Category: Uncategorized

  • Loathesome Creature

    Kudos to Global Web Solutions, a Roanoke Internet service provider, for cutting off service to William A. White, a Roanoke Nazi and white supremacist, who spews racist vitriol on his website. If the weak-chinned, pasty-faced White thinks he’s an exemplar of a superior race, he’s the only one. (See his photo in this Roanoke Times…

  • Holy Toledo! Did Tim Kaine Really Appoint This Guy?

    Dr. Esam Omeish is the leader of the Muslim American Society, a front group for the radical Muslim Brotherhood. Timothy M. Kaine has appointed him to the Virginia Commission on Immigration. Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock, has asked Kaine to reconsider the appointment, reports Garren Shipley with the Northern Virginia Daily. “It is unfortunate that the…

  • Cost Cutting via Paper Cuts

    Chris Saxman’s latest email update contains a few recommendations for how the state can actually save money through — of all things — managing its printing and paper use more efficiently: Printers, copiers, and paper are essential to government operations and while we all recognize that, sometimes we don’t consider the cost. Consider that the…

  • Illegal Immigration Round Up

    The latest idea for combating illegal immigration in Virginia: Build a detention center capable of holding 1,000 illegals arrested for certain categories of crimes. That comes from the State Crime Commission, reports the Washington Post. The usual nervous nellies are worried that someone’s rights will be violated — as if the same risk weren’t true…

  • A Cautionary Tale

    From the New York Times comes a story about Riverside, New Jersey, one of a small number of localities that passed tough anti-illegal immigrant laws but are now rethinking them. Snip: With the departure of so many people, the local economy suffered. Hair salons, restaurants and corner shops that catered to the immigrants saw business…

  • “It was just butt-ugly”

    That’s how Richmond city councilman Marty Jewell characterizes the latest, weirdest spat between Doug Wilder and the Richmond School Board. For the life of me, I can’t fathom why the Mayor felt the need to pull a Bob Irsay and try to eject the School Board in the middle of the night — complete with…

  • What’s In the Water in PWC?

    Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what kind of impression Virginians are making on the world. If it’s not Abuser Fees snagging national headlines, it’s what you read on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Just today, two Virginians, both from Prince William County, figure prominently in separate articles. Bundling up for Hillary. Pamela…

  • Oh, the Pain, the Pain! Fifty State Employees (out of 119,000) Might Get Laid Off!

    The Kaine administration may have to lay off state employees to help close an anticipated $640 million revenue shortfall. The total number of jobs to be eliminated could number “several hundred,” according to the Washington Post. But Gov. Timothy M. Kaine hopes to accomplish most of the reductions through attrition and retirement. The number of…


    No “Shape of the Future” column this week but here is an exercise in connecting-the-dots on the path to understanding the shape of the future. Yesterday and today WaPo devoted much of the front page to a two part series of great significance. “Coming of Age: Graying of ‘Suburbs’.” The stories, maps, graphs, pictures and…

  • Aux Armes! La Jacquerie du Lard Est Ici!

    So much for trying to improve my search engine rankings in Google-France… To a native French speaker, the headline might be understood as “To Arms, the Peasant Rebellion of the Bacon Is Here.” Bacon, as in the salted pork variety. (Let’s see what sense Google’s logic algorithm makes of that!) I suppose I could have…

  • Is Debt An Option to Cover the Budget Shortfall?

    Uh, oh, I’m on public-policy overload right now! We’ve got the Governor’s energy plan, a GOP health care initiative, and an ongoing war of words over the budget. Let’s start with the budget… When last I reported, senior GOP legislators in the General Assembly had urged Gov. Timothy M. Kaine not to dip into the…


    Europe is an “old” place. As we see in Richard Thornton’s current Column “Berkeley the Butcher” and in Jim Bacon’s “Nathaniel Bacon Vindicated, Gov. Berkeley Shamed” post and comments of 4 September, “old” Europe fundamentally reshaped Africa, Asia, North and South Ameria and shaped the future of Virginia. Now it is reshaping itself. It is…

  • Anybody Seen My Old Friend John?

    Yesterday’s Tuesday Morning Group meeting in downtown Richmond featured Paul Goldman, who discussed the legal issues, and much more, surrounding the 2007 transportation bill. Paul did a fine job and provided a refreshing look inside the sausage factory that produced the final bill. Interesting highlight: It seems the idea that it would be too hard…

  • The Anti-Illegal Brush Fire Spreads

    I missed this story when it first took place, but it appears that the Culpeper County board of supervisors has extended an invitation to nine Virginia counties, three towns and two cities to join a “coalition” of jurisdictions dedicated to confronting illegal immigration. The municipalities will brainstorm and then submit recommendations for legislation to the…

  • Six Years Later…

    Today is a day to remember the fallen and to thank those who have sailed half way around the world to defend us. Whatever we may think of the war in Iraq, we can express gratitude for the dedication of our soldiers and sailors who are sent there. In this photo, the Norfolk-based amphibious assault…