Category: Uncategorized

  • Is the Boomergeddon Sky Really Falling?

    By Peter Galuszka Here’s a little reality check. Baconauts and Boomergedons have been ecstatic, if not orgasmic, over the totally unnecessary and dangerous debt ceiling standoff in Congress and Standard & Poor’s downgrading of U.S. credit. It has been amusing to see them wash themselves in glory as they congratulate each other on their prescience. If only…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 12, 2011

    Snuff Out Tax Hikes on Cigarettes Heartland Institute In most states (but not Virginia) smokers already pay more in taxes than the costs they impose on society. Raising taxes even higher would punish the poor, encourage black markets and potentially lose revenue. Digital Tax Reform Still Needs Work Center for Budget and Policy Priorities Proposed…

  • When Does a Deal Become a “Side Deal”?

    Albemarle County Supervisor Rodney Thomas takes issue with my characterization in the story, “Gentleman’s Agreement,” of the access-management agreement reached with the Virginia Department of Transportation as a “side deal.” He was so upset by the article that he asked me to never contact him again. I tried to explore how he would describe the…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 11, 2011

    And Now, a Good Word for Property Taxes Show-Me Institute Property taxes are a levy that only policy wonks could love. With property taxes, the public sees the connection between the public services they demand and the tax dollars they pay. Latino Youth and Civic Engagement Carolina Population Center Three out of five Latino high…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 9, 2011

    How to Run Off Rich People in Three Easy Steps Mercatus Center Sick of all those millionaires and billionaires stinkin’ up your state? Just run them off in three easy steps: (1) Raise personal income tax rates, (2) lower the “high income” threshold for the top rate, and (3) jack up property tax rates. Public-Private…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 8, 2011

    Want to Help the Poor? Get Government Out of the Way National Center for Policy Analysis Don’t blame market failure for the difficulty poor people have finding affordable transportation, housing, child care, health care and security services. The real culprit: government regulation. Introducing the Debt-to-Degree Ratio Education Sector A new way to measure the performance…

  • Quote of the Day: Eric Cantor

    Eric Cantor nailed the differences between economic liberals and conservatives in a Wall Street Journal interview published today. The “philosophical starting point” of today’s Democrats, as he sees it, is this: “[They] believe in a welfare state before they believe in capitalism. They promote economic programs of redistribution to close the gap of the disparity…

  • The Updated Boomergeddon Timetable

    by James A. Bacon So, Standard and Poor’s has downgraded the credit rating of the United States from AAA to AA+. There’s no immediate cause for alarm. AA+ is still a high, investment-grade rating and the interest rate differential between the two is miniscule. Interest rates will not go shooting up because of this. The…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 5-6, 2011

    State Should Give Public-Sector Employees a Hybrid Pension Plan Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy Recent General Assembly reforms aren’t sufficient to keep state pensions actuarially sound. Virginia should institute a hybrid Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution plan. The Myth of Tax Flight Center on Budget and Policy Priorities The impact of taxes on the decisions of…

  • Connaughton to Charlottesville: Implement a Plan to Prevent More U.S. 29 Congestion

    If Charlottesville and Albemarle County want millions of dollars for transportation improvements in the U.S. 29 corridor promised to them by the state, they will have to deliver something in return: Implement a credible plan to protect the highway from encroachment by future development. That’s a message I got loud and clear this morning in…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 5, 2011

    What Works and What Doesn’t in the War against Obesity Rand Corporation Preventing obesity will save lives and money, but doing so is easier said than done. Ever hear of the idea about putting  more supermarkets in poor areas to provide more fresh food? Probably won’t work. How Rhode Island Pulled Off School Funding Reform…

  • Could It Be…. Racism?

    Here comes another study describing America as “separate and unequal.” White university professors can’t imagine  minorities not wanting to live in the same neighborhood as people like themselves. by James A. Bacon One of the ways progressives keep the flames of resentment among racial minorities burning white hot is to highlight purported discrimination in every…

  • Are Public Employee Health Care Costs Out of Control?

    by James A. Bacon Pension costs aren’t the only public-sector employee benefits that are out of control. A new report by Josh Barro with the Manhattan Institute, “Cadillac Coverage: The High Cost of Public Employee Health Benefits,” contends that public-sector health care costs are outpacing private-sector costs increases, too. This chart tells the story: The…

  • The Wonk Salon, August 3, 2011

    Varied State Oversight for Health Insurance Rates Government Accountability Office Some states are more aggressive than others in intervening in health care insurance markets. It would be nice to know how Virginia compares but Old Dominion data was not available for this GAO study. “Small Start” Grant Regs Less Burdensome Government Accountability Office SAFETEA-LU legislation…

  • Drunk on Tea

    by Peter Galuszka In early October, Virginia’s tea party movement was on a roll. Hundreds of supporters crowded the Greater Richmond Convention Center for what was grandly called a “Patriots Convention.” Hallways and auditoriums were chockablock with budget hawks, Patrick Henry re-enactors, booksellers hawking Ayn Rand and middle-aged men packing .45-caliber Colt pistols in Velcro…