirmation of Ellis, who was nominated by Governor Glenn Youngkin last June.

Normally, Virginia’ governors’ nominations for state boards and commissions are lumped together in a single bill and approved en masse. This year, two of Youngkin’s nominations have been stripped out for separate confirmation: State Health Commissioner Colin M. Greene, who has expressed skepticism of “systemic racism” as a cause of racial differences in racial health outcomes, and Ellis.

Why has Ellis been singled out? Why the grotesque misrepresentations? Why have the CD‘s allegations transmogrified into claims so outrageous that even the CD would not recognize them — for instance, that Ellis used a razor blade to assault the young woman who penned the F— UVA sign?

Militant leftists perceive Ellis as a threat to their stranglehold on UVa’s culture and power structures.

The Cavalier Daily’s editors frame the underlying issue as preservation of student self-governance:

Ellis … poses a threat to this University’s tradition of student self-governance. The Board is responsible for licensing our entire system of student self-governance, in part by creating contracts with special status organizations. Any individual appointed to oversee our system should not be opposed to its basic tenets. When these organizations have strayed from Ellis’ narrow conception of acceptable behavior, he has been quick to undermine and attack their efforts. From the condescending language used to criticize the University Guide Service to his plea to encourage the Board to subvert the will of the student body in last spring’s Honor referendum, it is clear that Ellis only cares about the promulgation of his personal views here on Grounds. Such a self-serving mindset is ill-suited to the work students are doing to push the University forward and prepare ourselves to be citizen leaders in the process.

“We deserve better than Bert,” intones the article’s headline. “It’s time for leaders in Richmond to stand up on our behalf.”

What arrogance. The Cavalier Daily doesn’t speak for the student body. It speaks for the clique of militant leftists that have taken over the institutions of student self-governance. As executive director of The Jefferson Council, I have had the opportunity to interact with many students who dissent from leftist orthodoxy. They’re voiceless and disempowered. One might say, to borrow a word that is au courant on college campuses these days, marginalized.

As an institution, The Cavalier Daily itself answers to no one. Its editorial staff is a progressive clique in which senior editors, as they graduate, hand off power to the next generation of progressives. It now functions as an enforcement arm of leftist ideology on the grounds.

Student Council is dominated by student militants because so much of university culture now revolves around identity groups recognized and subsidized by the university: Blacks, Latinos, Asians, foreign students, feminists, LGBQTs, etc. These organized groups get out the vote for leftist identitarian candidates in student elections, while other student organizations respond to increasing intolerance by retreating into apathy and disengagement. Other institutions of student government, from the Student Judiciary to the Honor Council, come little closer to representing the full spectrum of views held by UVa students than The Cavalier Daily or Student Council.

Ironically, Ellis is the best friend that most students will ever have in the Board of Visitors. He does represent a threat to the status quo, especially to UVa’s bloated administration, its mind-numbing red tape, its rampant inefficiencies, and a cost structure that requires in-state undergraduates to fork over $36,000 to $87,000 a year in tuition, fees, room and board, depending upon year, school, and in-/out-of-state residence. Ellis joins a handful of other board members who are serious about bringing tuition costs under control. If students knew more than the Snidely Whiplash version of Ellis they read in The Cavalier Daily’s screeds, they might even appreciate what he is doing on their behalf.

Meanwhile, you can count on CD editors to ignore the issue that matters to most students — the cost of attendance — while pursuing their ideological agenda.

Full disclosure: Jim Bacon is executive director of The Jefferson Council, of which Bert Ellis is president.

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89 responses to “Cavalier Daily Reveals Real Motive for Vilifying Bert Ellis”

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      Are they always correct in their predictions?

    2. M. Purdy Avatar

      Cry me a river…Virginia should fight tooth and nail not to turn into Florida.

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Not to turn into Florida, really? One of the fastest growing and most successful states in the US. We should be saying Virginia should not turn into California or New York!

