Category: Uncategorized


    In the Bacon’s Rebellion Blog post “Here, Take My Lint” of 10 August, Jim Bacon profiles the current debate on the role of the Hampton Roads Transportation Authority (HRTA) in achieving Mobility and Access in the Hampton roads New Urban Region. In Peter Galuszka’s Bacon’s Rebellion News Service story “Fizzled Launch” and in Jim Bacon’s…

  • At Last, a Political Thriller that Libertarians Can Love

    If Jim Bowden pens political potboilers reflecting the perspective of the evangelical wing of the conservative movement (See “At Last, a Political-Thriller that Cultural Conservatives Can Love”), Matt Carson reflects the libertarian wing. In his slender, self-published novel, “On a Hill They Call Capital,” Carson places a gang of wise-cracking, tobacco-chewing good ol’ boys from…

  • Tax Hikers of the World Unite

    House Speaker Bill Howell (R-Fredericksburg) announced the other day that he will be the campaign chairman for Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. Howell said that he had “been looking about, and not really being 100 percent sold on a lot of people.” But when he heard Huckabee speak he was “really very impressed with not…

  • At Last, a Political Thriller that Cultural Conservatives Can Love

    Not long ago I watched a piece of forgettable piece of Hollywood drivel in which the bad guys, a bunch of corporate tycoons and rogue CIA goons, were undermining democracy and killing people with impunity. Sigh. Five years after 9/11, the lefties in La La Land have yet to produce a thriller in which the…


    Dear Groveton: Unlike Jim B, I do not have a way to contact you other than via BRB. I am with you 100% on the new “Party” and the guidelines make good sense on first reading. In our household, my wife and partner manages the funds so I cannot commit a dollar amount at this…

  • Off to Ocracoke

    So long, folks, it’s off to Ocracoke for the Bacon family. If there’s wireless Internet access, I’ll have a few things to post. If not, you won’t hear from me for 10 days. Enjoy sweltering in the 100-degree heat. I’ll be thinkin’ of ya as I’m sitting in the shade and sipping Margaritas.

  • What’s the Abuser Fee for This One?

    German physicists say they have broken the speed of light.

  • Does This Strike Anyone as Ghoulish?

    The administrators of the Hokie Spirit Fund have announced how they plan to distribute some $7.5 million to Virginia Tech’s mass shooting victims and their families. Reports Matthew Bowers with the Virginian-Pilot: Families of those killed will be eligible for $180,000 in cash, or the same amount in a combination of cash and fully or…

  • Kaine to Unveil Scaled Down Pre-K Initiative

    Gov. Timothy M. Kaine will roll out his pre-K education program at an education summit today. Instead of making it universal, a proposal that could cost $300 million a year (or way more, depending on whom you believe; see “Universal Pre-K: $300 Million a Year or $850 Million a Year?”), he will settle for an…

  • Propagating the Big Lie

    As reported in today’s Washington Times (“GOP hit hard on road plan“), House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith (R-Salem) had this to say about the constitutionality of HB3202: “The facts are that some of us raised the question and we were assured by the [attorney general’s] staff that it was constitutional” This claim has often been…

  • Universal Pre-K: $300 Million a Year or $850 Million a Year?

    Chris Braunlich, a vice president of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, a regular contributor to the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine and a candidate for the Fairfax County School board, recently issued the following statement about Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s universal pre-k initiative. I cannot improve upon it, so I reproduce it here nearly in…

  • The Summer Just Got Hotter: Bacon’s Rebellion Online!

    Global warming and the August doldrums ain’t got nothing on Bacon’s Rebellion when it comes to spewing hot air! Jim Bacon and his band of pundits have struck again with the publication of the August 13, 2007, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine. (Newcomers, don’t miss a single issue of the e-zine. Click here to…

  • Now Everybody’s Got a Blog!

    Holy mackerel. I see from Not Larry Sabato that former Sen. George Allen now publishes a blog, paid for and authorized by the Good Government Action Fund PAC. He’s off to a good start, posting content daily. Recent posts detail his thoughts on energy independence and the resignation of Poquoson Mayor Gordon Helsel from the…

  • Another Awesome Virginia Accomplishment

    Add another accolade to Virginia’s list of accomplishments: weaponizing the laser. It looks like the U.S. Navy is going to build a battlefield-strength laser based on technology developed at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News. As Noah Shachtman explains in the Danger Room blog: The Navy is interested in the FEL because…

  • Flogging a Dead Horse: College Tuitions Still Out of Control

    At the risk of repeating myself, let me repeat myself… College tuitions are out of control. Attending a four-year public college or university in Virginia this year will set you back about $452 more in tuition and mandatory fees on average than last year, according to new figures released by the State Council on Higher…