Category: Uncategorized


    For those who have read PART I and PART II of “The Estates Matrix” and wonder why in PART IV we will make a strong case for Citizens and Households to establish a robust, well informed presence in The Fourth Estate: Take a look at Richard Feldman’s Op Ed “A Gun Lobbyist’s Lament: The NRA’s…

  • SCC Says 10% Conservation Goal Achievable

    Virginia can meet a legislative goal of cutting overall electric power usage by 10 percent over the coming 15 years, concludes a new study by the State Corporation Commission. The goal can be met by adopting market-based strategies such as “demand side management,” reports Garren Shipley with the Northern Virginia Daily. The study spells out…

  • Requesting a $1 Refund

    The spat over the temporary-but-possibly-permanent hike in the auto registration fee that Jim noted is generating a lot of chatter. Now the Governor has waded into the fray, saying he’d like to make the temporary fee hike permanent, too. Well, that’s just keen. However, as Jon Baliles discovered, Sen. Norment has made an offer to…


    To Larry Gross: You often make observations or ask questions that raise important issues so I try to respond to them when I have the opportunity. (See Postscript) In the comments following “Freight Rail: The Robust Transport Mode” you commented: “I have to admit that what I get out of EMR’s logic seems to be…

  • “Lexus Lanes” for Electricity

    Pepco is doing it in Washington, D.C. Why isn’t Dominion doing it in Northern Virginia — and the rest of its service territory, for that matter? From today’s Washington Post: Pepco is about to start sending personal e-mail messages to Jonathan and Lauren Schwabish every few hours that could determine when they do the dishes,…

  • Virginia High-Tech Employment Still on a Roll

    Ranked by absolute numbers, high-tech employment is growing fastest in Northern Virginia, but ranked in percentage terms, it’s growing fastest in Central Virginia (Richmond and Charlottesville), according to the 4th quarter Regional Scorecard for Virginia’s High-Technology Industries. Without question, Northern Virginia remains the Big Kahuna of high-tech industry in Virginia, with 21.3 percent of all…

  • An Urban/Rural Split in the New Democratic Majority?

    The Democrats may have taken power in the state Senate, but people are already worrying how well the new-found majority will hang together. Incoming Majority Leader Richard Saslaw, D-Fairfax, has said the changes could mean more money for Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads. If that funding shift comes at the expense of rural Virginia, what…

  • In Defense of Payday Lending

    Do gooders across Virginia are fulminating against the evils of payday lenders for “targeting” the poor, charging unconscionable fees and perpetuating the cycle of poverty. In January, the General Assembly considered 16 bills that would have imposed restrictions. Although none of them have passed, the agitation continues against the industry, which generates $1.3 billion a…

  • Energy Efficiency is the Answer

    In this week’s column, I expand upon a short blog post I made in late October, “Conservation Capitalism,” which highlighted the Energy Efficiency Partnership of Greater Washington. That partnership, spearheaded by Virginia Tech, has set the goal of reducing energy consumption by 20 percent to 50 percent in some 100 major office buildings in the…

  • Burn, Baby, Burn!

    The Dec. 10, 2007, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine is now online. Subscribe here for free to make sure you never miss an issue. Fan the flames, spread the Rebellion! Here’s our line-up this week: Conservation CapitalismWant to increase energy efficiency, ward off global warming and save the plant? Then send in the capitalists.…

  • Fools and Charlatans

    Who is former Gov. William Berkeley’s P.R. agent? I want to hire the guy! In today’s commentary section, the Richmond Times-Dispatch selected “the greatest” Virginians of the 17th century: Capt. John Smith and Gov. William Berkeley. I won’t quarrel with Smith, savior of the Jamestown colony. But Berkeley — “Butcher” Berkeley, defender of the English…

  • Campaign Spending Out of Control

    The final count is in: General Assembly candidates raised more than $67 million for the 2007 campaign — more than doubling the $30 million total from four years previously. According to numbers supplied by Clayton Roberts with the Virginia Foundation for Research and Economic Education, Elephant Clan candidates amassed $30.0 million, while Donkey Clan candidates…

  • Wading in the Muddy Pool

    I am posting this book review on the behalf of Barnie Day. — Jim BaconSo now comes to the literature of Virginia politics a self-published good look back, “Wading in the Muddy Pool: A Virginia Political Memoir, 1972-1982” ($15.00, Old Favorites Bookshop, PO Box 8347, Richmond, 23226) by Richmond book dealer Gary S. O’Neal. O’Neal,…

  • Micro-Fundraising for Virginia Schools

    The RTD’s Olympia Meola writes about the state’s embrace of an online micro-fundraising program called Donor’s Choose, and how individual teachers are already using the site to fund projects for their students. Having been on the receiving end of numerous fundraising pitches from my son’s school (to fund programs, trips, equipment and even personnel), I…