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          Looks like we have a lot of posters emigrating to the warm authoritarian’s paradise of FL. Do send postcards!

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Postcards from God’s waiting room. 🤣 I have friends with high school kids in FL. They feel like their schools have been hijacked by retirees.

    3. Not Today Avatar

      As he should be. Ron Desantis = Pete Wilson. It’s a recipe for ‘conservative’ electoral disaster.

  1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    As usual, Jim, you nailed it. This editorial is the most egregious of all I have seen from the CD since, as you say, the true facts refuting their accusations against Bert are now publicly known.

    The accusations are flat out lies. There’s no other way to sugar coat it. The CD, Daily Progress, Richmond Times Dispatch, and Washington Post have all perpetuated the same falsehoods.


    The General Assembly had best not vote affirmatively on the Senate committee’s recommendation to remove Bert. If they do, I hope Governor Youngkin goes scorched earth on the UVA Administration and BOV. They deserve it since no one has had the moral courage to speak out in defense of Bert citing the truth.

    As former Democrat NY Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan once famously said: “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”

  2. Why have the CD’s allegations transmogrified into claims so outrageous that even the CD would not recognize them — for instance, that Ellis used a razor blade to assault the young woman who penned the F— UVA sign?

    Who claimed this?

    1. Who? A legislator who has vowed to fight to the finish Bert’s appointment, citing that “fact” as justification. Admittedly, I have this on second-hand information, that’s why I did not name names. But similar charges have been made by others, including a UVa faculty member.

      1. If true, I hope the accusers’ names become known.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Thought crimes” are what you have when watching Spring Break reality TV on MTV, i.e., “I have lusted in my heart,” not when you are beating an “attack bunny” with a canoe paddle. Being “on scene” makes all the difference.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      Thought crime is also when you mention to someone, ‘you know, I’d really like to cut down that sign. I hate it!’ Then walk away like a mature adult and forget it tens second later.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I’m just channeling my Jimmy days…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Thought crimes” are what you have when watching Spring Break reality TV on MTV, i.e., “I have lusted in my heart,” not when you are beating an “attack bunny” with a canoe paddle. Being “on scene” makes all the difference.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Code of Virginia 23.1-1300 –
    C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection E or any other provision of law, the Governor may remove from office for malfeasance, misfeasance, incompetence, or gross neglect of duty any member of the board of any public institution of higher education and fill the vacancy resulting from the removal.
    D. The Governor shall set forth in a written public statement his reasons for removing any member pursuant to subsection C at the time the removal occurs. The Governor is the sole judge of the sufficiency of the cause for removal as set forth in subsection C.

    Whitt Clement should have been removed when Jim Ryan’s contract was extended in March of 2022. No notice to the public, AND contrary to the already-negotiated provision for discussion of extending his contract. Conveniently extended to beyond Youngkin’s term and the new governor would have had 3 years of appointments. (Thereby a new majority of BOV members from the new Governor.)

    I am sorry to say this as everybody I know who knows Whitt says he is a wonderful person. That’s great. But he is a failure as Rector. The BOV is to set policy, and Ryan is to execute that policy. Things are upside-down, and a supine BOV just rubberstamps Ryan’s destruction of the University. The fact that Ryan and Whitt and other BOV members haven’t called off the dogs indicates how radicalized the BOV and the U has become, proving why The Jefferson Council is necessary.

    Also, did you know this language from 23.1-1304 –
    B. Educational programs for the governing boards of public institutions of higher education shall include presentations relating to:
    1. Board members’ primary duty to the citizens of the Commonwealth;

    The BOVs are not supposed to be rabid partisans – they owe their duties to the entire Commonwealth. NOT a political agenda. UVA, and all the other public universities, need to get back to the EDUCATIONAL mission.

    1. Jake Spivey Avatar
      Jake Spivey

      The same situation exists at VMI. BoV ( & the Alumni Agencies) responds only to the Supt. Which is how the Superintendent Emeritus probably wanted it. The current Supt. benefits from this condition and he is making the most of it based on the summary changes he has made. Some are beneficial. Others wholly questionable, until those questions are presented during the public comment period of the BoV’s scheduled meetings; then they are either ignored or condemned. They certainly aren’t answered. Ditto when the Agencies are queried.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        What questions do you think have not been properly discussed in the BOV, media, or among alums?

    2. Not Today Avatar

      The MAJORITY of VA K-12 students/citizens under 18 are MINORITIES. IJS. What are their interests? What do they want? What do they need?

    3. Not Today Avatar

      The MAJORITY of VA K-12 students/citizens under 18 are MINORITIES. IJS. What are their interests? What do they want? What do they need?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        What do you think they are? Obviously you have no idea what I want or believe.
        Of what relevance is the skin color of K-12 students? Would their interests be to get a good education? Do they need a good education? Or would a racialist, watered down education be better for the minority students? How about the majority students? If the minority students will be the majority in the near future, then will the curriculum need to be adjusted for the current majority, soon to be minority, students? How about just teach the subjects the best you can for all students?

        1. Not Today Avatar

          I think they need and deserve leadership that holds their interests equal to his/her own and has the personal discipline not to paternalistically attempt to control others’ speech.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Then you are either ignorant or a hypocrite or both. Bert and TJC do not want to control anyone’s speech. We want equality under the law. Or do you believe “interests” are determined by skin color? That sounds racist to me. In fact, it is the very definition of racism.
            Do all black people have the same needs? All whites? What about mixed “race” kids?
            All human beings are 99.9% the same DNA.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Ellis went there, on his own word, to confront a student and remove signage because he disliked the speech. At best, he was intending to harass the student. At worst, he intended to threaten a student for speech. STAY ON TOPIC. This more diverse and engaged student body and its representatives do not share Mr. Ellis’ disdain for process and are engaging, as is their right, in political advocacy and…are winning.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Ellis went there, on his own word, to confront a student and remove signage because he disliked the speech. At best, he was intending to harass the student. At worst, he intended to threaten a student for speech. STAY ON TOPIC. This more diverse and engaged student body and its representatives do not share Mr. Ellis’ disdain for process and are engaging, as is their right, in political advocacy and…are winning.

          4. The woman posted a vulgar word in a World Heritage site that the public, including children, regularly visit. How does that uphold the image of UVA? Because Ryan chose to ignore the terms of living on the Lawn, doesn’t make it right, and neither do your arguments here.

          5. Not Today Avatar

            Her behavior, while inconsistent with your ethos, didn’t violate any laws or regulations in place at the time. His hostile/confrontational acts against her speech raise grave doubts about his judgment. She’s not asking to be appointed to the BOV. He is.

          6. M. Purdy Avatar

            Talk about misleading…sheesh. Ryan didn’t ignore the terms of living on the Lawn. Rather, he concluded (as an extremely accomplished attorney in consultation with his general counsel, another extremely accomplished attorney) that she had a constitutional right to have the sign up. And he’s right, she does! In fact, UVa got the top rating by FIRE for consistently upholding the right to free speech. Curiously, FIRE is an organization this blog usually champions when it fits with your political interests. So much for intellectual honesty, I guess.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “Finally, we ended up with a story in which Bert assaulted a young woman with a razor blade in her dorm room.” If true, if that was printed or digitally claimed, he has a whale of a lawsuit against the very deep pockets of this university. He should go for it. He ain’t getting on the board. Putting the Cavalier With The Facts Daily out of business in that manner works for me.

  7. LesGabriel Avatar

    If,in fact, the GA fails to ratify the appointment of Mr Ellis,then the Governor should appoint someone with his stature and commitment to the University and its students. Undoubtedly, the Left would try to vilify such replacement, but they might run out of excuses.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Any appointment would be subject to confirmation by the Senate.

      1. LesGabriel Avatar

        The question is, would the Senate Democrats dare to reject one nominee after the other on bogus grounds knowing that an election is coming up and that someday they will need Republicans to confirm their appointments.

        1. Not Today Avatar

          Yes. Yes they would. B/C it seems Republicans have learned exactly nothing from the last election (midterms, most favorable to them) and want to poke the suburban bear yet again. STOP SCREWING WITH OUR KIDS! Things are (mostly) back to normal and that’s how we like it.

        2. Not Today Avatar

          Yes. Yes they would. B/C it seems Republicans have learned exactly nothing from the last election (midterms, most favorable to them) and want to poke the suburban bear yet again. STOP SCREWING WITH OUR KIDS! Things are (mostly) back to normal and that’s how we like it.

          1. LesGabriel Avatar

            So how would they justify it? Obviously it couldn’t be the same set of accusations they are using against Mr Ellis. Wouldn’t it become clear that they are doing it purely to deny the Governor his rightful choice of a nominee?

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Or maybe the manner of judgement this man displayed (as well as several of the Govs other education appointees) has proven to be so iffy that rejection is a kindness/service owed to their constituents.

          3. LesGabriel Avatar

            Are you speaking of Mr Ellis or of some as -of-yet unnamed, unknown replacement? When Senators take advantage of their “advice and consent” role, they always insist on the “consent” part but not so much on the “advice” part. I think Senators owe to the Governor a sense of what factors would prevent their consent, and then stick with that and not move the goalposts.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            Both. At a minimum, individuals who exhibit lapses in judgment that arguably threaten student safety shouldn’t serve in the role he’s after. A secondary and equally obvious disqualifying factor would be incompetence as exemplified by the shoddy history standards initially put forth by the Wyoming import. Many of Youngkin’s people are just not good. I question how deep the bench of qualified appointees is given the unforced blunders his administration keeps making.

  8. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I have tended to stay away from this issue, but I am going to jump in with comments that may come as a surprise. I think Ellis should be confirmed. First of all, I don’t fault his actions about the sign on the door. I would have been tempted to just rip it off without being polite enough to try to talk to the student about it. Second, his being on the BOV would bring some diversity of opinion to that body, which is always a good thing. (I thought Democrats liked diversity.)

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      I’ll take the diversity of thought. I won’t take the poor judgment. I certainly don’t want the association with the right-wing ideologues burning FL public universities to their foundation.

    2. “I would have been tempted to just rip it off without being polite enough to try to talk to the student about it.”

      Thanks for having the objectivity and courage to say that. There was a time when public profanity was outlawed. I may be protected now, but not everything that is legal is appropriate.

      I find it very troubling that our public universities have become breeding grounds for profanity and disrespect.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Uh, weren’t these the same reasons given all along? Or, did they slip in a new one?

    Arrogance doesn’t mean wrong.

    And by arrogance, I mean your view of the Cavalier Daily, and not their opinion of Bert. He is arrogantly wrong.

  10. M. Purdy Avatar

    “Thought crime” or “attempt” (in the legal sense)? If someone walked into your house with a razor blade because of a political sign you had posted outside, what would you think? On another note, the student body and Virginia Senate are entirely justified in playing hardball with these BOV nominees. We just saw yesterday in Florida what a chaotic, politicized mess it is when governor’s use higher education as the main battle ground of the culture wars. Virginia shouldn’t allow it, UVA should fight it, and the students have every right to push back.

    1. Push back against what? He did not walk into her home. Your attempt to justify the smears in the CD is a sad commentary on liberal “adjustments” to facts.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        I’m not justifying anything. I’m taking issue with Bacon’s assertion that Ellis’ actions were a mere ‘thought crime.’ Read the headlines about colleges in FL if you’re wondering about what to ‘push back’ against.

    2. Thanks for bringing to vivid life the “transmogrifying” process that I alluded to. Bert never walked into Hira Azher’s room with a razor blade. Even the Cavalier Daily never asserted that he walked into her room with a razor blade. He knocked on her door and tried to engage her in conversation. She closed the door in his face. That was that.

      This is a classic case of “telephone.” The Cavalier Daily account was mostly accurate as far as the facts it reported. It sinned in cherry picking the facts that fit its narrative and ignoring those that didn’t. With each retelling of the events based on the CD’s original reporting, the small details of the narrative kept evolving. Finally, we ended up with a story in which Bert assaulted a young woman with a razor blade in her dorm room. Unbelievable.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        For argument’s sake, let’s say your characterization is correct that he “knocked on her door and tried to engage her in conversation.” He still did so with a razor blade, correct? At undergrad’s female’s door. Then was asked to leave main grounds, and according to some reports “escorted” off. Do you think that’s conduct supports a determination that he’s deserving a position on the board? Do you think maybe some counterarguments pertaining to Mr. Ellis’ judgment (or lack thereof) are somewhat justified, apart from the historical stuff you disagree with?

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          The only account I have ever read of what happened was from Mr. Ellis himself and posted on BR here, in real time:

          If you think based on this there was an assault, or that he was asked to leave the grounds (or was escorted), or that the razor blade ever came into play anywhere other than Bert himself saying what he considered doing, please let us know where your first hand cite is.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            I’m going by what’s reported, and it’s been reported multiple places that he had a razor blade with him. I didn’t say it was an assault; I said the idea that this was just a ‘thought crime’ is preposterous given his action.

          2. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            The very first article I saw about this in a publication made reference to the Bacons Rebellions article. That appears to be the original source document, everything else is embellished unless someone can come up with another first hand account. I don’t think anyone would have known he carried a small razor blade, if he didn’t say it in his letter.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            OK, sure. That’s one take. Another take might be that BR and Ellis, as associates and interested parties, have every incentive to make this whole event look as innocuous as possible. It’s the same argument that Mr. Bacon made against the Cav Daily and others, but in the other direction. I’m not saying that the media reports are right (in fact, I think Mr. Bacon has some very strong points on the historical stuff, which I largely dismiss as irrelevant), but the stuff about the sign and the attempted cutting down and the interaction would be concerning for any candidate.

          4. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I disagree on a few points, not the least of which is that Lawn students are supposed to speak for UVA and are asked to keep their door open, which in my view invites interaction with the public, so he had every right to go there


            Lawn residents should:

            Work together as a group to pursue common goals determined by the community. Promote and role model an attitude of inclusiveness and respect at the University of Virginia. Promote and role model healthy behaviors. Enthusiastically share their passions with other members of the Lawn community. Willingly explore new friendships, cultural experiences, or academic fields with other Lawn residents. Continue to uphold high standards of University involvement, leadership, and academic achievement. Physically open their doors to the Lawn. Use their Lawn room as their primary University residence. Respect their living space as a place of historic value and as the public face of the University. Abide by the policies in the Record concerning the use of Lawn. Abide by all Dean of Students/Housing & Residence Life policies.

            But we can agree to disagree.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar

            Here’s the thing…I don’t like the student’s expression, but it was her right to do it. The school looked into it and decided (rightly, IMO) that she had a right to keep it there. If I’m Mr. Ellis, as angry as it makes me, I let it go. Who cares? A lesson in the way the First Amendment works and is supposed to work.

        2. Good, god, Purdy, back off while you have a shred of credibility. Ellis might have been carrying the box cutter in his pocket at the time — I frankly don’t know — but he never displayed it. Furthermore, he was not asked to leave the grounds, much less “escorted” off. Bert was told he wasn’t allowed to cut out the sign, he did as directed, and that was that. The University Guides have confirmed Bert’s recollection on the point. No report was filed — because nothing happened.

          If you want to push your libelous narrative, be my guest. With each word you type, you buttress my argument that the opposition to Bert is fueled by mistruths and lies.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            I’m not sure why you think any of this is exculpating in any way. Let’s again assume your version of events (which again, are not reflected by the reporting). He didn’t show his razor blade, he merely had it with him! He was told he couldn’t cut down the sign, then he left. A grown man, who is supposed to display wisdom and judgment in leading the university, was told by an official of some sort (university ambassadors) that he’s not allowed to cut down a sign on someone’s door. Are you arguing that the story is wrong or that he deserves a seat on the board? Because every time you try to “clarify” it’s still making a pretty shabby case.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Sure. Let the immature crybaby set policy for the Commonwealth because the Lawn room (she probably didn’t deserve) could not be modified to accommodate her broken bone. UVA was actually correct as to the Americans with Disabilities Act in this case and offered her other housing while she recuperated.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            OK, fine. She still has a first amendment right to display that sign.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And Bert has a legal right to be on the Board, and, since our illustrious Supreme Court has said burning a flag is permitted speech, he had the right to tear it down.
            Grow up.
            Also, the signs violated the terms of the lease agreement, but UVA had a history of not enforcing that, so that is why they backed off. Be nice if you knew what you were typing about…

          5. M. Purdy Avatar

            “And Bert has a legal right to be on the Board.” No, he doesn’t. Serving on the board is a privilege, and apparently many students and members of the Virginia Senate don’t want to extend that privilege to him.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Since when do students run the school?
            They don’t.
            It is a privilege to attend the school.
            And I’ll bet you the whiners are all being fully subsidized to help Jim Ryan destroy the school.
            You could be grateful to be there. You could be grateful for the contributions of people who made the school possible.
            Seriously, you cannot be a serious person.
            I suspect a paid troll.
            Or a UVA employee? Maybe you work in the Law School which now approves of McCarthyism when done to conservatives. UVA is currently a joke.
            And he does have a legal right – he was appointed by the Governor. All appointments to all these Boards are subject to confirmation, which, before the Dems went bat guano crazy, was always routine. Pitiful that a supposed place of “higher learning” is scared to have someone who might have a different opinion. What it really signifies is that the UVA admin knows it would lose a fair debate, so censor!

          7. Attending UVA is also a privilege, as is housing on the lawn.

            You think a sign displaying F**k ____ is a first amendment right? Okay, get a visitor pass and show up at the Senate hearing for the Bert Ellis confirmation displaying a large sign saying “F**K Bert Ellis” and see how it goes.

            Please report back.

          8. M. Purdy Avatar

            I don’t *think* it’s a first amendment right. It *IS* a first amendment right. Go file a lawsuit and see how far you get.

          9. The courts have ruled that profanity can be regulated by government under certain circumstances consistent with the First Amendment. Here, a sign on GRTC Transit System Bus 84 in Richmond, Virginia reminds passengers that uttering profanities or obscenities on buses is prohibited conduct.


          10. M. Purdy Avatar

            Different situation. The student’s sign was determined to be protected political speech in the public forum; the inside of public buses are typically not public fora.

          11. DJRippert Avatar

            Funny how the liberal pols have one set of standards for “everyday people” and another set for themselves. The sign should read, “F**K the Imperial Clown Show in Richmond” when attending the GA.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “She closed the door in his face. That was that.”

        You are rewriting history here, JAB. By Bert’s own account he continued to harass her through her door and did not leave until security showed up.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          ORLY. JAB bending facts, say it ain’t so!!!

  11. Lefty665 Avatar

    If any of us were to talk to our legislators what would be your elevator statement in support of Ellis’s appointment?

  12. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “Finally, we ended up with a story in which Bert assaulted a young woman with a razor blade in her dorm room.” If true, if that was printed or digitally claimed, he has a whale of a lawsuit against the very deep pockets of this university. He should go for it. He ain’t getting on the board. Putting the Cavalier With The Facts Daily out of business in that manner works for me.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      He’d have to prove actual malice. A tough case.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        So you approve of sliming first as long as your team does the sliming?
        Times v Sullivan will one day be reversed. It was a bad legal decision then and a horrible one now that the media willfully slimes and says like Purdy – “prove malice.”

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not as good as the Dominion Voting Machine guys.

      Speaking of Dominion, why are they so hot to sell me schlock insurance for my water and sewer lines? It’s not like they ground to them.

      1. Speaking of Dominion, why are they so hot to sell me schlock insurance for my water and sewer lines? It’s not like they ground to them.

        Because they make boatloads of money from it?

  13. Not Today Avatar

    The man doesn’t even live in Virginia! He lives in Hilton Head, SC. Appoint him to their Higher Ed. oversight board. None of my kids are considering SC schools.

    This is so on point, “He’s a nice guy. He certainly cares about the university and I’ve been extremely impressed by that,” Deeds said. “But I just don’t think a 60-something-year-old man who goes to the grounds with a razor blade of any kind in his pocket intent on taking something off a student’s door, I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

    1. Jake Spivey Avatar
      Jake Spivey

      Most state-supported universities REQUIRE diversity on their Boards in 3 categories. First category – In-state alums, 2nd – out of state alums, 3rd – non-alums (either in-state or out-of-state)

      1. Not Today Avatar

        What does UVA’s charter require? Is this is the best UVA can do? If so…what an embarrassment.

      2. Not Today Avatar

        What does UVA’s charter require? Is this the best UVA can do? If so…what an embarrassment.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          From the UVa BOV website: “The membership of the Board of Visitors is set forth in Va. Code § 23.1-2201. Of the 17
          members, at least 12 must be residents of the Commonwealth, at least 12 must be alumni,
          and one must be a physician with administrative and clinical experience in an academic medical
          center. A maximum of five members may be from outside the Commonwealth.”

      3. M. Purdy Avatar

        UVA is not one of them. They require 12 to be in-state, but don’t require out of state board members.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Let’s go with what is required. 17
      Of the 17, 12 must be alumni and 12 must be residents of Virginia. One must be a doctor with credentials at some kind of a teaching hospital (or something like that, it is in doctor jargon from memory).

    3. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      So, the same Dems should insist that all Northam appointees everywhere resign. I mean, don’t you question the judgment of a 25 year old or so in medical school wearing Blackface?
      (Sound of crickets follows…)
      Hypocrites gotta hypocrite…
      Marxists gotta Marx…

  14. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “Second, his being on the BOV would bring some diversity of opinion to that body, which is always a good thing. (I thought Democrats liked diversity.)” That was a good laugh I needed, Dick. We need to have that evening of beers to map out our plan for a rational moderate party….or at least our own dual blog a little more focused on crap that matters….

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      Gov. Youngkin appointed four to the BOV last go around. Only one garnered controversy.

  15. DJRippert Avatar

    There are two issues here. First, a grown man went to a student’s housing with the intent to remove a sign. Had that been the end of it … no real problem. Two adults having a disagreement. However, for whatever reason, Ellis had to describe the fact that he had a box cutter with him. That showed a lack of maturity that is worrisome. People who legally carry weapons should only describe or display those weapons in order to thwart a threat.

    The second issue is the obvious dishonesty and/or incompetence of The Cavalier Daily. Their willful misrepresentation of the 50 year old debate was disgraceful. It seems that The Cavalier Daily and its staff are no more beholden to journalistic norms than was the case when I attended the University of Virginia 40+ years ago. A schlock newspaper written by schlock so-called journalists.

  16. VaPragamtist Avatar

    What happens to Ellis is irrelevant to me.

    But I do hate biased journalism. Let’s not forget that when the CD published these negative articles, the editor-in-chief was the daughter of current state senator Scott Surovell. Ellis never had a chance.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      Totally fair point. But do you think that it was the articles of his actions that the VA Senate found unacceptable?

  17. beachguy Avatar

    >>>Cavalier Daily and its staff are no more beholden to journalistic norms than was the case when I attended the University of Virginia 40+ years ago. <<< DJR, I was just thinking the same thing and couldn't agree with you more! I was there in the early 70s. The CD was was full of Lefty claptrap then just as it is now.

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